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Strength, leadership, bravery, and honor.

Magical transportation, resuscitation,

unusual birth, miraculous growth, and adventure. These are some characteristics of an
epic, a long narrative poem in a dignified style about the deeds of a traditional or historical
hero or heroes. Epics are originally written based on the geographic aspect where it was
Philippines is affluent with different literatures written by our ancestors. Long time
before the Spaniards and other foreigners landed on Philippine shores, our forefathers
already had their own literature stamped in the history of our race. Our ancient literature
shows our customs and traditions in everyday life as traced in our folk stories, old plays
and short stories. Our ancient ancestors also had their own alphabet which was different
from that brought by the Spaniards. The first alphabet used by our ancestors was similar
to that of the Malayo-Polynesian alphabet. Whatever records our ancestors left were
either burned by the Spaniards friars in the belief that they were works of the devil or were
written on materials that easily perished, like the barks of trees, dried leaves and bamboo
cylinders which could not have remained undestroyed even if efforts were made to
preserve them. Other records that remained showed folk songs that proved the existence
of a native culture truly our own. Some of these were passed on by word of mouth till they
reached the hands of some publishers or printers who took interest in printing the
manuscripts of the ancient Filipinos. The Spaniards who came to the Philippines tried to
prove that our ancestors were really fond of poetry, songs, stories, riddles and proverbs
which we still enjoy today and which serve to show to generations the true culture of our
One of the prominent or well-known writer of Ilocanos is Pedro Bucaneg (Bukaneg)
who wrote Biag ni Lam-ang which also became eminent because of its characteristics in
all aspects.
Pedro Bukaneg was a Filipino poet. Blind since birth, he is the acknowledged
author of the Ilocano epic Biag ni Lam-ang, he is considered the "Father of Ilocano
literature." A street inside the Cultural Center of the Philippines complex in Pasay City,
Philippines is named in his honor. His surname is lent to the Ilocano equivalent of the
Balagtasan. Bukaneg was a foundling, who shortly after his birth floating in a basket
between Bantay and Vigan in the Banaoang River was found by an old woman, they
brought him to the Bantay Augustiner priest. Bukaneg appeared during his upbringing in
the Augustinian convent smart and talented, he took lessons in Latin and Spanish and
learned the local languages and Ilocano Isneg. Through his knowledge of these
languages he was asked by the priests in the region to translate their prayers and
sermons in local languages, he was being asked to help with the conversion of the local
population. Bukaneg was loved by the Ilocanos as a troubadour, he was regarded by the
locals as a seer. Bukaneg is acknowledged as the author of one of the Philippines’ great
epics entitled Biag ni Lam-ang (Life of Lam-ang). With his extensive knowledge of the
Spanish and Ilocano language, he co-authored the Ilocano-Spanish grammar book and
dictionary. In 1621, he took part in the publication of the first Ilocano book. His famous
poem entitled "Patay" (Dead) shows his clear and vigorous philosophy on death. Many of
his novenas, prayers and religious literature are in Ilocano, and edited by an Augustinian
One of the most prominent epics written by Pedro Bukaneg is entitled Biag ni Lam-
ang which is originally written in Iloco dialect. To start with, here’s a very short
background about the epic. Biag Ni Lam-ang (Life of Lam-ang) is a pre-Hispanic epic
poem of the Ilocano people of the Philippines. The story was handed down orally for
generations before it was written down around 1640 assumedly by a blind Ilocano bard
named Pedro Bucaneg. It portrays the qualities and several characteristics of Filipinos.
The fact that the traits, attitudes, and values being shown in this phenomenal epic are all
reflections of our ancestors especially the Ilocanos who were the source of this fictitious
piece during pre-Spanish period. It depicts unwavering bravery, justice, love, romance,
relationship, journey and even friendship. The vastness and heroism in the story are filled
with idealistic imagination and fantasy. Lam-Ang, the hero in the epic, son of Don Juan
and Namungan Panganiban in the place of Nalbuan. He is being feared and adored by
the people because of his extraordinary powers. He has unusual birth. He can talk just
after his birth. Lam Ang’s astounding growth was so fantastically amazing. When he was
nine months old, he already possessed maturity, physically and mentally. He also had a
very loud voice that he can broadcast a declaration clearly to the town of Nalbuan. He
had an indescribable spirit that he conquered the numerous Igorots alone.
Lam Ang’s bravery was being shown to the town people of Calanutian and
Nalbuan as he tried to get the shellfish, the fact that it was a difficult task because many
have tried to attempt to get the precious shellfish but they failed do it. Aside from all his
extraordinary capabilities, he also had astonishing powers. When it comes to his love life,
he tried to do anything for his love, Ines Cannuyan, to prove his worthiness of marrying
her. Unfortunately, he was killed by berkakan, a furious shark, but he was brought to life
through the help of his unbelievable animal friends. First, the epic shows the importance
of family. Lam Ang’s love for his family was selfless as he searched for his father. The
leadership skills were also manifested, he protected the town people of Nalbuan for
possible colonization of Igorots. The epic also emphasizes the rivalry between Lam Ang
and other suitors. When Lam Ang fell in love with Ines, He fought and killed several
monsters and eventually challenged Sumarang who was a dedicated suitor of Ines. It is
just a picture how the Filipinos fight for their love, doing everything just to prove how
dedicated we are. Lastly, the Biag ni Lam Ang depicts a very good portrayal of a true
Iloco all about and to all the Filipinos.
In literature, an archetype is a typical character, an action, or a situation that
seems to represent such universal patterns of human nature. In the epic Biag Ni Lam-
ang, we can find some of it. As said, an archetype may be a character, a theme, a symbol
or even a situation. For archetypes in character, we have the hero and it’s pretty obvious
that Lam-ang is the hero in the epic. His father, Don Juan, can also be considered one
because they both exhibit goodness and struggles against evil in order to restore
harmony and justice to society. Don Juan went to the mountains in order to punish a
group of their Igorot enemies and Lam-ang set out on a journey to avenge his father’s
death. Both of them seek for justice making them the hero of the story. Another archetype
found in the epics is the mother figure. Namongan, Lam-ang’s mother, belongs to this
archetype. Ines Kannoyan, Lam-ang’s wife, can also be considered belonging to the
mother figure. Both women in Lam-ang’s life guided, directed and nourished him. His
mother guided him for nine months before he decided to set out on a journey to look for
his father. Prior to that journey, Namongan surely has done everything to take care of
Lam-ang; she surely has guided him and nourished him to grow up brave. It is her duty as
a mother. Ines Kannoyan, on the other hand, shown this mother figure role when she had
Marcos get Lam-ang’s bones. A doppelganger is also present in the epic. I’m referring to
the doppelganger of Lam-ang.
In the epic, though he is the hero, Lam-ang has some characteristics that are
somehow not pleasant. We can observe that he is a little boastful evident when he was
asked of the dowry that is to be given to the family of Ines. The parents agreed to a
marriage with their daughter if lam-ang would give them a dowry valued at double their
wealth and lam-ang said he has no problem in fulfilling this condition. I find this part, this
side of Lam-ang, a little boastful. Another negative characteristic of Lam-ang is his love
for revenge; his passion for killing. This is evident when he looked for his father; when he
found the tribe that killed his father and killed all of them leaving one alive. These events
showed Lam-ang’s duplicate or shadow representing the evil side of his personality. And
the antagonists in the story: the Igorot tribe, Sumarang (one of one of Ines’ suitors), the
fish Rarang and the Berkakan. They are the villains whose main function is to go to any
extent to oppose the hero or whom the hero must annihilate. These are the archetypes in
character that can be found in the epic poem Biag ni Lam-ang but we are not stopping
there. We also have several archetypes in situation. We have the journey. The main
character, Lam-ang, takes on a journey that is physical and emotional to understand his
personality and the nature of the world and also to seek revenge. The story revolved
around this journey that Lam-ang had. The clash between Lam-ang and the Igorot tribe
shows the Good vs. Evil archetype. There is a clash of forces that represent goodness
with those that represent evil. And the last is the fall. This happened when Lam-ang dived
into that river and went directly into the mouth of the river monster Berkakan which
caused his death. Here, Lam-ang has fallen from grace in consequence of his own action.
These are the archetypes that I have found in the epic. For you to be able to relate with
everything that I have written here, you have to read the epic yourself. The use of
archetypal characters and situations give a literary work a universal acceptance as
readers identify the character and situation in their social and cultural context. By using
common archetype, the writers attempt to impart realism to their works, as the situation
and the characters are drawn from the experience of the world.
The epic Biag ni Lam-ang reflects several truths applicable to human life. More
specifically, these truths reveal some attitudes, traits, and values of Filipinos, especially
among Ilocanos because they were the ones responsible of creating and popularizing this
phenomenal epic. First, Filipinos are very family oriented. When Lam-ang was born, his
father was already captured by the Igorots in the forest. It is even possible that his father
was already dead during the time. This means that he never had an opportunity to
experience the love of his father or meet him even once in his lifetime. However, when
Lam-ang learned of what happened to his father, he promised that he would avenge for
his death. In this instance, we could see Lam-ang, willing to die just to seek justice for a
man whom he never personally met, but is recognizable to him in terms of their family
relationship; the father and son relationship. Today, Filipinos would usually defend their
family members in the face of threat and persecution from other people. Additionally,
Filipinos have the practice of letting the sons and daughters to still stay in the house of
their parents even if they have already married.
Filipinos give emphasis on the rivalry between them and their competitors in the
hearts of the persons they love. When Lam-ang fell in love with Ines, he killed several
monsters and eventually fought Sumarang who was also a dedicated suitor of Ines.
Among many Filipino teenagers today, if they could not get themselves noticed by their
crushes, they do something to remove the one who is getting in their way. For Filipinos,
competition over love is serious. Not getting the person they love because someone else
was preferred over them is very degrading. This truth though might also apply to some
other cultures. Since love is universal, it is likely that this particular attitude is not
exclusively Filipino. Filipinos value and sanctify friendship. When Lam-ang died, his
friends were the ones who tried to seek for a way for him to regain his life. Nowadays,
aside from family, Filipinos would run to their friends in times of downfalls and
disappointments because they know that the company, comfort, compassion, and care
that their friends can offer will surely contribute a lot to bringing back the life in them. The
Filipino character traits that I have explained are just some of the many others that are
reflected in the epic ‘’Biag Ni Lam-ang.’’ Certainly, every aspect of the epic has an
implication to the Filipino people because it is a very original Filipino-made work of art.
In this epic, commonly, magical transportation, resuscitation, and the like are evident.
Like any other epics, the story bears supernatural theme. This just adheres the
mythicalcharacteristic of the piece. From the unusual birth, miraculous growth, adventure,
to the victorious moments, the essence of the values of strength, leadership, bravery,
and honor spreads all over.

President Elpidio Quirino National High School

Literary Research Focusing on the Prominent Writer and Literary Text


As a requirement in

21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World


Submitted by:

CARREON, Kris Angeli D.


Submitted to:

Ms. Ruth Balderas


November 9, 2020

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