Unit 8 Breakthrough Plus 1

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Get talking! HEI taik about the pictures with a partner. What can you see? Where are th people? Bl who do you tike to spend time with? Keisha: You don’ well i's my sche doesn't Keisha: Oh. 7h ke’ Kevin: Hee not cry Tena Keisha: ‘what does he look ike? Kevin: He's fairy tall and he has glasses ED reacscs the covversatonwith w partes, cabulary ‘Complete each phrase with be or have. have _ straight black hal 7 ———talland thin — short brown hait 8 [ong blond hair middle-aged = fairly short a beard 0 cee bald elderly —____megium height W he 2 amu Use some of the words and phrases in exercise 1 to talk about ‘the people in the pictures. Zak has a beOrd. | think he's tof! and thin Which of these character adjectives describe people you know? Tell a partner. generous hard-working kind lazy outgoing polite serious shy think my father is serious and hard-wark al life exchange >) () sw Listen and complete the conversation. ‘Then practice with a partner. What's your tke? He's? and very ike him a lot Really? What does he took tke Well, he's and he has > shes ? Yes, he is, Why are you asking all these questions? Because | think that’s him over there, He's waving at you! Use these words to make more conversations. “Conversation 1 Conversation 2 Conversation 3 brother 1 bestfriend 1 boyfriend iendly 2shy 2polte B interesting 3 kind 3 hard-working He medium height fairy short Atal Ba mustache 5 curly brown hair 5 short black hair S middle-aged 6 thin 6 good-looking us Se / KGommaraciivites «p109_) (Ys Pronunciation »p 123 a Q === In your words FE Look at the pictures. With a partner, take turns to describe a person. an your partner guess who you are describing? Think of someone you know well (e9..2 family member / bestfriend / roommate) Describe his or her appearance and character ‘0 your partner. Istening (>) co Listen to Ruth, from the U.S., describe her family. Which picture shows Ruth's parents? — Her father is hard-working er is kind — He has a aificut jo. He isntt very generous, ke her mother Speaking BD) think of a famous person (e.g. a singer / an actor / a politician). You can choose someone from your country, or perhaps from another country. Make notes. Notes ZL Appearance a Eyes haracter = BD ves e the person to a partner. Can your partner guess who it is? Skills expansio Listening Skill: Listening to descriptions Identify different people by listening to adjectives that describe their appeerance, {© Listen to the conversation and identify the people in the picture. 1 2 isa 4 — kate 2 — Ratana 5 — Sandra 3 —— Robert 6 — Ken EZ © © Listen again and complete the sentences. + Roberts fairly but very 2 Kemis Lisa's 3 Kenis but very __. Before you watch, look at the picture of Kristen and the Interviewer. Describe their appearance. Watch the video. Circle the correct answers. kristen and her mother look alike / different, Her sister and her mother have a olfferent / the same color hair w.-S 8 kristen says people think her mother / sister's good looking, Watch again. Complete the chart with the words in the box. fed blond blue blue brown brown curly kind outgoing reserved hard-working keisten Hermother Her sister Hair Byes vocabulary Personality alike oc) si good looking (aq) ofysiclly attractive reserved fod).) shy, not ourgaing [2] Find photos of your friends and family on your cell phone. sibling (n) a brothersister Describe their appearance and character to your partner. B Vocabulay expansion = pil (Sa Identify the main points in an e-mail, 2g, who is writing, why, etc. iim writing to tel you a litle about myself. m 19 years old, and Im a student at City College in Wellington, New Zealand, Do you know Wellington? Its the capital, and a great place! "Anyway, 1m fairly short and thin, and | have short dark hair. | cantt send a picture now because Im writing (| om Read Clare’s e-mail to her new friend and answer the questions. Who is Clare writing to? Why is she writing? 2. Where is she writing the e-mail? 4. What does she want Juliana to do? Write T (true), F (false) or N (not in text) for each statement. — Clare and Juliana are best friends. —— They are the same age — Juliana likes Wellington 4 —— Clare has short dark hair: S — Clare says she's lazy, 6 — Clare thinks she's frienaly. Writing Write to a new e-pal and give a short description of yourself. Look at the Study guide to help you. Write about ... “your age and where you study + what you look like shat you are ike “wat your friends sey you're kel Dear mark, fim 21 orl student ot. —_ say Writing an e-mail about yourself 11 Write the topic in the subject line About me! Begin your e-mail Dear + name Hi Helio / Hey-+ name, (m writing. 3. Describe what you look like (im fay tal... have short dark tir 4 Describe what you are like (think em friendly /ourgoing.. 5 Finish your e-mail ‘Thor’ ol for now... Please reply soon!

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