ENG105 Research Paper

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Research Paper

Is the education system to blame for the

unemployment problem in Bangladesh?

Tonmoy Azad
ID: 2221403630


Submitted to

Mohammed Shahedul Haque

Assistant Professor

Department of English & Modern Languages,

North South University

11th June, 2023


First and foremost, I would like to express my gratitude to Almighty Allah for bestowing me the

strength, intellect, and patience to conduct this research project successfully.

I would also like to thank my respectable faculties advocate, Saquib Rahman, and economist

Mahnaz Aftabi Atique without whose opinions and guidance my research would have been

inadequate. I have the utmost respect for their patience and the time they have given me for the

interview despite their busy schedule.

I am also thankful towards my parents, who have always supported me and motivated me.

Without their encouragement and financial support, this research would not have been possible. I

also acknowledge my fellow classmates and friends for their help, suggestions, and discussions

that have helped me conduct this research. I was able to get valuable insights from them

regarding my research topic, allowing my paper to be enriched with different viewpoints and

perceptions. Lastly, my appreciation goes to my course instructor Mohammed Shahedul Haque

for his continuous guidance and advice, which helped me to conduct the research. Due to his

sincerity and dedication from the start of the semester till the end, I was able to complete my

research paper successfully.


This research paper is about exploring the relationship between the education system and

unemployment in Bangladesh. Previous researchers have primarily focused on only the

education system of Bangladesh, failing to relate it to the unemployment issue. Moreover, most

of the earlier researchers relied only on secondary sources of data for their research, which is

why it might consist of outdated information. For this reason, their research findings might not

depict the actual scenario. I have collected data from reliable and latest secondary sources and

conducted surveys on the general people to better understand the current situation. Furthermore,

the interviews I took with the subject experts further improved the accuracy of my primary data.

Just like what has been assumed in the hypothesis, the studies of the research paper confirm that

the flaws in the education system are, in fact, responsible for graduate unemployment. Although

the education system is not the only factor concerning this issue, the research findings shed light

on the weaknesses of the education system and the extent to which it can be blamed for

unemployment. My research paper is expected to contribute to the ongoing discussion on

education reform and provide recommendations for policymakers to improve the education

system and reduce graduate unemployment in the country.

Table of Contents

Introduction: ................................................................................................................................... 1

Background: .................................................................................................................................... 3

Research Questions: ....................................................................................................................... 7

Hypotheses: .................................................................................................................................... 8

Methodology:.................................................................................................................................. 9

Data Presentation and Analysis: ................................................................................................... 10

Summary of Research Findings: .................................................................................................... 19

Recommendations: ....................................................................................................................... 21

Conclusion: .................................................................................................................................... 22

References: ................................................................................................................................... 23
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The topic of my research is determining whether the education system of Bangladesh is to be

blamed for the unemployment problem. Bangladesh education system still faces many challenges

that contribute to the existing unemployment problem. It fails to equip students with the proper

knowledge and skills that are required in the job market. As a result, there is a mismatch between

the skills of the workforce and the demands of the workplace. Improving the quality of education

and making it relevant with the outside world will be essential in lowering the unemployment

rate in our country.

Unemployment is an alarming issue in our country, affecting thousands and thousands of people

and contributing to poverty and hardship. Bangladesh has a rapidly growing population, which

places a significant strain on the job market and makes it difficult for graduates to find secure

employment. The unemployment rate in Bangladesh is about 6.91%, but this figure may not

accurately reflect the true extent of the problem, as many people are underemployed or working

in informal, low-wage jobs that do not provide a stable income (The Business Standard, 2023).

According to the latest Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS), the educated unemployment rate

is 3 times higher than the number of total illiterate people in the country (Dhaka Tribune, 2022).

UNESCO Institute for Statistics finds that the literacy rate in Bangladesh still needs some

upgrading. About 30% of the population still struggles to successfully read or write. According

to the report of Bangladesh Education for All (EFA) National Review in 2015, the blame could

partially be placed on the obstacles to the completion of primary education (The Borgen Project,

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The education system in our country has faced several flaws and challenges over the years,

which have impeded its overall development and effectiveness in preparing students for the

workforce. Many teachers in Bangladesh, particularly in the rural areas, lack proper training and

qualifications. This significantly affects the quality of education they can provide to students

(The Daily Star, 2022). The education system also lacks emphasis on practical skills, as it has a

strong focus on theoretical knowledge, with limited opportunities for students to gain hands-on

experience and practical skills. This makes it difficult for graduates to apply their knowledge in

the workforce and lead to a skills mismatch. Moreover, our education system has a heavy

emphasis on exams, which does not encourage critical thinking and creativity. The curse of

unemployment can be lifted from society by bringing a radical change to our education system

and including vocational short-term training and diplomas so that skilled labor can be produced

in a short span of time with the bare minimum expense. By ensuring quality education for all, we

can hope to reduce the unemployment rate in Bangladesh to a great extent.

The purpose of my study is to look deeper into the flaws of our education system and to point out

the changes that must be made. I also hope my research paper will enlighten me about the main

reasons for unemployment, as well as the problems caused by it. By acknowledging the

problems, I expect my research findings to give a solution to this problem. I am hopeful that my

conducted research will bring a change to our society and ensure that people come out from

Universities not only as graduates but also as skilled workers.

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Our education system has been a subject of harsh criticism in recent years for not effectively or

adequately preparing students for the job market. Several studies have investigated the flaws in

the education system in Bangladesh and its possible solutions.

An article published in The Daily Star (2023) discusses the increasing unemployment rate in

Bangladesh and explores the factors contributing to this matter. The author argues that the

education system in the country is not sufficiently preparing graduates for the job market, and

therefore, many people are struggling to find jobs. This article also highlights the role of the

government and employers in addressing this issue and suggests a range of policy interventions

to improve the current situation. This article is well-written and provides a clear and concise

analysis about what changes must be made in order to improve employment rate. The author's

importance on the education system and its shortcomings is particularly relevant and underscores

the necessity of reforming the system to better meet the needs of the employers. However, the

article does not provide a detailed analysis of the other factors contributing to graduate

unemployment, such as economic trends and labor market dynamics. The author's priority on the

role of the government and employers in addressing this issue is also noteworthy and highlights

the need for collective action to improve the situation.

Moreover, a research paper was conducted by Prodhan (2015), where the researcher tried to

identify the challenges in the education system of Bangladesh. It is also mentioned that the

education system in Bangladesh is not competitive enough compared to international standards.

This research is distinct because it was conducted through a study of available material and

research documents by government commissions and international educationalist reports. The

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data used in this research for analysis was gathered from interviewing not only the students of

different educational institutions but also the teachers. The main problem that the researcher

could find from this study is the lack of unity of curriculum followed at the primary level.

However, since the research was conducted in 2015, it might not accurately represent the current

situation. But, this study is still relevant as it provides future researchers with a clear

understanding of the problems related to the education system in Bangladesh, which are a cause

of unemployment.

Another study from Rashid and Islam (2020) aims to investigate the impacts of unemployment

on graduates in Bangladesh, specifically in the context of the Chittagong district. The researchers

conducted a survey of 300 graduates who were unemployed at the time of conducting the study

and used both descriptive and inferential statistical methods to analyze the data. The findings

suggest that unemployment has a significant negative impact on the mental health, social life,

and financial well-being of graduates in Bangladesh. The study concludes with recommendations

for policymakers and educational institutions to improve the quality of education and

employment opportunities for graduates in the country. Overall, this paper provides valuable

insights into the challenges faced by unemployed graduates in Bangladesh and highlights the

need for policy reforms to address the issue. The research methodology is rigorous, and the

results are presented clearly and supported by statistical analysis. But still, the study is limited by

its focus on a single district, and further research may be needed to generalize the findings to

other regions of the country.

UNICEF Bangladesh (2017) prepared a report about reforming secondary education in

Bangladesh which provides an in-depth analysis of the secondary education system in

Bangladesh and its role in preparing young people for just and quality employment opportunities.
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The report identifies several challenges facing the current system, such as the mismatch between

education and the demands of the labor market, and makes recommendations for reforms to

improve the quality and relevance of secondary education in the country. The authors argue that

such reforms are critical for reducing youth unemployment and poverty in Bangladesh. The

report is well-researched and draws on a range of sources to support its analysis and

recommendations. The authors also provide detailed case studies and examples of successful

initiatives to reform the secondary education system in Bangladesh. But the report is limited by

its focus on secondary education and does not address other factors that contribute to youth

unemployment in the country. Additionally, the report does not provide a detailed

implementation plan for the proposed reforms, which may limit its practical utility for

policymakers and educators. The authors' emphasis on the importance of preparing young people

for just and quality employment is particularly noteworthy and underscores the need for a

holistic approach to addressing youth unemployment in the country.

Another study published in the Pacific International Journal made by Miah (2021) explores the

issue of graduate unemployment in Bangladesh and its impacts on young people in the country.

The author analyzes data from various sources, including government reports and academic

studies, to identify the causes and consequences of the problem. The author also discusses the

social impacts of unemployment on young people and the broader implications for the country's

economic development. The author's emphasis on the psychological impacts of unemployment is

particularly noteworthy and highlights the need for a holistic approach to confronting the

problem. However, the study is limited by its focus on graduate unemployment and does not

address the broader issue of youth unemployment in the country. Additionally, the study does not

provide detailed recommendations for policymakers and educators to address the problem. To
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sum up, this study offers valuable insights into the issue of graduate unemployment in

Bangladesh and its impacts on the young population of the country. The author's analysis of the

causes and consequences of the problem is well-supported and highlights the need for systemic

reforms to address the issue.

I believe the studies discussed above can provide me with useful insights for my research by

offering a comprehensive understanding of the current state of unemployment in Bangladesh and

its relationship with the education system. The studies and articles reviewed suggested that the

education system in Bangladesh has fatal flaws, including a lack of practical skills among

graduates. Our country's examination-based education system leads to a focus on rote learning

and emphasizes less critical thinking and problem-solving skills. After analyzing the research

papers, it is clear that the education curriculum needs reformation. Overall, the literature review

can serve as a useful foundation for this research paper that seeks to explore the relationship

between the education system and unemployment in Bangladesh, providing insights into the

challenges for addressing this issue.

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Research Questions:

In my research, I plan to investigate if the education system of Bangladesh is to be blamed for

the unemployment problem. My research addresses the following research questions:

1. Is the education system in Bangladesh ensuring work-oriented education?

2. Is the knowledge gained from education “practical” in workplaces?

3. What is the unemployment rate in Bangladesh?

4. What steps can be taken by the government to acknowledge this problem?

5. What are the problems caused in society due to unemployment?

6. What should be done in order to create more job opportunities?

7. What changes must be brought to the teaching pattern and the curriculum to make sure

the knowledge earned is relevant to the workplace?

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Unemployment can be a result of overpopulation and the lackings of an education system in our

country. From my research, I expect to find that our national curriculum is, in fact, flawed for

only emphasizing memorization as the only method of study. I believe the mindset of our people

is also to be blamed, as people prioritize grades and certificates over what has been learned.

I believe this issue can be addressed by changing our entire education system, where we will be

taught based on what will be necessary for our workplace and real life. It is expected that the

unemployment problem can give rise to crimes and hamper the peace of society. I also expect

that technology will open up more opportunities for employment and is not the reason for people

losing their jobs in Bangladesh.

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For my primary research, I plan on interviewing two types of people. First, I will take the

opinions of the subject experts or the people who have professional knowledge about the

education system of Bangladesh and the job market. This includes interviewing faculty members

of my University, academics, and researchers who specialize in education in Bangladesh. I will

also take help from individuals who have published research papers or articles related to my

research topic and officials from the Ministry of Education in Bangladesh. For the subject

experts, I will conduct an interview face-to-face or by telephone. Moreover, I will also collect the

opinions of general people by preparing a questionnaire addressing all the reasons causing

unemployment in Bangladesh. I will conduct a survey with the help of questionnaires from

pedestrians, students, and workers. Furthermore, I will upload the questionnaire to online social

media to seek answers from all sorts of people. By following the above methods, I hope to

collect data for my primary research.

For my secondary research, I will take the help of the library of my University to look for

relevant books and journals to get information regarding my study. I will also search on the

Internet and take help from legitimate websites, articles, and online newspapers. I also hope to

find out similar kinds of research papers done before for references.
P a g e | 10

Data Presentation and Analysis:

1. The first question of the questionnaire is related to the 1st research question. Among the 25

responses, 50% of the people agreed that the education system of Bangladesh is not ensuring

work-oriented education, while 41% of others are "somewhat" sure about it. Therefore, we can

conclude that the majority of the people agree Bangladesh lacks in ensuring work-oriented

education. This eventually leads to unemployment, low productivity, and social unrest.

2. It relates to the 2nd research question. About half of the respondents agreed that knowledge

gained from education is not practical in workplaces. In contrast, the rest voted for the

knowledge to be somewhat related to workplaces. However, none of the respondents chose the

option "yes," referring that no one believed the knowledge gained from education in Bangladesh

is totally practical in workplaces.

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3. It relates to the 4th research question. About 38% of people said improving job training

programs will help the government to acknowledge the unemployment problem. In comparison,

33% of people believe that changing the entire education curriculum is necessary to solve this

problem. In other words, we need combined effort and improvements in multiple sectors to solve

the unemployment problem.

4. It refers to the 5th research question. The majority of the people surveyed agreed that

unemployment could cause social problems like an increase in crime rate, poverty, and social

unrest. 87.5% of the 25 individuals surveyed hold this opinion. So it is confirmed that

unemployment poses a serious threat to hamper the peace and tranquility of society.
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5. This question refers to the 6th research question. According to 50% of the people surveyed,

promoting entrepreneurship is the way to create more job opportunities. There is a tie of 21%

between two other solutions, which are to increase government spending and to increase the

number of private industries. In conclusion, promoting entrepreneurship can be vital to create job

opportunities along with support from the government in this regard.

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6. This question relates to the 2nd research question. According to a majority of the people

surveyed, about 67% agree that the teaching pattern of the education system must be changed by

increasing practical training, updating the curriculum, and ensuring job-specific skills are taught

at educational institutions. It is safe to assume that the current education system is flawed in

providing the knowledge required for workplaces, and immediate measures must be taken.

7. It relates to the 7th research question. 67% of respondents agree that lack of job opportunities

is the primary reason for graduate unemployment, while 25% believe that lack of vocational

training is the problem here. However, none thought that lack of education was the reason for

graduate unemployment. This proves that only ensuring education for all is not enough to reduce

unemployment; instead, we must provide more job opportunities.

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8. This refers to the 7th research question. 50% of people believe that vocational and training

courses in Bangladesh are adequately preparing students for the job market. This concludes that

the vocational and training programs currently existing in Bangladesh are effective, and we only

have to introduce more such programs.

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9. This question refers to the 7th research question. The majority, about 75% of people surveyed,

believe that more vocational training can better prepare students for the job market. None

believed that focusing more on academic subjects is a good idea to combat unemployment.

Therefore, we must focus on practical and work-oriented education rather than depending solely

on theoretical and exam-based education systems.

10. This refers to the 3rd research question. 63% of people agreed that employers prefer hiring

graduates with work experience rather than just academic certificates. So we must ensure job

opportunities for fresh graduates by providing them with prior work experience through

internship programs.
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11. This refers to 3rd research question. 42% of people admit that all the industries in

Bangladesh are affected due to a lack of skilled labor. Since industries are getting modernized

from day to day, it is necessary to prepare a skilled workforce who are technologically advanced.
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12. This refers to 4th research question. 66% of people agree that private ownership and

developing special economic zones can encourage job creation in Bangladesh. The government

should promote startups which will eventually create newer jobs.

13. This relates to the 1st research question. 58% of people agree that internships and

apprenticeships are effective in reducing unemployment in Bangladesh. So, it can be said that

internships and apprenticeships can help prepare a student for the professional working

environment and thus help get a job right after graduation.

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Open Ended Answers:

14. This refers to the 4th research question. The majority of the people surveyed agree that

reducing taxes, providing loans, and increasing funds can encourage startups and self-

employment. The government can make this possible by reducing the interest rate on small firms

and removing restrictions on private ownership.

15. This refers to the 8th research question. Among all the open-ended answers collected, the

majority suggested that focusing on practical skills rather than memorization can help improve

the quality of education.

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Summary of Research Findings:

Education and unemployment are two intertwined issues that have been plaguing Bangladesh for

decades. The country has made significant strides in improving its education system, but it still

faces many challenges. At the same time, the problem of unemployment has been on the rise in

Bangladesh, particularly among the educated youth. To understand the relationship between

these two issues, I conducted interviews with subject experts as well as surveying the general

public. The interviews were conducted with two different subject experts, including Advocate

Saquib Rahman who is a faculty member of Law Department at North South University and

Economist Mahnaz Aftabi Atique who is also a faculty member of Economics Department at

North South University. The questions that I asked focused on the current state of the education

system, the causes of unemployment, and potential solutions. The experts' responses provided

valuable insights into the challenges faced by Bangladesh and the steps that can be taken to

address them. Moreover, the survey done on the general people also helped in conducting this

research and gathering different views and opinions.

The subject experts pointed out that the education system is largely focused on theory, with little

emphasis on practical skills. As a result, graduates often lack the skills necessary to succeed in

the job market. The experts also noted that the curriculum is often outdated and does not reflect

the needs of the current job market. Another key issue discussed was the high rate of

unemployment among graduates. I could find several reasons for this, including the lack of job

opportunities in the country, the mismatch between the skills of graduates and the needs of

employers, and the limited access to training and support programs. In terms of solutions, the

most agreed ones among the majority of the people include creating more job opportunities

through government initiatives and private sector investment, improving the relevance of the
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education system by updating the curriculum and incorporating more practical skills, and

providing greater access to training and support programs for graduates. The experts also

highlighted the need for greater collaboration between the government, private sector, and civil

society in addressing these issues. They emphasized the importance of a multi-stakeholder

approach and the need for all actors to work together to create a more inclusive and sustainable


The survey results suggest that in order to solve the unemployment problem in Bangladesh, there

needs to be combined effort and improvements in multiple sectors, including job training

programs, changing the education curriculum, promoting entrepreneurship, increasing

government spending, and increasing the number of private industries. The respondents also

believe that lack of job opportunities is the primary reason for graduate unemployment, and

employers prefer hiring graduates with work experience rather than just academic certificates.

The survey results also show that the vocational and training programs currently existing in

Bangladesh are effective, and there need to be more such programs. The respondents also believe

that internships and apprenticeships can help prepare students for the professional working

environment and reduce unemployment in Bangladesh. Finally, the majority of the respondents

agree that the government should encourage entrepreneurship and startups, which will eventually

create newer jobs by lowering taxes, providing loans, and increasing funds.

The research project aimed to investigate the hypothesis that unemployment in Bangladesh is a

result of overpopulation and a flawed education system that emphasizes memorization over

practical skills. The research findings supported this hypothesis, with the majority of the

respondents agreeing that the education system is not providing work-oriented education and that

knowledge gained from education is not practical in workplaces.

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In order to address the issue of education and unemployment in Bangladesh, several

recommendations can be proposed. Firstly, there is a need to revamp the curriculum to make it

more industry-oriented. This can be achieved by introducing practical, skill-based courses and

vocational training that equip students with the necessary skills demanded by the job market.

Collaborations between educational institutions and industries can help identify the specific

skills in demand and incorporate them into the curriculum. Secondly, strengthening career

guidance and counseling services is crucial to guide students toward career paths that align with

the job market. Educational institutions should establish dedicated career guidance centers to

provide comprehensive information on different career options, job market trends, and necessary

qualifications. Thirdly, promoting entrepreneurship and innovation is essential to create new job

opportunities. The government, in collaboration with educational institutions, should establish

entrepreneurship development programs, incubators, and startup support networks to provide

aspiring entrepreneurs with the necessary resources and mentoring. Finally, enhancing industry-

academia collaboration is vital to bridge the gap between education and the job market.

Partnerships, internships, and apprenticeship programs can provide students with practical

exposure and real-world experiences. Industry professionals can contribute to curriculum

development, ensuring its relevance and alignment with industry needs. These recommendations,

if implemented, can contribute to a more robust education system that prepares students for

employment and reduces the rate of unemployment in Bangladesh.

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In conclusion, the relationship between the education system and unemployment in Bangladesh

is a complex and multifaceted issue. While the education system does play a role in failing to

prepare individuals for the job market, it is still only one factor among many that contribute to

unemployment in the country. Other factors, such as the lack of job opportunities, poor economic

conditions, and the mismatch between job market demand and the skills of job seekers, are also

important. Therefore blaming the education system alone is not justified. However, there is

certainly room for improvement in the education system, particularly in terms of its relevance to

the needs of the job market. Strengthening vocational training programs, promoting

entrepreneurship, and enhancing the quality of education are all potential solutions that can help

reduce unemployment in Bangladesh.

P a g e | 23

1) Impacts of Unemployment on Graduates in Bangladesh: A Case Study. (2020). British

Journal of Arts and Humanities, 87–94.


2) The education system in Bangladesh and scope for improvement. (n.d.). Journal of Education

and Social Sciences, 4.


3) Problems of Primary Education in Bangladesh: A Pragmatic Study. International Journal of

Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education, 5(1). (n.d.).



4) Reforming Secondary Education in Bangladesh: Ensuring Quality, Just Jobs, and

Employability. UNICEF. (2017).



5) Uncertainty After Graduation: A Deep Dive into The Present Scenario of Graduate

Unemployment Problem in Bangladesh. Pacific International Journal, 4(2), 49–53.


6) Graduate unemployment: Who's to blame? The Daily Star. (n.d.).

P a g e | 24

7) Islam, A. K. J. (2023, 18th January). Unemployment hits all-time high at 6.91% in Nov. The

Business Standard.


8) Haider, A. A. (2022, 24th June). Education system in Bangladesh needs to change. The Daily



9) Thelwell, K. (2020). 3 Problems Facing Education in Bangladesh. The Borgen Project.


10) Abdullah, M. (2022, 8th February). Young, educated and jobless. Dhaka Tribune.


Research Proposal: Education

Date: February 12, 2023

To: M Shahedul Haque

From: Tonmoy Azad, ID# 2221403630, ENG 105, Section: 2

Subject: Proposal to conduct a research project on whether the education system is to be blamed for

the unemployment problem in Bangladesh.


The unemployment issue is a curse to society as an unemployed individual does not contribute to

society’s growth and prosperity. In fact, an unemployed individual fails to support himself, let alone

provide for his family. Eventually, an unemployed person seeks unlawful ways to maintain a

livelihood, thus increasing the crime rate of our country.

My research focuses on if this unemployment problem occurs in Bangladesh due to the flawed

education system. Not only are the uneducated people unemployed in our country, but also the

graduates. Countless individuals in our country find it difficult to land a job even though they have

degrees and certificates. I wonder if their lack of trying or the defects in our education system leads

to more and more graduates with no work-oriented knowledge. I hope to find the answers to my

questions through my research work.

Research Questions:

In my research, I plan to investigate if the education system of Bangladesh is to be blamed for the

unemployment problem. My research addresses the following research questions:

1. Is the education system in Bangladesh ensuring work-oriented education?

2. Is the knowledge gained from education “practical” in workplaces?

3. What is the unemployment rate in Bangladesh?

4. What steps can be taken by the government to acknowledge this problem?

5. What are the problems caused in society due to unemployment?

6. What should be done in order to create more job opportunities?

7. What changes must be brought to the teaching pattern and the curriculum to make sure the

knowledge earned is relevant to the workplace?


Unemployment can be a result of overpopulation and the lackings of an education system in our

country. From my research, I expect to find that our national curriculum is, in fact, flawed for only

emphasizing memorization as the only method of study. I believe the mindset of our people is also to

be blamed, as people prioritize grades and certificates over what has been learned. I think this issue

can be solved by changing our entire education system, where we will be taught based on what will

be necessary for our workplace and real life. It is expected that the unemployment problem can give

rise to crimes and hamper the peace of society. I also expect that technology will open up more

opportunities for employment and is not the reason for people losing their jobs in Bangladesh.

Research Methodology:

For my primary research, I will prepare a suitable questionnaire addressing all the reasons causing

unemployment in our country and all the problems that comes with it. I will then proceed to conduct

a survey by taking a short interview with the general public, including the people from my campus as

well as the pedestrians. Moreover, I plan on doing an online survey where I will seek answers from

people on social media. By doing so, I will acquire data about the opinions of people regarding this

matter and analyze it to find answers to my research questions.

For my secondary research, I will take the help of the library of my university to look for relevant

books and journals to acquire insight into our education system. I will also search on the internet and

take help from legitimate websites, articles, online newspapers, and magazines.

My research paper will be divided into several sections, namely the Introduction, Literature Review,

Data Collection and Analysis, Observation and Recommendations, and Conclusion. The

organization of my research paper will be based on my research questions and the answers that I

collected from primary and secondary sources.


I hope to complete my primary research by the end of February 2023 and my secondary research by

the end of March 2023. I shall complete writing the final draft of my Research Paper by April 2023

and submit it by the specified deadline (the last day of classes) towards the end of this semester.

Request for Approval:

I hereby request your approval for my research proposal. I humbly request you to suggest any

corrections that are to be made in order to make my research paper presentable. I will note down the

suggestion and submit it after making the necessary changes. I would also appreciate your advice

and guidance to make sure my research paper is a success.


Education System and Unemployment in

Bangladesh: A survey of Perceptions and Experiences

Which age group do you belong to?

Below 18



Above 40






Office worker



1. Is the education system in Bangladesh ensuring work-oriented education?




Not sure

2. Is the knowledge gained from education "practical" in workplaces?




Not sure
3. What steps can be taken by the government to acknowledge unemployment problem?

Provide more education opportunities

Increase funding for education

Improve job training programs

Changing the entire curriculum

4. What are the problems caused in society due to unemployment?


Poverty Social


All of the above

5. What should be done in order to create more job opportunities?

Encourage foreign investment

Promote entrepreneurship

Increase government spending

Increasing number of private industries

6. What changes must be brought to teaching pattern to make sure the knowledge earned is relevant?

Increase practical training

Update curriculum regularly

Include more job-specific skills

All of the above

7. What are the primary reasons behind graduate unemployment in Bangladesh?

Lack of education

Lack of vocational training

Lack of job opportunities

Lack of motivation
8. The technical and vocational education and training (TVET) courses in Bangladesh are adequately
preparing students for the job market.

Strongly disagree



Strongly agree

9. How can education system be reformed to better prepare students for job market?

Focus more on academic subjects

Increase funding for education

Improve the quality of teaching

Introduce more vocational training

10. Do employers in Bangladesh prefer hiring graduates with work experience?



It depends

Not sure

11. Which industries in Bangladesh are most affected by a lack of skilled labor?




All of the above

12. How can the government encourage job creation in Bangladesh?

Provide tax incentives to companies

Increase infrastructure spending

Develop special economic zones

Encouraging private ownerships

13. Internships and apprenticeships are effective in reducing unemployment in Bangladesh.

Strongly disagree





14. How can government encourage entrepreneurship and self-employment to solve


15. In your opinion, what changes are to be brought in our education system?
Interview Question and Answers:

1) Based on your expertise, what would you say are the root causes of high unemployment rates

among the graduates?

Ans: The root causes of high unemployment rates among graduates can vary, but some common

factors include a mismatch between skills taught in universities and those demanded by the job

market, a lack of industry connections for graduates, and inadequate government policies to

encourage job creation.

2) What specific reforms to the education system would be most effective in reducing the

unemployment rate?

Ans: Specific reforms to the education system that can be effective in reducing the

unemployment rate include increasing vocational training, promoting entrepreneurship and

innovation, strengthening university-industry partnerships, and implementing job-oriented


3) What steps should the government take to address this issue?

Ans: The government can take several steps to address the issue, such as creating policies that

promote job creation, investing in infrastructure and technology to support business growth,

encouraging foreign investment, and providing financial incentives to employers who hire

4) How can the private sector in Bangladesh contribute to solving this problem?

Ans: The private sector in Bangladesh can contribute to solving the problem by providing

internships, apprenticeships, and job training programs, collaborating with universities to

develop job-oriented curricula, and offering job opportunities to graduates.

5) Will you blame the education system or lack of job opportunities in Bangladesh for


Ans: Blaming one factor alone for unemployment is not productive. Both the education system

and lack of job opportunities play a role in the problem, and addressing both issues will be

necessary for sustainable solutions.

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