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Writing a thesis on a complex and thought-provoking topic such as Macbeth's ambition can be an

incredibly challenging task. The play, written by William Shakespeare, delves into the theme of
ambition and its consequences in a way that leaves readers and scholars alike with endless
interpretations and analysis. As a result, attempting to write a thesis on this topic can be
overwhelming and daunting.

One of the main difficulties in writing a thesis on Macbeth's ambition is choosing a specific angle or
argument to focus on. With so many possible avenues to explore, it can be challenging to narrow
down the scope of the thesis and make a clear and concise argument. Additionally, the play itself is
complex, with multiple layers of symbolism and themes, making it challenging to fully grasp and
analyze in a single thesis.

Another struggle in writing a thesis on this topic is finding reliable and credible sources to support
the argument. As Macbeth is a well-known and widely studied play, there is an abundance of
information and analysis available. However, not all sources are created equal, and it can be
challenging to sift through the vast amount of information to find the most relevant and reliable
sources to support the thesis.

Furthermore, writing a thesis on Macbeth's ambition requires a deep understanding of the play and
its historical context. It is not enough to simply summarize the plot or characters; a successful thesis
must delve into the underlying themes and symbolism and analyze their significance in the context of
the play and Shakespeare's time. This level of analysis requires extensive research and critical
thinking skills, making the task even more challenging.

Given the difficulties and complexities of writing a thesis on Macbeth's ambition, it is

understandable why many students and scholars may struggle with this task. However, there is a
solution – ordering a custom-written thesis on ⇒ ⇔. This professional writing
service offers expert assistance in crafting high-quality and original theses on a variety of topics,
including Macbeth's ambition. By entrusting the task to experienced and knowledgeable writers,
students can save themselves time and stress while still submitting a well-written and well-
researched thesis.

In conclusion, writing a thesis on Macbeth's ambition is no easy feat. It requires a deep understanding
of the play, critical thinking skills, and extensive research. However, with the help of ⇒ ⇔, students can overcome these challenges and submit a top-quality thesis that
explores the complex and intriguing theme of ambition in Macbeth.
My students have found helpful as a revision resource. The group all cheer at this they are all proud
of their warrior Macbeth. Starting with this extract, explain how Shakespeare presents the theme of
ambition in the play. A character comes on scene, he isn’t a witch, he is the Thane of Fife, Macduff.
Duncan is not as moral as Shakespeare made him, he smokes and drinks alcohol, he is not a good
king. Reviews Select overall rating (no rating) Your rating is required to reflect your happiness. Evil
is like a disease in Macbeth, it keeps spreading till he has murdered Duncan, killed Banquo and
attempted to kill his son, slaughtered MacDuff's family up to the point of his death. Macbeth wavers
and then finally agrees to commit the act. If you are using a smartphone, you can also use the drawer
menu on the browser you utilize. All the perfumes of arabia will not sweeten this little hand.”. Terms
in this set (9). The National Lottery is on, he seems drawn to it and is then disgusted by it and
smashes the screen. Extracts are from across the whole play and are listed below. I bought the set for
Macbeth and would really like to buy a set of an inspector calls and dr jeykll if you do them in sets
rather than singly. He then goes on to ask the witches what will become of him he seems happy.
Source: The three witches in the play ignite the actions that follow, which
ultimately put macbeth’s ambition on display. Bundle MACBETH Key Quotations POSTERS
Revision GCSE - NINE CHARACTERS. Banquo spots them huddled around a fire and asks
Macbeth what they are, Macbeth draws his gun and asks them to speak to him. Source: animemania- Stay, you imperfect speakers, tell me more. Shakespeare's text 'Macbeth'
is the tale of a man ruined by his own ambitio. Banquo asks them what the future holds for him and
the witches reply. A car horn beeps and Banquo leaves, Macbeth lingers, again drawn to the evil, and
keeps looking at them, walking backwards through the door. Macbeth's ambition and desire for
power lead to his downfall. The Captain falls to the ground I front of the men, Duncan grabs hold of
the Captain and shakes him. The setting is different, the scenes are not the same, and the morality
aspect has changed. This scene also shows Lady Macbeths true character, deceitful, selfish and
untrustworthy. The authors clarify a contrasting assumption that Lady Macbeth’s ambition was
cruelty and greed-driven but rather as a woman who dedicated her lifetime and energy to Macbeth
and made sure he became king and stayed King for as long as she lived thus Lady Macbeth was not
bad company but rather a woman who supported her husband in a way she could. Macbeth tells her
that he has made his final decision and will not go through with killing Duncan - 'We will proceed no
further in this business'. The most important supernatural evident was the three witches, who lead
Macbeth to evil ambition. She knows that macbeth is capable of ambitious dreams, but she thinks
that he is unwilling to display the ruthless behavior necessary to achieve those dreams. Source: “i have bought golden opinions. This past character of Macbeth is in conflict with
his new character that Lady Macbeth has manipulated into a cold calculated killer.
He killed king Duncan, killed the two guards out of paranoia, killed his friend Banquo because he
felt threatened, ordered killing of Lady Macduff just so he could remain king. He was also the army
general and a man great at his job but after stumbling across the prophecy that he could be king
everything he had suddenly was not enough, he wanted more. Macbeth breaks out of his trance and
calls for the witches to come back. He just got greedier and wanted to take the throne for himself.
The war seems to be a proper war over land the way it would have been in Shakespeare’s time, not
over drugs. He tells us that what we are about to see, that Duncan is king and that he has become fat
and lazy, he is no longer a good king. Macduff’s mention of his birth from his mother’s womb
Untimely ripp’d literally meant that he was not born the natural way but with C section instead
Macbeth had been foretold by the witches that he had to be away of a man not born woman and he
actually met Macduff who fit the description. In the play Macbeth, by Sir William Shakespeare,
Macbeth and Lady Macbeth share various similarities throughout the play. Lady Macbeth’s
masculinity manipulations drove Macbeth also gives Macbeth the motivation to totally disregard
virtue and commit murder thus her failure to be his voice of reason hence she was in bad company.
Source: The three witches in the play ignite the actions that follow, which ultimately
put macbeth’s ambition on display. “here’s the smell of the blood still. Three children, the witches,
have just broken the window. Macbeth’s relentless pursuit to seize and keep the throne portrays how
treacherous obsession with ambition can lead to undesirable consequences reflected by Macbeth’s
catastrophic collapse. Ambition has some serious consequences in the play; Macbeth is slain as a
tyrant and his wife, Lady Macbeth commits suicide. See other similar resources ?3.00 (no rating) 0
reviews BUY NOW Save for later Not quite what you were looking for. The actors are using
Shakespearean language in a modern setting. We go back to the Public House, where Malcolm and
Macduff have just arrived Macduff keeps pushing Malcolm away. Thus, the prophesy of the Witches
had made a deep impression on Macbeth’s mind. She is going to toss his ship about and make sure
that he does not sleep. No: this my hand will rather the multitudinous seas incarnadine, making the
green one red.”. She says that she would rather kill her child than break an agreement. Show replies
Facetious 4 years ago Thanks for the feedback. We do not know who Macbeth is or why the witches
are meeting him, but we think that he must be evil because he is linked with the witches. He does
not stop there, he also feels threatened and goes on to kill his friend Banquo. When Macbeth sees the
ghost, he reacts with horror and scares and upsets his guests. Starting with this extract, explain how
Shakespeare presents the theme of ambition in the play. In this paper, I will first explain how akrasia
and the existence of bad company were the driving forces for Macbeth’s ambition to gain power. I
had else been perfect, whole as the marble, founded as the rock, as broad and general as the casing
air. And oftentimes, to win us to our harm, the instruments of darkness tell us. Macbeth should be
about thirty-five to forty, he should be strong and masculine, as he has the strength to unseam a
man. Our customer service team will review your report and will be in touch. ?2.00 5.00 2 reviews
BUY NOW Save for later ?2.00 5.00 2 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Last updated 26 June
2022 Share this Share through email Share through twitter Share through linkedin Share through
facebook Share through pinterest WEZ CARTOONS 4.44 161 reviews Not the right resource.
Lady Macbeth then convinces Macbeth into the murder by mockery and various other means of
persuasion. Reply Delete Replies Reply Anonymous 28 April 2022 at 07:49 Thank You so much sir.
This shows there is a possibility that Macbeth was already starting to plot against Duncan even
before his wife know about the prophecy. It is too full o' the milk of human kindness to catch the
nearest way'. Source: “to be thus is nothing, but to be safely thus.”. She knows that
macbeth is capable of ambitious dreams, but she thinks that he is unwilling to display the ruthless
behavior necessary to achieve those dreams. Source: Macbeth act 1 scene 4
macbeth means that he wants the stars to go dark so that no one will be able to observe him and see
his disloyalty. Lady Macbeth’s masculinity manipulations drove Macbeth also gives Macbeth the
motivation to totally disregard virtue and commit murder thus her failure to be his voice of reason
hence she was in bad company. Source: Ambition is the driving force of william
shakespeare's tragedy macbeth. See other similar resources ?0.00 5.00 2 reviews Download Save for
later Not quite what you were looking for. With an explosion the Captain arrives war torn and
bleeding, he staggers up the hill towards the group of man with his rifle slung over his back. No: this
my hand will rather the multitudinous seas incarnadine, making the green one red.”. An example
essay written in view of the new AQA GCSE spec. This shows when Macbeth has finally made the
decision not to go through with the 'business'. Reply Delete Replies Reply Unknown 20 October
2019 at 07:05 Thanks Reply Delete Replies English Literature 19 February 2021 at 19:54 You are
welcome. Reviews Select overall rating (no rating) Your rating is required to reflect your happiness.
He is wearing a black tracksuit and speaks with a Jamaican accent, his words have rhythm. In this
paper, I will first explain how akrasia and the existence of bad company were the driving forces for
Macbeth’s ambition to gain power. They believed that a witch had a third nipple under her arm.
Initially, it was his ambition that drove him to do anything for him to attain the throne. The war
seems to be a proper war over land the way it would have been in Shakespeare’s time, not over drugs.
His rifle is the currant issue weapon to the British Army so again it shows the modern aspect of the
play. Macduff mentioning this shows how destiny and reality coincide with one another. Three
children, the witches, have just broken the window. Macbeth’s relentless pursuit to seize and keep the
throne portrays how treacherous obsession with ambition can lead to undesirable consequences
reflected by Macbeth’s catastrophic collapse. The illness should attend it (1.5) lady macbeth speaks
these lines as she reflects on her husband’s character. He is now conscious of how his ambition has
driven him too far and forced him to do something he knew was wrong all the while. She is as
ambitious as her husband and wants to become queen of Scotland. Macbeth moves to go into the
building, he seems drawn to it, Banquo tries to stop him but he walks in. The group all cheer at this
they are all proud of their warrior Macbeth. The value foregrounded throughout this text is the
representations of ambition within the play macbeth, and we will be focusing on the protagonist of
the story, ironically. See other similar resources ?3.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later
Not quite what you were looking for.
A drum is significant because it is a military symbol. Ambition has some serious consequences in the
play; Macbeth is slain as a tyrant and his wife, Lady Macbeth commits suicide. The opening scene is
exactly thirteen lines long, thirteen is unlucky and in those times unlucky things were bad. And to be
more than what you were, you would, Be so much more the man’. (1.7.49-51). Macbeth’s wife does
and since she was his partner in crime and voice of reason he could have ended the strive for power
but instead he is persistent regardless. They turn and leave down the hillside with their guns slung
over their backs. The audience will now be itching to see if the latest predictions are true: after all,
the previous have all now happened. He then goes on to ask the witches what will become of him he
seems happy. He realises that all the sinful deeds his crazy ambition drove him to commit were
meaningless as his power is impotent. This is reflected when Macbeth can not sleep later on in the
play. Lady Macbeth’s masculinity manipulations drove Macbeth also gives Macbeth the motivation
to totally disregard virtue and commit murder thus her failure to be his voice of reason hence she
was in bad company. The weakness of will drove Macbeth to do things he would not have normally
done as he says “I have no spur to prick the sides of my. As they each say their lines we get a close
up of each witch. Arguably, their most dominating semblance is their shared lust for power. Reviews
Select overall rating (no rating) Your rating is required to reflect your happiness. TraceyLokeHassell
4 years ago report 5 I have downloaded these posters for my dyslexic son who is doing gcse English
this coming year. Macbeth was told by the three weird sisters that he will one day become king.
Macbeth a nobleman who comes across a prophecy from the witches’ All hail Macbeth thou shalt be
king hereafter. The story wouldn’t have taken place if it was not for the overarching ambition of the
characters. He hath honored me of late, and I have bought, Golden opinions from all sorts of people,
which would be worn now in their newest gloss, not cast aside so soon. The last part of the phrase,
Macbeth shall sleep no more, could be symbolic of the his future self who has to constantly protect
his unruly acts constant therefore his mind will not be at ease nor can he rest. But this intense
avarice, in the end, leads to their ruin in differing ways. With an explosion the Captain arrives war
torn and bleeding, he staggers up the hill towards the group of man with his rifle slung over his back.
That my keen knife see not the wound it makes, nor heaven peep through the blanket of the dark, to
cry “hold, hold!””. Lady Macbeth goes far enough to actually mock her husband in to the killing, she
does this in more than one occasion, she questions his manhood - '.And live a coward in thine own
esteem.'Macbeth retorts saying that anyone who is more than a man than him is not even human and
does not waver. Macbeth refers to his life as charmed which suggests that he had had everything he
needed as king and he was undefeatable to all men. Show replies Facetious 4 years ago Thanks for
the feedback. In the play we don’t see the battle, this shows us a more violent side to Macbeth,
however it shows him as a warrior, not just a nobleman and a loving husband. They believed that a
witch had a third nipple under her arm. He has his gun pressed against his cheek, he likes the power
of the gun it makes him feel power, something that he longs to have, and we can hear his thoughts.
I bought the set for Macbeth and would really like to buy a set of an inspector calls and dr jeykll if
you do them in sets rather than singly. The voices get faster and come from all over the building. The
Captain falls to the ground I front of the men, Duncan grabs hold of the Captain and shakes him.
Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. See other similar resources ?3.00 (no rating) 0
reviews BUY NOW Save for later Not quite what you were looking for. The witches are not as
frightening as Shakespeare’s witches are; they do not have the same effect. Lady Macbeth does this
by twisting and manipulating Macbeth. Delete Replies Reply Reply Unknown 2 November 2019 at
08:55 This is very nice and helpful for me Reply Delete Replies Reply Unknown 4 March 2021 at
04:18 Thank you it's very helpful me Reply Delete Replies Reply Unknown 4 March 2021 at 04:18
Thank you it's very helpful me Reply Delete Replies Reply Unknown 14 December 2021 at 04:34
Thank you so much Reply Delete Replies Reply Unknown 14 April 2022 at 17:44 Thank you very
much. A character comes on scene, he isn’t a witch, he is the Thane of Fife, Macduff. Eventually, the
people of his wrongly claimed country learn of his maliciousness and see him as blight in Scotland.
Duncan decides to reward Macbeth with the title the Thane of Cawdor, he sends men to kill the
present Cawdor and deliver the message to Macbeth. Their familiars call to them and they disappear
chanting. They also tell Duncan that the Thane of Cawdor was a traitor’, Duncan decides to reward
Macbeth by giving him the Thane of Cawdor’s title. However, their various similarities end with
Duncan’s demise and the way they both experience guilt over what they did. Shakespeare's text
'Macbeth' is the tale of a man ruined by his own ambitio. This is ironic because Macbeth will become
a traitor too. First, at actually sets the plot in motion as Macbeth's decision on the murdering of
Duncan wavers under Lady Macbeth's constant flattery and mockery. This is a reflection of how
Macbeth is a true Machiavellian. Once he takes drastic measures to try and reach his goals, he is
plagued by regret and knows he has been forever damned for his actions. Lady Macbeth has a
different side to her though, she say's she knows how it is to love and 'tender' a baby but would
ruthlessly kill it rather than break a promise, she does not want to kill Duncan herself because he
reminds her to much of her own father - 'I have given suck, and know how tender 'tis to love the
babe that milks me. It’s about a tale of royalty treachery heroes and witches. Banquo, the Witches
predict that he will be the begetter of a line of kings. Throughout the play, Macbeth’s sole purpose
became being king and staying as king by however means necessary. His best friend, Banquo is
always by his side, and both dressed in armour coming from battle, with wounds. Throughout
history, there have been numerous examples of a man abusing his power and position to achieve
things they did not deserve. He wants to become King, but he doesn't want to kill Duncan. This past
character of Macbeth is in conflict with his new character that Lady Macbeth has manipulated into a
cold calculated killer. Because he killed and ordered killing which is immoral and shows that he
wanted to advance by any means necessary. Incredible Famous Quotes On Friendship By William
Shakespeare 2022. Lady Macbeth might not have been totally responsible for the play's tragedy as I
explained in the paragraph above.
Macbeth is not happy with the information he has received and demands that they stay and tell him
how he is to become Thane of Cawdor and the king. Instead of focusing on being a king for the
people Macbeth is too worried about the threats around him showing how paranoia was driving his
ambition to remain king. Their influence may have introduced the sinister idea into Macbeth’s psyche
and giving him the ambition to take over the kingship. I will also explain the consequences Macbeth
had to face because of his over-ambition. His ambitious desires and aspirations to keep his wrongly
claimed throne have caused him to murder those he was once loyal to. I can see the power on his
face he is almost annoyed that they are leaving it shows that he likes what they are saying. However,
fate seemed to have different plans for the fine, brave, ambitious Macbeth. He has grown tired of
life and envies the dead as they can no longer be tormented. The audience will now be itching to see
if the latest predictions are true: after all, the previous have all now happened. In scene seven of act
one, Macbeth is losing a battle against his own ambition as it grasps and influences his thoughts
greatly, in his soliloquy; he admits that his ambition is too big. Reply Delete Replies Anonymous 12
February 2021 at 05:02 Shut up Delete Replies Reply English Literature 19 February 2021 at 19:57
Thanks for your interest. He was a highly respected man but his wicked ambition led him to want
more, now he has less respect than ever before. That my keen knife see not the wound it makes, nor
heaven peep through the blanket of the dark, to cry “hold, hold!””. Lady Macbeth uses her husband’s
drive and ambition to orchestrate the current king, Duncan’s murder so that Macbeth can rule as a
king. Our customer service team will review your report and will be in touch. ?2.00 (no rating) 0
reviews BUY NOW Save for later ?2.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Last
updated 22 February 2018 Share this Share through email Share through twitter Share through
linkedin Share through facebook Share through pinterest stephtebay1984 4.67 5 reviews Not the
right resource. The voices get faster and come from all over the building. Third Witch Anon. ALL
Fair is foul, and foul is fair: Hover through the fog and filthy air. (1.1.1). He also admits that he
doesn’t own any of the things any other man should have in old age, such as love, honour and many
good friends; he has given up on these. It occurs in all the appearances of the three witches, in the
visions of their prophecies, in the arrival of Banquo’s ghost and in the floating dagger scene.
Macbeth’s relentless pursuit to seize and keep the throne portrays how treacherous obsession with
ambition can lead to undesirable consequences reflected by Macbeth’s catastrophic collapse. He then
goes on to ask the witches what will become of him he seems happy. This resource hasn't been
reviewed yet To ensure quality for our reviews, only customers who have purchased this resource can
review it Report this resource to let us know if it violates our terms and conditions. We do not know
who Macbeth is or why the witches are meeting him, but we think that he must be evil because he is
linked with the witches. The war seems to be a proper war over land the way it would have been in
Shakespeare’s time, not over drugs. Second Witch When the hurlyburly's done, When the battle's lost
and won. Lady Macbeth goes far enough to actually mock her husband in to the killing, she does this
in more than one occasion, she questions his manhood - '.And live a coward in thine own
esteem.'Macbeth retorts saying that anyone who is more than a man than him is not even human and
does not waver. Her forceful arguments revive his ambition and cannot. This scene also shows Lady
Macbeths true character, deceitful, selfish and untrustworthy. He tells us that there had been some
problems and Duncan had told Macbeth to sort them out. We get a camera shot of the witches
robbing the bodies anybody watching the scene can tell that these people are bad, evil almost as
robbing the dead is frowned upon by anyone.
The characters are introduced by freeze-frame the first man, the leader is Macbeth, he is wearing
jeans and a dark jumper, this may suggest that he is evil. The supernatural occurs four times during
the play of Macbeth. Macbeth tells her that he has made his final decision and will not go through
with killing Duncan - 'We will proceed no further in this business'. Duncan is not as moral as
Shakespeare made him, he smokes and drinks alcohol, he is not a good king. The actors are using
Shakespearean language in a modern setting. At the end of the soliloquy Macbeth has decided that
it's only ambition that he has as a motive - 'I have no spur to prick the sides of my intent, but only
vaulting ambition'. He uses Lady Macbeth and Macbeth as examples of people with an unchecked
ambition and extreme thirst for power. Macbeth should be about thirty-five to forty, he should be
strong and masculine, as he has the strength to unseam a man. It makes the reader wonder how
drastically he will change throughout the rest of the play and how uncontrollable his ambition will
become. Reply Delete Replies Reply Anonymous 6 November 2022 at 01:56 Thankfully. A car horn
beeps and Banquo leaves, Macbeth lingers, again drawn to the evil, and keeps looking at them,
walking backwards through the door. In the play we don’t see the battle, this shows us a more
violent side to Macbeth, however it shows him as a warrior, not just a nobleman and a loving
husband. This shows when Macbeth has finally made the decision not to go through with the
'business'. Shakespeare meant this as a morality play, however this is not a moral king and I feel that
it makes me feel more sympathy for Macbeth when he betrays Duncan. Before committing the
murder Macbeth thinks nothing could possibly go wrong but after, he hears voices say Glamis hath
murdered sleep, and therefore Cawdor shall sleep no more, Macbeth shall sleep no more”(
Sleep is a crucial part of our daily lives and signifies rest and end of the day. Shakespeare brilliantly
demonstrates, in a variety of techniques, how just ambition alone can bring down the even the
greatest of men. Because he killed and ordered killing which is immoral and shows that he wanted to
advance by any means necessary. The witches are dressed in rags and torn cloths they are grubby,
they have rotten teeth and are wearing tacky plastic jewellery, They look like tramps. This Duncan is
a good king I think this makes Macbeth seem even worse when he goes to kill him it shows that he is
willing to kill good people to get where he wants to be. His past character of being brave and noble
and just having saved Duncan's crown from the previous Thane of Cawdor And the invading
Norwegian army single handily. He does not stop there, he also feels threatened and goes on to kill
his friend Banquo. She talks him into killing Duncan to take the throne and when he shows
reluctance, We will proceed no further in this business. There is eerie music playing in the
background, the estate is empty, abandoned. Our customer service team will review your report and
will be in touch. ?2.00 5.00 2 reviews BUY NOW Save for later ?2.00 5.00 2 reviews BUY NOW
Save for later Last updated 26 June 2022 Share this Share through email Share through twitter Share
through linkedin Share through facebook Share through pinterest WEZ CARTOONS 4.44 161
reviews Not the right resource. It’s like saying goodbye to all the things he has ever wished for.
Macbeth’s last hope is destroyed by this revelation Regardless of being aware of the truth, Macbeth
did not run for his life or hide rather he was willing to fight until his last breath. Ultimately their
insatiable greed and ambition for power are the cause that brought upon their deaths. The ambition of
becoming the king drives Macbeth, and in the process of becoming one, he and his overtly ambitious
and manipulative wife commits multiple murders. This scene also is important for the plot as it tells
the audience that Lady Macbeth has changed his mind and that he will murder Duncan. We see
ambition as the most important theme in Shakespeare’s Macbeth, also an evil motivation that
encourages Macbeth’s cruel nature and slowly turns him into a vicious, bloodthirsty demon.

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