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Final Test NAME:

▶ Complete each sentence using a gerund or infinitive.

1. Do you enjoy ______________________ in the park? (run)

2. The star player failed ______________________ a point. (score)

3. My sister wants ______________________ all day. (shop)

4. Everyone began ______________________ the Happy Birthday song. (sing)

5. He finished ______________________ the car before noon. (wash)

▶ Complete each sentence using the correct comparative or superlative.

6. This chair is ______________________ than my other one. (comfortable)

7. That was the ______________________ movie I have ever seen. (scary)

8. My dog is ______________________ than your dog. (big)

9. Bob scored the ______________________ points in the game. (many)

10. Mike’s car looks ______________________ than my car. (nice)

▶ Complete each sentence with the present participle. Put an X in the blank
that is not needed.

11. Mom told _______________ me a _______________ story. (shock)

12. I saw the _______________ boy _______________ outside. (play)

13. The _______________ magazine is _______________. (interest)

14. Playing_______________ sports is _______________. (challenge)

15. What kind of _______________ insects _______________ are those?

▶ Circle the correct word(s) in each sentence.

16. (Either / Both) we leave now (and / or) we stay home.

17. (Either / Both) girls are really tired.

18. We can watch (either / both) movie.

19. (Either / Both) of the boys are playing with the dog.

20. (Either / Both) you (and / or) I won our games.

▶ Complete each sentence by using the correct punctuation marks.

21. Josh asked Where are my shoes

22. Dan said We will leave in five minutes

23. Rob said Please let me know when you are done

24. The teacher asked the students Is everyone finished with the test

25. Christine answered I am over here

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