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Total No.

of Questions: 4]
SEAT No. =I.___ _ ; _ __J]
PA-10041 {\ 1 [Total No. of Pages : t

T.E. (Computer~ gineering) (lnsem)
(2019~er~ Semester - II) (310253)
~, ~'v
1ime: 1 Hour] /MtlX. Marks: 30

2) Neat
Instructions to the ~atet::J(d
1) Answer qu~ns Q.1 or Q.2, Q.3 or Q.4.
',1st be d,-awn wherever necessary.
3) Ass(:, ~ui~ data, if necessary.

~- Ml\
QI) a) De~"e-Artificial Intelligence, Intelligent Agent~ fts use. [5]
b) L.§'ladvantages ofArtificiallntellige~ce. ,!:Y• [51
c) Describe Leaming Agent Architee~'\,~agram. [51

Q2) a) Write a note on 'Evalu~f s~~h strategy'. [5]
b) Explain different se~~ratt§~ - [5]
c) What is Heuristic fuhGJon" [5]
~- :V
Q3) a) Describe Hill climbi~iearc h with suitable example. List disad~ilge
of hill climbing pr~s. ::-,.,_ ,!:Y' [10]
b) Differentiate between Blind search and heuristic s ~

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,(l [5)

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Q4) a) List steps involved in simple problem ~\.tl"itg ~nique with suitable
example. (}I ~· [7]
b) Explain A* algorithm with suitable ex.amp [8]

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