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McClendon 1

Catelyn McClendon


English 12

17 January 2024

Works Cited

American Academy of Dermatology Association. “Skin Healthy Winter 2023.”

Online.Fliphtml5.Com, 2023,

This article contains an overview of many very common skin conditions. Unlike some of the

other articles this magazine contains everyday tips and triggers to the conditions. It also includes

helpful step by step processes for skin care routines. This magazine is helpful for my project

because it simplifies some of the skin conditions. The tips and triggers might also be useful to

include in my project as preventatives. This article might be useful by also including some of the

advertised products in my paper. I also might use the article for the step by step processes of skin

care routines. This magazine was written by some of the most pristine and accredited people in

the dermatology field. The authors are from the American Academy of Dermatology

Association. All of the authors are Medical Doctors of Dermatology.

McClendon 2

Brind’Amour, Katherine, and Rachael Ajmera. “Skin Disorders: Pictures, Causes, Symptoms,

and Treatment.” Healthline, Healthline Media, 8 Mar. 2023,

This article outlined common skin conditions. As well as, giving a general overview of common

treatments. The article also included links to several over the counter medications to treat each

type of skin condition, which was very helpful. This article will be helpful in my research paper

because it gave specific causes and treatments to a variety of popular skin conditions. The article

also added links to skin care products that would be beneficial to the type of skin condition. My

paper will outline both cause and treatment to skin conditions so this article will be very

beneficial. The first author of this article is a Physician's assistant specialized in dermatology.

The second author of this source is a dietician. The skin and diet go hand in hand.

Camp, Brendan. “How to Identify and Treat 15 Common Skin Conditions.” Health, Health

Editorial Team, 30 Oct. 2023,

This article explains the top 15 most common skin conditions and some treatments. This article,

unlike the first, offers more of a variety of treatment options. It doesn’t go as in depth about how

each skin condition is caused. This website will be beneficial to my research because it has more

options of treatment. As well as a quick source of general information. This source paired with

another could add great knowledge to my paper. This source is credible because it was reviewed

by Brendan Camp. He is a board certified Medical Doctor of Dermatology.

McClendon 3

Jade, director. Dermatology - Inflammatory Skin Conditions. YouTube, Medflix, 4 Mar. 2020, Accessed 16 Jan. 2024.

This video goes into detail about inflammatory skin conditions. Seeing as how this is a youtube

video it also includes several diagrams. As well as demonstrations about how the conditions

form and affect the skin. This will be helpful in my research because it not only allows me to

understand conditions in a visual way. But, it also explains things in a way that's easy to

understand. A lot of the information will also be included due to its simplicity. This is a credible

source because the channel the youtube video was on is a verified channel. This channel is run

by doctors or doctorate students for the sole purpose of educating people.

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