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Management Theories and Practices Individual Assignment II

Name: -Semere Tesfaye

Id No: -MBAO/8977/14B

Submitted To: -Dr. Gebre S.

February 2023
The changing nature of managerial skills, mindsets and roles: Advancing theory and relevancy
for contemporary managers
1) Jorge A. Arevalo
2) Robert L. Laud
3) Matthew S Johnson
Journal of Management & Organization
Place Of Publication
Cambridge University Press and Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management
Date Of Publication
07 December 2015
Number Of Pages
Reviewers Name
Semere Tesfaye
Id No
Date and Year of Review
Title and Reporting

The title of the article the changing nature of managerial skills, mindsets and roles: Advancing
theory and relevancy for contemporary managers are necessary to the entire contents of the study
and important to examine and investigate the objectives of the study by analyzing the problems.
Additionally, the organizational background of the report of the article review of this study is
organized based on the given format based.
The main purpose of the article is to investigate and examine the foundational characteristics of
managerial roles as related factors that may influence managerial engagement and ultimately
organizational performance. The study of this paper also aims an organization’s ability of
managerial skills to adapt to changes managerial behaviors: roles, skills, and mindsets in its
external environment is the main condition for its prosperity and its main purpose is not limited
to deriving profit, but also increasing survival and growth in a dynamic external environment
The methodology of this study identifies three major sequential steps. By using review of the
previous literature and studying how the respondents related to the classical managerial role as
well as semi-structured field interview. The authors were not used for sampling technique. The
authors could not be identified the sampling techniques selected for the studies. From The
authors thinking that I understand the findings of the study show a significant positive
relationship between managerial engagement and ultimately organizational performance.,
managerial engagement and ultimately organizational performance., financial results and
adoption of the growing concern in business and academic research that interpersonal skills
learning and education needs to become a more central component within college curriculums
Techniques that links with the company’s performance.
The result of this article was to investigate the relationship between the utilization of managerial
skills, mindsets, and roles as perceived and its questionable relationship to organizational and
individual learning and effectiveness.
Problem statement
The consequences of this are that the skills and capabilities that managers need to be effective
change radically. The purpose of this paper is to explore the nature of these changes and to assess
the implications of management Development and education programmers.

The consequence s of this is that the skills and capabilities’ that managers need to be effective
change radically. The purpose of this paper is to explore the nature of these changes and to assess
the implication s of management development and education programs. This study managerial
skill is important to determine to what extent the role requirements upon which these frameworks
were derived are still considered important and relevant. The literatures review on the
roles, skills, and mindsets, followed by a discussion of some of the issues in nomenclature. The
linking managerial roles, skills and mindsets are set forth, followed by our methodology. This is
lack of studies that has been problematic in that the previously identified role requirements, as
well as required behaviors, are not fixed. Individuals each with unique personality traits do not
react with textbook precision in response to situations regardless of attempts to classify work
contexts. As stated in our introduction, the central question remains in how to view the relevance
of widely taught managerial roles so as to expand our understanding of how role requirements
may influence individual or organization effectiveness.
Objective of the study
From this review I understand the objective of this study is to investigate the nature of
managerial skills, mindsets and roles. But in this study the author don ‘t clearly stated the
specific objective of the study.
Hypothesis tested
The author used three hypothesis tests in this study. The study was done based on the following
research hypothesizes which were derived from the specific objectives and tested throughout the
analysis of the study. The relationships components, between managerial roles, managerial skills,
and mindsets in contemporary managers are independent. Roles of contemporary managers will
differ from the traditional functional groupings. The level of engagement will vary in
contemporary managers.
Review of literatures
The way reviewing the literatures was very nice it includes all the necessary items that support
other interested body that needs to engage in the similar issues. the author used both theoretical
and empirical literatures that related to the study.

From the articles of these literatures gained useful information especially in the area of the
changing nature of managerial skills, mindsets and roles: Advancing theory and relevancy for
contemporary managers. Among them the author wrote the major changes that affect the
managers’ skill, mindset and roles of the Advancing theory and relevancy for contemporary
managers the theories, empirical data, and practical insight into managerial performance
requirements, that is, the skills, roles, and characteristics that are required of managers and how
this knowledge is disseminated.
The researcher’s tries to review literature from both theoretical and practical side. Most of the
reference of the author used in this study is recent that relative to compare the publications date
the study of this article. Additionally, to verify the variables of the study and also test the
hypothesis test of the study that is which variable is relevant and solve for the problems of
changing the manager’s skill, mindset and also roles of the organization.
From this article I understand that the methodology of the author is not clear for the audience.
The sampling techniques and size of the study is not defined in the study. However, the author
used questionnaire, the author doesn’t identify the methods of using which type of questionnaire
and interview used in the study. More over the author used semi structured interview but not
identified that how to investigated three main areas: of managerial roles, five managerial skills
(technical, conceptual, interpersonal, diagnostic, and political); and five mindsets (managing self,
managing organizations, managing context, managing change, and managing relationships).
First, we collected demographic information on age, sex, educational background, position level,
organization tenure as well as the size and type of organization.
Data presentation and analysis
To comply with the objective of this research, the paper is primarily based on hierarchical cluster
analysis, which adopted qualitative information from interview-based samples to identify and
measure the manager’s skill and roles. The hierarchical cluster analyses were performed using
the hclust function in the mass. This analysis produced four distinct role groups which we
labeled: leadership roles, workflow roles, manpower roles, and team roles represented by red,
blue, black, and green branches, respectively the hierarchical cluster analyses. The authors was
summarized the information gained through interview questions responded from the respondents
related to the classical managerial in the manner that gives the necessary information. The author
used both exploration and empirical analysis, we chose consensual qualitative research, which is
a proven approach used in the social sciences for examining human experience.

Conclusion and recommendation

From this article the author concludes that the findings with respect to the five managerial skills
were found to be a separate domain from both the managerial roles and five mindsets. This study
has provided empirical evidence that these skills are a distinct factor in the overall proficiency of
the respondents and the organization is the primary driver of the implementation of particular

According to the authors of this review suggest that business school curricula more closely
reflect the requisite criteria for managerial roles as determined by practicing players. This would
enable other researchers to examine the importance of previously accepted role content and
would help address the issue of how roles may impact effectiveness
The reference of this article is very important to review the study. The citation of the reference in
this article was appropriate and placed on the good citation. And also the recencies of the
references are recent which relatives to the publication date of this article. As well as the
referencing styles of this study is APA referencing style.

This article analyses contemporary issues relevant to understanding the changing nature of
management and managerial skills. The argument is developed in two parts. First, to provide
context, we offer an overview of the literature on the organization and control of managerial
management roles, skills, and mindsets onwards. Second, we discuss the first of two related
concerns relevant to understanding the contemporary nature of managerial skills, mindset and
roles and the strategies of organizational restructuring an analysis that frequently draws upon our
own investigations to establish an agenda for future research. The article concludes by
summarizing the content of the research articles whose arguments relate to issues discussed in
this analysis of managerial skills, mindset and roles.

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