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The world of animals of full of beautiful colors.

We enjoy looking at them, but these colors mean

a lot more to animals than just good looks. Colors can help animals in a number of ways.

For example, a toad is the same color as the rocks around it. When it sits still, it looks like a rock.

This helps to protect it from enemies like snakes. Its color also helps it to hunt. Since the toad
looks like a rock, insects may not see it and come close. In contrast, some animals have very
visible colors. Monarch butterflies are very colorful. They taste bad to birds and make them sick.
So, the bright colors of the butterflies protect them by reminding birds to look for a tastier meal

We should eat less salt to live longer. Too much salt is bad for health but throughout history, salt
was valuable to many people around the world. Salt was used to preserve food before the
invention of refrigerators. Because it was useful, governments taxed salt. However, too much tax
caused conflicts. In 1930, Mohandas Gandhi decided to lead peaceful protest because the British
colonial government required Indians to buy salt and pay high taxes. He led famous 23-day long
Salt March and nearly 60,000 people were arrested with him. Although India would not gain its
independence until 1947, the Salt March raised international awareness of British injustices in

When Tom and Jane got back home, the house was still surround by snow. There was something
black by the door. Tom stared closely at it. It was a black cat frozen hard in the snow. He was
frightened and didn’t know what to do, but Jane picked it up and held it in her arms. She thought
it might be dead already. However, she wanted to try her best to save it. She had to warm up the
cat as fast as possible. She quickly opened the door and asked Tome to get her some blankets.
Fireworks were invented in China long ago. In the past, Chinese people used fireworks to
celebrate cultural events. These days, fireworks shows are a popular way to light the sky with
colorful sights and sounds. However, they cause a lot of air pollution in a short time. For example,
different colors of fire come from toxic metal salts in fireworks. When fireworks go off, the metal
salts produce smoke and emit gas into the air as they burn up. A scientist said that the smoke
and gases can make people sick. In addition to its harmful effects on human health, the smoke
can also cause acid rain, which harms the environment. It also is responsible for climate change.
According to the study in the international of Environment, many of the materials from fireworks
end up polluting the air, the water, and the soil.

Particles move from more crowded areas to less crowded ares. Remember the last time you used
watercolors? When you dip your brush into the red dye and then into a cup of water, you’ll see
the water turn red at the surface. Wait a few minutes, and you’ll see the red color spreading
throughout the water. Finally, all the water becomes red. What happened here? Well, the red
particles at the surface of the water saw that they were crowed. They realized there’s a lot of
space below them that is much less crowded, so they started spreading out. At one point, they
became even spread.

They had no preference in moving from one area to another, and just went back to moving
randomly in all directions.

In our daily life, we see that apologies often fail. Why does this happen? One reason is that the
quilty person and the victim usually see the event very differently. Researchers have studied
different personal stories about apologies and have found out an interesting fact. A guilty person
who causes harm tends to minimize the quilt-maybe to protect themselves from shame or a guilty
feeling. A person who does harm also tends to minimize the results of their actions. These
situations can upset the victim, who may get angrier at the guilty person. A person who is
harmed may see the harm as bigger than it really is. Those who get hurt are likely to see the
action as one with much sever effects. Victims also see it as a repeated pattern that is really hard
to forgive. In short, each person has their own truth because each one has their own point of vies.
So there is some kind of distortion on both sides; the guilty person’s and the victim’s. Therefore,
to apologize sincerely, we must first listen to each other carefully. Each of us should think about
how the other person really feels about the action. We should not simply argue our own position.

Although it is fun to use social media, you can face many dangers using it. Strangers can connect
to your social media accout and find out about you. Sometimes, words from a Stranger can hurt
you. Still, you can’t avoid using it. Then, how do you stay safe on social media? Most of us know
the following: You should never post personal information like your phone number, or your home
address as strangers can see what you share. Also, even a picture of your club activity might give
away a clue to where you live or what school you go to. Thus, you should be careful with your
posts and only make them available to people that you can trust.

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