Grade 3 4a Mid Term 2 Report Comments

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1. Laiba
Laiba is a responsible and hardworking girl. She has made so much
progress! Her performance in all subjects is great. More efforts is needed in
Expression Orale. Keep working hard Laiba.
2. Golvin
Golvin is excellent at taking ownership of his learning. He is able to focus
and stays on task during independent work times. He is a valuable part
of class. He is among most helpful students in our class classmates.
3. Elvis
Elvis is an enthusiastic and responsible learner. He takes time to do correct
work in all subjects. He has developed good speaking and reading skills. I
encourage him to keep working hard.
4. Tuza
Tuza is an independent and responsible learner. He does his class and
homework on time and his performance in all subjects is good. I encourage
him to keep it up and put more effort in Mathematic and Expression Orale.
Well done Tuza!
5. Simeon

Simeon is an active participant. He listens attentively and makes an effort to

avoid distractions that could disrupt his learning. His performance is
generally good. More effort is needed in French.

6. Raavee
Raavee is thoughtful and insightful in verbal communication. Her
performance in other subjects is good as well. I encourage her to read
storybooks and practice different vocabulary to improve her spelling skill.
Keep it up Raavee!
Gary shows responsible behavior, works well in a group, and shows
appreciation for classmates' efforts. His dedication to his studies in class
is very much appreciated. Keep going Gary!
8. Shammah
Shammah is accountable and responsible as he has improved in her English
language speech in a short time. He also remarkably improved in science
and Mathematics. I encourage him to work hard in French subjects and
keep reading storybooks to keep improving.

9. Hojeong Ryu
10. Hojeong puts in effort in Mathematics. If he can apply the same effort
in other subjects, he will do better in all. We are proud to have him in our
Joseph is a very expressive and confident student. However he often
struggles to focus in class, which impacts his ability to engage in class

Pintary is a well behaved girl who socializes well with others and she is
making a gradual effort in all areas, gaining confidence in the written work
to present clear and detailed explanations at his level.
Desta socializes well with others. He needs more practice with the concepts
learnt. Please check that he has always completed his homework each
evening. More of effort is needed to increase his grades.
Gweneth works well with others and offers constructive suggestions to
peers. She is working on submitting work that does not have errors. She
frequently requires additional review to ensure that all errors are corrected.
She is encouraged to keep working well.
Sasha concentrates and pays close attention during demonstrations to
ensure she understands task requirements .She as shown strong signs of
growth in most of the learning areas. She needs to add more effort in
English and Expression Orale.
16. Kendra

Kendra has made so much progress! She however still struggles with focus
while she is on tasks. This should be our next focus going forth.

17. Angelo

Angelo is excellent at taking ownership of their learning. He is able to focus

and stays on task during independent work times. He is a valuable part of
class. He is among the most helpful students we have help classmates.

Chalvi comes to class every day ready and willing to learn. He is showing
increased independence to learn and study without a lot of guidance.
However, he is sometimes distracted while doing class activities. He is
advised to focus more during class activities.

I appreciate that your Elliot is always committed to doing his best. He pays
attention to work and submits work that have few errors. He is advised to
put more effort in French, Expression Orale and English.


Ethan is positive and confident. However, Areas like Digital literacy, French
and Kinyarwanda need more focus. I encourage him to show that they are
properly engaged in learning by improving quality of work and use of class


Kanael has struggled to focus in class, which harms his ability to engage
well with class activities and assignments. I encourage him to be more
responsible in completing class tasks and homework assignments without
frequent reminders.

21. MEHA
Meha is a responsible and social girl who is loved by classmates. She has
made so much progress! Her performance in all subjects is promising. More
efforts is needed in Expression Orale. She will keep getting better.

Noah demonstrates responsibility daily by caring for the materials in our

classroom conscientiously. He is self-motivated and shows a positive
attitude when working with peers. He takes and give suggestions and
directions effectively. His performance is promising. More efforts is needed
in English and Digital Literacy and computing.


Kessy comes to school each day prepared to work hard. I appreciate that she
does her best every single day. She should also put a little more effort in


Isaac comes to school each day prepared to work hard. I appreciate his
punctuality which has helped him repeat some of content learnt and that he
does his best every single day. Let him keep working harder.
Jonny comes to class every day ready and willing to learn. He is showing
increased independence to learn and study without a lot of guidance. He is
accountable for his actions and takes opportunities to improve. More effort
is needed in Expression Orale and French.


Shekinah is an active participant. She listens attentively and make an effort

to avoid distractions that could disrupt his learning. She shows a positive
attitude when working with peers and her performance is generally good.
More effort in needed in French.


Micah excels at applying what they learn in the classroom to real-world and
real-life situations. With a little more work and encouragement, he could
really go far!

28. Cleon
Cleon comes to class every day ready and willing to learn. He is independent
and able to learn and study without the need for guidance. He however
needs to keep focus on learning and avoid destructions. More effort is
needed in Expression Orale and French.
29. Lucas
Lucas demonstrates responsibility daily by caring for the materials in our
classroom conscientiously. He is self-motivated and shows a positive
attitude when working with peers. His performance is promising. More
efforts is needed in English and Digital Literacy and Computing.
30. Jennah

Jennah has made so much progress! A lot of improvement has been noticed
in most areas. She, however still struggles with focus while she is on tasks.
This should be our next focus going forth. She also needs to improve in
Expression Orale.

31. Joana
Joana comes to class every day ready and willing to learn. She is showing
increased independence to learn and study without the need for guidance.
However, she is sometimes distracted while doing class activities. She is
advised to focus more during class activities.
32. Davis
Davis has struggled in Kinyarwanda, English and Mathematics. He is
advised to take ownership of his learning, focus and stay on task during
independent work times.

33. Hetvi
Mistry hasn’t yet had the chance to learn and complete what she found
others have learnt. She may need additional assistance with the concepts
she missed. Completing classwork and homework is the first step to
improving. Good Luck!

34. Elroi
Elroi works well with others and offers constructive suggestions to peers. He
is working on submitting work that does not have errors. He frequently
requires additional review to ensure that all errors are corrected. French and
expression Orale need more effort. Keep working doing your best Elroi.
35. Cathy

Cathy is an active participant. She listens attentively and makes an effort to

avoid distractions that could disrupt her learning. She shows a positive
attitude when working with peers and her performance has improved
gradually. More effort in needed in French subjects.

36. Rumaysa

Rumaysa demonstrates responsibility daily by caring for the materials in

our classroom conscientiously. She is self-motivated and shows a positive
attitude when working with peers. She takes and gives suggestions and
directions effectively. Her performance is promising. More efforts is needed
in French.

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