Term Paper Investigating Data Theft

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Writing a thesis is no easy feat, especially when it involves investigating a complex and ever-evolving

topic like data theft. This type of academic paper requires extensive research, critical thinking, and
strong writing skills. It can be overwhelming and time-consuming, leaving students feeling stressed
and anxious.

Investigating data theft is a crucial topic in today's digital age. With the rise of technology, the threat
of data theft has also increased, making it a pressing issue for businesses, organizations, and
individuals. As a result, writing a thesis on this topic requires a deep understanding of the subject
matter and the ability to analyze and interpret data effectively.

One of the biggest challenges of writing a thesis on investigating data theft is staying updated with
the latest developments and techniques used by hackers. Cybercriminals are constantly finding new
ways to steal data, making it difficult for researchers to keep up. This adds to the complexity of the
topic and requires students to be vigilant and adaptable in their research.

Another difficulty in writing a thesis on this topic is the vast amount of information available. With
numerous articles, studies, and reports on data theft, it can be overwhelming to sift through and
determine which sources are credible and relevant. Students must carefully select and analyze their
sources to ensure the accuracy and reliability of their findings.

Moreover, writing a thesis on investigating data theft requires a high level of technical knowledge. It
involves understanding various data security measures, encryption techniques, and the legal aspects
of data theft. This can be challenging for students who do not have a background in computer science
or law.

Given the complexities and difficulties of writing a thesis on investigating data theft, it is
understandable why many students struggle with this task. However, there is a solution to alleviate
this burden – ordering from ⇒ HelpWriting.net ⇔.

At ⇒ HelpWriting.net ⇔, we understand the challenges students face when writing a thesis on

investigating data theft. That's why we offer professional and reliable thesis writing services to help
students achieve their academic goals. Our team of expert writers has the knowledge and experience
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With ⇒ HelpWriting.net ⇔, students can rest assured that their thesis on investigating data theft
will be written with precision, accuracy, and originality. Our writers are well-versed in the latest
developments and techniques used by hackers, ensuring that your thesis is up-to-date and relevant.

In conclusion, writing a thesis on investigating data theft is a challenging task that requires a
significant amount of time, effort, and technical knowledge. Instead of struggling with this daunting
task, students can turn to ⇒ HelpWriting.net ⇔ for professional and reliable thesis writing services.
Let us help you achieve academic success without the stress and anxiety of writing a thesis on your
Clients are also welcome to request for a copy anytime by calling the toll free Customer Service
number. Comparison of other countries reveals a lack of authority and government as well as public
safety concerns. This theft thus results in a lot of damage to the economy. To those unaffected, the
possibility of falling victim to cybercriminals is also worrisome. These surveys have examine both
civil and criminal court cases. Together, we'll help organizations improve their cyber resilience with
industry-leading DSPM solutions. We will focus on four aspects of enterprise wide networking
including; legacy systems, Internet Security, offshore development and support and Mobile
computing. But as human vigilance has its limits, it is also essential that effective protection tools be
used, such as the encryption of sensitive data. Personal devices can be infected with malware that can
steal data if the devices are connected to corporate networks.”. Filing a report will let you take
advantage to the protection you are entitled to (identity theft checklist). In case information will be
shared with other financial institutions with a joint marketing agreement with JP Morgan Chase, only
the client’s name, contact information and transaction information will be disclosed. Resources Dive
into our extensive resources on the topic that interests you. Yet, as reported by the National Institute
of Justice (2010b), there is a dearth of data regarding indirect costs of identity theft or the cost-
benefit data pertaining to increased security measures. Copyright to contents in its entirety of
website, case studies, articles, stories and data shared, except News, is owned by N. S. Nappinai,
founder, Cyber Saathi. Fire Prevention Program (FPP) of the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) in
Urdan. We use our social security numbers as identification numbers Credit card numbers are printed
on every receipt. You may be able to work with the company to resolve the dispute. But also note
any distinctive characteristics, such as facial tattoos, deformities, or unusual ways of walking or
talking. The information available on this website shall not be construed as legal advice. One case,
the Colorado House of Representatives has made changes to discontinue the thief from getting
information and using it to obtain employment or preserve employment. Clients are given an
updated copy of the Citibank Privacy Notice applicable to each type of credit card account when the
account is opened and every year thereafter that the account is active. Or perhaps for a certain kind
of child, not getting into the genius program for advanced 4-year-olds can have devastating
consequences later. PS Shinde claimed that he had accessed the data to inform the RBI and the
police about some illegalities in the bank; however, the bank did not agree with this argument, and
he was dismissed on November 27, 2019. Skimming is a form of high-tech technique whereby
thieves scan or swipe victim’s credit or bank card in order to get off the magnetic strip (Social
engineering framework, 2011). Surprisingly, as revealed in Kim (2009), even with the influx of new
technology, low-tech methods are still very popular among identity thieves, with 43 percent of all
identity theft facilitated by stolen wallets and other physical documents. Approximately 58% had
tried drugs in their lifetime—mostly marijuana, cocaine in various forms, and methamphetamine.
Parents are advised to review content in advance. “. But many companies simply don’t know how to
prevent data theft. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies.
Petty Theft Petty theft refers to the theft of some item that has a relatively low value.
You want to assist the FTC in tracking identity theft occurrences. Due to Florida having the most
identity theft complaints, it is important to question just how vulnerable the state is to this form of
fraud. You can also find out how to join our partner network here. Stana, R. M. (2004). Identity
theft: prevalence and cost appear to be growing. In C. L. Hayward (Ed.), Identity theft (pp. 17-72).
Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers. Designing computer systems and devices which are
capable of resisting attack from within, while growing and evolving at an epidemic rate is almost an
impossible endeavor. GleecusTechlabs1 Bit N Build Poland Bit N Build Poland GDSC PJATK Put a
flag on it. This analysis takes into consideration the risks these event pose to businesses individuals
and governments. IBM’s report found that 19 per cent of breaches occur because of a partner’s
compromise, so these steps can’t be missed. Also you may be limited with few job opportunities. The
bank also has solid evidence to prove the involvement of these three accused. The best way to do this
is to report it to your bank and let them do the investigation. Possible Causes of Fraud Surveys have
been conducted in regards to credit and debit card fraud by Porkess and Mason. There is no timeline
as to when you need to get this done, but you should be prepared at all times because this could
change from one day to the next. We use cookies to create the best experience for you. The obvious
answer is: people want to use the software, but not pay for it. Coping with identity theft: imagine
discovering that someone has opened credit card accounts or secured a home equity or car loan
under an assumed name: yours. That is why it is important to stay away from people who are
shoplifting. CSU (2009, pp 7-8) has reported that the trend of Identity Theft had been on increase in
2008. Former United States senator Hillary Clinton states that well over 400,000 children are victims
of identity theft. However, with the emergence of the Internet of Things or of the Industrial Internet
of Things, there are many ways of getting hold of corporate data and even of employees’ data, which
may seem less important, but which can lead to devastating economic consequences. This involves
Stormshield’s entire ecosystem, including websites, social networks and blogs. And when it comes to
data security, these mistakes happen all the time. You’ll then see your results which should include a
summary of what is on your report. Problem Statement of Identity Theft - Michael L ? pdf.
Biegelman, M. T. (2009). Identity theft handbook: detection, prevention and security. By continuing
further on this website, User is deemed to have read, understood and agreed to abide by the Terms of
Usage, Copyright Policy and Privacy Policy.”. This essay attempts to answer these questions in a fair,
well-informed, and well-supported way using expert opinions, experiences, and global surveys. You
should go as soon as possible and make sure to leave the station with a copy of the report. Let us
write or edit the research paper on your topic. With all the high tech measures being adopted by
practically all credit card issuing institutions, crafty identity thieves will almost always come up with
cunning tricks and deceptive tactics to lull their prey into a false sense of security.
Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. Effective Employee
Agreements, which are balanced and fair; data policies including on use, retention and return; IT
Audits; Cyber hygiene are just some of the aspects that companies and businesses will require for
protecting their proprietary data on one hand and also for employees to avoid vexatious litigations
on the other for alleged data thefts. While you may think it is an unnecessary cost, if you report to
clients and potential clients that you have had an outside data assessment, you may find it puts you
at an advantage over your competitors.”. Identity theft is the theft of one's personal identifying
information such as one's name, address, date of birth, credit card numbers, bank information, and
most of all social security number National Insurance Crime Bureau, 2000. Based on existing legal
parameters, JP Morgan Chase has created compliant procedures which prevent unauthorized
individuals and entities from gaining access, utilizing the data, performing modifications and removal
of client information. What has changed over the last 20 years is both the value of automobiles, and
the prevalence of this crime. HSBC collects demographic information, such as name, address, and
social security number, as well as credit information Once a client visits the HSBC website, certain
information about internet usage are also collected. Whatever means the thief uses, identity theft
brings great damage to the victim's name and reputation as the victim is solely left responsible for
whatever financial or personal loss he faces. The enclosed invoice shows that it was shipped to you
but billed to someone with your name at another address a few miles away. Parental guidance and
consent are mandated as case studies and content may relate to heinous offences. Nearing 4E6, I
heard a loud thud, followed by the sound. It is pertinent to note that SN Kubal, the former
employee, was also the general secretary of the employees’ union and he was dismissed in November
2017 on the ground of misconduct. For clients with Vermont clients, accounts will be automatically
set with the three privacy choices in effect. Our award-winning solutions portfolio includes our
Privileged Access Management (PAM) solution along with Identity and Access Management (IAM),
Endpoint Privilege Management (EPM), and Cloud Governance (CIEM), among others. Unlocking
the Cloud's True Potential: Why Multitenancy Is The Key. As a result, most tech companies invest a
relatively large chunk of their revenues into network security. Citibank consumers are given the
freedom to dictate how their personal information may be used and shared. There are also courses
available to teach people money management and responsibilities (About identity theft). From 1995-
1997, the Privacy Rights clearing house cited identity theft as the highest-ranking problem.
Biegelman, M. T. (2009). Identity theft handbook: detection, prevention and security. He will make
use of his diverse experience, gained in several major French and international groups and
communications agencies, to fulfill the Group’s high digital aspirations. You’ll then see your results
which should include a summary of what is on your report. Identity theft Introduction Identity theft
is argued to be a form of stealing someone’s identity whereby the thief pretends to be the victim,
characteristically in order to have access to resources in the victim’s name and identity (Vacca, 2003).
Google, Yahoo, Twitter, and many popular services already have support for 2FA,” says Arias.
Clients are given an updated copy of the Citibank Privacy Notice applicable to each type of credit
card account when the account is opened and every year thereafter that the account is active. It does
not give the employee the right to remove such content. You should be, you see I'm a ghost and
everyday I tap in to the information cyber world. Identity theft is a very serious problem the United
States has been facing for a very long time. Another type of identity theft is the unauthorized use of
your social security number, birth certificate, and passport. With all the high tech measures being
adopted by practically all credit card issuing institutions, crafty identity thieves will almost always
come up with cunning tricks and deceptive tactics to lull their prey into a false sense of security.
Stealing is an offense that results in punishments such as fines and jail terms. In contemporary
society, theft is fast becoming the number one global crime with surveys indicating that over a
quarter of jailed person in major world nations is serving time in prisons on theft-related convictions.
We will focus on four aspects of enterprise wide networking including; legacy systems, Internet
Security, offshore development and support and Mobile computing. Philadelphia, PA: The Ninth
Annual SmartPay Conference. There are also courses available to teach people money management
and responsibilities (About identity theft). This is not to mention the numerous cases that often go
unreported or unnoticed by the law. With identify theft and hacking of open source network
activities real threats in the internet age, it is increasingly important for online shoppers bankers to be
aware of the risks and for online financial institutions to be armed to protect against them. Client
information is shared among company affiliates of the Bank of America in compliance with
applicable laws, including marketing offers. These thieves misrepresent themselves as the victim.
Make sure the Federal Trade Commission knows what's going on. The enclosed invoice shows that it
was shipped to you but billed to someone with your name at another address a few miles away.
Following this, a detailed inquiry was initiated by the bank’s IT and Vigilance departments. An FTC
Identity Theft Complaint can help you do that. When employees feel mistreated, they might steal
data to get revenge on your company. Early Tech Adoption: Foolish or Pragmatic? - 17th ISACA
South Florida WOW Con. JP Morgan Chase also provides its clients several choices regarding how
their information is shared between affiliates and third parties. (JP Morgan Chase, 2010a). Risk-
based pricing will affect your Interest rate by risking amounts of borrowed money and proving you
can pay them off. Transmittal, transfer and processing of client information anywhere in the world is
performed when the company deems it appropriate or necessary. Based on existing legal parameters,
JP Morgan Chase has created compliant procedures which prevent unauthorized individuals and
entities from gaining access, utilizing the data, performing modifications and removal of client
information. Articles Get discovered by sharing your best content as bite-sized articles. If they are
not thieves then who are thieves, the people who want something. For more tips from our Legal co-
author, including how to report identity theft, read on. You’ll then see your results which should
include a summary of what is on your report. In 5% of the reported identity theft cases, loan fraud is
committed, while government fraud is reported in 9% of the cases. In: Tilley N ed Handbook of
crime prevention and community safety. Brody 2014 states the United States Department of Justice
reported in 2013 over 64% of identity theft was associated with credit card fraud. Help Center Here
you'll find an answer to your question. Theft in itself is always evolving and can be classified into a
myriad of different groups, where each kind is punishable with varying penalties. Skimming is a
form of high-tech technique whereby thieves scan or swipe victim’s credit or bank card in order to
get off the magnetic strip (Social engineering framework, 2011). Find out how to get in touch with
our Support Team here. This feature adds a step to the login process when employees attempt to
access a company profile, account, or files. 2FA usually involves entering a time-sensitive passcode
that the employee receives via email or text, or finds in an authenticator app.
You should also notify creditors to restore your good name as soon as you can. They will check the
credit card and let you know if anything suspicious has happened. This is 100% legal. You may not
submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. The new rise in identity theft
cases nationwide is approaching epidemic proportions and Congress must act quickly to bolster
privacy protections. (Identity theft- what you need to know to protect yourself). Hence, research into
possible strategies to mitigate the harm from identity crimes are inhibited. He received his JD from
the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1998 and his PhD in American History from the University
of Oregon in 2013. More than USD 50 million was recovered from these employees, which was
2.5% higher than the value for the previous year. You want to file an initial complaint with the FTC
regarding identity theft. Moreover, responsible information sharing is made possible by allowing
choices for the clients to allow or disallow HSBC to share their information. Rocket Lawyer has
helped over 20 million businesses, families and individuals make legal documents, get attorney
advice, and confidently protect their futures. Let us write or edit the research paper on your topic.
The next step is to get an identity theft police report example so you can give them all the
information they need to file the police report. One of the most notorious kinds of theft in the
present age is shoplifting. The enclosed invoice shows that it was shipped to you but billed to
someone with your name at another address a few miles away. Digital Sales Sell your publications
commission-free as single issues or ongoing subscriptions. That’s one heck of an incentive to keep
trying to steal tax refund money, and tax professionals are a veritable gold mine for cybercriminals
looking to file fraudulent tax returns. Mostly unmonitored BYOD (Bring Your Own Device)
practice, lack of stringent data protection policies by the management are the reasons behind
mushrooming of insider threats. If the organizations are reactive rather than proactive, then there are
high chances that those organizations can be victims of advanced and sophisticated frauds.
Whenever third party companies are hired to perform a specific business function, Capital One
employs a rigid selection and monitoring process to ensure that all client information is secured and
utilized within the parameters set by the company. (Capital One, 2010a) Capital One also utilizes
firewall systems, intrusion detection software and 128-bit Secure Socket Layer (SSL) data
encryption. Case 1: Employees of a Bank were arrested for stealing customer data. Teams Enable
groups of users to work together to streamline your digital publishing. Identity Theft Literature
Review - National Criminal? pdf. The following paragraphs review such pertinent policies of five
credit card companies to afford protection for their clients against identity theft. Sandvick, JD, PhD.
Clinton M. Sandvick worked as a civil litigator in California for over 7 years. Educating workers
about security strategies is critical; especially that human-error remains the leading cause of data
breaches. Many successful hacks today are done through social engineering, usually through emails
or phishing. They spend more time learning about the interests of employees from certain companies
and send these individuals a targeted email enabling them to access the company’s system and to
steal data,” explained Stephane Prevost, Product Marketing Manager at Stormshield. Hayes
International’s 26th Annual Retail Theft Survey, approximately 1.2 million dishonest workers and
shoplifters were caught in the year 2013 in the United States alone. I am submitting my report as a
witness to a theft that was committed at half past two in the afternoon on 30 January. Also there is
Equifax which gives businesses and consumers information they can trust.

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