Android Boot Camp Course

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Android Boot Camp Course


Basic Android Course (8 hours) (New Version)

● Introduction to Bluemix Mobile Services with example use cases : 45 Minutes

o Content -
o Rapid mobile application development capabilities at

● Swift@IBM : 20 Minutes
o Demo of IBM Swift Sandbox - Learn Swift language on any Browser & IBM Cloud tools
for Swift -
o Introduction to Kitura.

● Getting Started with Android. Estimated Completion Time: 30 minutes (prerequisite)

o Installing Android SDK
o Installing Android Studio

● Building an Hello World App. Estimated Completion Time: 15 minutes

o Creating an Android Project using Android Studio
o Creating a project using command line tools
o Running the application on various devices such as an Android device, emulator,
Android Studio and command line
o USB Debugging

● Basics of Android App Development: 3 hours

o Elements of basic UI (Layouts, text fields, buttons etc.)
o Brief intro to design best practices (Material design, etc.)
o Examples of connecting to Backend APIs/databases etc.
o API JSON Response and UI elements mapping using a library like okHttp..

● Introduction to Apache Cordova: 2 hours

o Installing Cordova
o Creating a project
o Adding a platform
o Running the application
o Adding plugins
o Customizing app icons
o App configuration
o Cordova with MobileFirst Foundation end-to-end demonstration -

● Test your skills by building a simple App. Estimated Completion Time: 2-3 hours (Time
o Build a simple contact manager application. Sort different contacts according to
different groups of the user’s choice.

Basic Android Course (8 hours) (Original)

● Getting Started with Android. Estimated Completion Time: 30 minutes

o Installing Android SDK
o Installing Android Studio

● Building an Hello World App. Estimated Completion Time: 15 minutes

o Creating an Android Project using Android Studio
o Creating a project using command line tools
o Running the application on various devices such as an Android device, emulator,
Android Studio and command line
o USB Debugging

● Building a User Interface. Estimated Completion Time: 1 hour

o Linear/Relative Layout
o Adding Text Field
o String/Styles/Drawables Resources
o Adding UI components (Such as Buttons)

● Activity Life Cycle. Estimated Completion Time: 45 minutes

o Starting An Activity
o Intent (Getting and Passing Intents)
o Pausing/Resuming/ Stopping/Restarting Activity

● Permissions. Estimated Completion Time: 1 hour

o Types of Permissions
o Declaring Permissions (In the App Manifest)
o Requesting Permissions on the fly

● Optional Section: All about Fragments. Estimated Completion Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
o What are Fragments?
o Creating a Fragment
o Add a Fragment to an Activity at Runtime
o Replacing Fragments
o Delivering a Message to a Fragment

● Adapters. Estimated Completion Time: 30 minutes

o Custom Array Adapters

● Saving Data. Estimated Completion Time: 30 minutes

o Saving key-value pairs
o Saving Files in the Android File System
o Saving Data (SQLite and SharedPreferences)

● Test your skills by building a simple App. Estimated Completion Time: 2 hours
o Build a simple contact manager application. Sort different contacts according to
different groups of the user’s choice.

We can't wait to see what you create!

VH Education Pvt. Ltd.
Ground Floor, No. 46, 11th Cross
Indiranagar 1st Stage
Bangalore - 560038

IN: +91 959 009 1584

US: +1 202 558 2075


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