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Writing Process

Name: Christopher

Teacher: Kevin Sáa

At this stage, you decide what you are
going to write and how you will
structure your content. You can make an
outline or simply take notes.
Example: If you are writing an essay on

the importance of education, you could
plan your sections (introduction,
development and conclusion) and write
If your writing requires additional
down the key ideas.
information, research reliable sources.
This may include books, articles,
interviews or online research.
Example: If you are writing an article
on climate change, you would
Drafting the Draft research relevant scientific data and
This is where you start writing. statistics.
Don't worry about perfection;
simply state your ideas.
Example: Write an introductory
paragraph on the topic of climate
change and its impact on the Proofreading and Editing
Read your draft with a critical eye.
Correct grammatical errors, improve
clarity and make sure your ideas flow
Example: Revise your introductory
External Feedback paragraph and replace vague words
with more specific terms.

Ask someone else to read your

work and give you feedback. This
could be a friend, teacher or editor.
Example: Your friend points out
that your argument in the second
paragraph needs more evidence.
Final Edition
Make final corrections and
ensure that your writing is
coherent and effective.
Example: Adjust the structure
of your paragraphs and check
Publication or Delivery the accuracy of your data.

Finalmente, comparte tu trabajo con tu

audiencia. Esto podría ser publicar en
un blog, entregar un ensayo a tu
profesor o enviar un artículo a una
Ejemplo: Publicas tu artículo sobre el
cambio climático en un sitio web de
noticias ambientales.

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