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Subject: ANGLAIS Name: ……………………………………………….

Class: ………………………………… Date: ………………………………………………….

Lesson 1: Soccer Unites the World
Axe 7: Diversity and Inclusion
Question: How does football create unity amid rivalry?

1. Look at the document below. What do you see? What is the message?

The document is an image of a football stitched

together with flags of different countries which have

participated in/qualified for the World Cup, such as:

South Africa, Brazil, The United States, Argentina, Italy

and Germany. The image highlights the message

“Soccer Unites the World” which suggests that the

sport has the power to/is capable of bring(ing) together different countries. Though the

countries may be in different/opposing parts of the world (North America vs. South

America, Europe vs. Africa) and their populations speak different languages and have

different and even opposing cultures, beliefs, skin colour or ethnicities, they are

stitched together by the sport/they come together/they are joined together by/for the


2. Let’s talk!

a) Do you support a sports team? Which one? Why?

b) Do you follow different sports? Which is the most important to you?
c) Do you get excited before big tournaments? Which sports tournaments do you like
to watch? Do you prefer to watch or play sport?

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