Unit One - Part One

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‫تاريخ وأهمية النفط‬

It's easy to understand why oil is so important in our lives. In fact, our world
would almost grind to a halt without oil. Factories would stop running. So would
cars. Airplanes would be grounded. Tractors on the farm would sputter to a
standstill and rust. People's homes and offices, if heated by oil, would freeze in
winter. Oil is used in many products. Here are just a few examples: farm
fertilizers, plastic toys and other plastic goods, cosmetics, detergents, and nylon

‫ سهتتوقف‬.‫ إن عالمنا يكاد يتوقف بدون النفط‬، ‫ في الواقع‬.‫أهمية النفط في حياتنا‬ ‫من السهل أن نفلم سهب‬
.‫في المزاعة هس تتعط وتصهدأ‬ ‫ الجرااا‬. ‫ سهيتم إيقاف الطائرا‬. ‫ وكذلك السهيااا‬. ‫المصهانع عن العم‬
‫ يسههههت هد النفط في العهديهد من‬. ‫ سههههتتجمهد في الشههههتها‬، ‫ في حها هت دفئتلها بهالنفط‬، ‫ومكهاتبلم‬ ‫النها‬ ‫بيو‬
‫ األسههمد الزااعية واأللعاب البالسههتيكية والسههلع البالسههتيكية األخرى‬:‫ فيما يلي بعض األمثلة‬. ‫المنتجا‬
.‫والمالبس المصنوعة من النايلون‬ ‫التجمي والمنظفا‬ ‫ومستحضرا‬

Petroleum (also known as crude oil or simply oil) is a fossil fuel that was
formed from the remains of ancient marine organisms. Millions of years ago,
algae and plants lived in shallow seas. After dying and sinking to the seafloor,
the organic material mixed with other sediments and was buried. Over millions
of years under high pressure and high temperature, the remains of these
organisms transformed into what we know today as fossil fuels. Coal, natural
gas, and petroleum are all fossil fuels that formed under similar conditions.

‫البترو (المعروف أيض ه ا باسههم النفط ال ا أو ببسهها ة النفط) هو وقود أحفواي تكون من بقايا الكائنا‬
‫ بعد موتلا وغرقلا‬.‫والنباتا في البحاا الضهحلة‬ ‫الطحال‬ ‫ عاشه‬، ‫ منذ ماليين السهنين‬.‫البحرية القديمة‬
‫ وعلى مدى ماليين السهههنين تح‬. ‫أخرى ود ُفن‬ ‫المواد العضهههوية مع اواسه ه‬ ‫ اختلط‬، ‫في قاع البحر‬
‫الحيهة إلى مها نعرفه اليو بهالوقود‬ ‫بقهايها ههذ الكهائنها‬ ‫ تحوله‬، ‫ضهههه ط مرتفع وداجهة حراا عهاليهة‬
.‫في ظ ظروف مماثلة‬ ‫ الفحم وال از الطبيعي والنفط كللا أنواع وقود أحفواي تشكل‬.‫األحفواي‬

Petroleum reservoirs can be found beneath land or the ocean floor. Their
crude oil is extracted with giant drilling machines. Petroleum is used to make
gasoline, an important product in our everyday lives. It is also processed and part
of thousands of different items, including tires, refrigerators, life jackets, and

‫ يتم‬.‫األاض أو قهاع المحيط‬ ‫ اححتيها البترولي) تحه‬، ‫البتروليهة (الم زون‬ ‫يمكن العثوا على ال زانها‬
‫ وهو منتج ملم في‬، ‫ يسههههت د البترو في صههههناعة البنزين‬.‫حفر عمالقة‬ ‫اسههههت را نفطلا ال ا بآح‬
‫ بما في ذلك اإل ااا‬، ‫ كما تتم معالجة البترو ويعتبر جز من آحف العناصههر الم تلفة‬.‫حياتنا اليومية‬
.‫النجا ومواد الت دير‬ ‫وسترا‬ ‫والثالجا‬

When petroleum products such as gasoline are burned for energy, they release
toxic gases and high amounts of carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas. Carbon helps
regulate the Earth’s atmospheric temperature, and adding to the natural balance
by burning fossil fuels adversely affects our climate. However, Petroleum ,like
coal and natural gas, is a non renewable source of energy. It took millions of
years for it to form , and when it is extracted and consumed, there is no way for
us to replace it .Oil supplies will run out. Eventually, the world will reach “peak
oil,” or its highest production level. Some experts predict peak oil could come as
soon as 2050. Finding alternatives to petroleum is crucial to global energy use.

‫سهههههامهة‬ ‫ فهننلها تطلق غهازا‬، ‫البتروليهة مثه البنزين للحصههههو على الطهاقهة‬ ‫عنهدمها يتم حرق المنتجها‬
‫ يسهههههاعهد الكربون في تنظيم داجهة‬.‫الهدفيئهة‬ ‫ وهو أحهد غهازا‬، ‫عهاليهة من ثهاني أكسههههيهد الكربون‬ ‫وكميها‬
‫ وأن إضهافت للتوازن الطبيعي عن ريق حرق الوقود األحفواي يؤثر‬، ‫حراا ال الف الجوي لألاض‬
.‫ هو مصههدا غير متجدد للطاقة‬، ‫ مث الفحم وال از الطبيعي‬، ‫ فنن البترو‬، ‫ ومع ذلك‬.‫سههلب ا على مناخنا‬
، ‫ ح توجد ريقة لنا حسهههتبدال‬، ‫ وعندما يتم اسهههت راج واسهههتلالك‬، ‫اسهههت رق تكوين ماليين السهههنين‬
. ‫ أو أعلى مسههتوى إنتا ل‬، "‫ سههيصهه العالم إلى "ذاو النفط‬، ‫ في النلاية‬.‫النفط‬ ‫وسههوف تنفد إمدادا‬
‫ إيجهاد بهدائه‬.2050 ‫ممكن بحلو عها‬ ‫يتوقع بعض ال برا أن ذاو النفط يمكن أن تهتتي في أقرب وقه‬
.‫للبترو أمر بالغ األهمية حست دا الطاقة العالمي‬

I. Give the synonyms of the following words and use them in meaningful
extract, run out , predict , alternatives , eventually, transform

extract = pump, draw

‫يست ر‬
The engine is used for pumping water out of the mine.
She drew water from the well, and splashed her hands and face.

Run out = finish, end

‫ ينتلي‬/ ‫ينفذ‬
End: they decided to end their relationship.
Finish: the film finished at 10:30.

Predict = forecast, foresee

Experts are forecasting a recovery in the economy.
We do not foresee any problems.

Alternative = option, choice.

‫ خياا‬/ ‫بدي‬
We are currently studying all the options available.
If I had the choice, I would stop working tomorrow.

Eventually = finally, ultimately

The performance finally started half an hour late.
Ultimately, you will have to make the decision yourself.
Transform = convert, change
‫ يت ير‬/ ‫يتحو‬
The hotel is going to be converted into nursing home.
The lights changed from red to green.

II. Answer the following questions:

1. Why is oil important in our lives?
Oil is important in our lives because our world would almost grind to a halt
without it.

2. What is petroleum?
Petroleum (also known as crude oil or simply oil) is a fossil fuel that was
formed from the remains of ancient marine organisms.

3. Where can petroleum reservoirs be found?

Petroleum reservoirs can be found beneath land or the ocean floor.

4. What do petroleum products release when they are burned for energy ?
When petroleum products such as gasoline are burned for energy, they release
toxic gases and high amounts of carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas.

5. Why is finding alternatives to petroleum crucial to global energy use?

Oil supplies will run out. Eventually, the world will reach “peak oil,” or its
highest production level. Some experts predict peak oil could come as soon as

III. Supply the suitable word or phrase from the passage:

1. Petroleum, like coal and natural gas are non-renewable sources of energy.
2. Millions of years ago after dying and sinking to the seafloor, the
organic material mixed with other sediments and was buried.
3. Coal, natural gas, and petroleum are all fossil fuels that
formed under similar conditions.
‫زمن المضارع البسيط‬

Subject + Verb + Comp (Object, Adjective, Adverb = Time, Place, Manner)

‫ الفاعل‬+ ‫ الفعل‬+ ‫ مفعول به ) التكملة‬، ‫ صفة‬، ‫ظرف‬ = ‫ زمان‬، ‫ مكان‬، ‫(حال‬

Subject Verb Adj Object Adverb place manner

He works in this company.
She drives her new car carefully in the

He plays football skillfully

He is a football player

She goes to school every morning

It has a nice view

It is a beautiful
I, We, You, work honestly in this company
I am an engineer

They go to the cinema every week.

They are good friends

we play football skillfully.

We are professional
You buy a modern phone every month

You are careless

VERBS to be, to have, to do and others.
‫ وأفعال أخرى‬،‫ االداء‬، ‫ االمتالك‬، )‫أستخدام فعل الكينونة (الكوني‬
Subject to be to do to have to speak to read to play

I am do have speak read play

He, she, it is does has speaks reads plays

I, we, they, you are do have speak read play

Choose the correct word underlined in each of the following sentences:

1. Iraq produces oil and gas.

2. Haider is our supervisor.
3. All the buses leave from this bus-stop.
4. He does his job well.
5. She has three brothers.

Spelling go -goes, watch - watches, wish-wishes, fix-fixes

1. If the main verb of the sentence is verb (to be = am, is, are), we only add
(not) to the verb.

. ‫) للفع‬not( ‫ نقو بوضع أدا النفي‬،)to be ‫ إذا كان الفع الرئيسي للجملة هو (فع الكينونة‬.1

2. If the main verb of the sentence is any verb other than verb (to be), we add
the auxiliary verb (do/does) + not between the subject and the main verb.
We should return the verb to its original form.

+ )does‫ أو‬do( ‫ نقو بنضافة الفع المساعد‬،‫ إذا كان الفع الرئيسي للجملة أي فع ما عدا فع الكينونة‬.2
.‫ يج أن نعيد الفع إلى شكل احصلي المجرد‬.‫) بين الفاع و الفع الرئيسي‬not( ‫إدا النفي‬
Affirmative Negative
I am Iraqi. I am not ('m not) Iraqi.

He is an engineer. He is not (isn't) an engineer.

You are a hard worker. You are not (aren't) a hard worker.
I speak Arabic. I do not (don't) speak Arabic.
We usually make experiments We usually don't make experiments.
They work in a company. They don't work in a company.
He does all the work by himself. He doesn't do all the work by himself.
She has two brothers. She doesn't have two brothers.

1. If the main verb of the sentence is verb (to be = am, is, are), we only transfer
the verb to beginning of the sentence before the subject and add a question
mark at the end of the sentence.

‫ فقط نقو بنق الفع إلى بداية الجملة‬،)to be ‫ إذا كان الفع الرئيسي للجملة هو (فع الكينونة‬.1
.‫وقب الفاع ونضع عالمة إستفلا في أخر الجملة األستفلامية‬

2. If the main verb of the sentence is any verb other than verb (to be), we add
the auxiliary verb (Do/Does) at the beginning of the sentence before the
subject. We should return the verb to its original form and add a question
mark at the end of the sentence.
Do( ‫ نقو بنضافة الفع المساعد‬،‫ إذا كان الفع الرئيسي للجملة أي فع ما عدا فع الكينونة‬.2
‫) في بداية الجملة قب الفاع و يج أن نعيد الفع إلى شكل احصلي المجرد وبعد ذلك‬Does‫أو‬
.‫نضع عالمة إستفلا في أخر الجملة األستفلامية‬

Affirmative Interrogative
I am clever. Am I clever?
He buys a new computer every Does he buy a new computer every
month. month?
I do my job well. Do I do my job well ?
They are foreigners. Are they foreigners?
I speak good English. Do I speak good English ?
Change the following sentences into the negative and the interrogative forms:

1. Salam is a hard –working technician.

Salam is not a hard-working technician.
Is Salam a hard-working technician?

2. Alaa and Mazin like chemistry.

Alaa and Mazin do not like chemistry.
Do Alaa and Mazin like chemistry?

3. Sara wears a school uniform.

Sara does not wear a school uniform.
Does Sara wear a school uniform?

4. They use computers.

They do not use computers.
Do they use computers?

5. He does his homework every night.

He does not do his homework every night.
Does he do his homework every night?

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