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Pathway III Unit 7

Vocabulary List Unit 7: Data

You are responsible for learning the definitions as well as the word forms (NOUN, VERB,
ADJECTIVE, and ADVERB) of the following words from Unit 7. You should also be
familiar with the terms for specification listed below and the formation of a noun phrase:

A) General Word List:


an official process of counting a country’s census census censual
Census population and finding out about the people

relating to amounts rather than to the quality

quantitativeness quantify quantitative quantitatively
Quantitative or standard of something

relating to the quality or standard of something

quality qualitative
Qualitative rather than the quantity qualify qualitatively

intended to explain or describe something.

exposition expose expository exponentially

the way in which someone explains or

understands an event, information, someone’s interpretation interpretative
Interpretation interpret interpretatively
actions etc

a judgment about how good, useful, or

successful something evaluation evaluate valuably
Evaluation evaluative

to prove or officially announce that someone is

Convict conviction convict convincing
guilty of a crime after a trial in a law court

an idea or set of ideas that is accepted by most orthodox

Orthodoxy people to be correct and right. orthodoxy orthodoxly

the reasons for a decision, belief

rationale rationalize rationalizable rationally

someone who answers questions, especially in a responsive responsively

Respondent respondent respond

intended to deceive people in an illegal way, in

fraud defraud fraudulent fraudulently
Fraudulent order to gain money, power et

a group of people or things that is part of a

Subset larger group of people or things subset subsetted

Pathway III Unit 7

to deliberately not include something

exclusion exclude exclusive

involving the agreement of all or most people in a consensus consent consensual

Consensual consensually

shared by a group of people or animals,

Communal commune communize communal
especially a group who live together communally

Clear in meaning without uncertainty or ambiguity

Straightforward straightforwardness straightforward straightforwardly

to limit all or most of your study, business etc to a

Specialization particular subject or activity specialization specialize special especially

Vocabulary for Specification

1) Year-on-year
2) Based on
3) Derived from
4) Adjusted for
5) Randomly selected
6) Long-term
7) Discrete
8) Available data
9) According to
10) Excluded from

Vocabulary for Specification Synonyms

1) Overall = Total
2) Steady = Constant
3) Increase= Rise= Upward Trend= Gain= Climb
4) By far= By a Large Amount
5) Similarly= Likewise= Correspondingly
6) Roughly= Approximately= About
7) On the Other Hand= However= On the Contrary
8) Dramatically= Sharply

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