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Which is the largest six-digit number, which when divided by 12,15,20,24 and 30 leaves the
Remainder 8,11,16,20 and 26 respectively?
a) 999982 20$30 multiple of "10"
b) 999956

c) 999960
d) 999964 after adding y only option (b) div by 10

99956 +
4 =


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27. What least number should be deducted from 9847 so that it gives remainder 9,8,7,6 ….1
When divided by 10,9,8,7…..2 respectively?
a) 2286
2m of (2,3,4,5,-10)
b) 2317
c) 2288
d) 2243
x5x 2520

NO. = 2520k - 1

-> max 1=3

NO 2520x1 -1 7559


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28. Find the sum digits of a smallest number which when divided by 16,24,30 and 36 leaves
Remainder 8,16,22 and 28 respectively but exactly divisible by 7?
a) 9
b) 10
- No. 2 2cm(16,24,30,3614 8 -

c) 13 diV by 9
d) 11
.:D.S. 9-8:1
:only option (b)

D. S R

⑧ N =

T204-8- lukt 6k -
k6 =
1500 div b47]

4+ 1112 10

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29 . M is the largest three digit number which divided by 6 and 5 leaves remainder 5 and 3
Respectively. What will be the remainder when M is divided by 11?
a) 1 2

b) 2
Dive R smallestwo =
Y, 14
c) 3 ⑧- S
d) 4 8 - 53 Lm(516) - 30

NO.=30K +23

:PcmiK + smallest no.

Fow large exist no. 32

:-No. -> 30x32 +23:
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30. LCM of three natural numbers 150,144 and x is 10800. how many values of x are possible?
a) 10
b) 16

d - 2* xx x30
c) 12 us
z'X' 24x32 x 51
d) 15 x52
22 x 52
24x3 x 52
km 10800


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31. If the least common multiple of two numbers , 1728 and K is 5184 , then how many value
Of K are possible?
a) 11 - - ix
1728 k ->

b) 8 de 21
c) 6 2x 3
d) 7



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32. Five bells ring together at the intervals of 3, 5, 8 , 9 and 10 seconds. All the bells ring
Simultaneously at the same time. They will again ring simultaneously after.
a) 6 min.
b) 8 min. Ring same time ->
c) 9 min.
d) 4 min.
⑰ :argin

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33. Three electronic devices make a beep after 48 seconds,72 seconds and 108 seconds
Respectively , they all beeped together at 10am in the morning. Next time at which time they
Will together beep? 1cm 148, 72, 108) -> 144x] -432 sec
a) 10:07:12 ↳> min 12 sec
b) 10:07:24
c) 10:07:36
d) 10:07:48 %07:12

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34. Four bells starts ringing together and then ring at an interval of 24 sec, 36 sec, 48 sec and 64
Sec respectively. How many times will they ring together in 7 hrs 12 min?
a) 45
b) 46
- 2cm(24,14,48,64) 144x4:57652 =

c) 48
d) 44
# 432x60se ... #x615
45 +A

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35. A,B, C begin to run in the same direction from the same point in a circular stadium at the
Same time. A complete one round in 252 sec, B in308 sec and C in198 sec. in how much time will
They meet again at the initial point?

(252,108, 198
↳m 2am 7 x
a) 26 min 18 sec =
44 x9
b) 42min 36 sec
c) 45 min 7x36 744 11x18
d) 46 min 12 sec =2772S)

=46 min lese


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36. From a point on a circular track 5 km long A, B and C started running in the same direction at
The same time which speed of 2⅟₂km per hour, 3 km per hour and 2 km per hour respectively .
Then on the starting point all three will meet again after

:.(*) e)
a) 30 hour
b) 6 hour +=

c) 10 hour
d) 15 hour

-> -

Fraction xem. I HIF

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37. Three men move from one place to another. Their steps are of length 63 cm, 70 cm and 77 cm
Respectively. Minimum how much distance should be covered that all person can cover that
Distance in whole number of steps?
a) 9630 cm
b) 9360 cm distance will moltiple of 11
c)- 6930 cm -> use rule of (T17X11)
d) 6950 cm
11 dive

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38. If LCM (1,2,3,4…………..,20)=and LCM (1,2,3,4………….,27)=K x ₓ, then find value of K.
a) 3289
b) 345
2cm (1,2,3, -20] x=

c) 429
d) 115
2, 24, 25,26,27]
↳im 21,2, ik
-20, 21,

st avl x0
23x5x3 23x15:


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38. If LCM (1,2,3,4…………..,20)=and LCM (1,2,3,4………….,27)=K x ₓ, then find value of K.
a) 3289
b) 345
c) 429
d) 115

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