Delineating Kocuria Turfanensis 2M4 As A Credible PGPR A Novel IAA Producing Bacteria Isolated From Saline Desert

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Delineating Kocuria turfanensis 2M4 as a credible

PGPR: a novel IAA-producing bacteria isolated
from saline desert

Dweipayan Goswami, Shweta Pithwa, Pinakin Dhandhukia & Janki N.


To cite this article: Dweipayan Goswami, Shweta Pithwa, Pinakin Dhandhukia & Janki
N. Thakker (2014) Delineating Kocuria�turfanensis 2M4 as a credible PGPR: a novel IAA-
producing bacteria isolated from saline desert, Journal of Plant Interactions, 9:1, 566-576, DOI:

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Journal of Plant Interactions, 2014
Vol. 9, No. 1, 566–576,

Delineating Kocuria turfanensis 2M4 as a credible PGPR: a novel IAA-producing bacteria
isolated from saline desert
Dweipayan Goswamia, Shweta Pithwaa, Pinakin Dhandhukiab and Janki N. Thakkera*

Department of Biotechnology, P. D. Patel Institute of Applied Sciences, Charotar University of Science and Technology, CHARUSAT
Campus, Changa-388421, Anand (Gujarat), India; bAshok and Rita Patel Institute of Integrated Study and Research in
Biotechnology and Allied Sciences, ADIT Campus, New Vidyangar-388121, Anand (Gujarat), India
(Received 15 October 2013; accepted 30 November 2013)

Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA)-producing bacteria Kocuria turfanensis strain 2M4 was isolated from the rhizospheric soil of
halotolerant plant Suaeda fruticosa from a unique saline desert of Little Rann of Kutch, Gujarat, India. Rhizobacteria
was bright orange pigmented, gram-positive, coccoid, non-endospore forming, and aerobic in nature. 16S rRNA gene
sequence analysis showed that 2M4 isolate matched best with type strain of K. turfanensis HO-9042T. Isolate optimally
produced 38 µg ml−1 IAA when growth medium was supplemented with 600 µg ml−1 of L-tryptophan. Thin layer
chromatography and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy analysis were performed to corroborate IAA production.
To characterize rhizobacterial isolate as a plant growth-promoting bacteria, it was tested for phosphate solubilization
where it solubilized maximum 12 µg ml−1 phosphate in presence of fructose, produced 53% siderophore units under
iron-free minimal MM9 medium and produced 1.8 µmol ml−1 ammonia in peptone water broth. Plant growth promotion
by test isolate was studied on groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) under non-saline and saline soil. There was increase by
18% in total plant length and 30% in fresh biomass observed under non-saline control soil. Under saline soil, test isolate
showed 17% increase in total length of the plant and 13% increase in fresh biomass.
Keywords: Kocuria turfanensis; indole-3-acetic acid (IAA); Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR); thin layer
chromatography (TLC); Little Rann of Kutch

Introduction (1978) addressing the group of bacteria that helps to

The genus Kocuria was proposed by Stackebrandt et al. enhance plant growth by inhabiting rhizosphere of plant.
(1995) which was earlier classified in the genus Micro- Commonly known traits of PGPR include phytohormone
coccus. The members of this genus are gram-positive, production such as IAA, production of ammonia from
coccoid, aerobic, non-encapsulated, and non-endospore nitrogenous organic matter, solubilization of phosphate,
forming belonging to the order of Actinomycetales. This production of siderophores which helps in suppression
genus of Actinobacteria has been isolated from different of plant pathogenic bacteria, and so on (Ganeshan &
sources such as air, fermented sea food, mammalian Kumar 2005; Ahmad et al. 2008; Ali et al. 2011). Most
skin, soil, the rhizoplane, freshwater, seawater, marine routinely studied PGPR species producing IAA belongs
sediment, and desert soil (Kaur et al. 2011). At present, to Pseudomonas, Bacillus, Azotobacter, Azospirrulam,
17 species belonging to Kocuria genus have validly and Rhizobia genus (Aeron et al. 2011; Bhattacharyya &
published names, available at Jha 2012). Despite of well-documented history for
k/kocuria.html. The genus Kocuria includes several species belonging to Kocuria genus as IAA producers,
halotolerant strains including K. kristinae, K. rhizophila, they have been poorly investigated for their potential
and K. marina which can tolerate up to 10% NaCl in as PGPR.
growth medium (Kovacs et al. 1999; Kim et al. 2004). In this present work, we isolated efficient IAA-
K. varians, K. rhizophila, K. flava, and other unnamed producing strain ‘2M4’ from the rhizosphere of Suaeda
species of Kocuria have been reported to produce large fruticosa, native of saline desert of Little Rann of Kutch,
amount of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) (Saharan & Nehra Gujarat, India. 2M4 isolate produced bright orange-
2011; Vicene et al. 2012). IAA is a common natural colored colonies on nutrient agar and could tolerate up
auxin and a product of L-tryptophan metabolism of to 8% NaCl in the growth medium (Goswami et al.
microorganisms. It influences several parameters in the 2013a). 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis showed the
plant, namely elongation and cell division, apical dorm- isolate belonged to Kocuria genus. Further biochemical
ancy, and differentiation of vascular tissues (Aloni et al. characterization of Kocuria sp. 2M4 matched with the
2006; Ali et al. 2010). type strain of Kocuria turfanensis HO-9042T as
IAA production is one of the important trait of plant described by Zhou et al. (2008). Kocuria sp. 2M4 was
growth-promoting bacteria widely known as PGPR. This further tested for other plant growth-promoting traits
term PGPR was first coined by Kloepper and Schroth including phosphate solubilization under the presence of

*Corresponding author. Email:

© 2013 Taylor & Francis
Journal of Plant Interactions 567

various sugars, ammonia production, and siderophore 2007) and a neighbor-joining tree with bootstrap value
production. To test the plant growth-promoting ability of 500 was constructed. The gene sequence was submitted
Kocuria sp. 2M4, talc-based bioformulation was pre- to GenBank and accession number was assigned.
pared and its efficacy was tested on the seedling growth
of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) in presence and
absence of NaCl stress under pot trials. Biochemical characterization
Morphological analyses were performed by using a
standardized method (Murray et al. 1994). Physiological
Materials and methods tests including growth at different temperatures, pH, and
NaCl concentrations were performed by growing the
Isolation and screening for IAA-producing bacteria strain in nutrient broth under appropriate test conditions.
Rhizospheric soil of halotolerant plant S. fruticosa from Biochemical tests described in Bergey’s Manual of
a unique saline desert of Little Rann of Kutch, Gujarat, Systematic Bacteriology were performed as per the
India (23°51′N, 71°28′E) was collected. Soil sample was methods described by Shi et al. (2012). All the media
suspended in standard normal saline in the ratio of 1:9 and reagents required to perform biochemical tests were
and vortex for 20 min at room temperature. The obtained from HiMedia. Sugar utilization tests were
suspension of soil in normal saline was serially diluted performed using HiCarbo™ Kit-KB009 from HiMedia.
and its 0.1 ml aliquot was inoculated on modified
nutrient agar (peptic digest of animal tissue 5.0 g L−1,
sodium chloride 5.0 g L−1, beef extract 1.5 g L−1, yeast Characterization of bacterial IAA
extract 1.50 g L−1, and final pH at 25°C was 7.4 ± 0.2) Correlation between IAA produced and supplemented L-
procured from HiMedia Laboratories, supplemented with tryptophan was determined. Isolate 2M4 was grown in
5% NaCl using spread plant technique and incubated for nutrient broth with varying concentrations of supple-
24 h at 35 ± 2°C. Morphologically distinct colonies were mented L-tryptophan in the range of 0–600 µg ml−1 and
subcultured to obtain pure cultures. IAA was determined at 24 h, 48 h, 72 h, 96 h, and 120 h
To screen the halotolerant organisms producing IAA, as per the spectrophotometric method described earlier.
all the isolates obtained were grown in the nutrient broth To confirm the production of IAA by isolate 2M4,
supplemented with 5% NaCl and 500 µg ml−1 of IAA was extracted from the 72-h old culture supernatant
L-tryptophan. Spectrophotometric estimation of IAA and analyzed using thin layer chromatography (TLC)
was performed as per the method developed by Brick and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). To
et al. (1991) with modifications adapted by Goswami extract the IAA produced by isolate 2M4, 72-h old
et al. (2013b). 72-h old culture supernatants of the culture supernatant (as sample) and un-inoculated
bacterial isolates were mixed with Salkowski reagent (50 medium supplemented with L-tryptophan (as control)
ml, 35% of perchloric acid, 1 ml 0.5 M FeCl3 solution) were acidified to pH 2.5 using 1 N HCl and extracted
in the ratio of 1:1. Development of pink color indicates thrice using equal volume of ethyl acetate. Fraction of
the production of IAA and its optical density was ethyl acetate was air dried and redissolved in one-tenth
recorded at 530 nm. Concentration of IAA produced of the culture supernatant volume in methanol.
was estimated against standard curve of IAA (HiMedia)
in the range of 10–100 µg ml−1. We have already
published this part of research involving isolation and TLC analysis for confirmation of IAA production
screening of IAA-producing bacteria (Goswami et al. For TLC analysis, standards of L-tryptophan, IAA, and
2013a). Present focus is to identify, characterize, and test indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) were prepared in methanol
plant growth-promoting ability of novel isolate desig- (200 µg ml−1), 30 µl of bacterial methanolic extract along
nated 2M4 which showed bright orange colored colonies with each standard were spotted on aluminum-backed
on nutrient agar and produced IAA. silica gel 60 F254 TLC foils (4 × 6 cm) of 0.25-mm
thickness (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany). Spots were
allowed to develop using the mobile phase isopropanol:
Identification of bacterial isolate using 16S rRNA gene ammonia:water (16:3:1 [v/v]). After running, TLC foils
sequence were dried and observed under 256- and 360-nm UV light.
16S rRNA gene sequence analysis of IAA-producing
bacterial isolate was performed to identify the organism.
To amplify 16S rRNA gene, universal forward primer: FTIR analysis for confirmation of IAA production
5′-AGAGTTTGATCCTGGCTCAG-3′ and reverse pri- In order to confirm the production of IAA by bacterial
mer: 5′-AAGGAGGTGATCCAGCCGCA-3′ from 1st isolate based on information about its chemical bonds
BASE (Agile Lifescience Technologies India Pvt. Ltd.) and molecular structure, FTIR analysis was carried out.
were used. Amplified gene product ∼1.6 kb was Methanolic extract was completely dried and mixed with
sequenced at 1st BASE. Gene sequence homology was spectral grade potassium bromide, and FTIR spectral
tested using BLASTn search program (http://www.ncbi. analysis of IAA was recorded at the transmission mode Gene sequence obtained was aligned by from 400–4000 cm−1 using Thermo Scientific Nicolet
ClustalW using MEGA 4.0 software (Tamura et al. FTIR 6700.
568 D. Goswami et al.

Assessment of phosphate solubilization ability sterile plastic bag. Efficacy of bioformulation was tested
The method developed by Pikovskaya (1948) was used on the seeds of hybrid variant Gujarat Junagadh
for quantitative estimation of tricalcium phosphate solu- Groundnut-2 (GJG-2) of groundnut. The purpose of
bilization. Phosphate solubilization ability of test isolate using talc-based bioformulation was to allow bacterial
was determined in presence of different sugars (conc. cells to adhere seed coat due to the presence of CMC
1%) including glucose, fructose, sucrose, and mannitol which acts as a binding agent. Second, talc-based
in the modified Pikovskaya’s medium. The concentration bioformulation improves the viability of bacterial cells
of the soluble phosphate was estimated from the and shelf life of the biofertilizer. Pot study was carried
supernatant by stannous chloride method (King 1932) out in the month of February where the average
after seven days of incubation at 30 ± 2°C. Drop in the temperature was below 35°C, night temperature ranging
pH caused by organic acid production due to sugar from 14°C to 19°C and average humidity was less than
utilized by test isolate was determined. 30%. Soil used for the experiment was sterilized by
autoclaving and it was obtained from farm (22°59′N, 72°
82′E) located near CHARUSAT University, Anand,
Ammonia production Gujarat which can support the growth of groundnut.
Pot trials were performed in two sets of soil where first
Nesslerization reaction described by Cappucino and
set of soil was unmodified soil (did not contained NaCl
Sherman (1992) was employed to estimate ammonia.
supplementation) whereas, second set of soil was modi-
Bacterial isolate was grown in peptone water broth for
fied by supplementation of additional 50 mM NaCl.
five days at 29 ± 2°C. Culture supernatant (0.2 ml) was
Electrical conductivity of soil was measured to deter-
mixed with Nessler’s reagent (1 ml) and volume of this
mine innate soil salinity. Chemical properties and
mixture was made up to 8.5 ml by the addition of
salinity of the soil were determined as per the methods
ammonia-free distilled water. Development of brown to
described by Ibekwe et al. (2010). For pH and EC1:5
yellow color was measured at 450 nm using spectropho-
(electrical conductivity of salt solution at 1:5 soil:water
tometer. The concentration of ammonia was estimated
dilution) measurement method given by Walkley and
using the standard curve of ammonium sulfate in the
Black (1934), available phosphorus was estimated by the
range of 0.1–1 µmol ml−1.
method given by Olsen et al. (1954), available potassium
by the method given by Schollenberger and Simon
(1945). Estimation of magnesium and sulfate content of
Quantitative estimation siderophore
the soil samples was performed using an atomic absorp-
Siderophore produced by isolate was quantified using tion spectrophotometer as described by Chapman and
chrome azurol S (CAS) shuttle assay described by Payne Pratt (1978), all the tests were performed by Gujarat
(1994). Test isolate was grown in iron-free MM9 Laboratories, Ahmedabad. Seeds of hybrid variant GJG-
minimal medium (HiMedia) supplemented with 1% (w/ 2 of groundnut were used for pot experiment. Seeds
v) glucose. CAS assay solution was mixed with culture were surface sterilized by gently shaking in 70% ethanol
supernatant in equal proportion and allowed to stand for for 2 min followed by HgCl2 (1%) for 3 min and finally
20 min. Presence of siderophore removes the iron from rinsed twice by sterile distilled water before been sowed
the dye complex and causes reduction in the intensity of in pots containing biofertilizer (0.5 g bioformulation per
blue color which is recorded at 630 nm. For the kilograms soil). After 15 days of germination, all the
measurements, minimal medium was used as blank and plantlets were uprooted and various vegetative para-
% siderophore units were calculated by following meters were measured. These parameters were compared
formula – [(Ar − As)/Ar] 100 = % siderophore units, with PGPR-treated and non-treated plantlets under con-
where Ar = absorbance of reference (minimal media + trol and saline conditions.
CAS assay solution) and As = absorbance of sample.

Statistical analysis
Pot study Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was carried out using
Talc-based bioformulation of test isolate was prepared as triplicate value to identify significant difference in each
per the method described by Goswami et al. (2013b). vegetative parameter between treated and non-treated
Briefly, a loopful of bacterial culture was inoculated into seeds for both control and saline conditions. Mean
nutrient broth and incubated in a rotary shaker at 150 values of triplicates were compared at significance levels
rpm for 48 h at 27 ± 2°C. Talc powder was taken in a of 5%, 1%, and 0.1% least square difference (LSD).
metal tray and its pH was adjusted to neutral by the
addition of 15 g of CaCO3/kg of talc followed by the
addition of 10 g CMC to 1 kg of neutralized talc, mixed
well, and autoclaved. Four hundred milliliter of 48-h
grown bacterial suspension with colony forming unit of Isolation
2.07 × 108/ml was mixed with carrier–cellulose mixture Out of all the isolates obtained from the rhizosphere of S.
under aseptic conditions. After drying (approximately fruticosa on nutrient agar amended with 5% NaCl, only
35% moisture content), bioformulation was stored in single isolate designated 2M4 was able to produce IAA
Journal of Plant Interactions 569

above 35 µg ml−1 (Goswmi et al. 2013b) 2M4 isolate in nutrient broth and grew up to 6% NaCl supplementa-
produced bright orange pigmented small, convex colon- tion (Figure 2). 2M4 can survive being dormant up to
ies with entire margin. 2M4 was gram-positive, coccoid, 10% NaCl supplementation. 2M4 isolate grew optimally
did not produce endospore, and it was aerobic in nature. at 29 ± 2°C. Growth was not observed above 40°C and
Further experiments were performed using 2M4 isolate. below 22°C.
Biochemical tests of 2M4 are shown in Table 1,
where it was found negative for amylase, gelatinase,
Identification of 2M4 isolate using 16S rRNA gene urease, oxidase, indole production, methyl red test, and
sequence analysis Voges–Proskauer test. 2M4 was found positive for
Phylogenetic analysis was performed to identify 2M4 catalase, slow positive for esculin hydrolysis, and nitrate
isolate. Phylogenetic tree was constructed by aligning reduction. Substrates used for growth and acid produc-
16S rRNA gene sequences of species belonging to genus tion by 2M4 were xylose, maltose, fructose, dextrose,
Kocuria with validly published names along with 16S trehalose, sucrose, L-arabinose, glycerol, inositol, man-
rRNA gene sequence of 2M4. Type strains belonging to nitol, rhamnose, melezitose, and citrate. 2M4 could not
Kocuria genus used to construct phylogenetic tree were utilize lactose, galactose, raffinose, melibiose, mannose,
K. himachalensis, K. rosea, K. polaris, K. aegyptia, K. inulin, sodium gluconate, salicin, dulcitol, adonitol,
turfanensis, K. flava, K. palustris, K. kristinae, K. arabitol, erythritol, α-methyl-d-glucoside, α-methyl-d-
carniphila, K. marina, K. varians, and K. rhizophila. mannoside, xylitol, ortho-Nitrophenyl-β-galactoside
Phylogenetic analysis showed that 16S rRNA gene (ONPG), and sorbose.
sequence 2M4 matched best with gene sequence of
type strain K. turfanensis HO-9042T under GenBank ID-
DQ531634. Based on biochemical characterization and
phylogenetic analysis, 2M4 isolate was designated as K. Characterization of IAA produced by 2M4
turfanensis strain 2M4 and its 16S rRNA gene sequence It was found that IAA produced was L-tryptophan
was submitted GenBank nucleotide sequence database dependent. Production of IAA increases with increase
under the accession number JX679496. in supplemented L-tryptophan concentration in the
medium. Maximum IAA produced by 2M4 isolate was
38 µg ml−1 when the growth medium was supplemented
Biochemical characterization of 2M4 with 600 µg ml−1 of L-tryptophan after 96 h of
Physiological tests to study the growth of 2M4 under incubation at 29 ± 2°C under constant agitation. IAA
various pH, salinity, and temperature showed that the production increased till 96 h of incubation, and there
isolate can grow opulently within the pH range of 6–9; after it reached plateau. However, 4 µg ml−1 of IAA was
however, optimum pH for the growth was 8. Isolate produced when growth medium was not supplemented
could grow best when 2% (w/v) NaCl was supplemented with L-tryptophan (Figure 3).

Figure 1. Phylogenetic neighbor-joining tree based on 16S rRNA gene sequences showing the relationship between K. turfanensis
strain 2M4 and related members of the genus Kocuria. Bootstrap values (expressed as percentages of 500 replications) greater than
50% are given at nodes. Bar 0.5% sequence variation. GenBank accession numbers are given in parentheses.
570 D. Goswami et al.

Figure 2. Growth of 2M4 at 29 ± 2°C with constant aeration (a) at various pH when NaCl concentration was 0.5% in nutrient broth
and (b) at various NaCl concentrations when pH of the medium was kept neutral.

Table 1. Biochemical characterization of 2M4 isolate. the FTIR spectra of extracted IAA from 2M4. Charac-
teristic (N–H) stretching of indole moiety is observed at
Biochemical tests Traits 3389 cm−1 (N–H) bending, and wagging was observed
Gram reaction + at 1652 cm−1 and 517 cm−1, respectively. Stretching for
Endospore formation − (C–N) bond of indole ring was observed at 1247 cm−1.
Sugar utilization tests: + For aromatic ring, (C–H) stretching and banding was
Xylose, maltose, fructose, dextrose, trehalose, observed at 3055 cm−1 and 740 cm−1, respectively.
sucrose, L-arabinose, glycerol, inositol, mannitol,
rhamnose, melezitose, citrate
Furthermore, (C = C) banding and in-ring (C–C) stretch-
Lactose, galactose, raffinose, melibiose, mannose, − ing was observed at 1558 cm−1 and 1488 cm−1,
inulin, sodium gluconate, salicin, dulcitol, adonitol, respectively. Alkyl (–CH2) asymmetric stretching, sym-
Arabitol, erythritol, α-Methyl-D-glucoside, metric stretching, and bending was observed at 2940
α-Methyl-D-mannoside, xylitol, ONPG, sorbose cm−1, 2925 cm−1, and 1457 cm−1, respectively. Strong
Esculin hydrolysis (+)
Amylase −
bond of (C = O) in IAA appears at 1701 cm−1. FTIR
Gelatinase − spectra confirm the presence of IAA.
Urease −
Oxidase −
Catalase +
Indole production − Phosphate solubilization by 2M4
Methyl red test − Phosphate solubilization ability of 2M4 was determined
Voges–roskauer test − in Pikovskaya’s medium along with modifications where
Nitrate reduction (+)
glucose was replaced by fructose, sucrose, and mannitol.
Note: ‘ + ’ indicates positive test result, ‘ − ’ indicates negative test Tri-calcium phosphate solubilized by 2M4 isolate in
result, and ‘(+)’ indicates slow positive test result. presence of different sugars is described Figure 6.
Maximum phosphate solubilized was 12 µg ml−1 in
TLC analysis presence of fructose, followed by 9 µg ml−1 in presence
Development of spots on TLC foils is observed under of sucrose. However, in presence of glucose and
short and long UV light (Figure 4). TLC foil contains three mannitol phosphate solubilized was reduced to 3.5 µg
standards namely L-tryptophan, IAA, and IBA on first ml−1 and 5.5 µg ml−1, respectively. It was observed that
three spots from left, respectively. Spots 4 and 5 were pH of the medium was more acidic in the presence of
loaded with extracted IAA from 2M4 cell-free supernatant sugars which solubilized phosphate in greater amounts
in methanol. Rf value of L-tryptophan, IAA, and IBA were (Figure 6).
0.29, 0.35, and 0.44, respectively. Spots 4 and 5 has Rf
value of 0.35 were visible under short and long UV,
indicating presence of IAA. TLC analysis is a qualitative Ammonia and siderophore production
test to determine the presence of IAA with greater surety It was observed that 2M4 isolate produced ammonia in
than traditional spectrophotometric method. peptone water and produced siderophore in iron-free
MM9 minimal medium supplemented with 1% glucose.
Maximum production of ammonia and siderophores was
FTIR analysis 1.8 µmol ml−1 and 53% units, respectively, after 72 h of
Characterization of IAA based on FTIR spectra was incubation at 30 ± 2°C with constant agitation. However,
performed as per Kamnev et al. (2001). Figure 5 shows ammonia and siderophore produced in the respective
Journal of Plant Interactions 571

Figure 3. Co-relationship between IAA produced by K. turfanensis strain 2M4 after various hours of incubation in presence of
different concentrations of supplemented L-tryptophan in the growth medium (nutrient broth).

Figure 4. TLC analysis of extracted IAA from the growth medium of K. turfanensis strain 2M4. Spots 1, 2, and 3 are standards
namely, L-tryptophan, IAA, and IBA, respectively. Spots 4 and 5 are duplicates containing extracted IAA from K. turfanensis strain
2M4. (a) and (b) shows the visualization of TLC foil under short UV (256 nm) and long UV (366 nm), respectively.

growth medium did not increase after 72 h of incubation inherent salinity of soil to be equivalent to 82 mM NaCl.
(Figure 7). EC is indirect measure to determine the salinity of soil.
Comparing the vegetative parameters of control
plants (PGPR non-treated) under non-saline and saline
Pot study soil, it was found that total length of the plant was
As 2M4 isolate showed multiple traits of PGPR includ- reduced by 42% and fresh biomass was reduced by 43%
ing production of IAA, ammonia, siderophore, and for plant grown under saline conditions. Test plant
solubilization of phosphate its efficacy as a PGPR was (PGPR treated) grown in absence of NaCl showed
tested in vivo for the test plant of groundnut under non- significant enhancement in the growth where there was
saline and saline conditions. Chemical properties of soil an increase by 18% in total plant length, 26% in root
used for pot study are shown in Table 2. Electrical length, 30% in fresh biomass, and 31% in dry biomass.
conductivity (EC1:5) of natural unmodified soil was Test plant (PGPR treated) in presence of supplemented
found to be 0.21 mS cm−1 which indicates inherent 50 mM NaCl showed 17% increase in total length of the
salinity of soil to be equivalent to 32 mM NaCl and after plant, root length increased by 19%, fresh biomass by
modification by the addition of 50 mM NaCl to these 13%, and dry biomass by 17%. Table 3 shows the
soil EC1:5 increased to 0.64 mS cm−1 which indicates comparative analysis of various vegetative parameters of
572 D. Goswami et al.

Figure 5. FTIR spectra of extracted IAA from K. turfanensis strain 2M4.

Figure 6. Phosphate solubilization and drop in pH due to acid production by K. turfanensis strain 2M4 in presence of various carbon
sources replaced in Pikovskaya’s medium.

control and test plants grown in non-saline and sa- high sand content (Gupta & Ansari 2012). Little Rann of
line soil. Kutch is nominated to be a ‘biosphere reserve’ by
UNESCO’s Man and Biosphere program (UNESCO
World Heritage Centre). Under present study attempt
Discussion was made to isolate unique rhizobacteria, as this region
Isolation source of K. turfanensis strain 2M4 was S. is least explored for isolating rhizobacteria from the
fruticosa’s rhizosphere, a plant belonging to Little desert plants adapted to its unique saline ecosystem.
of Kutch. This is the unique saline desert with salinity up To characterize any rhizobacteria as PGPR it should
to 12% (w/w) where majority of land in this desert be attributed to the production of diverse metabolites
contain 60% clay, unlike other deserts which contains including IAA, siderophores, ammonia, and activities
Journal of Plant Interactions 573

Figure 7. Production of ammonia in peptone water broth and siderophore production in iron free MM9 medium supplemented with
1% glucose.

such as phosphate solubilization (Glick 1995; El-Deeb and nitrogen are the two main nutrients required by
et al. 2012). IAA production is the most prominent trait plant. Organic acid secretion by rhizobacteria has been
observed by K. turfanensis strain 2M4. IAA is the major factor responsible for phosphate solubilization
phytohormone which influences several parameters in (Buch et al. 2010). Rhizobacterial population on the
plant, namely elongation and cell division, apical dorm- root surface is 10 times higher than in bulk soil. These
ancy, and differentiation of vascular tissues (Kloepper & rhizobacteria utilizes sugars mainly glucose, fructose,
Schroth 1978). Godinho et al. (2010) have reported that sucrose, xylose, and L-arabinose which are present in
Kocuria rosea isolated from sand dunes of Goa pro- root exudates metabolize it and produce organic acid
duced IAA 26 µg ml−1, Vicene et al. (2012) reported which aid in solubilization of phosphate (Archana et al.
unnamed Kocuria sp. PWN-228A isolated from Pine- 2012). Surprisingly, biochemical analysis of K. turfa-
wood pinaster produced 35 µg ml−1. This shows that nensis strain 2M4 showed that it can utilize all these
few species of Kocuria has been reported for IAA important sugars to produce organic acid. However,
production. Ahmad et al. (2008) reported that several phosphate solubilization assays showed that maximum
species of Azotobacter, Pseudomonas, and Bacillus solubilization of phosphate occurred in presence of
produced IAA up to 20 µg ml−1, 25 µg ml−1, and 10 fructose and pH of the medium was more acidic as
µg ml−1, respectively. Under present study, it can be compared to other sugars indicating greater organic acid
construed that K. turfanensis strain 2M4 can produce production in presence of fructose. Ammonia production
greater amount IAA when compared with several well- is another important trait of PGPR where an organism
known PGPR. can break down complex nitrogenous materials like
IAA is a product of L-tryptophan metabolism of peptones and release ammonia in soil. Released ammo-
microorganisms. So for several PGPR, IAA production nia is taken up by plant as a nutrient source. Soils which
is directly dependent on availability of L-tryptophan are rich in nitrogen, there can be an accumulation of
(Ahmad et al. 2008). Under present study, K. turfanensis ammonia creating alkaline condition of the soil which
strain 2M4 showed increased IAA production when suppresses the growth of certain fungi (Jha et al. 2012).
concentration of supplemented L-tryptophan was Under present study, ammonia produced by K. turfanen-
increased. However, IAA is not the only metabolite sis strain 2M4 is at parity with several PGPR strains
produced by L-tryptophan metabolism. IBA, indole-3- including Bacillus, Pseudomonas, Rhizobium, Azotobac-
pyruvate, indole-3-acetamide, tryptamine, and indole-3- ter, and Enterobacter (Joseph et al. 2007; Jha
acetonitrile can be produced other than IAA by L- et al. 2012).
tryptophan metabolism (Godinho et al. 2010). Further- Siderophores are the compounds which can chelate
more, there have been reports where these L-tryptohan iron and cause iron deficiency on growing pathogens in
metabolites react with Salkovaski reagent and give color the plant rhizosphere, indirectly suppressing the growth
reaction (Glickmann & Dessaux 1995; Szkop & Bie- of these pathogens. The importance of siderophore
lawski 2013). So to confirm IAA production by K. production in species of Pseudomonas is vividly
turfanensis strain 2M4, TLC, and FTIR were performed. described by Jan et al. (2011), where it induced systemic
Moreover, it has been reported that concentration of IAA resistance in watermelon against gummy stem rot while
produced tends to be greater than other metabolites the siderophore-negative mutants failed to induce resist-
produced by L-tryptophan metabolism (Glickmann & ance. Haas and Défago (2005) reported that strains of
Dessaux 1995; Kang et al. 2006). Pseudomonas act as a strong biocontrol PGPR because
Other than IAA production K. turfanensis strain 2M4 of its efficacy to produce siderophores. They further
was also found to solubilize phosphate, produce side- reported that strains of Pseudomonas can suppress
rophore, and produce ammonia from peptone. Phosphate Fusarium oxysporum, Gaeumannomyces graminis,
Table 2. Analysis of chemical properties of soil.

EC1:5 of
Sodium Potassium Phosphate as P2O5 SO4 (mg Magnesium unmodified Soil salinity of EC1:5 after 50 mM NaCl Total salinity after 50-mM
pH (as Na+) (as K+) Nitrogen (mg Kg−1 of soil) kg−1 of soil) (as Mg+) soil unmodified soil supplementation NaCl supplementation

6.8 0.038% 0.37% 0.051% 14.6% 0.32% 0.006% 0.21 mS cm−1 Equivalent to 0.64 mS cm−1 Equivalent to
32-mM NaCl 82-mM NaCl

D. Goswami et al.
Table 3. Effect of 2M4-based bioformulation treatment on the seedling growth of groundnut after 15 days after been sown in pots with and without NaCl supplementation. Values are the mean of
triplicates with standard error of mean.

Soil not supplemented with NaCl Supplemented 50-mM NaCl in soil

Vegetative parameters Control 2M4 treatment p Value Significance Control 2M4 treatment p Value Significance
* *
Total plant length (cm) 26.6 ± 1.87 31.5 ± 1.21 0.0191 15.4 ± 0.98 19.06 ± 1.05 0.0115
Stem length (cm) 15.37 ± 1.48 17.3 ± 1.93 0.2429 ns 8.1 ± 0.75 10.36 ± 1.41 0.0710 ns
Root length (cm) 11.22 ± 0.39 14.2 ± 0.96 0.0077 7.3 ± 0.4 8.7 ± 1.13 0.1143 ns
** *
Root fresh mass (mg) 439.66 ± 10.01 503.33 ± 18.92 0.0067 318 ± 19.28 352.0 ± 6.55 0.0445
Root dry mass (mg) 39.66 ± 2.08 49.33 ± 5.50 0.0466 38.33 ± 6.80 45.33 ± 2.88 0.1763 ns
*** *
Stem fresh mass (mg) 1393.67 ± 81.36 1880 ± 87.17 0.0021 724.33 ± 59.21 835 ± 20.51 0.0377
* *
Stem dry mass (mg) 215.66 ± 15.56 296.33 ± 46.75 0.0471 133.33 ± 11.93 156 ± 6.24 0.0434
** *
Fresh biomass (mg) 1833.33 ± 85.04 2383.33 ± 106.10 0.0021 1042.33 ± 52.53 1187 ± 27.05 0.0132
** *
Dry biomass (mg) 255.33 ± 15.01 336 ± 38.62 0.0021 171.66 ± 8.02 201.33 ± 8.50 0.0117
Note: p Value has been calculated using one-way ANOVA and its interpretation is as follows:
ns (p Value greater than 0.05) nonsignificant as compared to control.
* (p Value between 0.05 and 0.01) significant at 5%.
** (p Value between 0.01 and 0.001) significant at 1% as compared to control.
*** (p Value less than 0.001) significant at 0.1% as compared to control.
Journal of Plant Interactions 575

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