Research Paper On Determinants of Inflation in Pakistan

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Writing a thesis is no easy task, especially when it comes to a complex topic like the determinants of

inflation in Pakistan. This research paper requires extensive knowledge, critical thinking, and a
significant amount of time and effort to complete. It is a daunting task that can leave even the most
experienced writers feeling overwhelmed and stressed.

The first challenge in writing a thesis on the determinants of inflation in Pakistan is the vast amount
of information available on the topic. With so many sources and data to sift through, it can be
challenging to determine which information is relevant and which is not. It is crucial to have a clear
understanding of the research question and the specific aspects of the topic that need to be addressed.

Another difficulty in writing a thesis on this topic is the complexity of the subject matter. Inflation is
a multifaceted phenomenon that is influenced by various economic, political, and social factors. It
requires a thorough understanding of economic theories and statistical analysis to accurately analyze
and interpret the data. This level of expertise can be challenging to achieve, especially for students
who are still learning and developing their research skills.

In addition to the content, the structure and formatting of a thesis can also be a significant hurdle
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Using Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) and Philips-Peron (PP) unit root tests, all the variables came
stationary at order one or I (1). The ARDL result shows that there is a long run relationship between
the variable. Table 4 shows information criteria for different specifications and lag lengths. The
current year government borrowings for budgetary support have been Rs373. National Assembly on
the Banking Companies (Amendment) Bill 2009 enabling the. The results do not provide significance
trade-off between unemployment rate and inflation rate. To measure the price level, economists
select a variety of goods and construct a price index such as the consumer price index (CPI).
Aggregate supply is the total volume of goods and services produced by an economy. Bank of India
was the central bank for both India and Pakistan. Lagged 7 Months 0.407 3.164 0.145 3.775 0.210
2.211. Gul Ahmed is one of the leading textile industry in Pakistan. Balke, Nathan, and Kenneth
Emery (1994) Understanding the Price Puzzle. Producers in turn may raise their selling prices to
cover these increases, scale. As a heavily oil-reliant importer, and with no real foreign exchange or
fiscal buffers to limit pass-through to domestic prices, a part of Pakistani inflation is simply
determined by global oil price movements. The cash coefficient is 0.01% suggesting that one percent
expansion in cash supply prompts 1% expansion in value level and it is the most noteworthy
component of swelling in Pakistan’s economy. How Inflation Is Affecting Pakistan’s Real Estate
Market The following are some of the ways that inflation can impact the real estate market of
Pakistan: Property price growth Costs of products and services, such as building materials, labour,
and financing, typically increase when inflation is strong. M4 explains CPI inflation as a function of
private sector credit growth, real GDP. Having said that, the broad money M2 also needs to be
curtailed. The inflation rate in Pakistan was 13.26 percent in March of 2010. ARDL bound testing
approach to co-integration confirms the existence of long run relationship among the variables of
poverty, economic growth, inflation, investment and trade openness over the period of 1972-2008.
Inflation forecasts are an important input into monetary policy formation. Current gov't is the only
gov't seems to be working on many strong frontier. Act, 1956. In order to discharge its duties
efficiently and successfully some of the. Hyder, Zulfiqar, and Sardar Shah (2004) Exchange Rate
Pass-Through to Domestic Prices in Pakistan. (State. Inflation is one of these core problems.
Government. Being the Central Bank of the country, State Bank of Pakistan has been entrusted with.
For many years, Pakistan’s economy has struggled with inflation, due to many different factors. gives an overview of some of the main causes of inflation in Pakistan below. Elo’s result
2023: Return on investment increased to 6 per cent and cost effi. The study has adopted the
Augmented Dickey-Fuller technique for checking stationary, the ARDL approach for checking long-
run and short-run relationships, and the CUSUM and CUSUMSQ tests for stability of the
coefficients. The non-traditional or promotional functions, performed by the State Bank include.
Using Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) and Philips-Peron (PP) unit root tests, all the variables came
stationary at order one or I (1). Still India's consumer inflation is only touching 2.1. In spite of being
one of the biggest importers of oil. Most variables are integrated of order one (Table 2). However,
the consequences will depend on several variables, such as the level and duration of inflation, the
health of the economy, and how buyers and sellers operate in the market. An economy can be
affected by inflation in both positive and negative ways. Lagged 7 Months 0.407 3.164 0.145 3.775
0.210 2.211. This study reasoned that swapping scale, expansive cash and populace development
positively affect swelling in long run. Inflation is one of the obstacles on the way of development.
M4 explains CPI inflation as a function of private sector credit growth, real GDP. Reduced
purchasing power Over time, inflation can depreciate the value of money, which can cause a decline
in real estate buying, driving down prices. Pakistan, with a population of about 16 million people has
undergone a. Pakistan. Competition is relatively high, especially after the challenging capital.
Agriculture sector, on which the major industries rely for the raw material has not. How can there be
inflation when people have no spending power, banks have no money for lending, cash supply is
limited and jobless rate is off the chart. In both cases, no regressor is completely dropped from the
model. Black money spending, Repayment of Public Debts, Expansion of the Private Sector. Sergio
Da Silva Department of Economics, Federal University of Rio Grande Do Sul Raul Matsushita
Department of Statistics, University of Brasilia Iram Gleria Department of Physics, Federal
University of Alagoas Annibal Figueiredo. Economic Policy Research Economic Summit, February
11. Monetary policy in Pakistan has been used in co-ordination with the fiscal policy to. After finding
all of the time series stationary at first difference, Johansen cointegration approach and vector error
correction models are applied for the long run and short run analysis, respectively. Under this
category, there are a) deficit induced inflation; b) wage induced inflation; c) profit induced inflation
etc. Satisfactory political stability is also critical to attract investment. Hyder, Zulfiqar, and Sardar
Shah (2004) Exchange Rate Pass-Through to Domestic Prices in Pakistan. (State. Explain the effects
of the followings on economy according to Classical Theory of Income and Output: a)The new
government in Nepal has taken initiatives with the assumption that there is no alternative to
reconstruct the once. They are not raising the prices for no good reasons. Generally, these monetary
authorities are the central banks that control the size of the. Companies (NBFCs) (leasing companies,
Telecommunications Mosaic The Institutional Origins of Canada’s Telecommunications Mosaic 50 D.
Depreciations are needed to fix balance-of-payments problems which can arise due to unsustainable
spending booms (as in the aftermath of the mid-2000s, as well as 2014-17); adverse terms of trade
shocks (like oil price rises); or weakening global demand for Pakistani goods and services (as
occurred during the 2008 global financial crisis). Aggregate Supply will also increase, and domestic
industry will get developed.
The amendments also increased the autonomy and accountability of the chief. Pakistan, with a
population of about 16 million people has undergone a remarkable. The inflation if it crosses the
double digit is an index of a weak economy. The. Inflation means a rise in prices of goods and
services in an economy over a period of. Similarly due to power failure, terrorism, high fuel and
other commodity prices in international market caused the failure in export orders and really hit hard
to our business sector. The Causal Analysis of the Relationship between Inflation and Output Gap in
T. To reduce our Government Luxury Expenses both Federal and Provincial. Increase in Production
Costs Prices of goods and services rise as a result of rising production costs. In Pakistan, the most
important thing is the rise in prices of oil, gas, excise duties and. Depreciations are needed to fix
balance-of-payments problems which can arise due to unsustainable spending booms (as in the
aftermath of the mid-2000s, as well as 2014-17); adverse terms of trade shocks (like oil price rises);
or weakening global demand for Pakistani goods and services (as occurred during the 2008 global
financial crisis). It also provides advice to commercial banks and other. A moderate and significant
inflation rate and economic growth relationship has been found to be present in the economy of
Pakistan. Pesaran, Hashem M., and Yongcheoi Shin (1998) Generalised Impulse Response Analysis
in Linear. There are many causes for inflation, depending on a number of factors. Furthermore, rising
labor costs can also lead to inflation, because workers demand wage increases, and companies
usually chose to pass on those costs to their customers, this sort of inflation is called cost-push
inflation. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. Understanding the factors that
drive inflation is fundamental to designing monetary policy. M4 includes a 1, 3, 5, 10, and 12 month
lag for private sector. I shall be analysing the state of affairs utilizing the neo-classical theory, as it.
Proportional reserve System for the issue of notes up to December, 19. Elo’s result 2023: Return on
investment increased to 6 per cent and cost effi. Pakistan’s current inflation rate according to CPI
index is 12. 69%. Price stability can be approximated by different metrics. Fund. Axel
Schimmelpfennig is an Economist in the International Monetary Fund’s Middle East and. Pakistan’s
balance of payments has always been in the deficit mainly because. The approach has the advantage
of requiring no additional. However, no meaningful cointegrating relationship is found in this system,
and we. The SBP’s inflation target of 5 percent is, therefore, appropriate.18. This paper discusses
several issues regarding inflation targeting to illustrate how this well-known framework has
influenced the implementation of monetary policy in several economies, particularly in emerging
markets. An econometric framework was used to focuses on the detection of the main.
PRESENTATION The Institutional Origins of Canada’s Telecommunications Mosaic The
Institutional Origins of Canada’s Telecommunications Mosaic 50 D. The failure to find cointegration
most likely stems from ongoing changes to fundamental. CPI was unjust because the government had
started a number of other surveys and. January 2006, the average inflation rate in Pakistan was 11.1
percent reaching an. Inflation is a rise in the general level of prices of goods and services in. On
January 21, 1997, this autonomy was further strengthened when the government. Alexander Decker
The Causal Analysis of the Relationship between Inflation and Output Gap in T. Those included
were the State Bank of Pakistan Act, 1956, Banking Companies. Qasim (1996) find that overall
inflation is only determined by money supply, import prices, and real GDP. Government of Pakistan
should take the following steps on priority basis to enhance. The empirical evidence is inconclusive
regarding the role of the exchange rate. Detailed results are available from the authors upon request.
The results further suggest that, in the short run, a two-way causality exists between unemployment
and economic growth. H1 Money supply negatively effect inflationary trend in Pakistan.
Comparative Longitudinal Analysis on Global Inflation with a special emphasis. The cash coefficient
is 0.01% suggesting that one percent expansion in cash supply prompts 1% expansion in value level
and it is the most noteworthy component of swelling in Pakistan’s economy. The technique is used
for expanding or contracting the money supply in the country. It is the second largest sector of the
economy in terms of contribution to GDP. Inflation is the trend of rising prices and this is a disease
that engulf the whole. At one level, a government neither deserves credit for lower inflation when oil
prices fall (as they did from 2014-16), nor the blame for higher inflation when they rise (as they
sporadically did in 2017-18). The Karachi Interbank Offered Rate, or KIBOR, is the average interest
rate at. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. Investment opportunities Real
estate values can also rise along with the price of products and services, giving investors a chance to
sell their properties at a higher price. The economy of Pakistan is the 26th largest economy in the
world in terms of purchasing power. Higher interest rates, other things being equal end s to adversely
effect economic growth. Pakistan's economy mainly encompasses textiles, chemicals, food
processing, agriculture, and other industries. Pakistan, with a population of about 16 million people
has undergone a remarkable. Corporation. The new corporation has started functioning from Jan., 2,
2002 as a. Specific objectives are, to find out the relationship between inflation, Interest Rate and
Money Supply; analyze policies of the State Bank of Pakistan and the tools it is using to control
inflation. Private sector credit growth and broad money growth are leading indicators of inflation
(Table 6). We.
M4 explains CPI inflation as a function of private sector credit growth, real GDP. Lecture Outline.
Inflation and the Price Level Demand-Pull Inflation Cost-Push Inflation Effects of Inflation The
Phillips Curve. Pakistan: Test for Non-stationarity of Variables of Log-levels. Current inflation, if not
controlled, can bring IK down. Pakistan's economy mainly encompasses textiles, chemicals, food
processing, agriculture, and other industries. Structuralist models assume that such factors have to be
accommodated by monetary policy-makers because they are. It will help govt to know true business
turnover and also spending habit of masses. Based on these results, the CPI is affected only by
private sector credit in the long-run. Download Free PDF View PDF See Full PDF Download PDF
Loading Preview Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. Panel time-series data for the period 2005-
15 have been taken and analysis is made by applying the method of Co-relation and Linear
Regression. The log levels of all variables are non-stationary. Demand-pull inflation occurs when
there is an increase in aggregate demand. Secretary, Finance Division, Government of Pakistan and
seven Directors, including. Increase in disposable income, Expansion of Credit, Deficit Financing
Policy, Black. The State Bank of Pakistan is the lender of last resort for the commercial banks. If at.
Medicare group and energy with reported 10 month inflation of 9.31 percent and 7.00. Exchange
Rate Channel and Economic Growth: Empirical Investigation in a Devel. This could result in higher
building and maintenance costs, raising the cost of real estate in Pakistan. Bernanke, Ben S. (2005)
Inflation in Latin America—A New Era. To counter inflation GDP to tax ratio must be improved.
Bank of India was the central bank for both India and Pakistan. Granger causality also showed a
unidirectional causality running from personal remittances to economic growth. It is the second
largest sector of the economy in terms of contribution to GDP. Hendry, David F., and Hans-Martin
Krolzig (2004) We Ran One Regression. Monetary policy and there solving of several supply
bottlenecks. A number of fundamental changes have since been made in the conduct of monetary.
FY 1993. During the same period, the share of semi manufactures rose from 16. I would like thanks
to my parents for providing me with the opportunity to. Thus that it may put forth its helpful impacts
on economy growth of the economy. Shortage of Goods and Services The lack of goods and services
is a big contributor to inflation in Pakistan.
M4 explains CPI inflation as a function of private sector credit growth, real GDP. The objective of
every last Government is to keep up low and moderately stable levels of expansion. Reasons of
Inflation: It has been generally agreed by the economists that high rates of inflation and
hyperinflation are caused by an excessive growth in the supply of money. In Pakistan the main
reason of inflation is the increase in the prices of regular items. I deeply indebted to my supervisor
Professor Ali Ahmed Dawood who helps. Pakistan Banking Services Corporation from January 2,
2002. With the government trying to lure investments from China and the Gulf, care would have to
be taken to ensure the resource inflow expands the productive capacity of the economy, and does
not just fuel prices. On the former, we note that there are several (not one) drivers of inflation.
During the decade of fifties, monetary policy was used to correct external balances in.
Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) model has been employed to find co-integration among
variables of the models. The amendments also increased the autonomy and accountability of the
chief. To reduce our Government Luxury Expenses both Federal and Provincial. One of the
government’s main macroeconomic goals is price stability. After remaining relatively low for quite a
long time, the inflation rate accelerated in Pakistan starting. The success of government policies is
reflected in low inflation and low unemployment. Non-commercial (also spelled noncommercial)
refers to an activity or entity that does. M3 includes a 7 and a 11 month lag of broad money growth.
The basic functions performed by SBP are now discussed in brief. But because it affects the poor
disproportionately, the government must continue to take structural measures to keep it low, and to
compensate the poor via lifeline tariffs and cash transfers for any temporary surges. Source: National
authorities; and Fund staff calculations. Deflation is a decrease in the general price level of goods
and services. Deflation. However, to be constantly at the mercy of a known exogenous quantity is
not pardonable: Pakistan must make a concerted effort to diversify its energy reliance away from oil
and towards hydro, solar, nuclear, clean coal. Although the increase is relatively small in the short-
term, as it continues over time. Source: National authorities; and IMF staff calculations. Dynamics
and Food Prices in an Agricultural Economy in pakistan. Concentrate on engineering and telecom
industries and simultaneously push IT sector. Tone at the top: the effects of gender board diversity
on gender wage inequal. Banking sector reforms were initiated in 1997 and pursued vigorously after.
The GDP deflator is another very important measure of inflation as it measures the price changes in
goods that are produced domestically. Pakistan's terms of trade, expressed in an index set at 100 in
FY 1981, were 78.0 in.

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