Tyler Davis - Annotated Bibliography

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Tyler Davis

Mrs. Miller

English 12

17 January 2024

Annotated Bibliography

Lee, Cheng-Wen, and Alum Kusumah. "Influence of supervision on employee performance with
work motivation as an intervening variable."

Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research 9 (2020): 240-252.


This article discusses supervised and unsupervised learning within the workplace. Their
data allows for direct comparisons on supervised and unsupervised learning. Unsupervised
learning shows to be difficult due to many aspects of task conditions. This article also explains
the different effects of these learning styles in the workplace. This article will be beneficial
because it shows both sides of the questions. It shows in depth explanations on the differences
and how they affect employee performance. Another way this article is beneficial is by showing
actual data of the study. It also gives you an overview of the study showing you how they got
their data. This source is credible because it has been through multiple levels of research and
support. One of the main supporters of this article is the department of psychology who are
qualified experts that study how different situations affect human behavior and psychological

Love, Bradley C. "Comparing supervised and unsupervised category learning."

Psychonomic bulletin & review 9.4 (2002): 829-835.


In the article “Influence of supervision on employee performance with work

motivation as intervening variable” it describes how employee performance is effected by work
motivation. This article shows different studies on how motivation within the workplace is a
benefit and needed. During this study there are multiple different intervening variables used. This
article is beneficial because it shows how work motivation affects the workplace. This allows me
to better understand the main benefits of being supervised and appreciated by your employers.
This will also help depict the influence of both supervisions and work motivations. This source is
credible because it has been read through by multiple individuals with PHDs in psychology. It
has also been verified by the department of international business. This data is also credible
because forms were sent out to multiple citizens to receive real world data the forms were sent
back that's how most of the data was gathered.

McQuerrey, Lisa. “What Is the Meaning of Managerial Effectiveness?” Work, 13 Mar. 2019,



The article “The impact of supervision on Employee development” is a great source for
finding the benefits of supervision within the workplace. This article explains how supervision is
often a misunderstood function that affects an employee's performance. It also explains the
effectiveness of supervision on an employee's duties within the workplace. This article is
beneficial to my research in multiple ways, the first being its in depth explanation as to why
supervision is important. It goes into detail the different benefits of supervision and the positive
input of employers. This article is also great by explaining the rewards and reinforcements of
having a great employer and supervision. I find this source credible because it uses other verified
articles to obtain its information and build off of previous research. I also believe this source is
credible due to the sheer amount of research and articles written by Chron Contributor solely
related to employee performance and workplace tactics.

He, Qi, et al. “The Effect of Abusive Supervision on Employees’ Work Procrastination

Frontiers, Frontiers, 11 Jan. 2021, www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.596704/full.


In the article “The Effect of Abusive Supervision on Employees’ Work Procrastination

Behavior” it explains the different psychological processes for Abusive supervision on
employees. This article goes in depth on the cognitive behavior behind the abuse. The article
explains how this behavior affects an employee's performance. This article will be beneficial to
research questions because it goes into detail about how a not so good supervisor/employer will
affect an employee's performance. This article also shows the multiple different types of
psychological issues this may cause furthermore helping predict the different cases of job
supervision. This article does a great job giving more links to other articles related to my
research question where I am able to gain more knowledge. I find this article credible based off
the amount of research put into it. I also find it credible based on the total amount of data taken
to complete their survey.

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