Term Paper Juvenile Delinquency

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Writing a thesis on juvenile delinquency can be a daunting task.

Not only does it require extensive

research and analysis, but it also involves tackling a complex and sensitive topic. Juvenile
delinquency is a serious issue that affects communities and families, and understanding its causes
and potential solutions is crucial for addressing it.

One of the biggest challenges of writing a thesis on juvenile delinquency is the amount of research
that is required. This topic covers a wide range of factors, including social, economic, and
psychological influences, as well as the impact of family, peers, and the justice system. Gathering
and analyzing all of this information can be overwhelming, and it takes a lot of time and effort to
ensure that the thesis is well-researched and supported by evidence.

In addition to the research, writing about juvenile delinquency also requires a deep understanding of
the topic. This means not only understanding the various theories and perspectives on the causes of
delinquent behavior, but also being aware of the current trends and statistics related to juvenile
crime. It's important to approach this topic with sensitivity and empathy, as it involves real people
and their experiences.

Another challenge of writing a thesis on juvenile delinquency is the pressure to come up with original
and meaningful insights. With so much existing research and literature on this topic, it can be
difficult to find a unique angle or perspective. However, it's important to contribute something new
to the conversation and offer potential solutions or recommendations for addressing juvenile

Given the difficulty of writing a thesis on juvenile delinquency, it's understandable that many
students may feel overwhelmed and unsure of where to start. That's why it's highly recommended to
seek assistance from a professional writing service, such as ⇒ HelpWriting.net ⇔. Their team of
experienced writers can provide expert guidance and support in crafting a well-written and well-
researched thesis on juvenile delinquency.

By ordering a thesis from ⇒ HelpWriting.net ⇔, students can save themselves the stress and
anxiety of tackling such a challenging topic on their own. With their help, students can ensure that
their thesis on juvenile delinquency is of the highest quality and meets all academic standards. So
don't hesitate to reach out for assistance and make your thesis writing process a little less daunting.
It regained momentum as human rights concerns are high on the activists’ list. A male or female kid
between the ages of 15 and 18 who perpetrates wrongdoing even though he is captured or not is a
juvenile reprobate. In addition, the juvenile’s special characteristics are usually important to consider
when a judge is making a conclusion in a court of law. Intended as a model reform effort, Lancaster
was the first “familystyle” institution in the United States and embodied new theories about the
reformation of youths. It is frequent in children who do not receive enough care and affection from
their parents. Juvenile Delinquency has been characterized diversely by laymen, sociologists,
analysts, and law authorized specialists. It is a good idea to include some interesting facts or
statistics as your hook phrase to engage your audience from the very first sentence. Juvenile
Delinquency, Essays, Essays for Children, School Essays. Primarily, the relationship with the family
is included in the initial stages. Moreover, very often the actions, which took place in games,
coincide with the plots of some movies. At the end of the hearing, the judge decides on punishments
like probation or detention in juvenile courts. We know that children who grow up in homes are
characterized by lack of warmth and support, whose parents lack behavior management skills, and
whose lives are characterized by conflict or maltreatment will more likely be delinquent, whereas a
supportive family can protect children even in a very hostile and damaging external environment.
The distinction between a deficient youngster and a grown-up criminal can be found by the direct
included, the court’s techniques, the methodology and strategies applied in the treatment, and so on.
Such acts are not illegal when committed by adults, but are prohibited for underage persons. Juvenile
delinquency essay writing - Associazione Stillo. One social condition was that citizens became
increasingly incensed by the treatment of children, especially the policy of jailing children with
adults. However, nowadays, more and more young people become involved in crime. Additionally,
poverty also makes a child break the law. Eliminating patriarchy, therefore, eliminates gender
differences and inequalities that have earlier been observed to contribute to juvenile delinquency,
especially affecting men considerably. Juvenile offenders came into police contact either being
directly caught for committing crimes or referred by parents or school officials. Juvenile delinquency
is a global problem which has raised several questions. This long essay about Juvenile Delinquency is
suitable for students of class 7, 8, 9 and 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants. The best way to
handle Bosket's problem was for the juvenile authorities to counsel Mrs. Ein Literatur Review zum
aktuellen Forschungsstand. Voluntary mentor programs can be conducted both at school and the
community level considering that a juvenile spends considerable time both at school and home.
However, the proposed and implemented policies have been found to be ineffective in most cases:
juvenile delinquency still persists. The legal system is another stakeholder in the issues related to
juvenile delinquency. The study of juvenile delinquency is further indebted to sociology because so
many of the theories of delinquency causation are sociological theories of crime. Both theories tend
to complement each other but in different dimensions (Cox et al., 2010). However, its state was not
so complicated as nowadays (Bush 23).
Customarily wrongdoing submitted by kids and young people under the legal age is called
Delinquency. His basic premise was that delinquency, like any other form of behavior, is a product of
social interaction. They concluded that the reason members of lower-class groups remained in the
inner-city community was less a reflection of their newness of arrival and their lack of acculturation
to American institutions than it was a function of their class position in society (Finestone 1976).
This has resulted in the rise in the number of Juvenile Delinquency cases. ?JUVENILE delinquency
Today, children are being diverted and exposed to hazardous knowledge from numerous sources.
The said project includes a system to identify juvenile delinquents in a more precise manner, a
protocol for processing the cases and legal staff for dual jurisdiction cases, specifically related to
child welfare and juvenile delinquency issues (Wiig, Tuell and CWLA, 2004, p.49). The Haryana
state was on the ninth position in the crime committed by the juveniles. The third theory is known as
the social disorganization theory that mainly centres on the means whereby different organizations in
the society function together to maintain the whole system. Other disorganization factors are such as
poorly designed buildings that are characterized by having no surveillance at the parking lots, having
public bathrooms that are isolated, and shops that are vulnerable to thefts. The scared straight
program was used throughout the United States of America, to discourage the juvenile children or
the one potential juvenile 's children, from committing criminal activities in the future. The good
news is that substance abuse among adolescents has dropped significantly since the late 1970s. Some
of these programs include the following: the Philippine National Police-Community relations
program, the Barangay tanod program, the Philippine Army Reserve Command-Civic Action
program, and the Philippine Navy-Civic Welfare Action program. That is why, being very popular
nowadays, cinema can be taken as one of the main reasons for the development of juvenile
delinquency. It involves treatment from the time of allegation is made through investigation, arrest,
charge, trial and sentence. Other factors that are responsible for the rise in juvenile delinquency are
unhealthy neighbourhood, cinema, pornographic literature and bad company. The “delinquent”
category comprised both status offenders and actual violators of criminal law. Associations with
delinquent peers and delinquent values make up the social settling in which delinquency, especially
prolonged serious delinquency, is learned and reinforced. There is a challenge that faces the
treatment of juvenile delinquents with mental health disorders. We need to find ways and means to
pool the youthful energy of the children in a constructive and desired direction. They rarely feel fear
or empathy, and are generally narcissistic, impulsive, and tend to harm others more than they harm
themselves. In nutshell, our educational institutions and family environment should be peaceful,
happy, and prosperous to provide healthy socialization to the juveniles. Finally, as the person enters
adulthood, commitment to conventional activities, and to family, especially, offers new avenues to
reshape the person’s bond to society and involvement with delinquent behavior (Thornberry 1987;
Krohn et al. 2001). Eileen Leonard (1995), for example, questioned whether anomie, differential
association, labeling, and Marist theories can be used to explain the crime patterns of women. Thus,
juvenile delinquency is not just about under-aged criminals, who get involved in criminal activities.
In addition, the juvenile’s special characteristics are usually important to consider when a judge is
making a conclusion in a court of law. Mostly all juvenile offences have deeper roots and serious
situational factors which are responsible for a child behaving in a particular way. Juvenile Justice
Journal, Volume VII, Number 3, 1-33. The Juvenile has to comply with certain conditions like
attending counselling, obeying curfew, and paying restitution. Shaw further found that areas of
concentrated crime maintained their high rates over a long period, even when the composition of the
population changed markedly. Delinquency across the life course has been examined extensively by
Robert J. It is characterized by the following types of behavior: meeting face to face, milling,
movement through space as a unit, conflict and planning.
The juvenile justice had started prior to the formal establishment of juvenile courts. We then explore
the changes and conclude with an overview of the issues discussed in this analysis of juvenile
delinquency and the child-saving reform movement during the middle half of the 19th century
(Lawrence, 2007; Roucek, 1958). Early intervention of preventing and treating juvenile delinquency
is the best approach for today’s society. While infants may be considered innocent, their
blamelessness lies in their bodies and mind (Color, 2017). Similarly the way the juveniles are being
treated at their homes is also a strong factor in determining that a child would get involved with
criminal activities or not. For e.g. child from a divorced couple may be more likely to get involve
with these activities. We use cookies to create the best experience for you. Apart from this,
criminologists’ endeavour to interpret the relationship between childhood abuse and criminality.
Those who support this gender-neutral position have generally examined such subjects as the family,
social bonding, social learning, delinquent peer relationships, and, to a lesser degree, deterrence and
strain (Daly 1995). This is seen to be a big problem in the society that has to be dealt with efficiently
to increase future success. The role played by learning in the facilitation of juvenile delinquency is
explained in the differential association theory. What is the best strategy in preventing delinquency.
In the social learning theory, the ability of a child to conform to the accepted norms and laws of the
society determine the likelihood of developing delinquency. In such societies, families have their
men having more power than women, and this is also passed on the children of these families. The
author analyses the early childhood intervention and juvenile delinquency and the significance of
parental absence versus parental gender. Finding a short definition to clearly describe that
phenomenon is not easy, because there are hundreds of them already in existence. The early and
persistent problems found with members of the LCP group are not found with the AL delinquents.
Essay on Juvenile Delinquency - Psychology Discussion. It also evaluates the potency of the counter
claim which proposes that the existing law be better implemented, and thereby examines the
necessity for the in. The evolutionary history of the juvenile justice system is as follows. Each
paragraph will include an introductory sentence to present the point, a few supporting sentences with
factual information, your analysis and opinion, as well as a transition sentence to smoothly move to
the next section. When a juvenile is arrested and charged with committing a crime there are many
different factors that will come in to play during the course of his arrest, trial, conviction,
sentencing, and rehabilitation process. In Thornberry’s interaction theory of delinquency, the initial
impetus toward delinquency comes from a weaning of the person’s bond to conventional society,
represented by attachment to parents, commitment to school, and belief in conventional values.
These are referred to as protective factors against delinquency (Alvarado, Kumpfer and Jezycki,
2000). Travis Hirschi’s (1967) Causes of Delinquency linked delinquent behavior to the quality of the
bond an individual maintains with society, stating that “delinquent acts result when an individual’s
bond to society is weak or broken” (p. 16). He argues that humans’ basic impulses motivate them to
become involved in crime and delinquency unless there is reason for them to refrain from such
behavior. Download Free PDF View PDF A Brief Study on Salient features of Juvenile Justice (Care
and Protection of Children) Act, 2000 and Tamil Nadu Juvenile Justice Act, 2001 International
Journal of Management Research and Social Science This study aims the causes behind juvenile
delinquency, and the measures that are being taken for the positive development of the children in
conflict with law. After doing this, police refer the case to the juvenile court, where the probation
officer either dismisses a case or files formal charges according to the nature of the offence, the age
of the offender, the offender’s previous criminal record and his educational and social history. In this
sentence, you have to briefly describe the main idea of your paper and list a few points (usually 3)
that you will support this idea with. Due to the social structure, the family was considered as the
basic unit of social control. Even though it changes from country to government, it is inside the
typical furthest reaches 16 and 20. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as
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