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 To study the applications of AI and agent based approach to AI.

 To study first-order predicate calculus, logical reasoning and problem solving using
Prolog language.
 To study and discuss various techniques and algorithms of AI used in general
problem solving, optimization problems, constraint satisfaction problems, and game
 To familiarize students with various sub-areas of AI, such as expert systems, natural
language processing and machine learning.


CLO: 1. Explain artificial intelligence, its characteristics and its application areas. (C1-
CLO: 2. Formulate real-world problems as state space problems, optimization problems or
constraint satisfaction problems. (C4-Analysis)
CLO: 3. Select and apply appropriate algorithms and AI techniques to solve complex problems.
CLO: 4. Design and develop an expert system by using appropriate tools and techniques. (C3-


1. Defining AI; Turing’s test; Weak vs. Strong AI.

2. Applications of AI; Agent based approach
3. State space search: DFS, BFS, IDS algorithms
4. Informed search: A* algorithm
5. Optimization problems & Local search algorithms
6. Genetic algorithms
7. Constraint satisfaction problems
8. Expert systems
9. Game playing (adversarial search)
10. Introduction to machine learning

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