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Management Case


describes a situation faced, a decision or action taken by an individual manager organization at the strategic, functional or operational levels.

Workers' Participation in Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd.(BHEL): The Case of Tiruchi

Surya Mookherjee
The promotion of employee participation in management as a national objective in contemporary India seems to be acquiring increasing importance kj. public policy on labour. The Government of India has been continuously laying special emphasis on strengthening the practice of labour participation in manufacturing and service organizations. In pursuance of the national objective of promoting employee participation in management, the Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL) decided to introduce in its various units the concept of labour participation in management in the early seventies. A formal beginning was made with the constitution of a Joint Committee at the corporate level on April 3,1973. It was felt that time had come to take stock of the BHEL experience related to labour participation in management in order to chalk out the future course of action.

The case presented in this issue describes the process of introduction of the concept of labour participation in management at BHEL, Tiruchi. What should be the future course of action ? Readers are invited to send their comments on the same.
Surya Mookherjee is Deputy Director and Professor of Industrial Relations, Gandhi Labour Institute, Ahmedabad.

Background of the Tiruchi Unit

The Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited belongs to the Heavy Engineering group and has major manufacturing units located at Tiruchi, Hyderabad, Hardwar, Bhopal, Jhansi and Bangalore. The Tiruchi unit of BHEL manufactures high pressure boilers for thermal and nuclear power stations of units size up to 500 MW and 235 MW respectively. It also manufactures related auxiliary equipments. The other products include industrial process steam boilers of different sizes to meet the requirements of fertilizer, petrochemical, steel and paper industries. The boilers are designed for operation on a wide range of fuels, namely, coal, fuel oil, gas, asphalt, black liquor and a combination of some of these fuel types. The Tiruchi complex is made up of two major plants: a high pressure boiler plant and a seamless steel tube plant. In addition, the boiler auxiliary plant at
The author wishes to acknowledge the help and cooperation extended by the Management of the Tiruchi unit.

Vol.l6,No.2,April-June 1991


Ranipet also comes under the control of the Tiruchi unit. Both the major plants consist of several shops like boiler shops, valve shops and machine shops. The high pressure boiler plant was set up with the collaboration of SKODA EXPORT, Czechoslovakia, and commenced production in 1965. The Tiruchi unit also manufactures and supplies safety valves, safety relief valves, hancock valves and high pressure and low pressure by-pass valves along with the associated controls. The latter are manufactured in collaboration with M/s. Sulzer Bros., Switzerland. The Tiruchi unit, as is evident, has been diversifying its product line in the past few years. The manufacture of a wide range of sophisticated boilers and its auxiliary equipments has been possible with the help of inhouse research and development activity which contributes in no small measure towards the growth of the organization.
Growth of Personnel

money-lending and other undesirable practices. to act as an important channel of communica tion between the workers on the shopfloor and the management. to be available to the workers and to help them on any matters as and when the need arises.

It has been reported by the managers that BHEL gives utmost importance to the maintenance of discipline as well as adherence to production norms in order to achieve excellence in performance. At the same time the management gives special importance to communication with the workers when any major decision affecting the workers is contemplated or taken.
Industrial Relations and Trade Union Structure

Beginning from 1980 till the year 1985, the Tiruchi unit witnessed a phenomenal growth in personnel from 13,791 employees in 1980-81 to 17,541 in 1984-85. Of the total employees, 1,702 belong to the executive cadre and 3,621 and 12,218 fall in the category of supervisors and workers/ministerial staff respectively. The growth of manpower over the years is evident from Table 1. The characteristic feature of the personnel system in Tiruchi is the placement of personnel executives on the shopfloor. The main tasks of these executives are: to resolve day-to-day grievances of the workers.

The Tiruchi unit has been able to sustain fairly satisfactory labour-management relations during the past decade. In the year 1985, there was a tool-down strike resulting in the loss of 161 mandays. Another strike of eight hours' duration took place in support of striking teachers and fishermen which resulted in the loss of 2,114 mandays. There are 9 unions operating at the Tiruchi unit, out of which the following four have been recognized by the corporation as participating unions: BHEL Workers' Union (CITU) Boiler Plant Employees' Union (TNTUC) BHEL Employees' Progressive Union (LPF/DMK) Boiler Plant Anna Workers' Union (ATP/AIADMK) It has been reported by the management that despite the existence of many unions, the problem has been handled by evolving the concept of "participating union" and by not allowing other unions to take part in negotiations on any issue whatsoever. Such unions have thus remained minority unions and have not been able to make a dent in the organization. The concept of participating union entitles unions to take part in (1) (2) (3) (4)

to provide feedback to the Industrial Relations Manager and Personnel Manager about shopfloor processes. to maintain personal files of the workers to carry out routine administrative work. to counsel the workers on issues like absen teeism, code of conduct and behaviour at the workplace, attitude to superiors, alcoholism,

Table 1: Growth of Personnel in the Tiruchi Unit (1980-1985)

Category 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85

Executives Supervisors Others

Total 13791

1290 2844 9657

1390 2841 10139


1493 3249 10824


1614 3546 11477


1702 3621 12218




union to which they are affiliated. For election purposes, the whole unit is divided into ten constituencies and one representative from each constituency is included in the committee (Exhibit 1). The members of the Works Committee are also nominated to such other committees as the Township Committee, Staff Benefit Committee, Death Relief Fund Committee, Safety Committee, etc. All these committees, combined together, work for the betterment of the employees while channelizing their efforts for achieving growth and attaining excellence in the unit. Functions The major issues taken up by the Works Committee are as follows: Conditions of work such as ventilation, light ing, temperature and sanitation including latri nes and urinals. Amenities like drinking water, canteens, dining rooms, creches, rest rooms, medical and health services. Safety and accident prevention, occupational diseases and protective equipment. Adjustment of festival and National Holidays. Administration of welfare and fine funds. Educational and recreational activities such as libraries, reading rooms, cinema shows, sports, games, picnics, community welfare and cele brations.

Name of the Union

Major Shops 3 2

Minor Shop 2 1 1 1

1. 1. 2. 3.

BHEL Workers' Union (CITU) Boiler Plant Employees' Union (TNTUC)

BHEL Employees' 2 Progressive Union (LPF/DMK) Boiler Plant Anna Workers' Union (ATP/AIADMK) 1

As for management, a number equal to the number of union representatives are nominated into the councils. Functions The shop councils deal with operational problems of all kinds some of which are listed below: Controlling wastage Ensuring material economy Proper storage of materials Quality improvement Absenteeism, reduction and redesigning of work Attaining monthly targets for production Review of cost reduction, inventory reduction, technological development, productivity as well as utilization of capacity of critical machines. Formulation of schemes for job redesign, group working, job enrichment and evolving guide lines for implementation. Any matter referred to by the plant council for consideration of the shop council.

Promotion of thrift and savings. Implementation and review of decisions taken in the meetings of Works Committee. In 1985, meetings were held in which the Works Committee took decisions on a wide range of issues. The details are provided in Exhibit 2. Shop Council Structure: There are 15 shop councils in the Tiruchi unit of which eight are major and seven are minor. The shops where production is involved are considered as major and those in non-production areas constitute minor shop councils. The department-wise distribution of shop councils is provided in Exhibit 3. Workers' representatives in the shop council are nominated by the participating unions on the basis of the percentage of votes they have secured in the election to the Joint Committee. There are four participating unions and the representation from each is as follows:

In addition to these production related problems, welfare measures relating to the work related issues such as cleanliness, drinking water facilities within the shop are also discussed in the shop council meetings. All the decisions are by and large taken on the basis of consensus. The decision of the shop councils is implemented by the parties concerned and a compliance report is submitted to the council. In case of those matters which bear policy implications, the Chairman of the council is required to share information with the


members. In case of any disagreement in the meeting or when issues related to another shop or the plant as a whole are taken up, these are to be referred to the plant council for further consideration. A compendium of issues discussed in the shop council meetings held in 1987 is appended in Exhibit 4. Plant Council Structure : The Plant Council is responsible for the overall working of the plant and it discusses matters which have unit wide repercussions. Workers' representatives are nominated by the participating unions who have been elected to the Joint Committee. The proportion of representation from the participating unions is as follows:
BHEL Workers' Union (CITU) Boiler Plant Employees' UniorT(TfvJTe) : 1 : : 3 2

To periodically review cost reduction schemes, including wastage reduction, quality improve ment, target achievement for production, in ventory reduction, etc. To develop information systems regarding site failures, machanical defects, rejection rates and overall performance of the plant.

In order to have an idea of the issues discussed in the Plant Council meeting, reference could be made to the minutes of a meeting held on May 8,1987 (Exhibit 5). Suggestion Scheme A Suggestion Scheme has been in operation in the Tiruchi unit since 1964 with the objective of ensuring greater involvement of the workers on matters of importance regarding employee welfare as well as effective working of the organizations as a whole. Under this scheme, there are 12 Area Committees and one Central Suggestion Committee. Employees and workmen at various levels are encouraged to put forward their suggestions. Boxes for receiving suggestions have been placed in different locations in the factory premises and good suggestions are awarded cash prizes. Suggestions are received on various issues pertaining to safety, efficiency, industrial relations, public relations, cost reduction, etc. In 1985,2,463 suggestions were received from the employees out of which 490 suggestions were selected for award by the unit. Grievance Procedure A systematic grievance procedure has been evolved with a view to resolving grievances at source. Employee grievances regarding promotion, leave, work assignment, transfer, seniority, punishment, and overtime are settled through a grievance machinery which has four stages the immediate supervisor, the Personnel Department, the Grievance Committee and an Appeals Committee in which the General Manager is a member. Other routine grievances regarding deductions in payments, bonus, clarification related to policy issues, minor industrial relations issues and other welfare related issues are settled by a Welfare Supervisor. Personnel Executives as mentioned earlier are posted in the production shops/areas to monitor the grievances of employees and also to monitor the implementation of the company's personnel policies. They also deal with Industrial Relations issues.

BHEL Employees' Progressive Union (LPF/DMK) Boiler Plant Anna Workers' Union (ATP/AIADMK)

Eight workers' representatives are, therefore, nominated to the Plant Council. An equal number of management representatives are also nominated to the council. The tenure of the council is two years with effect from the date of the first meeting. The Plant Council meets once in two months and all decisions are taken on the basis of consensus. Only those issues which pertain to the entire plant or those which the shop councils could not resolve or which fall beyond the purview of the shop councils are taken up for discussion in the Plant Council meetings. The General Manager of the plant is the Chairman of the Plant Council and one of the members acts as Secretary to the Council. Since the General Manager is the Chairman, the implementation of the decisions tends to become easier. Functions The major functions of the Plant Council are, inter alia: To review production targets for the plant as a whole keeping in tune with the overall target set by the corporation. To resolve inter-council problems that are referred to the council. To provide suitable guidelines for reducing ab senteeism.

Vol.l6,No.2,April-June 1991


Welfare Programmes

reservations also. One senior manager had this to say: We have tried to develop a three tier structure of participation and it seems to be working reasonably well. The scope and jurisdiction of participatory mechanisms at each level have been clearly demarcated. This has helped to sort out the kind of issues to be discussed in the Works Committee, Shop Councils and the Plant Council. Another manager made the following observation: Our unit has taken a comprehensive approach towards participation in order to facilitate a greater degree of interaction between workers and managers at various levels. The fact that participation has worked is evident from the fact that a fairly good labour management relations has been sustained in the unit. The rising level of production and value added per employee are other indicators. This has been possible by promoting a participatory and professional approach in dealing with labour coupled with a personal touch which has helped in creating mutual trust between labour and management. Yet another comment made by a manager is worth mentioning: The elaborate infrastructure and comprehensive welfare programmes undertaken by the unit has facilitated the growth of a sense of belonging in the

In consonance with the corporate objective of keeping employees happy so that they can put their heart and soul into the work assigned to them, the Tiruchi unit has evolved a comprehensive welfare programme. Important among them are subsidized canteen facilities, medical facilities including occupational health services, education facilities for the children of employees, transport facilities for carrying employees to and from the factory, group insurance scheme, conveyance allowance to the physically handicapped employees, Leave Travel Concession, Leave Encashment and township facilities with provision for recreation, sports and cultural activities. In addition, statutory benefits such as gratuity, provident fund, family pension, profitsharing schemes and a plant performance bonus scheme form part of the fringe benefits extended to the employee. An average expenditure of Rs. 1,150 per month for employee is said to have been incurred by the Tiruchi unit. A break-up of itemwise expenditure incurred by the Tiruchi unit on amenities and fringe benefits is given in Exhibit 6.
Production Trends

The production figures for the period 1982 to 1986 are given in Table 3.
Overview of Participation

There is a sense of satisfaction related to the working of the participative management scheme, but there are

Table 3 : Production Figures (1982-86)

Product Unit of Measurement 1982-83 1983-84 121297 1672 1984-85 128696* 2294 1 985-86

Boiler & Auxiliaries Valves Value of Production Turnover Finished Goods Changes WIP Accrn. (+) / Decrn. (-) Value Added per Employee (Rs) 'Note:

(MT) (MT)

128183 1650 Rupees in Lakhs 39011 (-)1890 (+)1696 74019

154909* 2573

42625 (+)249 <-)34 90537

50840 (-)128

61313 (+)1724 (+)1045 -


The product mix as projected in the licenced capacity and actuals are different. More work intensive products are being taken up in tune with the current customer's requirements. This is reflected in the Value of Production. Because of extensive value engineering efforts, the weight of the boiler has been considerably reduced.



minds of the employees which has helped in creating an atmosphere of trust and good-will in the organization. Workers' participation may not, perhaps, be the only contributory factor for the growth and excellence of the unit, but the fact remains that the top management philosophy of establishing a participatory culture in the unit has tended to create an environment of cordiality, good-will and mutual trust and understanding between both labour and management. It has to be remembered that the foundation for participation was laid by top management in the early years of the organization. The trend once set in the beginning has been sustained by the joint effort of both labour and management. A trade union leader had this to say about the strengths in the functioning of the Works Committee: No interference by the union in the affairs of the Works Committee. The areas of jurisdiction are demarcated in ac cordance with the norms prescribed in the In dustrial Disputes Act. There exists mutual trust and cordiality as well as understanding between workers' repre sentatives and management representatives. This fact facilitates the quick implementation of the decisions taken in the Works Committee. Only such matters which have major financial implications are delayed. The members, in other cases, make special efforts to ensure that the decisions taken in the Works Committee^re implemented as quickly as possible.

on the above mentioned items. The remedy perhaps lies in imparting training to workers' representatives on all crucial matters of decision-making. Considering the overall working of the Plant Council, I would call it as workers' association in management rather than workers' participation in it. Exhibit 1: Area-wise Distribution of Constituencies of the Works Committee Boiler Production Shop, Materials Preparation in Bldg. I & V Constituency II Machine Shop and Tool Room Constituency III Fittings Production Shop, Valves Production Constituency IV Safety Engg, Materials Planning, Plant Designs Constituency V Shipping, Stores and Civil Maintenance Electrical Services including Constituency VI Instrumentation Section, Gas Services, Inspection and Central Lab & NDTL Mechanical Maintenance, Constituency VII Overhaul Cranes and Internal Transport Bldg. 24, Telephone Exchange, Constituency VIII EDP Medical Public Health Maintenance. Constituency IX Civil Maintenance. Electrical Maintenance. Township Horticulture, Vengur Pump, Training Centre and Guest House Seamless Steel Tube Plant Constituency I Constituency X Exhibit 2: Issues Discussed by Works Committee during 1985 Meeting held on: February 14,1985 Issues Discussed When hospitalized, diet charges should not be recovered for the employees and their eligible dependents who are drawing up to Rs 575.00 basic pay (pre-revised 1978) as in Bhopal unit. It was requested that employee contribution will be 50 paise per month and management should also make enhanced matching contribution,i.e., from 20 paise to 50 paise per member. 47

An opposite point of view on the effectiveness of participation was expressed by another union leader. While talking on the working of the Plant Council he observed: To tell you frankly, we are not participating in the decision-making in the real sense of the term. For instance, on such matters as manpower planning, procurement of raw material, budgeting, marketing, etc. the Plant Council members do not take part in the decision-making processes. On such matters, management presents their proposal and we just accept and co- operate with them in following the norms and would avoid any conflict. There is some fault with the workers' representatives themselves. They are not that much educated and professionally trained to understand the techniques and technicalities involved in preparation of the proposal Vol.l6,No.2,April-]une 1991

The cost of reimbursement of spectacles from SBF is not sufficient. This amount may be enhanced by Rs 20.00. On duty, if our Company drivers are involved in an accident, the Company should take up the case on behalf of the driver in the Court. TC uniforms to be given to Crane Operators in place of protective clothing. Rest rooms shall be provided in Building I and Building 50 for all Crane Operators and Riggers working in that area. Hazardous allowance to be given to all Crane Operators and Riggers. Routine medical checkup shall be arranged for all Crane Operators and Riggers every six months. All Crane Operators shall be given drivers' shoes in place of safety shoes. Space for staff working in M & S Office to be increased. P & T Extension to be installed in M & S Office hall. Desk Calendars for all employees. Full sleeves protective clothing to be given to workers working in open yards in Stores area. Extra dungry cloth to be given to workers in the outer yard of Stores. Separate block for Administrative Building in Shipping/Bldg.50. Additional bus in some routes and extension of some routes. Ordinary shoes should be provided to all drafting staff. Speakers to be installed at all the gates with public address systems for quicker and direct communication. Information Centre is to be opened to disseminate important information. Additional toilet facilities to be provided in BuildingI / Shipping. Proper maintenance of toilets to be ensured. Ball point pens to be given to all drafting staff. 48

Post boxes to be provided inside the Factory Canteens. Non-Vegetarian dishes should be provided in the Canteen. Building wise separate Canteens should be provided. Emergency lights to be fixed in the dining halls. P & T phone to be installed in SSTP and WRI workshop. Guest Rooms in Hospitals to be increased. Bachelor Hostels for workmen staff to be con structed. Quantity of socks to be increased. Revised pay + DA to be taken into account for HRA calculation.

Meeting held on : August 6,1985 Issues Discussed Issue of New Year Gift Article. Reinstatement of 5 dismissed employees. Memento in recognition of the British Safety Award. The thatched sheds in Township schools should be changed to buildings. Water supply time in Township quarters to be increased. Working hours should be restricted to 8.00 hours per day. BHEL to start a women's college, Polytechnic and ITI for the benefit of employees' children. Exhaust fans in the Nuclear Shop, Building 50 and Gas Services Department. Dining Hall for Hospital Staff. Compressor at the entrance gate of Building 79. Additional bus service from the Training Centre to Main Gate. The bus running up to Samayapuram toll-gate should be extended to Angarai.


Additional bus on route 17. Bus shelter at Building 79. Increase in the quantity of socks. Additional toilet facilities to be provided in Building I and Shipping W. Proper maintenance of toilets. Speakers at all gates with central public address system. Emergency lights in the dining halls. Additional Punching Clock in Building 6. Closed holidays to be increased for every year to 15 days. Dining hall for SSTP. Place for burning waste materials. Housekeeping and cleanliness. One additional bus from Junction to SSTP to cover both SSTP and Training Centre.

Intervening Sundays and holidays during a spell of EL should be dispensed with. Lunch Room for EDC Staff. Cotton apron should be provided to Machine Operators, Welders and Overcoats to Phar macists, Lab Technicians, X-ray Technicians, Physiotherapist and Doctors. Each machine should be provided with a separate fan. The room now occupied by Valves/Purchase should be properly ventilated. To take immediate action to claim and disburse the Family Pension amount to eligible emplo yees. Separate Tea points should be created at Ship ping Packing Nuclear Shop and Burner Panel. Urinal facilities at Central Lab, Gas & Services.

Exhibit 3 : Department-wise Distribution of the Shop Councils Major Shop Councils 'A' Category 01 Boiler Production 02 Boiler Production 03 Boiler Production 4 5 6 7 8 Machine Shop and Tool Room Valves Production Maintenance & Services Maintenance & Services Materials Management Plate Formed Products, Bay 1,1A, 2,3,4 and Drum Shop Tubular Products, Bay 1 A, 2,3,4ofBldg.50 Rotating Parts Bay 5,6 including Heavy Machine Shop, Material Preparation Mechanical Maintenance and Overhaul, Electrical & Gas Services Cranes, Transport and Central Movement Cell Stores, Purchase, SubContracting, Inventory Control Medical, Township Sanitation, Public Health, Factory Sanitation Township Maintenance, Civil, Electrical, Horticulture and Factory Civil

Meeting held on : October 29,1985. Issues Discussed Finalization of closed holidays for the year 1986. Finalization of Gift Article for the year 1986. P & T Phone at Building 50.

Hazard Allowance for Sanitary Workers work ing in Sewage cleaning in Northern Township. Transportation for blind and handicapped employees from Northern Gate of the Factory. Panama caps to permanent NMRs. Salary disbursement for Contract Workers in the presence of Welfare Supervisors. Change of shift timings of Sanitary Workers in the Northern Township. Meeting held on: December 31,1985 Issues Discussed Posting of a Doctor for each shift in SSTP.

Minor Shop Councils 'B' Category 09 Medical 10 Civil Maintenance

Phone and wash basin facilities in the Cranes, MMO, Electrical and Maintenance Booths.

Vol.16,No.2,April-]une 1991


11 Engineering 12 Accounts & Personnel

EDM Boilers, EDM BHA, EDM/Valves, VSB, R & D, WRI, Central Lab Quality Accounts, Personnel, EDP Canteen, Administration, Commercial and Shipping

13 Production Engg.

Production Engg., Tool Engg., Industrial Engg. NDTL, Safety Inspection

14 Training Centre Training Centre Office and Workshop 15 Seamless Steel Tube Plant

Exhibit 4 : Extracts of Issues Discussed in Shop Council Meetings


Shop Council: Boiler Production Meeting held on : June 13,1987 Discussion The Production Plan for June'87 in RM area was explained by the Chairman to the members. The total tonnage for RM area was identified as 361 Tonnes. The targets for each bay is: BAY-106=33 Tonnes,BAY-'107=145 Tonnes, BAY108=24 Tonnes, BAY-109=78 Tonnes, BAY-118=81 Tonnes. It was explained by the Chairman that in deference to the wishes of the workers in BAY-9 it has been decided to carry out the entire work of welding of the ceiling girders inside the bay without resorting to help from A D. The Chairman requested the shop council members to impress upon the workmen the urgency for completing this ceiling girder work before 24th June'87. The trial assembly between the girder D&E is to be completed at BAY-9, trial assembly between girder A&B and B&C is to be completed at BAY 7 during this month. Workmen representatives were requested to convey this to all workmen and ensure their cooperation in completing the planned tonnage. In spite of repeated appeals, some workers are not safety conscious. They do not wear safety shoes or protective goggles while grinding or heating with a blow torch. Some do not wear even gloves while doing some work which might cause injury to the hand. It was stressed that in their own interest, workers must be advised by shop council members and shop supervisors to use safety appliances without fail. Disciplinary action may have to be taken against the workers who violate safety regulations habitually. The Chairman suggested that a committee consisting of a shop council representative and supervisors of the concerned bay along with the safety stewards of the bay will be formed soon, which will go round the shopfloor, identify one cupboard per worker and arrange for writing the name and staff no of the worker on cupboard. Such cupboards will be neatly arranged on a straight line to improve house keeping and extra cupboards will be removed from the bay. An earnest appeal was made to shop council members to appeal to welders to avoid throwing full length electrodes all over the shopfloor instead of returning them to the electrode issuing booth. Such indiscriminate wastage of electrodes results in losses to the organization and presents a shabby look on the shopfloor. Workers are requested to cooperate in this matter and stop the practice of throwing electrodes on the shopfloor immediately. It was requested by the Chairman that every one of us must strive to improve discipline inside the shopfloor. Employees should be advised to start work within at least 10 minutes of the start of the shift and also avoid the present practice of taking more time than the allowed time limit for tea & lunch


Production Target for the Month of June'87


Observation of Safety Rules


House Keeping and Cupboard Rearranging


Wasting of Electrodes


General Discipline




intervals. Unless we all work usefully for more time than we do at present it will not be possible to increase the value added per employee and improve the profitability of the organization. The Chairman requested the shop council members to educate the employees properly so that there will be improvement in the number of hours an employee works usefully. 6. Regular Shop Council Meeting to be Held Every Month Ceiling Girder Work at Bay-9 It was agreed by the Chairman that from now onwards shop council meetings will be held regularly every month. It was explained how a decision was taken to off-load part of the job to AD to cope with the customer requirements. However, since the employees of BAY-9 agreed that they would complete the job by the 24th of this month it was decided to allow the job to be done here instead of sending it to AD. The Chairman explained to the members that controlling shift changes had become necessary because of misuse of this provision by a large number of employees. He explained that even now in genuine cases one shift change per month per employee is being permitted and about 95% of the employees do not ask for any shift change. It is only about 5% of the employees who availed frequent shift changes, upsetting the planned execution of work in any bay. At present drilling of holes on the job which is part of the assembly portion is being carried out by Fitters who are responsible for assembly work. The workers' representatives requested the Chairman to arrange for machinists who could do this drilling job. It was explained by the Chairman that since all these days Fitters have been doing drilling operations which is part of the job, they should continue to do the same. The question of posting Machinists will be looked into and arrangements will be made as early as possible. Shop Council: Boiler Production Meeting held on : July 31,1987
Agenda Discussion




Operator for Drilling Machines in Bay-7


Production Target for the Month of August'87

The production plan for the month of August'87 was explained by the Chairman to all the members. The total target for RM area was 400 Tons and baywise break up was given as follows : BAY-106=43 Tons, BAY-1G7=48 Tons, BAY-108=102 Tons, BAY-109=175 Tons, BAY-118=40 Tons. The Chairman requested the workmen representatives to communicate this to all the employees on the shopfloor and request them to extend their cooperation in achieving the monthly target of the RM area. Despite repeated appeals many employees do not wear safety shoes and protective goggles while grinding or heating with a blow torch. The Chairman earnestly appealed to the representatives of the employees to persuade all the employees on the shopfloor to wear safety appliances without fail in the interests of their own personal safety. Committees to organize the work of rearranging the cupboards in the bays were formed. Scope of the Committee: The Committee will, in 10 days time, identify one cupboard for each employee working in each bay and arrange to write his


Observation of Safety Rules


Cupboard Rearranging

Vol16,No.2,April-June 1991


staff number and name legibly on the cupboard. The cupboard, area will be determined without encroaching on the production area and the craneable area. All the cupboards will be neatly arranged in a straight line and painted afresh. Not more than one cupboard will be permitted for an employee. All common facilities like clamps, fixtures required for carrying out the job will be stored in a common cupboard maintained for this purpose in the bay. If any employee is in possession of more than one cupboard the extra cupboard will be removed from that bay. Only employees working in a particular bay will be allowed to have cupboards in that bay. The cupboards shall not be placed very close to the columns obstructing the approach to the columns. There shall be clear space for passage from one bay to the other bay while arranging the cupboards. This sort of cupboard rearranging will ensure better housekeeping in the shopfloor area and also will result in space availability for the employees of Bay-118 to keep their cupboards in areas nearer to their work place. This work will have to be completed by the Committees before 14th August 1987. 4. Avoiding Wastage of Electrodes The employees were once again requested to avoid throwing of full length electrodes on the shopfloor instead of returning them to the electrode booth. If employees heed this appeal, this will result in a saving of thousands of rupees to the organization and ensure better housekeeping on the shopfloor. It was again repeated by the Chairman that every employee must increase the number of hours he usefully works. Employees are requested to reduce time taken for tea and lunch intervals and start work at least within 10 minutes after start of the shift. This is essential to increase the value added per employee of the unit and improve the profitability of the organization. It was explained that because of six to nine months delay in despatching the components from Tiruchi unit, the Power Board has approached the Government of India to allow imports of power generation equipment for the proposed new power plants in the country. If we have to obtain more orders for manufacture of boiler components, we have to work more efficiently at the shopfloor level and complete items for early despatch. The Chairman appealed to every employee to cooperate wholeheartedly. Employee representatives made a request for over-time from the month of August. It was explained that over-time is operated within the allocated budget depending on the availability of raw materials. Since the raw material position is not comfortable, over-time cannot be commenced during August. The official pass system was discussed. It was felt that since it is working well, no change is needed. Shift change procedures are implemented uniformly in all production areas. It was felt that there is no need for reviewing shift change procedures now. A representative from Bay-118 complained that official as well as personal letters are not delivered to them in time. He cited two specific instances in support of his complaint. It was promised that the situation would be rectified soon. An assurance was given that a Wall Clock will be installed within a month's time. However, the demand for water cooler was to be referred to the Works Committee for necessary action.


General Discipline




Change Required in Official Pass and Shift Change Procedure Letters are not Delivered in Bay-118 Wall Clock and Water Cooler Required for Bay-118






Pedestal Grinder Required for Bay-118 No Proper Lighting in the Night Shift in Bay118 Cupboard Area Required for Bay-118

It was agreed that a pedestal grinder would be installed at the earliest. M&S has been requested to install sodium vapour lamps which are more powerful than mercury vapour lamps. At present some of the employees belonging to Bay-118 area are keeping their cupboards in Bay-5 since there is no space in Bay-118 for their cupboards. When the rearrangement of cupboards is completed by the committee as pur the agenda point No.03, space will be available in Bay-7, 8 & 9 near the shipping end. Employees of Bay-118 can utilize this space for locating their cupboards. Action will be taken soon to get them repaired. The fan near painting booth is not working properly. M&S will be requested to repair this fan early. This will be studied by the Bay executives and suitable action will be taken to carry out this work in the corner of the bay without affecting other employees. If necessary a screen will be arranged. This will be referred to Works Committee for necessary action. This matter will be referred to WTC for action.


13. 14.

Exhaust Fans not Working in Bay-9 Welding Booth or Screen to be Provided for Nozzle Hot Facing Work Toilet Facilities in Bay11 to be Increased


Electrode Oven Required for Each Bay More Welding Machines Required in Bay-9 A Screen to be Provided Near the Pipe Machining Area of Bay-10 Chipping Hammers of Good Quality to be Provided

17. 18.

Action will be taken to repair/recondition the welding machines and replace them with a new one wherever necessary. The problem will be studied by the bay executives, and if necessary, a screen will be arranged to prevent machine chips falling in the cupboard area of Bay-9. The quality of the chipping hammers supplied to the shopfloor is found to be very poor. This will be taken up with tool engineering and WTC for procuring chipping hammers of right quality in future. Shop Council: Maintenance & Services Meeting held on : March 3,1987


Agenda 1. Arrange a New Area for Mason Group

Discussion It was explained that as a drive for improving housekeeping, unauthorized enclosures/barricades were removed from all areas in the entire Bldg.l. The present area occupied by the Mason group will cater to their requirements. Regarding water tap provisions, it will be referred to IED and Works Committee. Manager/M&S explained the present situation and the same will continue. It was explained that it is planned to shift the siren room from the present location. Till such time Civil/Factory will be requested to make the area clear and approachable. 53

2. 3.

Arrange Fan Facility in Sub-station Arrange Metalroad for Siren Room

Vol.16,No.2,April-June 1991

4. 5.

Arrange Metalroad for Sub-station Separate Welding

It will be taken up with the Civil Department immediately. It was explained that the present area where the work is being carried out is suitable and in future, if required, the matter will be taken up with FED for a suitable better location. The subject matter will be taken up on priority with concerned committees.


Hazard allowance for Instrumentation staff and MMO staff Allowance for clock checking staff Fencing for MMO room in Bldg. 5/ Bay-5 Electrical connection for grinding machine/ Bay-5/ Bldg. 5 Bench facility for Gas plant operators' rest room Shop Council minutes to be displayed in all sections' Notice Boards To fill up the post of operators in Bldg.5/ Bay-2 lathe Provision of rain coats for Drum shop/ Instrumentation staff Every month or every 15 days, computerized stock list should be made available for electrical components (in alphabetical order available in electrical common store and sub-delivery store.) Two detergent soap cakes per month for staff who are working in Electrical & Mechanical Maintenance


The existing practice of using the cycles by the concerned clock maintenance staff was explained in detail by Foreman/Clock Maintenance to all the members. SME/Bldg. 5&6/MMO informed the reasons for removing the fencing to the members. However, the matter will be taken up with IED again for suitable solution. Work already completed.




The matter will be looked into by Sr.Engr./Gas & Services.


It will be done.


The present staff strength as well as the work load in the concerned lathes was explained by SME/MMO/Bldg - 5 & 6. It will be referred to Works Committee.



Chairman briefed all the members regarding the work being done for computerization of spares procurement as well as for other maintenance activities in Maintenance & Services Department. He also explained that evolving a system is a specialized job and it takes minimum of 9 months to design the system, debug and refine the same before actual implementation can be done. It is expected that in about 5 months time from now, a computerized list of spares can be made available for all concerned.


The same will be recommended and sent to Works Committee.




Periodical M/C cleaning like trench cleaning

All the members expressed their concern regarding the poor upkeep of the machine in the shops and requested the Chairman to bring it to the notice of the concerned Production Executives. It was agreed to highlight the same to all the Production Shop Executives and get the machine cleaned on a regular basis. It will be taken note of during the next reconstitution of Management Representatives. Discussed and dropped. SME/MMO/Bldg.5 & 6 will take up the matter with Sr.Engr./Civil/Factory. Planning section/Electrical will be informed to take up this matter and to ensure quality of these items. Members suggested that source of supply of 24 V bulbs for organizations like Railways can be found out. It will be looked into.


Management Representa tives from Bldg.50, 5&6 needed Changes are needed in Minutes preparation Water tap to Bldg.6/ Electrical booth Quality 24 Volt bulb and terminal strips Vice grip pliers to all Electrical & Mechanical Artisans including Township Semi-Arch type Rain and sunshade pandal on the platform between R.S.Krishnan statue and main gate (town) bus stop and also before 2&4 bldg, hospital(OHS) bldgs. Proper training to be given to Act. Apprentices (Elecn.)

18. 19. 20.



It is understood that in HMT, Kalamaserry, such pandals are provided for the convenience of employees. Further information will be gathered and the issue submitted to Works Committee for consideration.


The Chairman wanted all the members to inform their colleagues to ensure that proper training is given and job knowledge imparted to the Act. Apprentices attached/working with them.


Space provided for Office The matter will be referred to IED. Staff in N&S Office is far less than eligibility. Sufficient space to be provided. Shop Council: Civil Maintenance Meeting held on : January 9,1987

Discussion It was assured by Factory Civil that the work will be taken up after March 1987 for want of funds during the current financial year.


Behind Civil Factory North Zone Office, there is considerable movement of vehicles for conveyance of cement and other materials. Proper roads may be provided in the passage between the office and the storing area

Vol.l6,No.2,April-June 1991


2. 3.

Carpenters may be issued shoes Sanitary workers engaged in removing blockages in sewer lines should be issued perfumed toilet soap instead of neem carbolic soap, 1 cloth and 200 ml. of coconut oil per month instead of the present 1/2 Meter cloth and 100 ml.oil A cycle should be provided at Civil Stores Employees working in the Cement Stores of Township Civil * Stores should be given special allowance (Hazard allowance) as in Factory Stores It was decided in the earlier meeting that refills will be supplied to employees on functional basis. This has not been given effect to Supply of panama caps to NMR employees should be expedited The painter shed should be made larger

The matter is being referred to Total Loss Control Department. Issue of perfumed toilet soap in place of neem carbolic soap was discussed and dropped. Regarding issues of coconut oil and blue dungry cloth it is found that different norms are followed in different areas. To evolve norms consistent with the nature of work, more detailed study is required. This can be discussed in the next meeting again. New agenda points brought by Shri R.Haridoss, Member/BHEAWU were discussed.


Indent has been placed and supply is awaited.


Since the transaction is small in Township Civil Stores, there is no justification for the grant of this allowance.


As there is no stock in Stores this has not been issued. However, refills will be made available soon.


Purchase order has been placed and supplies awaited shortly.


Discussed and dropped.

Shop Council: Accounts and Personnel Meeting held on : January 3,1987

Agenda Discussion


Uniform policy regarding special increments and sweaters to Key Punch Operators Out of turn allotment of quarters for Key Punch Operators Fans in 2nd and 3rd floors of Bldg.24 in Tea Rooms

Special incrementsDiscussed and dropped. Regarding sweaters, personnel has clarified that all Key Punch Operators have already been given sweaters and new entrants may send their indents quoting their earlier orders through proper channel. Discussed and dropped.



Already provided.



4. 5.

Over-time for all Areas Old purchase orders pending for wood To replace the area typewriting machines which have become old Auto-phone for Area III

Discussed and dropped. Discussed and dropped. Discussed and dropped.


This has been referred to the Telephone Allotment Committee and Manager/Shipping explained that because of the overall constraint, this will take more time. Manager/Shipping has agreed to look into this and a proposal has been sent to IED for recommendation.

8. 9.

Providing an Office Building in Area III Pipes are handed over to Shipping without proper cleaning, without removing rust and without painting Change of paint brush as the present quality of the brush is very poor

The has been referred to the concerned shops.


Matter has been referred to Material Planning/ Purchase who in turn referred this to ISI for the standard norms. Quality of fresh samples when received is expected to be better. Discussed and dropped.

11. Additional ministerial staff for Accounts to avoid delay in LTC and PF loan claim processing 12. Hazardous Allowance 13. In Shipping/Bldg 50, brush painting of panels and loose tubes is carried out by em ployees by scattering the materials on the floor. As they find it difficult to sit or bend throughout duty hours, it would be better if stands are provided for them. It will also increase productivity of painters Facility of latrine and bathroom for Shipping AreasSH/B50, Outer Yard has to be provided

Personnel has clarified that the Hazardous Allowance Committee has not recommended any hazardous allowance for carpentry workers. As the representatives from the Carpentry Shop felt strongly that there is too much sawdust in the Carpentry Shop, it was decided to review the above decision. Personnel was requested to look into this and bring more information.

Manager/Shipping said that this will be progressively implemented.


Bathroom already provided. Latrine will be referred to Civil.

Vol.16,No.2,April~June 1991



There are no water tap facilities and Tea Point in Shipping West Bldg. I The quality of paint brushes is very poor and the same may be changed and arrange ments may please be made to make better quality brushes available at Stores whenever Shipping demands As the individuals selected for Riggers are retained with Shipping, kindly arrange for the transfer of individuals Facility of fan for the painters has to be arranged in all Shipping areas As there is no proper road in the wood stacking area it is difficult to move the floor car with load. Arrange to provide a permanent road at the earliest

Water tap facility will be referred to Civil. Tea point to be provided as agreed by IED. Mr.Seetharaman, Canteen Supervisor, will go and see the location.


Regarding quality, the matter has been referred to Purchase. Regarding stock, matter will be taken up with Purchase to ensure the availability of minimum stock in Stores.


Manager/Shipping said he has no objection provided replacement is given. He will further discuss with Manager (M&S) about this.


Action has already been taken and this will be further pursued.


Matter has already been taken up with Civil and it is expected that a tar road will be provided by February/March 87.

Shop Council: Training Centre Meeting held on : March 5,1987 Agenda 1. Discussion on production during the month of February, 1987 Discussion 113.2 tonnes of Boiler items and 79.55 tonnes of MRS items were completed during the month of February. This includes 268 nos of Springs, 98 nos of Constant Load Hangers, 46 nos of Spring Cage Assemblies, 26 nos of 'U' rods, 2 nos of Oil heating units and 24 nos of condensing loops. Commitment for the month of March is given as follows : 81 nos of Constant Load Hangers, 440 nos of Spring Cage Assemblies, 3 nos of Feeders. 3 nns of oil heating units and one number of oil pressurizing unit, 72 tonnes of structural items, 7 tonnes of 'U' rods and hangers and about 3, tonnes of loose items for PPC and TP areas. This works out to approximately 135 tonnes. 75 tonnes of MRS items will also be completed.


Due to non-availability of Ceramic furnace the completion of springs will be only 310 nos. Mills retrofit items will be completed for 20 mills. If sub-delivery items and other subcontracting items for feeders and oil pre-heating units come in time we will be in a position to complete the oil units of 4 nos and feeders of 4 nos (but as on 12.3.87 many subcontracting items and sub-delivery items are yet to be received). Completion of Civil works in Training Centre Shift change Discussed.

Discussed. Shop Council: Training Centre Meeting held on : June 11,1987



Discussion on production during the month of May, 1987


The roof height of the Workshop may be increased The ditch around the Canteen to be covered to avoid bad smell The road side exhaust fan of the Canteen must be placed in the other area Exhaust fan must be provided in the Welding booth One more water cooler may be provided in the workshop Yard workers should be issued a white cap immediately

A total of 101.63 tonnes (68.469 tonnes of boiler items and 33.161 tonnes of MRS items) were completed including 175 nos of Constant Load Hangers, 423 nos of Spring Cage Assemblies, 153 nos of 'U' rods and 16.559 tonnes of foundation materials and structural items. As the sub-delivery items for oil heating unit could not be made available by OP&C, the oil pre-heating unit was not assembled during the above month. For the month of June, 60 tonnes of boiler items and 40 tonnes of running metre items will be completed. This will include one chain feeder, one oil heating unit, 11 tonnes of 47 PGM A items, 24 tonnes of foundation and structural items and about 20 nos of Constant Load Hangers. In addition to the above, mill retrofit items will be completed for 20 mills and about 1,800 nos of bends are to be completed. This will be referred .to Civil/Factory department.


Action has already been taken by the Civil/ Township Department. They have already made the concrete slabs and the insertion of the angles are expected to take place in the near future. Will be referred to Civil/Township Department.





Action will be taken to purchase one new cooler and to repair the old one which is not in working condition.



Vol.l6,No.2,April-June 1991



The drainage pipe provided in between the roofing should be cleaned regularly Paintings of name and staff number of employee on cupboards in the respective shops to be done with the assistance of the Safety Steward and Safety Co-ordinators Special Housekeeping, drive during the 'Cleanliness Month' July 1987

The Civil/Township department will be requested to do this periodically,


Will be carried out.


Maximum effort will be taken to keep the environment clean,

Exhibit 5 : Minutes of the Plant Council Meeting held on May 29,1987 Issues Discussed 1. The Plant Council reviewed the target for this year and the production in various shops up to the month of May, 1987. Generally, it is observed that in many of the areas, production achieved is at 5% only. It was suggested that during the first quarter, we should at least achieve 18% of the annual target. While discussing the targetted production for shops, it was clarified that it is based on the order position for various products. Depending on further demand, there may be some marginal fluctuations. As for SSTP targets, the Workmen Representatives pointed out that considering past performance, as in formed by one of the Participating Unions in the Joint Committee, the target would appear to be difficult to achieve. It was decided to discuss various problems pertaining to SSTP in detail, as proposed in the Joint Committee, in a separate meeting along with Shop Council representatives of SSTP. It was pointed out that though the production target is challenging, it is well within our capacity and it is possible for us to achieve production provided all of us jointly cooperate in this common endeavour. It was pointed out that weekly, monthly and quarterly reviews of production of various shops had been undertaken. To compensate for the shortfall in targets for April - May 1987, all efforts will be required during June 1987 to meet the first quarter target. 4. In the PFP area, there are some urgent and important works pending completion during the first quarter. Hence, it is necessary to step up production immediately to complete important jobs like Ropar 4, Ramagundam 6, etc. It is noted that the material supply in all the Shops should be ensured commensurate with the plan re quirements. Available materials should be converted to finished goods at least to make up partially the ex pected shortfall due to non-availability of tubes. In the RM area,production can be stepped up by completing Chandrapur Coiling Beams during June 1987 and also other works in progress. In Common Shops, there is a backlog of work in oil guns and oil systems. As they are urgently required, the backlog needs to be cleared.

2. 3.


6. 7.



In the VPN area, there is no material shortage. There is backlog in production of TOA Valves. We have to supply urgently 9 Valves to 500 MW for Ramagundam. In order to catch up with the targetted production, 300 to 400 tonnes every month should be completed in the valves area. Avoidance of rework, ensuring of required production are therefore essential for accomplishing the task. Much emphasis should be made with reference to packing and handling of valves components. It is felt that proper care is not given for handling and packing of valves after they are produced. It is also pointed out that poor packing results in damage and this damage is not covered by Insurance. Shop Council Members suggested that a direct dialogue with the concerned should be arranged and the problems should be highlighted so that there would be a general awareness of the problems.

9. 10. 11.

In the Ancillary Development area,workload for this year is comparatively lower. They are able to satisfac torily complete the required turnover periodically. The production in SDDD/DTS is not up to the targetted level. There is delay in supply of Bowl Mills from the Hyderabad Unit. In IPPD, employees are able to fulfil the expected turnover. Some of these contracts are governed by the liquidated damage clause for any delay. Hence, timely delivery of quality products for these customers is essential. Drums that are being manufactured in the Drum Shop and Header Shops in BPN area for IPPD should be completed as scheduled. The Piping Centre, Madras, will be able to achieve the target for this quarter. Similarly, BAP Ranipet is also performing satisfactorily and is expected to meet the first quarter's target. As a whole, it is felt that the tempo and the trend of production during April & May is rather slow and it is to be stepped up further in order to achieve the target set up to June 1987. The Plant Council discussed the issue of reorganization of Shop Councils. This is to suit the product management concept that has been introduced and also to activate the Shop Councils in sorting out the shopfloor problems more effectively. After discussion, it was decided to reconstitute the Shop Councils. There will be 10 major and 11 minor Shop Councils instead of the existing pattern of 9 major and 6 minor Shop Councils. It was suggested by Workmen Representatives that in the Shop Councils, the first half of discussions should focus exclusively on production and quality. In the second half, other work related isssues can be discussed.

12. 13. 14. 15.


Some employees, it was noticed, were not wearing uniforms during working hours and some were not wearing safety shoes inside the Factory. Employees were requested to cooperate in this matter in the inter est of safety and discipline. It was suggested by Workmen Representatives that our Company can undertake the work of face-lifting the Trichy-Tanjore Road in between Tiruverumber and Thuvakudi by constructing road dividers, improv ing lighting and also by planting trees on the sides. This will help in improving the image of our Com pany in the eyes of the public. This suggestion was appreciated and it was decided to take suitable action in consultation with Highways authorities.


Vol.l6,No.2, April-June 1991


Exhibit 6 Expenditure Incurred on Employee Benefits (Rs in Lakh) Amenities and Fringe Benefits (Rs in Lakh)
Sr. No. Item HPBP AND BAP 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 SSTP 1985-86

I. 2. 3. 4.

Leave Encashment Leave Travel Concession Canteen Subsidy Cost of Medicine, Medical Reimbursement

53.4 87.4 123.4 69.5 217.6 86.7

71.3 40.7 142.0 90.7 262.8 114.3

67.51 238.09 142.55 113.22 324.58 302.47

3.11 12.11 15.15

5. Expenses on Township & Other Allied Facilities 6. Other Welfare Expenses 7. Company's Contribution to PF and Family Pension Scheme 8. Gratuity 9. Bonus (profit sharing & plant performance) Average amount spent per employee per month (Rupees) HPBP - High Pressure Boiler Plant BAP SSTP Boiler and Auxiliary Plant Seamless Steel Tube Plant

1.31 4.65

208.8 54.8

223.3 132.3

238.43 109.97

18.16 7.22

432.1 703

647.0 859

887.14 1150

54.05 805






June 1991 - May 1992 ____

General Management Programmes

3-Tier Programme for Management Development Middle Management Course July 7 - August 3,1991 Senior Executives Course September 1-21,1991 Top Management Programme February 3-8,1992 Small and Medium Enterprises Programme November 11-23,1991 Management Education Programme November 24,1991-April 4,1992 Strategies for Competitive Advantage April 13-18,1992

Human Resources, Personnel and Industrial Relations Changing Patterns of Industrial Relations December 9-14,1991 Manufacturing, R&D and Projects Logistics and Physical Distribution Management December 23-28,1991 Computer-Aided Materials Management November 24 - December 3,1991 Manufacturing Management and Policy December 16-21,1991 Innovations in Manufacturing March 9-14,1992 Project Management March 23-29,1992 Marketing Advanced Data Analysis in Marketing Decisions December 30,1991- January 4,1992 Organizational Behaviour Performance Appraisal Systems for HRI December 30,1991 -January 4,1992

Functional Management Programmes

Agriculture & Rural Development Agricultural Input Marketing January 19-25,1992 Management of Agricultural and Rural Development Programme April 1325,1992 Computer and Information Systems DBMS&OLTP: Design, Analysis and Implementation November 11-20,1991 Expert Systems for Management December 2-7,1991 Computer-Aided Software Engineering: Tools and Methodology March 1621,1992 Computer Networks and Distributed Processing April 6-11,1992 Finance Portfolio Management August 26-31,1991
Vol. 16, No.2, April-June 1991

Sponsored Programmes General Management Programmes

Advanced Management Programme for Public Enterprises (tentative) (in collaboration with Department of Public Enterprises, New Delhi) September 23 - October 17,1991 Industrial Policy Planning and Development for IAS Officers (Sponsored by the Dept. of Personnel & Training, Govt. of India) September 23-27,1991 Commonwealth Top Management Programme for Public Enterprises (tentative)

(Sponsored by Commonwealth Secretariat, London) January 8-29,1992 Functional Management Programmes International Programme for Trainers of Information Analysts (Sponsored by Commonwealth Secretariat, London) August 4-31,1991 Commonwealth Programme on Economic Management and Planning in Developing Economies 0ointly conducted by IIMA and the Centre for Development Studies, University of Glasgow, UK, in collaboration with Commonwealth Secretariat, London) February 10-March 7,1992 Sectoral Programmes Public Systems 2-Week Training Programme for IAS Officers Middle Level (Sponsored by Dept. of Personnel&Training, Govt. of India) December 927,1991 Policy Issues and Problems in the Transport Sector (Sponsored by Dept. of Personnel & Training, Govt. of India) April 6-10,1992 Management Development Programme for Top Level Managers of RTUs (Sponsored by Association of State Road Transport Undertakings in collaboration with Central Institute of Road Transport) One week in February 1992

Exposure about GIS in Long-Range Planning October 28-31,1991 Dynamic Systems and Control November 29 & 30,1991 Software Export Prospects for India December 6 & 7,1991 International HRM Workshop January 6 & 7,1992 European Economic Community January 27-29,1992 Working Seminar on Computer Aided Management in RTUs January 30 February 1,1992 Alumni Seminar: Information Technology Revolution Managerial Consequences February 8 & 9,1992 Sustainable Development of High Risk Environment March 9-11,1992 Sustainable Development of Dry Region for Local Leaders March 12 14,1992 NGO Approach Sharing 3 days Prospective participants and sponsors are requested to seek further information including exact dates of programmes from Manager (MDA), Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad 380 015 Programme dates are subject to change Gram: INDINMAN Telex: 121-6351 IIMA IN Phone: 407241 Fax: 91-272467396

National Consultation Workshop on Marketing of Non-Farm Products August 8-10,1991 Management of Agro-Processing Enterprises October 7-12,1991 International Joint Ventures October 21 - 23,1991 Performance of Fish Farmers Development Agency Programme for Fresh Water Aquaculture October 25 & 26,1991
Vol. 16, No 2, April-June 1991


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