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User Story

Website: SCENT - Arts
As a User, I want to Order the Oil.

Acceptance Criteria
Scenario 1: The user downloads the Brochure
The user enters the testing site.
And click the “About Us” button.
Then scroll down and see the “Download Brochure (English)”
And check the Brochure is downloaded.
Scenario 2: The user purchases the “Harmony”
The user enters the testing site.
And click the “Products” button.
Then mouse hover the “Products” button again hovers the “Aroma Oil”
And select the “Sweet”
Users can see the “Harmony” and choose the oil.
Then select the volume “1000ml” and add quality “3”
Then click “Add To Cart”
Then click the “Process To Checkout”

Scenario 3: The user checks the missing product

The user enters the testing site.
And click the “Products” button.
Then mouse hover the “Products” button and clicks the “Car Diffusers”

User Story - Project Page 1 of 1

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