Term Paper Philippine History

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Writing a thesis on Philippine history can be a daunting task for many students.

It requires extensive
research, critical thinking, and excellent writing skills. Not to mention, the topic itself is vast and
complex, making it even more challenging to narrow down and focus on a specific aspect.

Many students struggle with writing a thesis on Philippine history because of the lack of resources
and guidance. The subject is not as commonly studied as other historical events, and there is a
limited amount of literature available. This makes the research process more time-consuming and

Moreover, Philippine history is a sensitive topic that requires a deep understanding of the country's
culture, politics, and society. It is not just about memorizing dates and events; it is about
understanding the underlying factors that shaped the nation's history. This requires critical thinking
and analysis, which can be challenging for some students.

Another challenge in writing a thesis on Philippine history is the pressure to produce original and
significant research. With so much already written about the topic, it can be challenging to come up
with a unique angle or perspective. This pressure can be overwhelming and can lead to writer's block.

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Legaspe sailed from the Mexican port of Navidad on November 21,1564. The Philippine trade goods
included bulak (raw cotton), abacca, cloth of various patterns, hardwoods, gums, resins, betel nuts,
pear shell, pink and blue coral trees, large conch shells, tortoise shells, sponges, rattan, beeswax,
musk, sandalwood, leather, mats, and pepper. This book will free us from colonialism and favoritism
by tackling our past with freedom of questioning and rediscovering. The friars became memberOf
some agencies of the Central government. Guerrilla warfare under these circumstances was
suppressed.The Filipino guerrillas were forced to surrender soon after. Central Administrative
Organization composed of six executive department of Interior: 1. FINANCE 2. JUSTICE 3.
AGRICULTURE and COMMERCE 4. Cities and Municipalities are further divided into Barangays.
Diego and Gabriela Silang are the couple led a widespread revolt in Ilocos Sur on the issue on the
right to engaged in the galleon trade by non Spaniards or Indios. Other Laws that protect our
environment include the Philippine Clear Act of 1999, the Ecological Solid Waste Management of
2000 and the Clear Water Act of 2004. Toynbcc's thesis that hi.Gtory reflects the progrcss
ofciviIization.'i and. Estrada’s administration has viewed as a potential disaster by the elite and
business sectors of Philippines. NATURAL RESOURCES:Nature has given the Philippines rich soil
and plenty of natural resources. Legaspi was happy to hear from Goiti and informed his men that the
King of Spain. Ifugao - AliguyonIlocanos - Biag ni Lam-angBicolanos - HandiongMuslim -
Bantugan, Indarapatra and Sulayman, Bidasari and parang sabil. THE RETURN OF
AUTOCRACYThe republic of Spain ended in 1870 when the Monarchy was restored and the new
King assumed the Spanish throne. After the voyage of Magellan, Spain sent several expeditions to
colonize the Philippines but. The prominent women Masons included Rizal’s sisters Josefa and
Trindad, Rosario Villaruel. General Ramos - joining them, strengthened their moral. The governor-
general had authority to appoint priest to the parishes. It did not leave the Philippines but stayed on
to organize the civil government. The Americans swarmed all over the place and defeated Del
Pilar.Luna retreated farther north, to Pampanga, and made preparations to meet the advancing
ceremony. Theodore Sandico 9. Maximo Kabigting4. Anastacio Francisco 10. The Northernmost
island of Luzon is just 100 kilometers away from the island of Taiwan, formerly called Formosa.
There were very few recorded marriages between Spanish men and Filipino women. The. In 1807,
the Basi revolt in Ilocos Norte erupted over the issue. Literature, music, architecture, painting,
sculpture and the sciences were also enriched with. Marina Dizon, Valeriana Legazpi, Romualda
Lanuza, Sizta Fajardo and Purification Leyva. Aguinaldo was happy to hear the news and made
preparations for the soldiers who had captured the enemy. The Constitution establishes a unicameral
legislature. The first hundred and fifty years of Spanish rule was characterized by a slow economic.
Early in 1891, some Filipinos who had been to Spain met and decided to establish the Masonic. The
Philippines has more than a hundred languages and dialects. For thousands of years, they fought
until Manaul got tired of. The March is now National Anthem.In the afternoon, the members of
Congress elected the following officers President: Pedro A. Gayunpaman, mapapagaan at
mapapadali ang kanilang pagtuturo sa nasabing asignatura. Mula. Recently, oil deposits have been
discovered but the sites remain to be undeveloped. They practiced dry agriculture and produce yams,
rice and gabe. The Spanish failed to defeat Magalat, the Spanish authorities thought of another way
to get rid of him. Tupas the chieftain of Cebuanos did not believed them and fled to. This served as
a message to all Filipinos that this is what is really going on, and that this is a true Filipino history
written by Filipinos. A man claiming to be a descendant of Lakan Dula tried to investigate a revolt
in 1643. In line with the terms of surrender, the Spaniards including the Filipinos volunteers under
the payroll on the Spanish Army inside the City, agreed to admit defeat. Communities along rivers
and coasts were the most literate among these early Filipinos. Halcon); Negros Mountain Range
(dividing Negros into two). They believed that autonomy would be good for the Filipino. Filipino.
Ito’y sa mga asignatura sa kurikulum ng sekondarya mula unang taon hanggang ikaapat. He wrote a
long story about the certain friar he named Fray Botod, who was greedy, immoral. Portugal,
embarked for a stiff competition of amassing great wealth and fortune for the sake of. Franciscan
missionaries arrived and spread the Catholic in Manila in. Usually expulsion from the Society was
the punishment meted out to erring members who could not keep secrets. The two branches of the
government are the executive and judicial. Twenty six of the Volcanoes are considered active, while
the rest are supposed to be dormant or. Inside the circle representing the sun was the letter K in. Later
he gave Wildman 67,000 pesos for the purchase of more arms and ammunition. An anecdote talks of
a native Taaleno, who asked what the town was called, thought the question has reference to what he
was hiding and he replied, ta-ad which is the Batanguenos word for sugarcane points. From a
cultural perspective, the academic neglect of the Filipinos results from the erroneous assumptions on
the lack of authentic indigenous culture from the Philippines. Respect her in her weakness, and
remember the mother who. Unleashing the Power of AI Tools for Enhancing Research, International
FDP on. Luna drew his revolver but he fell outside the convent and died saying “Cowards. LESSON
SEVEN: Philippines under attack—WW II and Japanese Imperialism.
Ilongos and the Kalingas of Northern Luzon and among the Mandayas and the Bagobos of
Mindanao, the houses were built in on the treetops. Several conditions are required before the
marriage can prosper. After signing the resolution, the men followed Bonifacio to Naik. Retana. In
all his speeches he praised the Philippines and called it “Pearl of the Orient”. In one of. THE
DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE He believed the people would work hard to protect that
independence and thus, contribute to the stability of the newly established government. Cordillera.
In Visayas and in Mindanao, they have the dato and tuan, which is associated to a. The present
landforms of the Philippines have come about through the complex process of. The Non- Christian
Filipinos like those in Cordillera of Luzon and the Muslim in the Sulu archipelago on the south were
“pacified” through the creation of two special provinces the Moro in 1903 and the Mountain
Province in 1908. Mascardo who was under Luna’s jurisdiction, refused. The Tillage System, the land
was plowed and harrowed, then followed by planting. Pigafetta. Filipino historians and archeologist
believed the Filipino - Chinese trade contacts began around the ninth century during the Tang
dynasty (618-906 A.D.). ARAB TRADE ROUTES IN SOUTHEAST ASIABetween 900 and 1200
A.D., a group of people called Orang Dampuan from Southern Annam, established trading post in
Sulu. Master’s crops and the Sagigilid which had no house of his own, and. About 6,000 years B.C.
pottery appeared to be already present in. Legazpi and his worthy companions overcame the native
of the island, if the apostolic seal of the. TEACHINGS OF ISLAM Qur'an (Koran) - where the basic
tenets of Islam found, the holy book of Muslims. The Koran considered the word of the Supreme
Creator, Allah as directly communicated by the Angel to the prophet Mohammad. Manaul called on
the gods—Kaptan, god of the sea; and, Magauayan, god of the air—to come to. Written and oral are
the classification of literature of the ancient Filipino. Miller, who was in Iloilo, published the original
text of the of the proclamation. Native in Cebu, played such musical instruments as the timbal, the
cymbal, the drum and may others. The prevailing issues on political equality and perennial rule of
political families were also investigated unfolding the Cebuanos' perceptions of political dynasty and
its impact on Cebuano bureaucracy. Certain events and developments in the 1800s to 1900s led to a
further awakening as a. Caves. Duyong Cave is dated between 300 to 500 B.C. while Guri between
100 to 200 years. Gobernador- General Carlos Maria dela Torre, fought the popular suffrage and
freedom of speech, press and religion brought to the country some liberal and progressive Spaniard.
These landforms are very much interrelated with the. These four weeks correspond to the four phases
of the moon. A. Peninsulares: Spaniards born in Spain whose prerogative was to rule or govern.
Treasurer: Bonifacio Arevalo Secretary: Deodato Arellano. Acting on the suggestion of Speaker
Osmena, he created the Council of State composed of: o Speaker of the Houseo Senate President
ando the members of the Cabinet. Mga karagdagang mungkahi, reaksyon o komento tungkol sa
pagtuturo sa asignaturang Filipino. It made them realize that by raising their consciousness and
perception, they can correct history and set themselves free.
VOLCANOES AND EARTHQUAKES:Twenty six of the Volcanoes are considered active, while
the rest are supposed to be dormant or sleeping. This time Aglipay now the Supreme Bishop of new
Church was invited by the Jesuits to the house of F. Boat-building was a flourishing industry in the
Philippines before the conquest. The Supreme Council was the highest of these governing bodies,
followed by the Provincial Council and the Popular Council. In this site the earliest intact burial ever
discovered in the Philippines. From the first phase of the Revolution (1896-1898 against Spain) to
the Second phase (1898-1902 against the U.S), owning a piece of land, in addition to independence,
was a major goal of the struggle.It is true; the revolutionary government in Malolos confiscated the
friar lands.As result these lands, were awarded to the Ilustrados and families with means.When the
Treaty of Paris was signed, where Spain cede the Philippines to the U.S for 20 million dollars.
Spaniard to share with the native a “civilized life”. The influential leaders believe that history should
be always on their side and in their perfect picture (Constantino, 1974, p. 5-6). They were so
powerful that they thought they could be the one to do what was fair and right. The 1987
constitution preserve many of provisions of the 1935 constitution.The ofsectoral representatives from
labor, peasants, urban poor, indigenous cultural, communities, women, youth, the disabled, and the
recognition of the role of people’s organization. The society monopolized the tobacco, coconut, and
liquor industries. Portugal, on the other hand, was to take possession clear, the Pope issued another
bull on the same day. His original suggestion of reaching Maluku (Moluccas) via the. Priesthood
during the Spanish period was composed of two classes: 1. RELIGIOUS BELIEFThe prehistoric
Filipinos believed that the soul was immortal. THE HONGKONG JUNTA When Dewey won the
battle of Manila Bay and news about it reached all parts of the world. The aims of the company was
to promote the progress of the Philippines by improving the foreign trade of the colony with Spain
and to develop the natural resources of the Philippines by encouraging the industry, manufacturing
and agriculture. Subsequent investigation showed that even as early as February 2 and 3, the Filipino
employees in the service of American ships had been dismissed; that in the morning of February 4
between 200 and 30 American soldiers boarded two cascos for Cavite. Clarissa Ocampo, a bank
executive as defence lawyer of president Estrada, atty. Philippines, describing it to the King of Spain
said, “ This country is salubrious and has a good. He was to establish a dictatorial form of
government because such was very effective in a critical period. Retana. In all his speeches he
praised the Philippines and called it “Pearl of the Orient”. In one of. Filipino historians and
archeologist believed the Filipino - Chinese trade contacts began around the ninth century during the
Tang dynasty (618-906 A.D.). ARAB TRADE ROUTES IN SOUTHEAST ASIABetween 900 and
1200 A.D., a group of people called Orang Dampuan from Southern Annam, established trading post
in Sulu. The could not sell property they inherited from their parents before their marriage without
the consent of their husbands but their husbands could sell the same property without their
knowledge. For the governor-general to pardon all those who participated in the revolt; 2. People
thriving in plains had a favorable position in trade. Fiscal: Andres Bonifacio, Secretary: Jose Turiano
Snatiago. Juan dela Cruz Palaris led the uprising lasted a year and came to be known as the Palaris
Revolt. C. Mestizos: Spanish and Chinese mestizos who became leader in finance and education.
Legaspi sailed to Cibabao (Leyte) then to Samar and concluded. The friar-curates taught the women
to be very obedient.

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