Term Paper About Drug Addiction

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Writing a thesis can be a daunting task, especially when the topic is as complex and sensitive as drug

addiction. It requires extensive research, critical thinking, and strong writing skills to produce a high-
quality paper that effectively addresses the topic. However, for many students, this task can feel
overwhelming and almost impossible to complete on their own.

Drug addiction is a widespread issue that affects individuals, families, and communities worldwide.
It is a multifaceted problem with various causes, consequences, and treatment approaches. Therefore,
writing a thesis on this topic requires a deep understanding of the subject matter and the ability to
present it in a clear and concise manner.

One of the biggest challenges of writing a thesis on drug addiction is finding reliable and relevant
sources. With the abundance of information available online, it can be challenging to determine
which sources are credible and which are not. Moreover, the topic of drug addiction is constantly
evolving, and staying up-to-date with the latest research and statistics can be overwhelming.

Another difficulty in writing a thesis on drug addiction is maintaining objectivity. It is crucial to

approach the topic with an open mind and avoid personal biases or judgments. This can be
particularly challenging for those who have personal experiences with drug addiction or know
someone who does.

Furthermore, writing a thesis on drug addiction also requires a significant amount of time and effort.
It involves conducting thorough research, analyzing data, and organizing information into a coherent
and logical structure. This process can be time-consuming and mentally draining, especially for
students who have other academic or personal commitments.

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Most of these prisoners are aged between twenty and thirty years. These results will be collected and
properly noted down by the different therapists on the ground. Even with new laws and regulations,
the drug trade business is continuously increasing. These people frequently hold jobs, raise families,
and otherwise function normally. Sometimes psychologists understand that the core of the addiction
to throw the meal is the result of the insulting remarks. Marijuana addicts constituted the remaining
percentage. Within such an understanding and definition, the reader can come to an appreciable level
of understanding that personal experience, gender, race, and socio-economics play a powerful role in
determining the overall extent and level of exposure that a certain individual might have with
respect to Drug Addiction (Elmeland, 2012). There may be completely obscured by the indexer and
the teacher. Instead of teaching us to repeat survival behaviours, drugs teach us to take more drugs.
The conclusion of a drug addiction: months possibly years of your life wasted; delay achieving your
fullest potential, if not altogether never be able to achieve it. Conclusion Drug abuse is a global
problem which affects everyone in an environment. Dopamine, comes in large doses in the brain,
which creates an overwhelming amount of pleasure or euphoria. Drug addiction is therefore a
complex medical problem that is not directly influenced by artificial factors such as a country’s level
of economy. Some human studies have also demonstrated withdrawal symptoms such as irritability,
stomach pain, aggression, and anxiety after cessation of oral administration of tetrahydrocannabinol
(THC), marijuana's principal psychoactive component. Drug addiction is a state whereby, drug users
become intoxicated due to repeated use of a certain substance. As defined by the Diagnostic and
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, drug use. By use of certain programs in a computer the
coordinator and the various medical therapists are able to keep records of all individuals in the
program. Untimely in life we choose to do things, but after a while you feel like you cannot live
without it. Positive behavior will also involve stopping the consumption of a particular drug or
enrolling for rehabilitation problem. Thus, the procedure is a factor in reducing the morbidity rates
that are connected to certain illnesses. This is a component of the brain's limbic system that is crucial
for learning, memory, and the integration of sensory experiences with emotions and motivations. If
drug addiction can be prevented through positive behaviors, the government is likely to win the
battle against drugs by promoting positive information among drug users. Also, the peer influence
amongst teenagers has adequately influenced the rise in the number of drug addiction cases. Trained
professions such as the medical therapist as well as counselors will also take part in treatment
procedures as well as offering advices to affected individuals. Meanwhile, the abuser can experience
feelings equivalent to ten orgasms. Unlike the rush associated with crack cocaine, which lasts for
approximately 2 - 5 minutes, the methamphetamine rush can continue for 5-30 minutes. Although
drug addicts are aware of social and legal problems resulting from drug addiction, they continuously
use their drug. Most people believe that drug addiction is a behavioral problem that results from
continued exposure to a given substance. Such objectives include outcome objectives as well as the
process objectives. Consumption of illegal drugs can affect the life of a person socially. The
symptoms also depend on the age and health of an addict.
To what extent are eap research to the corrected one below. White Funeral Home Bowie Texas offers
compassionate and professional services to families during their time of need. So as to adequately
achieve the outcome objectives, we will have to first; ensure that all the teens in Memphis showing
drug addictions symptoms undergo thorough medical treatment within the first eight months of the
program. Notice where in your body you experience the craving and what the sensations are like.
Contrary to rumors, Ecstasy is not an aphrodisiac and can actually inhibit sexual performance. Long-
term consumption causes brain illnesses, transforms behavioral manner, and increases the risk of
infectious diseases. Imagine yourself as a surfer who will ride the wave of your drug craving, staying
on top of it until it crests, breaks, and turns into less powerful, foamy surf. As a result, holding town
hall meetings monthly to raise awareness, providing transportation to treatment centers along bus
routes, and lastly, ensuring that families affected by substance abuse have adequate food, housing,
and mental health services. Some people start taking them because of pure curiosity, others so as to
improve their athletic performance or reduce stress and get rid of depression. This analysis confirms
the previous argument since income level is directly related to the age of an individual. By the end of
the program, the different individuals should show sign of recovery. However, there are general
symptoms and signs that are exhibited by users of most drugs. In addressing the drug addiction
problem in Memphis, a number of individuals will be directly or indirectly involved in the program.
Cocaine, Meth, Marijuana, and many other drugs make a person feel very, very good when they
begin using them. Drug addiction is therefore a complex medical problem that is not directly
influenced by artificial factors such as a country’s level of economy. Examples of physical health
problems are lung cancer, heart disease, liver damage, and kidney failure. Marijuana and prescribed
medications are the biggest contributors of drug addiction in Tennessee (Kedia, 2007). This is the
reason why it is possible to walk on the major American streets and meet a bunch of young girls and
boys smoking marijuana without fear. The US is the leading country in terms of social ills resulting
from drug addition. Addiction is a brain disease that affects multiple brain circuits, including those
involved n reward and motivation, learning and memory, and inhibitory control over behavior. It is
therefore hard for one’s brain to properly function without the administration of the particular drug.
As a result, on January 16, 2013, Barack Obama released the “”Now Is The Time plan, which
“”outlines how the nation can better support the behavioral and mental health needs of young people
(“”SAMHSA). During the program the different individuals will have lessons on the different ways
and method of dealing with drug addiction. The status quo is important with children, especially
teenagers. Addiction, Drug, Drug abuse 1254 Words 4 Pages by your thesis statement. However,
with high consumption rates, the addict experiences depression and anxiety. There are many different
factors that can contribute to drug addiction. It can also have a profound impact on mental health,
leading to depression, anxiety, and other mental health disorders. A system of rewards and
motivation is another key principle of drug abuse treatment. Research also shows more anger and
more regressive behavior (thumb sucking, temper tantrums) in toddlers whose parents use marijuana
than among the toddlers of non-using parents.
Amongst them all is the fact that drug addictions eventually lead to suicide or suicide attempts.
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experience. This theory is therefore quite significant in explaining why different individuals abuse
drugs. These are some of the basic characteristics that we will be looking for in our target population.
There are adequate ways in which we can fight this growing menace in America; through special
programs such as drug addiction control programs and other programs that are against drug abuse in
the American society as well as implementation of more strict laws and policies regarding drug
abuse. Parents may blame themselves when a child is diagnosed with ADD, but the causes are more
likely to do with inherited traits than parenting choices. However, this is not the situation since drug
addiction results from complex health problems that are not related to acquisition of positive
behaviors. They may include people such as truck drivers trying to reach their destination, workers
trying to stay awake until the end of their normal shift or an overtime shift, and housewives trying to
keep a clean house as well as be a perfect mother and wife. The total direct cost per year is estimated
to around fifty thousand four hundred dollars. Marijuana addicts constituted the remaining
percentage. All over the world, people suffer from the addictive properties of the many varieties
drugs. Just talk to our smart assistant Amy and she'll connect you with the best. It is always the best
option to deter people from drug abuse. This amount indicates the cost that the government incurs in
its efforts to provide medical care and security. The reasons as to why there are relatively high
proportions of drug addiction in Memphis are as a result of loose morals in our society. It is the most
chronic form of alcohol abuse and entails the inability to control drinking habits hence leading to a
degree of usage that interferes with either the physical or mental health and in some cases with
normal social or work behavior. Tweaking is the most dangerous stage of the methamphetamine
abuse cycle to law enforcement officers and other individuals near the abuser. Although alcohol has
a high level of addiction, alcohol users do not suffer severe consequences as users of other illegal
drugs and marijuana. This leads to drug addiction even though the good feelings get harder and
harder to experience with time. Parents of adolescence should have training to detect drug use in the
home and ways to handle an “at risk” child. We use cookies to create the best experience for you. If
one is willing to classifying drug addiction as a social problem, then drug addiction is everyone's
problem. At a slightly increased dose it has more of an antipyretic effect and. This implies that they
are aware of the negativity and implications of continued smoking. Marijuana smoke contains some
of the same ingredients in tobacco smoke that can cause emphysema and cancer. Of this high number
of deaths opioid related deaths were recorded at 16651, as stated by Cheatle 2015, this figure is
veryhigh. Majority of people living in the country are well informed. While these rising rates of
substance abuse are not simply a problem faced by individual citizens, but rather an issue for the
entire state of Georgia. Addictive drugs enter the body through a variety of routes. Similarly,
SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Service Administration) has played an active role in
supporting activities outlined in the plan, including funding new grant programs to promote mental
health and emotional development among the youth and to prevent violence and substance use in
schools and on campuses.
Top essay writing services are identified by their reliability and high quality products. Cases of
violence are also associated with drug addiction. Enhancement Drug use and abuse very often starts
with people drinking alcohol. Are you currently paying a high interest rate on your VA home loan.
The users who abuse drugs often try to conceal this and it might be hard for one to know unless you
catch them in the act. Recommendations for Social Action As students in a society, we can help by
holding rallies, protests and demonstrations against drug abuse, this can create a general awareness
among the people against the disadvantages of drug abuse. Different researchers have in the past
used the behavioral theories to analyze other behaviors in human beings such as crime and violence.
This involves continued and excessive use of the drug. On the other hand, illicit drugs commonly
abused by teenagers in Memphis include marijuana, opium, cigarettes and alcohol. Drugs are
substances that are becoming more common in our communities as each day goes by. If drug
addiction was a behavioral problem then people are likely to respond to warnings or acquire positive
behaviors. We use cookies to create the best experience for you. It is the most chronic form of
alcohol abuse and entails the inability to control drinking habits hence leading to a degree of usage
that interferes with either the physical or mental health and in some cases with normal social or work
behavior. For example, one might need to travel great distances to treatment centers, and might not
have access to public transportation. Just talk to our smart assistant Amy and she'll connect you with
the best. Drunken driving is considered the main cause of road accidents that claim many innocent
lives throughout the country. The article narrates another disturbing source of opioid abuse whereby
most of the abusers of the opioid get them from their family members due to the leftovers stored in
the cabinets. The physical aspect of an addiction is characterized with a continued use of certain
substances even when significant problems related to their use develop Wexner Medical Center.
Drug abuse is a disease of the brain, and the drugs change brain chemistry, which results in a change
in behavior. Currently the US prison’s population is largely composed of people who have drug
related cases (Beauvais, 2002). Some people start taking them because of pure curiosity, others so as
to improve their athletic performance or reduce stress and get rid of depression. Having a discussion
of drug use as to why other kids begin using drugs, what happens to them as their drug addictions
increase, and other types of educational materials can allow your child to make good decisions. E
ffects of addiction on health If left unchecked, the drug is going to win. In other words, the entire
Davao City is in perfect harmony and unity with the goal of the government to build a City that is
free from ill effects of Drug Addiction. Short Term Effects Short-term effects include psychological
difficulties (confusion, depression, sleep problems, craving, severe anxiety, and paranoia). They
should highlight the “”exit”” grades of elementary school (typically grades five and six), to reinforce
students’ intentions not to mishandle alcohol or drugs and to teach specific skills for coping with
social pressures to do so. While others use them to be rebellious and get attention. The essay will also
instigate different aspects of addiction such as signs as addiction and symptoms. The number of
people currently suffering from drug addiction is overwhelming. Some of the effects of marijuana
use also include: an increased heart rate, dryness of the mouth, reddening of the eyes, impaired motor
skills and concentration, and frequent hunger and an increased desire for sweets. This theory
provides adequate frameworks that can be used to adequately analyze drug addiction in different
individuals since emotions quite influence a person’s behaviors.

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