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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Aerophone- Mr. Corpuz is playing the most famous Japanese flute instrument made from bamboo with four to
five finger holes on the front face and a thumbhole on the rear face. How do you classify the instrument he is
playing according to Horn-Bostel Sachs classification of music?
Erhu- China’s most popular instrument.
Changgo musical instrument - it is an hourglass- shaped double head drum made from animal skin.
All traditional Chinese music is melodic rather than harmonic. How is Chinese music described - It is gentle
and lyrical and has traditionally sung in a thin, non-resonant voice or in falsetto.
How is Japanese music described- It is meditative and highly ritualized.
How is the Arirang song classified?- Welcome song
How do you classify the scale of Mo Li Hua? - Harmonic Scale
Chordophone- Ms. Cruz is playing a Korean traditional zither-like string instrument with 12 strings, probably the
best known traditional Korean musical instrument. How do you classify the instrument she is playing according to
Horn-Bostel Sachs classification of music?
Chong-ak - Korean music traditionally associated with the lower classes
Ryuteki - Japanese instrument is called the dragon flute
Love song - Mo Li Hua is a Chinese traditional song that describes a custom of giving Jasmine flower. How is the
Mo Li Hua song classified?
Pentatonic Scale - A musical scale or mode with five notes per octave. It is also used by almost of the East Asian
Sakura - A Japanese folk song depicting spring – the season of cherry blossom.

Scenes from everyday life- Japanese people used unique artistic expression in their paintings. How does Japanese
printmaking describe.
Tal - Marythel is wearing a Korean mask during a funeral of her relative. What do you call the Korean masks she
is wearing.
Shadow and light- Yin-yang painting described
Cai- Who invented paper as first invented during the Han dynasty in China?
Painting became more economical - The history of Chinese painting often used silk as medium to paint upon.
Why did they invent paper in replacement of silk for painting?
Wind and Fire - the two important features in Korean landscape painting which represents portrayal of nature
Sycee – a type of silver or gold ingot currency used in China which is derived from the Cantonese words meaning
“fine silk.
Knot tying- refers to an assembled or joined aircraft that was traditionally made of silk or paper with bowline and
resilient bamboo.
Crane- most common model of Japanese origami
Calligraphy - Chinese painting which means “the art of beautiful handwriting”.
Ukiyo-e - Japanese art which means, “Pictures of the floating world”.
Origami - traditional Japanese art of paper folding.

Dribbling- a player allows to move around the court while in the possession of the ball. Which among the following
Charging - An illegal play in basketball in which a player deflects the ball that is on the downward path of the
William Morgan - invented the game basketball.
Basketball- What do you call to a team sport wherein the objective is to shoot a ball through a basket horizontally
positioned to score points.
Fielding - skill in softball wherein it requires arm strength, balance and timing.
Four innings - The team South made nine outs in baseball, How many innings have they completed.
Pitching - the following defensive skill in baseball/softball used to receive a thrown ball and hold a base runner to
prevent the opponent from earning a point.
Scorer - Mr. Tanjiro tosses the ball at the start of the game, called-up for any violations committed by the players
and makes decisions covered in the rules and regulations. What officiating staff in basketball is he assigned?
Baseball/softball - This game is played by two teams with nine players on each side in which the goal is to score
more runs than the opponent.
Fly out - Reyes caught the ball before it hits the ground.
Single- Bernadeth hits the ball into fair territory and the defense is unable to catch it, and for that, she reached the
base safely. What score did she get?
Strike out- Jenny didn’t hit/strike the ball after three pitches. What kind of out did she make?

for economic security- Marriage is a life-long partnership of a man and a woman. What is the best reason why people
It develops understanding and acceptance - Why is it important for couples to undergo courtship?
Engagement- Patricia and Zedric is getting to know each other, reveal one’s interests, gives time to understand one
another and decides whether they are ready to be committed. What period of relationship do they undergo?
Breastfeeding- Infant feeding is important for growth factors of infant’s development.
Marriage- A life-long partnership of a man and a woman, two unique individuals who understand, respect, care and
love each other.
Love - Is an ingredient of a happy married life
Ovulation- It is a reproductive process wherein half of the genes of the father and the mother combine to form a single
RA No. 9288- A Republic Act that promulgate a Comprehensive Policy and a National System for ensuring newborn
Lactation - What do you call to the period of milk production which initiated by the prolactin hormone in the
mammary gland.

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