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Assignment-CNC Part Programming-II

(a) Manual Part Programming

(1) Draw the diagram with datum, coordinate points and starting point outside the part.
(2) Calculate the spindle speeds and feed rates for the given tools
(3) Prepare a tool table by including tool number, tool type, diameter (mm), spindle speed
(RPM), and feed rate (mm/min).
(4) Write the part program
(b) Computer aided part programming (CAPP)
(1) Create CAD model of the part
(2) Open it in SolidWorks CAM and create CAM part by giving necessary parameters. (Datum,
Stock, part, tools, and machining operations)
(3) Generate tool path and simulate
(4) Generate part program
(5) Take necessary screen shots of above steps and prepare a complete report with proper
cover page, figure numbers, table numbers and any references used.
(6) Each figure and table in the report should be described with words by referring to figure

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