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Writing a term paper on the Cold War can be a daunting task for any student.

Not only is it a
complex and multifaceted topic, but it also holds great significance in shaping the world we live in
today. The Cold War was a period of intense political and ideological tension between the United
States and the Soviet Union, which lasted from the end of World War II in 1945 until the collapse of
the Soviet Union in 1991.

The Cold War had a significant impact on global politics, economics, and culture, and studying it
requires a deep understanding of historical events, political ideologies, and international relations.
This makes it a challenging topic to tackle, even for the most dedicated and knowledgeable students.

One of the biggest challenges of writing a Cold War term paper is the vast amount of information
available on the subject. With decades of events, policies, and conflicts to cover, it can be
overwhelming to narrow down the focus of your paper and determine which information is most
relevant and significant.

In addition to the volume of information, the Cold War is a highly debated and controversial topic.
This means that students must carefully navigate through differing perspectives and interpretations of
events to form their own arguments and conclusions. It requires critical thinking and analytical skills,
as well as the ability to support your arguments with credible evidence.

Given the difficulty of writing a Cold War term paper, it is understandable that many students may
feel overwhelmed and unsure of how to approach the topic. This is where ⇒ ⇔
can be a valuable resource.

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Word Knowledge. Founders of the Children’s Rain Forest. Dr. Ahmet Cengizhan Dirican. 4. Basics
of JavaScript. Origins. Overview of JavaScript: Origins. The two blocs, capitalist America and
communist Russia, had two opposing aspirations for Europe. London: Yale University Press, 2006.
Print. Tucker, Pearl, and Robert Carlos. The response of West to the appearance and the development
of the Cold War through the actions of specific politicians like Hitler and Stalin was not appropriate.
The Berlin Wall Following the impact of the 1947 political and economic outwits on the communist
and the capitalist nations, Europe became a victim with one side, the capitalist being supported by
America while the other side, the communist, was supported by Russia. This made the United States
initiate the Marshall Plan. In that regime, the local leaders were not expected to follow Washington
agenda. Works Cited Baruch, Gordon, and Bernard Melly. “Vital Speeches of the Day.” Cold War
13.14(1947): 425. Print. Caley, Martin. The origins of the Cold war 1941-1949. Angola participated
in a civil war in the year 1974-6 that they won. This would not have relieved tension but worsened
the relationsSources A - D show that the Cold War became much more serious during 1961-3 and
that relations between America and the Soviet Union were rapidly deteriorating throughout this
time. Today, the Cold War is considered as ended although this fact is not accepted by many
historians. In Berlin, Germany, the Cold War foundations almost led to real battle. Worse still, the
airplanes that were airlifting supplies to Berlin had to fly over the soviet air space, an act that would
have provoked Stalin to order for their shooting for violating their airspace. Keep on browsing if you
are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. These were agreements to limit missile
production of all calibre of missiles. Since it became an isolated place, it sized to be the strategic
point after the cold war. On the other hand, the United Socialist Soviet Republic (USSR) also
created thermonuclear weapons of mass destruction in 1953. This was an economic order of
economic aid, which was aimed at developing markets for both agricultural and industrial goods
from America. Eisenhower did not want to risk a war over Berlin. Bundle A level History OCR -
German Reformation and Charles V 1515 to 1559 Full revision notes These two resources include
expansive yet concise detail on Charles V's wars against the French Valois and the Ottomans as
Ruler and Defender of Christendom from 1515 to 1559 and details on the German Reformation,
Luther and the spread of Lutheranism from 1517 to 1559 for the OCR A level History to a very high
advanced level to achieve top grades. Collective security a major security approach used during the
cold war refers to a plan that sought to maintain peace on the platform of an organization of
sovereign states. The cold war was the tension that existed between the Western and Eastern blocs.
The USA also needed to improve living conditions for their poor citizens and had to deal with added
inflation also. Norton, Mary Beth, et al.(2009). A people and a nation: a history of the United States.
To what extent was US foreign policy the main reason for the Cuban. The western powers took
advantage of this situation to predate Russia. In this paper, there isan application of this theory to the
origins of the cold war. Evaluating the work done by Westad, it is worth noting that he primarily
draws on the whole history of both the Soviet Union and the US, after which he lays the foundation
of the two countries’ approach to the external intervention and ideological differences. December 24,
1944 to May 14, 1945 -- Bulgarian purge trials executed 2000 rightists and imprisoned 3000.
Stiene 16 May Cold War According to diplomatic terminologies, there are three basic types of wars.
The above comments involve in two particular countries that are considered to have participated more
of the other states in the Cold War. First, he elaborates on the intricacies of the area of the history of
cold war that have neglected on a larger degree. However, this favor drove the American foreign
policy all the way to its intervention in Cuba, Haiti, Philippians and world war I. Keep on browsing if
you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. The reason behind the naming of the war
originates from the fact that the war did not involve direct military action because both sides were in
possession of nuclear weapons. Define the Cold War Explain the reasons behind why the U.S. and
the USSR were fighting during the years of 1945-1991 and explain how each country fought the
war. Roosevelts death, four months after Cordell Hulls resignation. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 1990. Print. Galley, John. “The Columbia Guide to the Cold War.” Political Science
Quarterly 87.2(1972): 242-269. Print. Harry, Truman. Memoirs. New York: Doubleday. Print. Lee,
Kelly, and Stephen Josey. This made the United States initiate the Marshall Plan. Such statistics has
formed the basis of the perspective that the key aspect of decompression effect is ethnic conflicts. It
does not matter how hard your task is or how complicated the topic sounds — our writers will easily
cope with it. It is in the 1990s, though, that it was clear to many about the boundaries that were
brought about by the cold war. During war people become disheartened and they resort to all kinds
of violations to correct the authorities in power. This formed the basis of the mistrust that ensued
later on between the two blocs and hence the Cold War. Review 2 Select overall rating (no rating)
Your rating is required to reflect your happiness. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find
out how to manage cookies. Hence, the leaders started to opt for Moscow for assistance. It set in
immediately after the WWII and the reference to it as Cold War was because there was no action
between the two nations involved. The 1st and 2nd World Wars were the two most important events
of the previous century. Also the nation had to prove that it had legitimacy in diplomacy following
years of sidelining by other close countries and that the Joseph Stalin’s government would use other
means other than military power to forge ahead. The unipolar structure of power is where there is one
superpower that is dominating the whole continent. On the other hand, the United States continued
with its containment efforts. However, this agreement was broken by Germany in 1941 due to a
series of aggressions. 1 hour! The minimum time our certified writers need to deliver a 100% original
paper Learn More The two powers continued to trade especially through the Soviet Union acquiring
weapons from Germany in exchange of rubber, oil, and manganese. For example, China joined the
communist bloc (Harry 66) while Korea and Vietnam became capitalists after the intervention of
America in their wars. The missile sites were said to have two distinct types of installations which
include medium range ballistic missiles that are capable of carrying nuclear warhead that can strike
the whole of Washington DC or any other part of America. However, eliminating competition meant
that there was now a decisive change in the western policy towards the third world nations
(Trachtenberg 134). Evaluating the work done by Westad, it is worth noting that he primarily draws
on the whole history of both the Soviet Union and the US, after which he lays the foundation of the
two countries’ approach to the external intervention and ideological differences. Both of these
instances are touched on in Arne Westad's The Global Cold War. Stiene 16 May Cold War According
to diplomatic terminologies, there are three basic types of wars.
In 1947, Keenan published an article in the magazine Foreign Affairs detailing what he called the
containment policy. At this point, the two blocs never involved themselves in any traditional forms
of warfare. The Marshall plan and Economic Division in Europe When the threat of global
destabilisation by the Soviet Union became more apparent, America responded through enactment of
the containment policy. This roused fear in Stalin who was reluctant of a reconstituted Germany,
since; this would pose a threat to the Soviet Union. This was totally different to the cold and
uncooperative leaders at the start of the war. China’s military budget is almost 2 times lower than the
United States military budget, which quite frankly, is saying a lot. See other similar resources ?3.50
2.00 1 review BUY NOW Save for later Not quite what you were looking for. September 1945 -
- First Council of Foreign Ministers deadlocked over East Europe. This formed the basis of the
mistrust that ensued later on between the two blocs and hence the Cold War. It was almost evident
that the third World War was on the offing especially with the Berlin blocade by the communist and
the counter blocade strategies by the capitalist. The US government has discovered then that there
have been offensive missiles sites established in Cuba to strengthen nuclear strikes to be conducted
by their enemies. Before the end of Eisenhower’s presidency he sanctioned a scheme under which
Cuban Exiles living in the USA would be trained in preparation for an invasion of Cuba. The
photograph in Source D4(i) was taken from West to East, possibly as an American propaganda
exercise to show what the communists were doing; bricking people into the East was the only way
that they could make them stay. They also recognized that a few Chinese businessmen have made
multiple donations to political campaigns in Australia. Nevertheless the two superpowers did not
engage in a fight or applied weapons against each other, but they heavily armed themselves in
preparation for a possible all out nuclear world war with each of the superpower countries having a
nuclear deterrent that deterred any nuclear attack from the other attacker. It's utility is good,
however, it is only an interpretation of why the situation got worse. To ensure that letters would not
have to be sent again, a telephone hotline was set up between the whitehouse and the Kremlin. The
experience of the Iraq war has changed my life. It appears that the communists were making
advances and depicts the Ho Chi Minh trail, used to support the communist guerillas in S.Vietnam.
This would have caused anxiety amongst the country's political leaders. Joseph Stalin of the Soviet
Union assumed that he would be assisted by America in reconstructing his country after the war in a
bid to make Russia a good market for her industrial goods. Review 5 Select overall rating (no rating)
Your rating is required to reflect your happiness. See other similar resources ?3.50 (no rating) 0
reviews BUY NOW Save for later Not quite what you were looking for. The effect of the cold war
also instituted a global commitment to some huge, permanent peacetime military-industrial
complexes and some large-scale military funding science. Australia being in the same boat as
America, see China as a threat. The Cuban leadership understands as well the negative consequences
in the domestic ideological realm and the international arena that would be brought about by a full
normalization of relations with the United States. There has been aid that the US wants to normalize
the situation or relations between them in order for trade expansion to flourish in Cuba. The indirect
wars associated with the Cold War are the likes of Korean and Vietnam wars. There was also a
disagreement between the Soviet Union and Afghanistan. The Superpowers. The US and the USSR
emerged from WWII as the worlds two superpowers. In so doing, the US country made it easy for
the justification once any communism could show a threat.
Late December 1946 -- General relaxation and expectation of peace. The famous atomic bombing in
Hiroshima and Nagasaki cause some unimagined destruction through some intense blast and fire as
well as some lingering radiation. Seeing the third world’s weakness, the westerners decide to use it
and try to control and get hold of the third world leaders. The Cold War ended following the
stagnation of the Soviet after they took part in an arms race with the United States, and as a result of
decreasing prices of oil in the 1980s. Furthermore, the plan also stated the European’s affluence was
reliant upon the economic recovery of Germany. Joseph Stalin of the Soviet Union assumed that he
would be assisted by America in reconstructing his country after the war in a bid to make Russia a
good market for her industrial goods. August 1946 -- Soviet demands upon Turkey for the return of
two provinces and for a base in the Straits. Two days following this bombing Russia made a
declaration of war against Japan. However, in order to understand the relevant events it is necessary
to identify the reasons that led many politicians worldwide to choose a series of specific policies and
military actions. To some, the cold war was beneficial to them and to others it was the worst period
they will ever wish to encounter. Even Chairman Mao Zedong was unhappy he backed down. Russia
was selling weapons to the Vietnamese people to fight the USA. The USA was also so occupied with
the Vietnam war that they could not help Czechoslovakia. This was aimed at winning against Adolf
Hitler who was their seemingly common and major enemy. Keep on browsing if you are OK with
that, or find out how to manage cookies. Through assuring of its allies safety, the United States has
been able to subdue the security need for other nations. The cold war between the Soviet Union and
America, which persisted for nearly half a century, created a polarized world with countries and
political parties divided in their support for the two superpowers. Just talk to our smart assistant Amy
and she'll connect you with the best. In 1918, the United States of America sent its troops to Russia
to assist the anti-Bolsheviks during the civil war in Russia. The Cold War did not just develop
because of the happenings in Europe and America. There are times when they chose not to, despite
the fact that there were good reasons of doing so. Gorbachev said talks broke down over the SDI
talks and the anti-balistic missiles treaty. Pre-World War II Economic Differences The revolution that
occurred in Russia in 1917 to form the Soviet Russia forms the basis of the Cold War based on the
big differences of ideologies and economic positions that arose between the western powers and the
capitalist nations. Such statistics has formed the basis of the perspective that the key aspect of
decompression effect is ethnic conflicts. The creation and the destruction of the Berlin Wall.
However, in the 1980s, the Western bloc increased their military, economic and diplomatic pressures.
It contains thousands of paper examples on a wide variety of topics, all donated by helpful students.
On the USSR side, the country developed its own driven ideology in the agenda of modernization
and progress despite of the skepticism of Joseph Stalin. Russia pulled back just in time after the
USA threatened to sink any ships and destroy any base with their naval blockade surrounding Cuba.
The states are not sure of the intentions of their rivals, which increase the possibility of a military

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