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Evacuation Plan for suspected Covid-19 cases

 Any guest having a fever or showing symptoms of flu must wear a surgical mask, including
inside his/her room and see a doctor immediately.
 Refer guest to the nearest Public Hospital. If the guest is assessed to be low risk for COVID,
he will be issued a 5-day medical leave. If symptoms persist, return to same doctor for
 The unwell guest must keep a distance of at least 2 metres apart from others, and be
reminded to take their temperature 2 times a day.
 Look out for respiratory problems at least 2 times a day.
 Isolate guests on medical leave in their rooms. If there is more than one sick guest serving
general medical leave, place them in the same room and use bathroom in cohort manner.
 If the guest was swabbed for COVID, he/she should be held at the hospital and not return to
the hostel until test results are available. If the guest was swabbed but returned to the
hostel while results are pending, please inform URA at Tel: 91540160 and Email: immediately.
 If any guest exhibits life-threatening condition, call 995 for Emergency Ambulance

In addition to the above:

 Foreign workers who are unwell: Inform their employer to make the necessary
arrangements for the foreign worker to visit the nearest Polyclinic or Public Hospital (see
Annex B for list of Public Hospitals). Employer to inform hostel of the outcome of the
doctor’s visit.
 SHN guests or foreign workers from dormitories: If they have fever of equal to or greater
than 37.5 degree Celsius, with cough and/or flu symptoms, call 993 for MOH Special
Ambulance Service. Subsequently, inform their employer. Employer to inform hostel of the
outcome of hospital visit

For staff

 Any employee who is feeling unwell or showing symptoms of illness should report his/her
illness to management, leave the workplace and consult a doctor immediately, even if
symptoms may appear mild. This must be tracked and recorded as part of safe management
 For incapacitated or unconscious individuals – clear the area of other personnel and
administer aid immediately. Call 995 to ferry individual to the nearest hospital

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