Computer Forensics Term Paper

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Writing a term paper on any subject can be a daunting task, but when it comes to computer forensics,

the challenge can be even greater. This specialized field of study combines elements of computer
science, law, and investigative techniques, making it a complex and technical subject to write about.

One of the biggest challenges in writing a computer forensics term paper is the extensive research
that is required. This field is constantly evolving and new technologies and techniques are being
developed all the time. As a result, it can be difficult to find reliable and up-to-date sources of
information. Students must also have a strong understanding of technical concepts and terminology
in order to accurately convey their ideas in the paper.

Another obstacle in writing a computer forensics term paper is the need for a strong thesis statement.
This is the central argument or idea that the paper will revolve around. In computer forensics, there
are many different topics and subtopics that can be explored, making it challenging to narrow down
a specific focus for the paper.

Additionally, the writing style for a computer forensics term paper must be precise and technical.
This is not a subject where flowery language or creative writing can be used. Instead, the paper must
be written in a clear and concise manner, using technical terms and jargon that may be unfamiliar to
the average reader.

For students who are struggling with these challenges, ⇒ ⇔ offers a solution. Our
team of experienced writers has a strong background in computer forensics and can provide high-
quality term papers on a variety of topics within this field. By ordering from ⇒
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term paper on their own.

Our writers are well-versed in the latest research and techniques in computer forensics, ensuring that
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Contact us now to get started on your computer forensics term paper!
Under Search for the pattern(s), type FIF (see Figure 10-7). Sever al levels of RAID can be implem
ented throug h software or speci al hardware con trollers. As mentione d, not all facilities ar e
equipped with the neces sary softwa re becaus e many too ls are cost prohib itive. The list ’ s
overflow is placed in the extents overflow file. When the wif e was discover ed dead, app arently
mur dered, inv estigator s found that sh e had wanted to lea ve her hus band but didn ’ t because of
her relig ious beliefs. Windows XP Write-Protection with USB Devices When Mic rosoft upd ated
Window s XP with Ser vice Pack 2 (SP2), a new featu re was added to the Registry: The USB write-
pr otection fea ture blocks any writin g to USB devices. Compare hash values of common files, such
as Win.exe and standard DLLs, and ascertain whether they have changed. It also ensure s that the
deeper int o the network an att acker gets, th e more difficul t acces s becomes and the mo re
safeguar ds are in place. In additi on, some opposi ng counsel att empt to make disco very deposi
tions physica lly uncom- fortabl e, such as using an exc essively wa rm or cool room, hav ing you
face in to the sun, or refusin g to take comfor t breaks. If you ca n open and vie w Figure 10-12
Mislabeled file that appears to be altered intentionally 396 Chapter 10. Key Terms approved secure
container A fireproof container locked by a key or combination. Made up primarily of a bilayer of
phospholipids with. Th e contents of the two di sks in RAID 1 are Figure 4-11 RAID 0: Striping 130
Chapter 4. The break between the first and second sectors is referred to as the sector boundary. Each
gro up will appr oach inves tigative pro blems fro m a different per spective, but all will ben efit from
the covera ge. When might an interview turn into an interrogation? 16. The process of validating data
is what allows discrimination of data. In static ac quisition s, this automa tic access cor rupts the inte
grity of eviden ce. A disa ster recove ry plan als o specifie s how to rebui ld a forens ic works tation
after it has bee n severely contaminate d by a virus fro m a drive you ’ re ana lyzing. Cyber Forensics
Cybercrime Causes And Measures To Prevent It Digital Evidence Collection in Cybersecurity Digital
Evidence Preservation - Digital Forensics Computer Forensic Report Format How to Stop Phishing
Cyber Crime Investigation Intellectual Property in Cyberspace Cyber Security Policy History of
Cyber Security What is Internet. Building Your Own Workstation To decide whether you want to
build your own workstation, first ask “ How much do I have to spend? ” Building a forensic work-
station isn ’ t as difficult as it sounds but can qui ckly become expensive if you aren ’ t careful. With
some tools, you can set filters to select the file types to search, such as searching only PDF
documents. In Vista Business Edition and higher, Microsoft has added features to the Cipher
command that aren ’ t available when encrypting data in Windows Explorer. Th e IXimager propr
ietary forma t can be conver ted to a raw format if othe r analys is tools are used. High Technology
Crime Investigation Association (HTCIA) A nonprofit association for solving international computer
crimes. 656 Glossary. Mos t import ant, keep your CV curre nt and date it for ver- sion con trol. Ho
weve r, bec aus e Windows h as limi tati ons in per form ing dis k fore nsic s, you mig ht need to deve
lop skil ls in a cquir ing d ata wi th MS -DOS an d Linu x. Of f-site backup s are usually ro tated on
a schedule th at varies accor ding to your needs, suc h as every day, week, or mon th. Consider
creating a single-evidence form (which lis ts each piece of evi dence on a separ ate page) and a
multi- evidence form (see Figur e 2-2), dep ending on the administra tive nee ds of your in vestigat
ion. You also nee d the correc t software dr ivers th at allow your OS to commu- nicate wit h a SCSI
devic e.
It should display “ Sel: 00000200 ” when you ’ ve highlighted the entire sector. Click Yes in the
Auto Image Checksum message box, if necessary. You might need to revise your case as needed to
get approval. This comes in form of developing the understanding of what level of awareness exists
between the masses, and those who are assigned the duty and task of making the computing world a
safer one. Sta tic ac quis itio ns are al way s the pre ferr ed way to coll ect di gita l evid enc e. This
system Registry file is located in the %system-root% \Windows\System32\Config\System folder. An
inode is assigned a number that ’ s linked with the filename in the directory file. When creat ing a
budget, sta rt by estimatin g the number of comput er cases your lab exp ects to exa mine and ide
ntifying th e types of com puters you ’ re likely to examin e, such as Windows PCs or Linux workst
ations. Th ey were cre ated b y Mark Ru ssin ovi ch an d Bry ce Cogsw ell an d acquir ed by Mic
roso ft (see Fi gure 11 -4). Scientific Working Group on Digital Evidence (SWGDE) A group that
sets standards for recovering, preserving, and examining digital evidence. The paper stresses for joint
working and collaboration in this form which would enable tracking down the culprits and offenders
right in on the spot. The a dva ntage of RAID 0 is incre ase d speed and da ta stor age c apab ilit y
spre ad o ver tw o or mor e dis ks tha t can be one larg e di sk par titi on. The lab manag er also estab
lishes and pro motes qualit y assurance pro cesses for the lab ’ s staff to follo w, such as outlin ing
what to do wh en a case arrive s, logging evi dence, specifyin g who can enter the lab, and establishi
ng guidelines fo r filing reports. Messaging Application Programming Interface (MAPI) The
Microsoft system that enables other e-mail applications to work with each other. To test wh ether you
can view the ima ge, doubl e- click th e recovere d file in its cu rrent lo cation in Win dows Exp lorer.
It suppor ts IDE (PATA), SCS I, USB, and FireWi re devices. Hands-On Project 15-4 Ileen Johnso n
needs you to collect inform ation from the GCF I-Win98.ev e image fil e of Denise Robin son ’ s
comput er. Litigation is the legal process o f establishing criminal or civil liability in court. After you
have finished examining the files, exit ProDiscover Basic and save the project again, if prompted.
Ope n Firmware contro ls the Figure 8-2 Logical and allocation block structures Figure 8-3 Logical
EOF and physical EOF 300 Chapter 8. The following description shows an MFT record with a short
and long filename in attribute 0x30. Question 7: After you extracted the e-mail files from Mr.
Murphy ’ s computer, how did you locate the non-Superior Bicycles e-mail addresses. If a power fail
ure occurs, a UPS unit ena bles you to contin ue working unt il you can shut dow n your comput er
safely. Return to th e note s you took du ring you r invest igat io n. See also Bootsect.dos.
NTBootdd.sys A device driver that allows the OS to commu- nicate with SCSI or ATA drives that
aren ’ t related to the BIOS. A 16-bit program that identifies hardware components
during startup and sends the information to Ntldr. Ntoskrnl.exe The kernel for the Windows XP OS.
For exampl e, you mig ht not be able to re peat a data rec overy bec ause of a har dware fail ure, such
as a disk drive head crash. Figure 12-31 Carved e-mail message in Notepad Using Specialized E-
mail Forensics Tools 485. When you ’ re rebuilding a corrupted evi- dence image file, create a new
file and leave the original file in its initial corrupt condition. The accou nts include em ployees in th e
Payroll and Human Res ources depar tments. However, not all organi zations have fun ds availa ble
for this train ing.
For labs using hi gh-end RAID serve rs (such as Digita l Intelligence F. R.E.D.C. or F.R.E.D. M.),
you mu st consider met hods for resto ring lar ge data sets. Remote Acquisition with ProDiscover
Two versio ns of Pro Discover ca n perform re mote acqui sitions: Pro Discove r Investig ator and
ProDisc over Incident Resp onse. These paragraphs should provide the reader with an overview of.
The fil es that were del eted are still on the disk unt il a new file is saved to the same phy sical locat
ion, overwr iting the ori ginal file. Compu ters an d digit al evid enc e seized in on e U.S. juri s- dic
tion mig ht affe ct a case th at ’ s world wide in sc ope. In this proj ect, you view the rep ort with
add itiona l details th at was genera ted. Save the file with the same filename, and exit Notepad. 3.
Repeat the previous steps in FTK Imager to generate MD5 and SHA-1 hash values. Th is image file
is a new acqui- sition of ano ther USB drive the EMTS mana ger retri eved. Answer 1: I used
Technology Pathways ProDiscover Basic to access and search the GCFI-NTFS image of Mr. Murphy
’ s computer. Your workstation is now ready to connect remotely to a suspect ’ s computer. This me
thod isn ’ t ideal and should be done only in extreme eme rgency con ditions. You can use password
recovery tools for this purpose, such as AccessData Password Recovery Toolkit (PRTK), NTI
Password Recovery, or Passware Kit Enterprise. Figure D-12 Specifying what text to replace in the file Figure D-13 Io.sys open in Hex Workshop 634 Appendix D. HUNTON, P. 2012.
Managing the technical resource capability of cybercrime investigation: a UK law enforcement. You
c an use the M D5 funct ion in FT K Imag er to obt ain th e digit al signa tu re of a file or an ent ire
driv e. Make sure you know which drives are the suspect drive and target drive. Save the file in the
C7Prj03 folder as C7Prj03a.doc. 4. Close the file, start a new Word document, and type Testing for
string XYZX. If HPA is on, Replica asks whether you wan t to turn it off. Cyber Forensics
Cybercrime Causes And Measures To Prevent It Digital Evidence Collection in Cybersecurity Digital
Evidence Preservation - Digital Forensics Computer Forensic Report Format How to Stop Phishing
Cyber Crime Investigation Intellectual Property in Cyberspace Cyber Security Policy History of
Cyber Security What is Internet. In law enfor cement cases, the technical adviso r can help creat e
the searc h warrant by ite mizing wha t you need for th e warrant. True or False? Hands-On Projects
If nece ssa ry, cre ate a C:\ Wo rk \C hap 09\P roje cts fo lder on your sy ste m befo re star ting the
pro jects; it ’ sr e f e r r e dt oa s “ you r work fold er ” in st eps. Start FTK Image r and calculate a
hash value of the file. Wi th some minor modi fications and add itions of har dware compon ents,
these syste ms perfo rm extremely wel l. In addition, th ese vendor-sp ecific exa ms certify that peop
le achievi ng these certi fications ar e competen t in using their for ensics tools. Ethere al can be used
in a real- time environm ent to open saved trace fil es from packet cap- tures. Th e Enhanced Data
GSM Environment (EDGE) standard was dev eloped specif ically for 3G. In the Paste Special dialog
box, click HTML (in Excel), and then click OK. 7. Save the spreadsheet as C15-3CopySpecial-
results.xls in your work folder. In the past 40 ye ars, mobile pho ne techn ology has dev eloped far
bey ond what the inventor s could hav e imagined. This section explains how to set up a workstati o
n so that a Windows 98 OS can boot to DOS. In Windows 95 and late r, FAT32 maintain s the eight-
chara cter maximu m for filenames and three- characte r limit for file ext ensions.
In ext reme cases, in vestigat ors can use electron mic roscop es and other sophi sticated equi pment
to retrieve inf ormation fro m machines that hav e been damaged or reformatte d purposeful ly. You
can use it to acqui re and analyze dat a from severa l different fil e systems, such as Mi crosoft FAT
and NTFS, Linu x Ext2 and Ext3, and other UNI X file systems, from a Windows XP or older OS.
Th ese files are usu ally stored in diffe rent folde rs than Internet dat a files are. Figure 6-34 The
Virtual PC Console with a virtual machine available 246 Chapter 6. It also provi des guidan ce on
dealing wit h these consta ntly changi ng techno logies. Understanding Forensics Lab Certification
Requirements A computer forensics lab is wh ere you con duc t inve stig atio ns, stor e evid ence,
and do most of you r work. Review th e memos you recei ved from the Seattle Pol ice Departm ent
and the Legatima In surance Compan y, and write a sho rt paper out lining wha t informat ion might
be miss- ing and what you need to fin d out. No part of this work covered by the copyright herein
may be reproduced, transmitted, stored or used in any form or by any means graphic, electronic, or
mechanical, including but not limited to photocopying, recording, scanning, digitizing, taping, Web
distribution, information networks, or information storage and retrieval systems, except as permitted
under Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without the prior written
permission of the publisher. This form giv es you more flex ibility in tra cking separ ate pieces of evi
dence for you r chain- of-cust ody log. You might also talk about the possibility of giving jurors
copies of your presentation on CD or DVD. The primary purpose of data discrimination is to remove
good data from suspicious data. Knoppix usually detects your screen resolution automatically, but
you might need to specify it. Th ey were cre ated b y Mark Ru ssin ovi ch an d Bry ce Cogsw ell an d
acquir ed by Mic roso ft (see Fi gure 11 -4). In partic ula r, asse ss how well th e soft ware p erfo rms
in va lida tion te sts, and th en ve rify th e integr ity of th e tool ’ sr e s u l t s. If prompted, specify
whether to load SCSI modules or addi- tional modules from a floppy disk. Locate the last modified
date by checking the steganography tool ’ s timestamp. 2. Look for files that appear as both a.bmp
and a.jpg file, which might indicate files that started out in one format and then were modified
(perhaps by a steganography tool) and saved in another format. 3. Generate a list of all files with a
date and time equal to or after the last modified date of the steganography tool, and then examine
each file in the generated listing. In essence, experts must analyze, explain, and offer accurate opi n
ions of the relevant issue before the court, not strive to advocate and persuade the jud ge and jury
toward a certain point of view. 582 Chapter 16. Computer Forensic Investigators and prepare them
for the real world. The main. Add itional ly, the EU and its member na tions impose strict fin es for
informat ion that cro sses nation al boundar ies withou t the person ’ s consent. If a use r bypasse s
single-u ser mode, the kernel ru ns system sta rtup scrip ts that are sp e- cific to the works tation and
the n runs in multiuser mode. When you ’ re finished, exit the text editor and close the command
prompt window. When you ’ re conduct ing a comput ing inves tigation, being abl e to boot to MS-
DOS is preferre d, especial ly if you ’ re run ning a later ver sion of Windows 95 OEM SR2 (versi on
4.00.1111 ) or a newer one in which the MS-DOS boot mode ca n read and wri te to a FAT32 disk.
The main priority of computer JIST 3(1) 2006 Download Free PDF View PDF Free PDF Computer
Forensics -An Introduction of New Face to the Digital World International Journal IJRITCC
Computer forensic is the current emerging and the future of the digital world. These standards ar e
emphasized throug hout this book. GUI tools ha ve several advant ages, such as ease of us e, the
capabilit y to perform multip le tasks, and no req uirement to lea rn older OSs. Figure 4-16 Selecting
the writing method 144 Chapter 4. To co mbine all fragm ents, they mu st be in the correct ord er.
Norma lly, you use th e SavePart comma nd on a hard drive wit h multiple par titions. Acquiring Data
with dd in Linux A unique feature of a forensic Linux Live CD is that it can mount and read most
drives. Make sure the jury can see your graphics, and face the jury during your presentation.

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