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sCOPe OF serviCes

serviCes Free OF ChArGe + Carbon account management +input and administration of the object data + Carbon count in tons PremiUm PerFOrmAnCes AGAinsT PAYmenT + statement in wooden frame + Documentary sign for indoors and outdoors
visit our website for prices.


1. visit 2. Click on Register in the navigation. 3. enter your email address and a password and agree to our terms. 4.Then you will be asked to enter your master data which will be send to the Carbon Bank to be checked after your confirmation. After this check your account will be activated. This may take up to five working days. 5. in the mean time you will already be able to to enter first information about houses or furniture etc. with the help of the item Register object. 6. After your account is activated you have full access to your carbon count and the premium performances against payment like the framed statements.

The Carbon-Bank
show your customers and the public how much carbon you save.

The Carbon Bank is an initiative of the forestry and woodworking industry and is represented by the Landesbeirat holz nrW (Advisory board for timber of north rhine-Westphalia). The Carbon-Bank is not subject to bank legislation. For more information visit

Contact the Carbon Bank via: Landesbeirat holz nordrhein-Westfalen e.v. Poststrae 7 | D-57392 schmallenberg Telefon: +49 (0) 29 72 - 96 25 40 e-mail: internet:

TimBer sAves CArBOn DiOxiDe

Carbon dioxide is split during the process of photosynthesis in the leaf. The carbon C remains in the wood while the oxygen O is released into the atmosphere. Through this process the amount of carbon in the atmosphere is reduced for the period of use and the carbon is deposited in the wood.

The amount of carbon saved by timber is not wellknown. Do you know precisely how much carbon your recent project has saved? A wooden door saves approximately 36 pounds of carbon. A detached house made of timber can saved up to 40 tons of carbon.

The CArBOn-BAnk
The Carbon Bank documents the reduction of carbon by the use of timber on an international basis. As a company of the woodworking industry, you can register the projects you build with the Carbon Bank free of charge. This way you can learn precisely how much carbon you saved with your buildings.




Sustainable forestry is, of course, a precondition; for every tree felled, a new one is planted. Thats why the use of timber is active climate protection!

You record the specifications of your building to calculate the reduction of carbon. The type of wood as well as the quantity used are essential for this calculation.

You can then use these figures for your public relations. For example, this could be connected with a presentation like in the henkeL kindergarten kleine Lwen in Dsseldorf (104 t reduction of carbon).

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