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1 I'll give you a lift to the station so you needn't worry about booking a taxi.
2 The questions are in the book so you needn't bother to copy them down.
3 All the windows have screens so you needn't panic about being bitten by mosquitoes.
4 Our software provides full computer security so you needn't concern yourself with viruses.
5 The new tax laws don't come into force until next year so you needn't change the details on the form.

2 We need only look at the rainfall figures to see the seriousness of the problem.
3 With such a lead in the opinion polls the Democrats need hardly bother campaigning before the election.
4 No one need know who paid the ransom to the kidnappers.
5 After such a huge lottery win, he need never work again.

1 don't need to
2 needn't / don't need to
3 needn't / don't need to
4 don't need to
5 needn't / don't need to
6 don't need to

1 You needn't worry …
2 Do we need to make
3 … needn't be a problem …
4. correct.
5 I need hardly tell you
6 needn't
7. correct
8 … needn't mean …

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