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Values Clarification Assignment

Emilie McAllister

College of Nursing, University of South Florida

NUR 3285: Introduction to the Nursing Profession

Dr. Oscar Bernard

April 17, 2022


Critical Values Seen Within Nurses

Nursing is an astonishing field to work in that gives great satisfaction to the caretakers of

our world who strive to make a difference in people's lives every day. Not everyone can have the

immense discipline it takes to be devoted to the field of nursing and respecting others as our

current nurses do. To be able to hold a job in nursing, nurses are equipped with critical values

that expand their patient care to always value the patient. Some nurses vary at some fields they

are best at, but when working as a team there is always ways that we better each other as nurses.

The Baccalaureate Essential Values help create a better overall nurse to allow full optimization

of their assets. The Baccalaureate Essential Values are altruism, autonomy, human dignity,

integrity, and social justice (2008). Nurses obtaining these values is critical to creating

themselves as the most professional nurse that values their patients above all. Overall, these

values take time to mature within people as myself, but it can be achieved when seeking to

improve myself as a nurse and enhance the given abilities I have as a nurturer.

Important Values Within Myself

There are many admirable values I see within myself as I began the process of becoming

a nurse. Overall, the values that I happen to find more important and unique to me is my

generosity, patience, and openness. Personally, all these values have a reason why I feel that they

are more important to me than any others. I express my true self with the generosity I show to

people. Being generous to someone I feel helps be express how valuable that person is to me,

and the way that I respect them and continue to value their needs always. I also think patience is

a wonderful value I have within me. I come from a big family with numerous siblings and work

in retail, so patience is something that I highly utilize within my life. I have plenty of patience to

give to others, and I feel it shows to someone that I truly care and acknowledge their thoughts

and concerns. Finally, my openness happens to be my favorite value I have. I feel that the

southern Louisiana girl in me comes out when I am open and welcoming to everyone. I truly

want someone to feel that they can talk to me, and I am here and care for them deeply. I want

people to feel at home and not alone when I have the privilege of being their nurse. Overall, I

want people to be able to experience these values and help me become a better nurse.

Utilization of Values in Nursing

The values I see within myself that I value the most can become challenged when

beginning my experiences as a nurse and in clinical settings. Within clinicals, I will first

experience working with other nurses and learning from them. As I continue, I will find nurses

who have other values they uphold higher than myself that I could find difficult. I want to be

able to better myself when experiencing what other nurses value more for their patients to be

able to learn from them. Possibly in clinicals, my behavior can help influence other nurses and

students to see how my patient interactions are, and my determination to help create a better

experience for the patient. Even though my values my challenge some nurses or influence my

behavior in clinicals. I will still bring the upmost respect to my colleagues and patients to help

learn from each other. Overall, I want to provide a way to better each other in the field and stand

strong to my values since they are certain to make people feel valued.

Baccalaureate Essential Values

The value of openness that I present to people can help me better myself with utilizing

the essential values seen within nursing. My openness corresponds with the social justice value,

as I intend to unconditionally care for that patient and value them. My patience aids altruism and

human dignity as I value the welfare of the patient while respecting their boundaries. My

generosity I feel aides in all values to create myself as a better nurse. The autonomy of the

patient is highly valued with my patience. I will instill integrity while keeping the openness

towards people to create a better patient interaction. Overall, I tend to utilize all these values in

my everyday life, but I will especially instill them as a prepare to become a nurse.

Conclusion of Nursing Values

The values of nurses are a terrific tool that is unique to each nurse. Yet, all nurses use the

five baccalaureate essential values to help uphold their innate values. I intend on instilling these

values to help create myself into a better nurse. The importance of your natural values, while

upholding the essential values can create a better interaction with patients and colleagues in

general. In all, I intend to improve myself through nursing school and obtain the values from

myself and my mentors to help value my patients with respect as I become a nurse.


American Association of Colleges of Nursing. (2008). The Essentials of Baccalaureate

Education for Professional Nursing Practice. American Association of Colleges of


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