Top 10 Visa Interview Questions and Answers Final

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Top 10 Visa Interview Questions and Sample Answers

Created by: Muhammad Umair Khan

1. Introduce yourself
Tell VO: About yourself, your educational background, and any work experience +
intended plan (if any).

Sample answer:

I am Muhammad Umair from XYZ City. I have done my bachelor's in Computer Science
from UET Taxila with a 3.6 CGPA. I have done an internship/work with XYZ company
and now I have been admitted to Berlin University of Technology for a master's in Data

2. Why have you chosen Germany for your studies?

Tell VO: What was the motivation behind choosing Germany?

Sample answer 1:

I have chosen Germany for my studies due to its free and quality of education. Also, the
education system is top-class and combines theoretical learning and practical training.

Sample answer 2:

The quality of education in Germany is high and studying in Germany will provide me
with practical skills that will help me to land a better job. Also, studying in Germany is
free so it’s quite cost-effective to study in Germany as compared to other countries(UK,
USA, Australia)

Sample answer 3:

Because Germany has free education and has top-ranked universities, particularly in
my chosen field. I want to study in Germany because it will open better career
opportunities. Also, It will help me to contribute to some latest developments in my field.
3. Why this university?
Tell VO: the reason why you want to study in the chosen university.

Sample answer 1:

This university is highly ranked in my subject of study. I found out about this university
via internet research on (Quora, Reddit, DAAD, etc), and I went to their official website
to find out more details. Their faculty profile and course curriculum are good and are
similar to what I wish to study.

Sample answer 2:

I chose this university because the ranking is very good, and I heard positive things
about it from other students studying in Germany. Also, this university is in a big city and
has many well-known companies (mention if any) related to my field. So, I hope to get
more career opportunities there.

Sample answer 3:

I picked this university because of the course curriculum and the good quality of
education. Also, this university provides huge opportunities for research in my relevant
field. There is a community for Pakistani students that helps new students so I decided
to go to this university. (OR I applied to several other universities but got admitted to this
university only)

4. Why this course?

Tell VO: How the course is relevant to your previous degree, how this course adds value
to your profile, why you are interested in doing this course etc., how it contributes to
your future goals

Sample answer 1:

I have a strong interest in this field (be specific) and I think it can help me in getting my
future job. The practical focus of the curriculum is according to current industry trends
and will help me improve my profile in the job market.
Sample answer 2:

I have chosen this course as it provides a theoretical and practical understanding of

(specific skills or knowledge) that are highly in demand in my desired career path.

Sample answer 3:

My chosen course has a high ranking and good faculty. Also, I have done an internship
in the XYZ field and also have some experience in it. This course can improve my
existing skills and knowledge. It will surely help me in the future.

5. Is this course relevant to your previous degree?

Tell VO: How the course is relevant to your previous degree, how this course adds value
to your profile, why you are interested in doing this course etc., and how it contributes to
your future goals.

Sample answer 1:

Yes, this course this relevant to my previous studies, and I have done a
project/internship(mention if any) related to this field. This course will add value to my
profile and help me grow in my career.

Sample answer 2: (if the course is not relevant to the previous degree)

This course is not directly relevant to my previous degree. But I have studied some
courses (mention if any) in my previous degree that are related to this course and I
found them interesting and I decided to pursue them in my Master’s.

6. Questions related to the course(outline, courses,

expenses, years)?
Note: Please read the detailed curriculum of your course. Visit the website of the
university and get the needed information in the courses section.
Sample answer:

The course is 2 years (4 semesters) and it has a total of 120 ECTS.

Semesters 1 and 2 include technological know-how in the form of lectures, tutorials, and
laboratory courses. In semester 3, case studies are carried out in small teams of three
to five students. In semester 4, I’ll have to write the Master's thesis.

The total expense of the course is 1400 euros (350 euros per semester) which is a
contribution fee for this course.

Some of the main modules of the course are Big Data Analytics, Data and Web Mining,
Numerical Optimisation for Data Science, Statistical Methods of Data Science, etc.

7. What are your plans after your degree?/ Will you ever
return to Pakistan? If yes why?
Tell VO: about your plans and your approach towards your career and seriousness
towards it.

Sample answer 1:

After completing my studies, I plan to work for a few years in Germany if I find an
opportunity and then I plan to return to Pakistan. Because I want to live with my family
and after getting experience in Germany I will be able to get a good job in Pakistan.

Sample answer 2:

After completing my studies I intend to do some internship/job in business/marketing in

Germany and then I plan to return to Pakistan to take care of my family business. I will
use the experience and skills acquired to grow my family business.

Sample answer 3:

After completing my degree I will return to Pakistan. I plan to do a job in the

public/private sector related to [my field name] in Pakistan and use the skills and
knowledge that I will learn from Germany to grow in my career.
8. Who is your sponsor? What is your sponsor’s
Tell VO: about your sponsor's occupation, annual income, and relation to you.

Sample answer:

My father/brother is sponsoring my studies, he is doing a job in the XYZ field and earns
around XXXXXX annually.

9. Do you have relatives or friends in Germany or Europe?

Tell VO: about your close family members (parents and siblings) who currently live in
Germany or Europe, or have lived there before.

Sample answer 1:

No, I don’t have any relatives or friends in Germany or Europe.

Sample answer 2:

Yes, my brother lives in Italy and is currently studying in 2nd year of his Master's

10. What is your Intended date of travel?

Tell VO: about your travel plan.
Your travel date must be early enough so you can register and enroll in your studies
(the ideal time would be 1-2 weeks before your semester starts but it’s fine if you travel
late due to appointment issues)

Sample answer:

As my semester is starting on 15 April 2024, I intend to travel on 10 April 2024.

Who created this document and why?

This document was created by me, Muhammad Umair Khan, and it was created to help
students in their interview preparation.

This document was placed under this video in which I talked about the IMPORTANCE of
visa interviews and how poor visa interviews may lead to visa rejection.

If you found this document helpful, you can let me know by hitting the like button and
commenting on this video:

All the best!

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