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ESADA congratulates the Milk Producers Organization of South Africa on joining the ESADA chapters. This brings the ESADA chapters to eight. These include Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia, Mauritius, Rwanda and now South Africa http://www.dairyafrica.c om/news.asp?ID=35

The Dairy Splash coming your way

ESADA is proud to introduce to you a biweekly e-newsletter Dairy Splash with lots on new and exciting things coming your way. The platform is for stakeholders within Africa and beyond the region to express their views, suggestion, comments and articles for the benefit industrys benefit. The ESADA secretariat would like to call upon all the stakeholders among other industry interest group to forward any material, views, comments, suggestions, articles, or any other announcement to over 5,000 dairy industry stakeholders within and outside Africa. Kindly email us on To continue to receive this bi-weekly newsletter join our mailing list on the secretariat

The Eastern Africa Cheese and Wine Festival and Dairy Championship
ESADA organized a one-day Cheese and Wine festival on September 15, 2007. The event was a success as well as a learning experience for the managers of the event and the secretariat as well. A Dairy Championship was organized alongside the festival for the best cultured dairy products in the Eastern Africa region. ESADA would like to congratulate the winners as well as thank all the parties who made the event a success particularly the processors among other stakeholders. A similar event is schedule for the month of December 2008 and we would like to call upon all the players in the industry to come forward to support the event.

Tanzania Milk Processors Association (TAMPA) forms a SACCOS

The processors in Tanzania have pulled together to establish a savings and credit cooperative society. This was advised by the nature of their business, the coldness of the financial institution towards agricultural sector and the processors need to expand their existing capacity, acquire more sophisticated technology among other business financial needs that the mainstream financial institutions have shied away from.

ESADA has continued to recruit members through out the year. We are looking forward for more members joining the Africas premier dairy association, ESADA. In line with this years conference theme as outlined below, it is imperative for the stakeholders to have a strong voice to advocate for various issues and policies that affect the industry as well as advancing the trade and quality of the regional dairy products and the general welfare of all the stakeholders in the dairy industry. ESADA undertakes to continuously improve members benefits. We kindly invite you to take a few minutes to register for membership. More details are available in

The 4th African Dairy Conference and Exhibition The Eastern and Southern African Dairy Association (ESADA) is pleased to announce that REGISTRATION to the 4th African Dairy Conference and Exhibition is now OPEN! The event will be held in Nairobi, Kenya on the 4th - 6th June 2008 alongside the Brookside Livestock Breeders Show and Sale. The theme is AFRICAN DAIRY: REGIONAL INTEGRATION THE KEY TO GROWTH ..for more information and registration visit our website

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