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Independent University, Bangladesh

Group No: 02

Course Title: Global Studies

Course ID: GSG 101

Section: 04

Semester: Spring 2023

Submission Date: 17/04/23

Name ID
Summary of documentary 1:

#Copper and the dark side of the Energy Transition:

⇨ The raw material of the energy transition is Copper. It has a great demand.
Solar energy needs copper because the metal lasts for a long time and
efficient. Also, electric vehicles consumer of copper and they require about
four times more copper than ICE. Turbine contain tons of copper. But it made
a huge affect on the climate. Europe’s largest copper producer in Aurubis
which is located in Hamburg, Germany. The company claims to care about
human rights and protect the environment though it’s not entirely true.
According to US customs documents, Aurubis has made purchases from one
of the biggest suppliers in Chile. Every year 5.5 million tons of copper are
mined in Chile. And the state-owned company Codelco. The largest mine in
the world operated by Codelco, located in the middle of Chile’s Atacama
Desert. The largest of them is Chuquicamata, world’s largest open pit copper
mine. It’s one of the driest places on earth due to the terrible air pollution.
Around 300,000 tons of copper are mined here annually. But the surrounding
people of that place claims that many people have died due to its air pollution.
In codelco, most of the workers are not employed by them, but by the
subcontractors. Only few workers are employed directly and most work for
subcontractors. Workers have a fear of codelco. Also, the subcontractors
have many facilities like they wear helmet with a breathing device system and
cut-resistant safety gloves while working and the workers only wear simple
masks and simple leather gloves. That’s why they are afraid of getting
diseases. But they got no option rather than working. Workers doesn’t have
any option to complaint about codelco in Aurubis. But the work and health
condition in the mine of that place get worsen. It’s also made a huge affect on
the environment. Chuquicamata consumes a large amount of water.
Codelco’s mining areas people are now struggling with water shortages and
water contaminated with heavy metals. Cancer rate is getting higher which is
seven times higher than other countries. The air pollution of that place is
increasing day by day and codelco keeps ignoring that matter. Aurubis
doesn’t have a proper answer for these issues. The mining operating stopped
by 1988. Because the deposit exhausted and it was expensive compared to
other countries where they do open pit mining and Germany has the highest
safety and environmental standards for mining worldwide. That’s also makes it
expensive to mine there. According to many people copper mining is a dirty
business because it’s making the available water pollutants. But the pricing of
the copper is continue rising and many of them say Germany should reopen
it’s copper mines. In 1970s, the copper mines of Ontario, the surrounding area
was the most polluted. Canada now they healed the landscape, plants forests
and getting pollutants out of the water supply. Something has to change in
how copper is sourced. Politician worldwide should strengthen mining
standards for this vital resource.

Strong/positive aspects and weak/negative aspects of the documentary:

Copper is an essential metal that plays a crucial role in modern society. It is a highly
conductive metal that is used extensively in electrical wiring and electronics, as well as
in construction and transportation. Copper is also a vital component in the transition to
renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar power. While there are many positive
aspects of copper, there are also some negative consequences associated with its
extraction, production. One of the strongest positive aspects of copper is its high
conductivity, which makes it ideal for use in electrical wiring and electronics. Copper is
also highly resistant to corrosion, making it an excellent choice for use in outdoor
applications, such as roofing, gutters, and water pipes. Additionally, copper is a durable
material that can last for decades, reducing the need for frequent replacements. Copper
is a versatile metal that has been used for thousands of years in various applications,
from coins to electrical wiring to architecture. As we continue to transition to a more
sustainable energy future, copper will play an increasingly important role in enabling
technologies such as wind turbines, solar panels, and electric vehicles. While there are
many strong and positive aspects to copper, there are also some potential negative
consequences that must be considered.
Strong/Positive Aspects of Copper:

1.High conductivity: Copper is an excellent conductor of electricity, making it deal for use
in electrical wiring and other electrical applications. Its high conductivity also means that
it is highly

Efficient at transferring energy, making it essential in renewable energy technologies.

Additionally, copper is a superb thermal conductor, which makes it perfect for uses like
heat exchangers, radiators, and cooling systems that call for effective heat transfer.

2.Durability: Copper is a durable metal and it’s a long-lasting metal that is resistant to
corrosion and degradation over time. This makes it ideal for use in long-lasting
applications such as roofing, plumbing, and electrical infrastructure

3.Recyclability: Copper is highly recyclable, meaning that it can be reused over and over
again without losing its quality. This makes it a sustainable choice for many applications,
as it reduces the need for new mining and extraction of copper.

4.Antimicrobial properties: Copper has natural antimicrobial properties that make it

useful in healthcare settings, where it can help prevent the spread of infectious

5.Job creation: The mining, processing, and manufacturing of copper create jobs and
support local economies. This can be especially important in regions where there are
few other job opportunities.

6. stronger resistance to corrosion: Copper resists corrosion well. It is appropriate for

outdoor and marine applications since it performs particularly well in atmospheric and
marine settings. On its surface, copper can develop a patina that serves as protection
against further corrosion.

7. outstanding conductor of electricity: Since copper is one of the greatest metals for
conducting electricity, it is a necessity for electrical wiring, power transmission, and
electronic gadgets. Its excellent electrical conductivity makes the flow of electrical
energy efficient and dependable.
Weak/Negative Aspects of Copper:

1.Environmental impact of mining: The mining and extraction of copper can have

Negative environmental impacts, including water pollution, soil contamination, and

habitat destruction. Additionally, the energy required to mine and process copper can
contribute to greenhouse gas emissions.

2.Resource depletion: Copper is a finite resource, and as demand for the metal
increases, it is possible that we could run out of easily accessible reserves. This could
lead to higher prices and supply chain disruptions.

3.Human rights abuses: Mining operations in some regions of the world have been
associated with human rights abuses, including forced labor, child labor, and
environmental destruction.

4.Waste disposal: Copper production generates significant amounts of waste, including

toxic sludge and tailings. Improper disposal of these wastes can lead to further
environmental degradation and health risks.

The Dark Side of the Energy Transition:

It is crucial to think about any possible negative effects of our actions as we move
toward a more sustainable energy system. The rising demand for metals like copper
could result in greater mining and extraction in areas with fewer environmental and
labor regulations, which is one possible drawback of the energy transition. In addition,
the switch to renewable energy sources would necessitate the usage of commodities,
such as rare earth metals and others, that are presently only in limited supply. This
could result in supply chain disruptions and geopolitical problems. Finally, if the energy
transition is not executed in a way that benefits all members of society, it may worsen
already-existing social and economic imbalances. It's crucial to remember that many of
these detrimental effects linked to copper in the energy transition can be reduced by
using ethical mining methods, sustainable sourcing, efficient copper usage, recycling,
and effective waste management. Minimizing the detrimental effects of copper in the
energy transition and
ensuring a more sustainable path toward renewable energy can be achieved by
ensuring environmental and social standards in copper production, advancing recycling
technology, and supporting circular economy concepts. As we transition to a more
sustainable energy future, it is important to consider the potential negative
consequences of our actions. One potential dark side of the energy transition is the
increased demand
for metals like copper, which could lead to more mining and extraction in regions with
weaker environmental and labor protections. Additionally, the shift to renewable energy
technologies may require the use of rare earth metals and other materials that are
currently only available in limited quantities, leading to supply chain disruptions and
geopolitical tensions. Finally, the energy transition could exacerbate existing social and
economic inequalities if it is not implemented in a way that benefits all members of
society. Overall, copper has many strong and positive aspects that make it an important
material for the transition to a more sustainable energy future. However, it is important
to consider the potential negative consequences of our actions and work to minimize
these impacts through responsible sourcing, recycling, and waste management
practices. In summary, copper has a lot of powerful and advantageous qualities that
make it a crucial material for the shift to a future with more sustainable energy.
However, it is crucial to take into account any potential adverse effects of our behavior
and seek to reduce these impacts via responsible sourcing, recycling, and waste
management strategies.

Summary of documentary 2:

#Who owns water:

There is no doubt that every nation, community, region has the right proper use of water.
But not everyone having the proper right using of clean water. Everything requires water
like industry, food, agriculture, factories and so on. As far as we know water was plentiful
but it doesn’t exist the same still. There are many regions those are going to be dessert
in future or already they are. Such as Tesla, a famous car company which production is
in Brandenburg region, this company use a large amount of water every year for its
production for this reason the local of people are in trouble of water supply. Whereas,
water should be the human rights. Unfortunately, Tesla doesn’t even feel responsible for
this. However, German industries are also scaring for insufficiently of water. The Coca-
Cola company in Luneburg drills a well around 190 meters deep for water. As a result,
the regional people are suffering for water. More than one thousand people protested for
water with the organization named Our Water Luneburg. When the mayor of Coca-Cola
was asked about this water issue, he claimed that they are returning ground water to the
citizens as beverage. On the other hand, San Cristobal has turned into desert, they are
living dry this is also for Coca-Cola factory’s water supply. NASA’s Grace mission shows
that San Marino is losing water since 2011, on 60% which is faster than other central
America. The company takes out a large amount of water and the local people daily life
become impossible without water. This time the company claims that they are aware of
the water issue, because they collect rainwater tanks and other water collection devices.
A country which used to be most water rich county once but it is now totally dry the
county is Southern Mexico. There is also exist a renowned company Intel. But this
company is totally opposite than other companies. Others companies wasting water but
Intel utilizing water as the city is going to be dessert. Intel water treatment by recycle
wastewater from
production also collect rain water. But this company is doing this, they invest here cause
this city is fastest growing city also water is not expensive also no one need to pay that
much. Not only industries but also agriculture which requires a large amount of water
supply. Around 70% of water needs on agriculture in the entire world. Psychological
pressure also affects the cattle farmer whereas, meat requires more water than food.
Additionally, the Global Institute shows a data about India water from ground. Northern
India’s source is Himalaya notwithstanding it is in zero level speed due to climate crises.
This region also the highest water loss supply. Mostly Panjab’s people dependent on
agriculture for livelihood but it is impossible to farming due to shortage of water. And this
water shortage also a political threaten between India and Pakistan. Since 1960, a
conflict could happen over Himalayan rivers and water separated among two countries.
It is guessing that a war could be create between these countries because they don’t
want to share water and blaming each other. Lastly, if it is about industrials concerns
then Coca Cola in Luneburg is going to drill a third well double its capacity, using water
sparingly and sustainability, reuse water or technological solution and all these concerns
unlikely yet. Still it is unknown will companies take any of the steps on account of their
Strong/positive aspects and weak/negative aspects of the documentary:

The documentary talks all about water and the water crisis along with the reasons for
these problems. Why these things are happening, what could be the reasons etc. water
is one of the main things to be alive. Almost everything needs water to survive. Nature
itself also needs water to survive. No wonder water is considered as an important thing.
Water will always be needed when humans are around. No continent of the world has
been untouched by water scarcity. Well, this is debatable but increased human
consumption, overuse and wastage of water, a global rise in freshwater demand,
overuse of aquifers and its consequent slow recharge. All of the above one of the main
reasons could be Climate change. Where there is water scarcity in the whole world
there Agriculture uses a lot of water to grow also agriculture helps a state to grow its
economy. It is to be said that after some years there will be a war for water. Water will
be a new gold. Although water is priceless, after some years it’ll be difficult to get water
even after paying for it. Water is plentiful but it’s changing because of climate change.
It’s a strong side of the documentary that helps us understand the things about climate
change. As the climate warms, water on the ocean gets warm too. As a result,
freshwater glaciers around earth begin to melt at an unsustainable rate. Which results in
rising sea levels.
There is scarcity of water and water availability is decreasing. I find a lot of positive or
strong aspects of the following documentary as well as negative or weak aspects also.
Tesla is taking a lot of water for needs. It's a strong point of the documentary. Tesla’s
contract with the German government estimates that the expanded factory will use 1.4
million cubic meters of water every year. Where Tesla uses a lot of water there might be
not left enough water for people of that locality or neighborhood. Germany has a lot of
water resources but now there seems to be scarcity of water. Coca Cola has been
accused of dehydrating communities in its pursuit of water resources to feed its own
plants and destroying local agriculture. it’s a negative aspect of the documentary that
coca cola is doing. Coca Cola's operations have particularly been blamed for
exacerbating water shortages in regions that suffer from a lack of water resources and
rainfall. The documentary also shows us that it's a positive and strong aspect that coca
cola's operations are being blamed for. People are protesting against coca cola for the
water crisis. I find it's a strong aspect because while localities have huge water crisis
there coca cola is using a huge amount of water. Water is the foundation of all life but
people of San Cristobal cannot access their own water. Where this or some localities in
the neighborhood can get water only a few times a week. Many households are forced to
buy extra water from tanker trucks. It’s a negative aspect of the documentary. After
knowing about the water crisis Intel has invested 30 billion dollars in Arizona. It could be
a positive aspect but it is questionable where they could get water. Without water there is
no agriculture but agriculture industry is not aware of water crisis that could be a weak

Negative points:

* Government of Cochabamba, Bolivia privatized the water supply, leading to increased

water prices and triggering widespread protests as many people can afford to pay for
clean water

* Without water, there is no agriculture, but how effectively is agriculture using the water
resources. 3.7 trillion gallons of water is used on crops every year in IID, this much water
is used to produce alfalfa, which is a cattle feed.

* Saskatoon ran out of water which is a region for agriculture and cattle. there are more
than 3 to 400 cattle’s in per herd of cattle’s but due to lack of water in the area, the
farmer has to sale the number down to 200 of 100 cows which devastating for them as it
takes years to build the cattle herds up.

Positive points:

* The govt are stepping in with support programs to help the people of saskatoon, even
though those are 1-year programs which will hopefully help them step through the
drought situation, the people of saskatoon are hopeful and looking forward to upcoming

* Punjab is one of the northern regions of India, the soil in that region is particularly
fertile, even as the water loss is threatening the entire subcontinent, their agriculture can
still feed up to a billion people

* Water supply has deteriorated in Luneburg, Germany for the last 20 years due to
climate change. many people of Luneburg are aware of the situation and are actively
to protect the groundwater to ensure the long-term supply and also spreading
awareness of the climate change.

* Coca-Cola, Germanys largest beverage producer, wanted to drill a third well and
double its capacity, which would affect the long-term supply of water. The demonstrators
were actively taking to the streets to end the third well building project, and after 2 years
of protesting, even if they couldn’t completely close the project, they could put enough
pressure on the company and pursue them to put the project for a third well on a hold.
The documentary showcases Cochabamba, Bolivia, where the government privatized
the water supply, leading to increased water prices and triggering widespread protests.
Indigenous communities in Canada and the United States also feature in the
documentary, as they fight to protect their traditional water sources from corporate
exploitation. Opponents of water privatization argue that it could lead to the exclusion of
the most vulnerable members of society, who cannot afford to pay for clean water.
Additionally, private companies may prioritize profits over access to water, leading to
environmental degradation and depletion of water resources. On the other hand,
advocates of water privatization argue that it could result in more efficient water resource
management and improved access to clean water.
Individual Task:

A. What did you learn from this course GSG101 so far?

Well, I am Abrar Hossain Faisal, when it was time for me to register courses, I
registered Global Studies and Governance course, I had no idea before about this
course and how it would be. GSG 101 is an interesting and introductory course of
Global Studies & Governance that introduces pupils to principles of global
citizenship and sustainability. This course aimed to provide me with knowledge as
skills necessary to become informed and responsible global citizens to creating a
sustainable future for all. One of the main things that I learned from this course is
the understanding of the interconnectedness of the world and the importance of
considering impacts of their actions on others and the environment. This includes
learning about ideas such as climate change, social justice, human rights and
environment Sustainability. I also learned about the different perspectives and
values that shape global issues and the role that individual communities can play
in addressing them. It developed critical thinking skills and learn to analyze
complex global issues from multiple perspectives. In addition, the course taught
me practical skills such as communication, Collaboration and problem Solving
which were essential for working effectively. Overall GSG101 course helped me to
develop deeper understanding of the world around them and their role in creating
more sustainable and great future. It provided me with the knowledge skills
necessary to become and engaged global citizens who are committed to making
a positive impact in the world.
B. Share your experiences/any difficulties/strengths you encountered while
doing the course:
Well while doing this course I had a lot of experiences and strengths that I
encountered. Form my childhood I always had the curiosity to know about the
world and currently what is happening/ going in the world right now. From the
beginning of this course, I thought GSG 101 would be easy and it will be
pleasant. First 2 weeks things went easy but the reality was I wasn’t
understanding maximum things that the faculty used to tell. My faculty is a
friendly an enjoyable, he was a fun -loving guy and the fact that I like about
him is the way of teaching. He made me the CR of the class ,rather only I was
interested to become the Class Representative .I always tried to participate in
the class and also sir would give me the opportunity to speak Infront of the
class .In most of the classes he would give us tasks whether it was in group or
individual, I always tried to be in upper hand so that I could be catchy to sir .I
also used to go to Sir’s office so that I could clear out all the problems that I
use to face .One of the most significant experiences that I encountered while
taking GSG101 is the exposure to a diverse range of perspectives and ideas.
The course encourages critical thinking and challenges to examine their
assumptions about the world and the people in it. Students are encouraged to
engage with different worldviews and reflect on their own experiences to gain
a better understanding of global issues. Another valuable experience that I
gained from GSG101 is the development of research and analytical skills. The
course requires students to conduct research and present their findings, which
helps to develop their ability to think critically and communicate effectively.
Additionally, the course provides opportunities for students to collaborate with
their peers, which helps to develop teamwork and interpersonal skills. The
course inspired me to become more engaged citizens and to take action to
address some of the challenges facing the world today. Some of them even go
on to pursue careers in fields related to global studies, such as international
development, diplomacy, or human rights advocacy. In conclusion, the
GSG101 course provided me with valuable experiences that help to develop
critical thinking, research and analytical skills, and an appreciation for the
interconnected nature of the world. The course inspired me to become more
engaged citizens and to take action to address global challenges.

A. What did you learn from this course GSG101 so far?

The course international global studies teach me awareness of global
citizenships, global world view and enrich my knowledge about other different
cultures, people, places and also get opportunity to understand my own
cultures and how my culture extend to other countries and how globalization
influencing my states people to follow other cultures. Additionally, the cultural
and social connection among region and public. Many political terms, Leaders
power, governance rules styles, of governments to maintain country, global
issue and how leaders handle them globally. Many historical terms,
economical, security, environment and so on. Also this course let me know
how to develop relationship among other countries or not to do, but why.
Global studies let me know that why few countries keep friendship with us
and why my country try not to make bonding with other some countries. Also I
figure out how leaders maintain images in front of the world. Also I constantly
keep concern about international current affairs of the world. As there were
assignments in this course I have gather lots of knowledge and unknown
facts. For instance, we had map assignment from this I have learn about so
many countries population, language, religious and more which were totally
unknown to me before. Furthermore, I get know about international human
rights, water rights. Which was totally an unknown topic for me before then
also an interesting lecture. This course taught me many significant war of the
world and why those wars happened as well as. International Global Studies
instruct me how important tread policies between countries. This course let
me know that how Importance of globalization, that people are able to break
the borders and overseas for many purpose which was not possible few
decades ago. At the last, it proved to me that how the world is getting shorter
which me and my global studies classmates were asked by our faculty.
B. Share your experiences/any difficulties/strengths you encountered while
doing the course:
International Global studies had been most unfamiliar and an informatory
course as well as to me. But after doing this course I have gather many
experiences from this course. This course helped me to know many unknown
facts of the impact of globalization. I developed my presentation skills as there
were few presentations given to me which increased my confidence level. As
there were group discussions, group works there I have learn how to interact
with people. Also I was able to make new friends. This course also helps me
the proper way to negotiate with others. During exam maximum questions
asked to answer something creative, as a result I increased my creativity level.
Through this course I get to know current issues, affairs of the entire world.
Also our faculty figure out the reason those affairs. Which were very
informative. In this course one of my difficult part used to be to attend the
class in the morning. I had to wake up early in the morning for the attendance
still unfortunately there are more than two absent which is painful for me.
Although, this course makes me skilled, I had to face many trouble to make
the assignments. But my pains went out when I achieved good marks.
Furthermore, the slides of the course used to be tough to memories and I felt
shy to share with my faculty. The slides topic were in advance level so it was
not easy to memories. Our faculty used to make the multiple questions little
tricky that I could not answered easily in the examination. I was so lucky that I
got a section where all my classmates are very friendly, funny, helpful and,
more. There was a good bonding among us. Also our faculty was so hard
worker and dedicated to teach us. He never felt tired to teach us which was
not good for us. Every morning I prayed that hope sir cancel today’s class but
it never happened.

Name: A. What did you learn from this course GSG101 so far?
This course gives me a knowledge about global politics, global issues, culture,
economic, Business, globalization, people and so on. It covers many
disciplines and how it’s allows us to explore these interactions. It tells about
how the world work actually. Also, how global politics and global issues affects
the world and also individuals and finding solution of the global problems and
how different countries communicates and interact. It’s helps to learn about
different culture and looking at the world from different views. Global studies
tells about the relation among various factors and how it’s makes a connection
with one
another. It’s also gives an overview on International relation, war and conflict.
They are closely related with each other’s. I get to know about globalization. By
it, the interaction among various companies and people gets easier. It’s made a
huge effect in people’s daily life. But cultural globalization, many countries point
of view are different because they think it’s erasing their local cultures.
Economics and political globalization are also important in international
relation. I introduced to the concept of Nation-State and their effect on global
politics. Nation-State interaction covers politics, economics. Besides
international relation examines many factors like human rights, global poverty,
political environment and many more. It’s promoted trade policies and allows
nation to cooperate with one another. I understood different countries
creations, image’s, ideas and values around the world. I get to know that
political world views are different in international politics. Some thinks that
state always rely on self-help policies to obtain their interests, some thinks in
state individual freedom, rights, cooperation are important and on the other
hand, some thinks international politics reflects people ideas about the world.
So, global studies cover all global issues and politics.
B. Share your experiences/any difficulties/strengths you encountered while
doing the course:
This course helps me to learn about the world and different ways of looking at
the world. It taught me how to think about any problems critically, learning
about why it’s happening, how did it start and who are getting affected by
these problems. I obtain many skills like communicating with others, public
speaking, analyzing a certain case and discussing problems with my friends.
Also, I made many friends in the class. It’s help me to improve my challenges
and discover new things as well. I get that confidence to be able to speak up in
front of the class. By doing group works and assignments I get to know about
many things related to global issues. It helped me to improve my outer
knowledge. But as I am not that Interested in political issues so it was
sometime hard for me to understand about many topics. I find this course
really hard because it was difficult for me understand. Also, I didn’t know many
things. But it was good to
know about new things. Hope it will help me further. I think the quiz and exam
was so frequent so I really struggled with time management. It was kind of hard
for me to cope up with it. Also this was my morning class so it was tough to
come early in the morning. But as this course helped me in many ways so all
these things are not a matter for me now. Sir is really good at teaching and very
friendly. He gives us details of every topic. Also helped us in many problems. I
get to know many things from him. If someone wants to take gsg course I will
suggest them to take sir as a faculty.
Name: A. What did you learn from this course GSG101 so far? Global
studies course was a basic foundation course for me. As my major is general
management and I'm doing BBA, it was quite an unknown course for me. I've
enjoyed learning about globalization, world theory, world analysis, many foreign
cultures, economy, trade, business between countries and so on. Global studies
is an interdisciplinary program providing us the opportunity to develop our
knowledge of the world and the major contemporary issues confronting
humanity. We have learn from this course a basic views of global issues,
process, systems and the various implications of globalization, This course was
quite helpful for me to be updated about what's going on in the worldwide and
why these things are happening also what could be the solutions of these
problems, Choosing these course was beneficial for me . I’ve developed the
skills of balancing personal and cultural beliefs with different ways of thinking,
understanding, and working through conflict, and increasing their comfort with
cross cultural interaction in their communities , work relationships, civic life and
travel experiences. It was my first experience working with world maps. I
enjoyed doing this work with my mates. I’ve learned new things about different
nations from which continent we were given from our faculty. I’ve learned about
the evaluation of global studies as an academic discipline from my very first
class. I’ve learned why global studies is important. Nowadays communication is
global, business is global , health and environmental problems are also global
today. Global
studies emerged in this contemporary globalizing context, viral infections
like Covid-19, ecological disasters and human rights as examples of global
issues . The world is together as a whole for globalization. Though gsg 101
was a basic foundation course for me, I’ve enjoyed so many unknown
things that I didn’t know before. I found many interesting things in this
course, which was helpful to know about.
B. Share your experiences/any difficulties/strengths you encountered
while doing the course:
On my second task I’ve asked to share my experience/ difficulties/
strengths that I encountered while doing this course. As I'm from a totally
different major this course was totally unknown for me. It was not easy to
learn about unknown things which I didn’t know before but our faculty was
so friendly and helpful, co-operating and understanding. That is why the
tough things were easy to understand as well as easy to learn about. But
I’ve faced so many difficulties with doing this course. From my very first
class of the semester was gsg 101, I was quite nervous at the time. I was
happy that I’m doing this course with my old college friends here. It was
courage for me. What is global studies was the first question towards us. It
seems to be an easy course but it’s a theoretical basis course. Day by day
we started learning new things about global culture’s, politics, economy,
business and so on . The course starts getting difficult day by day. Slides
which were given by our faculty were tough to understand but when we
went back to our faculty to find out anything he was always there with us.
He was always ready to give us knowledge through difficulties and to
understand things even besides the course material or the syllabus. I found
the toughest part was our documentary assignment. I’ve never done this
before. Watching a documentary was a lengthy process and after watching
it I've to write many things about this documentary that was toughest for
me throughout the semester. In our previous assignment that was also new
for me but me and my 2 mates were brave enough to that alone but this
time boys in our group are not willing to do anything peacefully they are
making lots of mistakes
which is not acceptable at this point. I find solo works are best group works
make things critical. But I’ve gathered a lot of good experiences throughout
this course. Thanks to our faculty for being the best human beings. Name:
A. What did you learn from this course GSG101 so far?

As a BBA majoring in Marketing, the Global Studies Program was a new

experience for me. However, I thought it would be a great opportunity to
learn more about the problems facing the world and humanity today. The
interdisciplinary nature of the program provided us with insight into various
global issues, processes and systems and their impact on our world.
Throughout the course, we learned about globalization, world theory, world
analysis, foreign cultures, trade, and business between nations. This has
been very helpful in keeping me informed of what's going on in the world
and understanding why these things are happening. Additionally, I learned
about possible solutions to these problems, which helped me develop a
more informed and comprehensive perspective. In addition, by attending
this course, you will develop the skills to balance personal and cultural
beliefs with different ways of thinking, understanding, and conflict resolution
to enhance well-being in intercultural interaction in a variety of settings. I
was able to wear This has been especially helpful in my community,
working relationships, civic life, and travel experiences. While I was in
school, I had the opportunity to work with world maps, but this was a new
experience for me. Through this job, I got to know different countries on
different continents and my understanding of the world has broadened.
Also, from the first year, I learned how to evaluate global studies as an
academic subject. This helped me understand why global research is
important, especially in today's globalized context where communication,
business, health and environmental issues are all global issues. Overall,
the Global Studies course, which was a foundation course for me, turned
out to be very enjoyable and informative. I discovered many interesting
things that I didn't know before and gained a better understanding of the
importance of global
research in today's world. Globalization has united us as a whole, so it is
important to better understand the issues facing us all.
B. Share your experiences/any difficulties/strengths you encountered
while doing the course:
Taking the Global Studies course was a challenge as a student of a
completely different course. I found it difficult to study an unfamiliar subject,
but my teacher was very supportive and easy to understand, and I was able
to grasp the concepts easily. There were some difficulties. The first class of
the semester was a terrifying experience for me. But I was so happy that I
was able to take the course with my college friends, which gave me
courage. The course seemed easy at first, but soon turned out to be very
theoretical. The courses became more and more difficult over time, delving
into different topics such as world culture, politics, business and
economics. The slides provided by our faculty were complicated and
difficult to understand. But our faculty helped us understand the material,
even though it was beyond the scope of the curriculum. I found the writing
task to be the most difficult aspect of the course. Watching documentaries
was a time consuming task and required writing detailed analyses, which
was very difficult for me. In addition, group assignments were more
challenging and individual assignments were more manageable. I found it
easy. Despite the difficulties, I was able to gain valuable experience during
my studies. Our faculty members were incredibly supportive and their
guidance was very helpful in completing the course. I discovered new and
interesting aspects of the world that I never knew existed and learned
about global issues. deepened my understanding of Overall, the Global
Studies program was a fulfilling experience despite its challenges. We
thank our faculty for their compassion and understanding during the
semester and their commitment to helping us learn. The course was scary
at first, but I am proud to have completed it. We also believe that the skills
and knowledge we learn will help us in our future academic and
professional goals.

A. What did you learn from this course GSG101 so far?

So i am Abrar,student of bba department and my major is marketing.This is

my 3rd semister.Afrer complete my 2nd semister,i was very confused about
choosing my subjects.But i have a huge curiosity knowing about the
global.So i decided to take GSG101 course.My faculty is Ahnaf Ashiqur
Rahman Sir.He is a very disciplined and caring about our study.So this
course provide me a lots of knowledge about global affairs. Global studies
refers to globalization in all its forms—including political, biological, digital,
cultural, and economic issues.The relationship in states,Human
rights,Connection,globalization,global politics etc are the part of this
course.In 2023,there are lots of globas issues.Normal peole don't knkw
about those issues.So this course is very helpful about that.we also
completed some group assignment in this course.Presentation is also a
part.After all GSG101 coures is all about global.So it is very helpful course
to incrise our knowledge about the world. Global Studies focuses on topics
such as geographical and cultural diversity, economic interdependence and
inequality, global political institutions, international environmental
challenges, and global citizenship.So it helps me to gain my knowledge
about the world.

B. Share your experiences/any difficulties/strengths you encountered

while doing the course:
So there are lost of experience that i have earned from GSG101
course.A great experience is knowing about other countries.Before
taking this course, i haven't Enough knowledge about other countries
such as India,Japan,USA,Russia e.t.c.But after taking this course ti
gaind my knowledge abiut those countries.Another experience is
knowing about global affairs.There are lost of global affairs that we can't
know in our normal life.But GSG101 helps a lot about knowing that.We
Also completed some group wroks, assignment and presentation. It
was also
a great experience to do some works with our group members. Our
faculty is very friendly. I alwas shared our problems with our faculty. But
our classroom is too short.The students is our class is around 40.But the
classroom was not enough for us. But every students are very friendly.
After all, i enjoyed this course a lot.

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