Self Introduction

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Self Introduction

Hello, I’m [Your Name], and I recently completed a 3-month internship as a Software
Testing Intern at Inmakes Infotech IT Company. During my internship, I gained valuable
experience and knowledge in software testing, focusing on a wide range of tools, frame-
works, and methodologies.

I developed a strong foundation in Core Java, which allowed me to write efficient and
effective automation scripts using Java Selenium. I became proficient in utilizing frame-
works such as Maven, Data-Driven Testing, Page Object Model (POM), JUnit, TestNG,
and Cucumber, which enhanced my ability to create comprehensive and maintainable
test suites.

In addition to automation testing, I also gained expertise in manual testing, where I me-
ticulously validated software applications and reported any issues using bug tracking
tools like Jira. I have hands-on experience with Appium, enabling me to conduct mobile
testing and ensure the compatibility and performance of applications across different

Furthermore, I acquired knowledge in SQL, enabling me to effectively access and ma-

nipulate databases for testing purposes. I also gained familiarity with Jenkins, a pow-
erful tool for continuous integration and delivery, which streamlined the testing and de-
ployment processes.

Moreover, I have practical experience in API testing using tools like Rest Assured and
Postman. This allowed me to validate the functionality and performance of web services,
ensuring smooth communication between different software components.

Throughout my internship, I actively contributed to the improvement of test scenarios,

test data, and feature files, utilizing my understanding of different testing techniques
and methodologies. I demonstrated a keen eye for detail when creating step definitions
using Selenium, and I always strived to understand user stories to deliver quality software

In addition to my 3-month internship experience at Inmakes Infotech IT Company, where

I specialized in online training, I also had the opportunity to work on a capstone pro-
ject focused on manual testing. For this project, I was assigned to the Scent Arts web-
site, where I actively conducted manual testing to ensure its functionality and usability.

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Self Introduction

During the capstone project, I employed my expertise in manual testing techniques and
utilized my attention to detail to thoroughly assess the website’s features, functionalities,
and user interface. I conducted comprehensive tests, identifying and documenting any
issues or areas for improvement. I collaborated with the development team to commu-
nicate and address these findings, ensuring the delivery of a high-quality final product.

Working on the Scent Arts website for manual testing further enriched my understanding
of the software testing lifecycle and strengthened my abilities in identifying and report-
ing defects. It allowed me to gain practical experience in working on a real-world project
and effectively collaborating with cross-functional teams.

Overall, the capstone project on manual testing for the Scent Arts website was an in-
valuable experience that provided me with hands-on exposure to the challenges and
intricacies of ensuring the quality of a live website. I am excited to apply the skills and
knowledge I acquired from this project to future endeavors in the field of software testing.

In summary, my 3-month internship as a Software Testing Intern at Inmakes Infotech IT

Company, focusing on online training, provided me with a comprehensive skill set in vari-
ous tools, frameworks, and testing methodologies. I am enthusiastic about software test-
ing and look forward to further enhancing my capabilities to contribute effectively to
future projects.

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