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Name: ________________________ Date: _____________________

Transitions With Conjunctive Adverbs

1. Complete the text with the better conjunctive adverb and highlight it in red.

a. In 1917, Prohibition was enforced in the District of Columbia and all bars
there were ordered to close. ___________, nearly three thousand
speakeasies opened and illegally served liquor.
- Nevertheless
- Otherwise

b. Some people might assume that space is a pristine and infinite void.
______________, it is filled with orbiting garbage. A layer of used rocket
boosters, nuts, bolts, camera lens caps, paint particles, and more surrounds
- On the contrary
- In addition

c. Mitochondria are well known for their role as energy producers in cells;
_______________, they also perform lesser-known functions, such as
helping to control cell life cycles.
- as a result
- However

d. Oceanographer Sylvia Alice Earle worked to raise awareness of ocean

pollution and overfishing; ___________, she led the first all-female team on
the groundbreaking Tektite II experiment, a project that explored undersea
- otherwise
- furthermore

2. Write an article of your own about the differences between online school and
face-to-face schools. Write at least 8 different transitions with conjunctive adverbs
in your article and underline each transition. AVOID PLAGIARISM, if you go to
different websites or books to learn more about the topic, remember to cite your
sources using the MLA format.

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