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Get talking! EB talk about the pictures with a partner. What can you see? Where are the peopie BA v0 you work hard? Dyes,ido! Ol sometimes have fun! Conversation so inner wna Robert. I's Megan. Are you busy? ah Really? Megan. fm, er. filing storm ly. 'm applying for a part nally looking for work. Hey, Er Im listening to the radio. it helps me think. Anyway, what are you Going these days How's the jaf are long! Its Robert: | guess net. Well, Ineed to ish this applic taking ages. Hes playing s game ight 200) Megan: Maybe! can come over and help you with it. frm only two He lant applying fo job Shes taking © beak my lurch hour so rin taking 3b = os ce Robert: ight. Well, tm not sure Imworkiagirs tl Megan: Dont worry I's no trouble, See you in five minutes! He's looking for 2 Practice the conversation with a partner. Write make or do next to each activity. Then match each activity with a picture. t meke _acupafcot 5 __the ironing the laundry 6 the cleaning 3 ___theishes 7 the bed dinner * acake ‘Ask and answer questions with a partne A Whats she doing? B Shes making o cup of co Real life exchange [2 ].0 \ s Listen and complete the conversation. Then practice with a partner. A Hello, its me,'__? & Hi. tm doing the? How about you? A Well, m2___ but it’s not very good. Is Helen there? 5 No. She's (Oh, OK. How about Rabert? Yes, he's hare, but he's in is room right now Wow. He's working very hard § Yes, he is, Maybe you can call back later Sure, No problem, Oe De Use these words to make more conversations. Conversation 1 Conversation 2 Conversation 3 1 What's up? 41 Are you doing anything? 1 Areyou busy? 2dishes 2 cleaning 2 ironing 3 watching a movie 3istening toa cD 3 playing a compute 4 shopping downtown Applaying golf 4 takin 5 working 5 doing his homework 5 studying English 6 this week 6 this semester 6 this month Peony Sr Sra Grammaractivities » p108 Tis2z Pronunciation »piz2 (OC ah fl alr Student A: Make true or false statements, ‘Student B: Close your book. What can you remember? () © Listen to kim, from New Zealand, talk about what's happening in her life these days. Check (v) the topics she talks about. Dewms 1D friends O sports Di hoobies Cl boyfriend C1 parttime job {| s Listen again and answer the questions. Why is Kim studying very hard! right now? What team is she playing for in college? Whats her part-time jot? Why is she working weekends this month? What is she learning to do? peaking Complete the questionnaire. Then interview a partner and take notes. RUC You Your partner What's happe! al olla Areyougoingoutwith friendsalot? | Are you studying hard? a Are you playinga lot of sports? eee Are you working part-time? a Are you eating wel”? eee fre you sleeping OK? ee Are you looking fora job? ———_— ‘Are you reading any goad books? a Are you learning to drive? ——ee eee ‘Are you enjoying your life? a Make a group and compare your results. Who has a life similar to yours? A 1m not going our with friends a lor because 'm studying very har. & Really? Well rm stuoying hard, too! TeSaeg Listening Skill: Intensive listening [Ski =} Listen carefully to everything because all the information is important [Gl ©; » Listen to two telephone conversations. Write the name of each person under a picture. Claudia Jane Mark Paul () ) se Listen again and write T (true) or F (false) for each statement. is watching a mowe on TV. ‘sma ga cake, Claudia is making a cup o ewRe Marx is working downtown, Before you watch, read the summary of the interview with Jake. Jake is very days. He's tying to start with his family, He's working very hard. He begins \kfast. He leaves with a cup of tea, and then he has home in a hurry, and always arrives atwork on time. Watch the video. Find three mistakes in the summary. ‘Watch again. Complete the missing information. " dont really have ri Ty Would you ke to start your own company? preoin Whywhy not? Tela partner, nti ad) ato ih print something oun) tote someane exciting [Sail 2} Read the text quickly without stopping. © Reading Skill: Speed reading Bear Joanne, Hil im having a worderFul tme here n Tokyo Im staying with the Kikuchi family Theyre great. Im sitting in the living room ard the chidren are with re. Theyre playing a new computer Eprne! As you know. tm studying at a lniguage school here. tm enjoying the classes because Im learning a lot about Jepanese euiture, tm studying hard but its dificult | can speak Jepanese Ok, bu | cont read or write # Anyway, the Food is good and im eating a lot! The only problem is the weather Hts really hot and humid here in August! Lots of love, Jule PS. Im sendng you a photo of Tokyo it's a big, busy city. BD © ss Quickly read the letter and check (/) your answers. yes No Notte Julie's enjoying hertime injopan. = oO ooo Bas Stud 19] 4 She's playing a computer game righ - fon manbacomeuereamere: ating eter on vacation 5 She's studying Engish goo 6 Thelanguageschoalisneerhertome, OO 7 ooo gaa goo oo 0 ‘Are you happy with your answers? people (or exemple four friends or farm ty fiend Bob is Write a letter to a friend. Use Julie's letter and look at the Study guide to help you. mi hoving 0 wonderful time here in

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