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What do you like to do in your free time ?

Sample answer

I love to read in my spare time because it is one of the most soothing activities for me.
Currently, I am reading a book by John Green called ‘Looking for Alaska’.

What are the main points here:

 Paraphrase the question: Use synonyms of the keywords. Here the keywords
are like and free time. Some synonyms which can be used for like are enjoy,
prefer, love etc. on the other hand, some alternate ways to say free time are spare
time, leisure time, me time etc.
 Add reasons to your view: This is important because it adds justification and
length to your answers which clearly states your view about the given question.
 Add a short example: Here, you need to add an additional detail, which will
support your view. Make sure that your additional detail is not too long.
Tips for part 1 :
1. Do not give one word answer or one sentence answer.
2. Always start with a full sentence rather than directly stating the answer.
3. Add reasons or details even if a question has a yes/no answer.
4. Use connectors such as - moreover, in addition, also, furthermore, wherever
5. If adding an example, begin it with a connector such as - for instance, for
illustration, for example, to exemplify, to illustrate, for example etc
6. Practise your self - introduction and description of the city/hometown as these
questions are going to be there in the beginning of your test.
7. Do not give too long answers as the examiner might interrupt you and move to
the next question.
8. Make sure that you practice from an authentic IELTS material for speaking, this
will help you to gain valuable insights and prepare as per the actual difficulty
level. Log on to Yuno learning to access free IELTS preparation materials.

How to structure speaking answers 1 to 2 minutes:

1. Start your answer with an expression: I think/ I don’t think, I believe, In
my opinion, I consider, I like/ I don’t like, love, I’m into, I’m interested
2. Use the words or phrases used in the questions, eg. ¿What do you think
about social media? Answer: What I think about social media is… Is it
important for you to share your personal information? Answer: For me
is very important to share my personal information because…
3. Think and use all the vocabulary you know about the topic.
4. Give reasons.
5. Give examples.
6. Finish your answer by using expressions such as: That’s is what I think
about it. That is my opinion. That is what I think.
7. If you are having a pair or group conversation, ask questions about the same
topic. Eg. What do you think about it? Do you agree with me?

What do you think about cyberbullying?

I think…

Because In other And schools

Cyberbullying and families
many countries there
is an important should have
children can are suicides
issue in our tools to
be suffering because of
country. prevent it.
in silence. cyberbullying.

That was a
When I was Finally, no
terrible That is why I
13, I saw a one ever
experience. I think is an
classmate who repeated that
tried to help important
was being situation in
him by telling issue to talk
bullied on the course
the teacher. about.
social media. again.

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