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Writing a thesis can be a daunting and overwhelming task, especially when dealing with a complex

and sensitive topic such as depression. It requires extensive research, critical thinking, and excellent
writing skills to produce a high-quality paper that meets all the academic requirements. Many
students struggle with this task and often find themselves stressed and overwhelmed by the amount
of work and pressure to produce a perfect thesis.

One of the main challenges of writing a thesis on depression is the emotional toll it can take on the
writer. Researching and delving into the topic of depression can be emotionally draining and can
even trigger personal experiences and emotions. This makes it even more challenging to maintain a
neutral and objective tone in the paper. Additionally, the complexity of the topic and the vast amount
of information available can make it difficult to narrow down the focus and present a cohesive

Furthermore, the formatting and citation requirements for a thesis can also be a source of frustration
for many students. The strict guidelines and attention to detail can be overwhelming, especially for
those who are not familiar with academic writing. This can lead to a lot of time and effort being
spent on formatting and referencing, taking away from the actual content of the paper.

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Moreover, it is necessary to be aware of the consequences of depression. Something should be done
to improve the life of the mentally ill people and the society. Some symptoms can be more severe and
frequent in one person, while less intense in another. Moreover, I am not sure that medical services
and people’s attitude towards the mental illness under consideration are the proper ones. This is a
certain safety net that allows each client to be sure that the purchased essay can be corrected for free
if such a need is needed. According to statistics, three hundred forty million in the world suffer from
this mental disorder. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy CBT is an evolutionary paradigm that came about
a from the merging of the established paradigm of behavioural therapy and contemporary cognitive
therapy Clarke and Fairburn 1997. The ideas that now control the attachment theory contain a long
history of development. For example, people with depression often complain about body pain,
headache etc. Both people and nurses need to know more about this notion. The investigation will
explore the question: How did the Great Depression begin in Germany and what are its impacts on
the economy. In conclusion, there are many psychological factors that can contribute to the
development of depression. These therapies are also rewarding and require equal support from
family members, as well as friends. Let us write or edit the research paper on your topic. Melanie
Kein has played the role of a dialectical fulcrum between the object relations theories and the drive
(Kavaler-Adler, 1993). For example, people with depression often complain about body pain,
headache etc. We use cookies to create the best experience for you. For instance, people under
depression may be: restless, irritable, guilty, helpless, sad, hopeless, anxious, etc. These negative
thoughts can feed into a cycle of low mood, leading to a worsening of symptoms. Past experiences,
particularly those involving trauma or abuse, can also increase the risk of developing depression. If
the manifestations are left untreated or unattended, various bodily systems are affected and signs of
headache, gastrointestinal signs and chronic pain also become evident (Psychology Today, 2012).
Anxiety is a psychological and a physical state in which a person exhibits excessive. Thanks to
WayWrite I managed to kick my professors butt and party all the night.:) Name: Joanna Had some
minor typos to fix but overall the content was great. The findings also showed that Depression scores
increased with increasing severity of food security with scores of 14. Certain chemicals called
neurotransmitters occur in the brain naturally. Before getting into the details of psychoanalytic
theories of depression, it is customary to discuss the psychiatric criteria of diagnosis of depression as
outlined by DSM-IV. This highlights the conspicuous co-morbid status of depression and the
worsening of the physical illness in the presence of depression (Moussavi et al, 2007). The frequency
and various types of depression make this issue highly debatable and important in the contemporary
society. Melanie got married to Arthur at the age of 21 years and moved to different towns. Works
Cited An-Add On Treatment For Depression. (2011). Retrieved from ABILLIFY web site: abilify.
Difficulty in sleeping, loss of appetite, poor decision-making capabilities, and loss of sexual activity,
suicidal attempts and thoughts of death, irritability and anxiousness are other clinical features
associated with depression.
One of the main reasons why this occurred is that the diagnostic method and model is unreliable and
product marketed beyond their true potential, therefore heightening people’s expectations. It wasn't
just one component, rather a combo of local and worldwide conditions that expedited the Great
Depression. I am not sure that the colleges where nurses study give enough information about
depression as they are pressed for time. Dolganov Download Free PDF View PDF See Full PDF
Download PDF About Press Blog People Papers Topics Job Board We're Hiring. The above
mentioned interpretation of depression is not just a disease of the brain and mood swings; it also
affects various systems and normal functions of the body. Two groups of topper students were
selected one is of male last year college students and the other is of female last year college students,
both groups have 30 topper students. The findings also showed that Depression scores increased
with increasing severity of food security with scores of 14. As for males and females, depression
more frequently occurs to women. That is why nurses themselves should be ready to learn more
about this issue. Treatments of this mental disorder may be the following ones: 1) cognitive-
behavioural therapy, 2) physical exercise, 3) pet therapy (or animal-assisted therapy), 4) group
therapy, 5) music therapy, 6) music therapy, 7) art therapy and 8) keeping a gratitude journal, 9)
psychotherapy and taking antidepressants (Beck 2009). There are many psychological factors that
can contribute to the development of depression. Further sections analyze depression and cognitive
outcomes, the negative cognitive triad, faulty information processing, the ways depression produces
cognitive deficits, functional and structural abnormalities of the human brain caused by depression
and associated with cognitive deficits, depression cognitive symptoms and cognitive abilities
affected by depression. References Lawson, W. (2003, May 01). The Obesity-Depression Link.
Citizens blamed the president in power for the economic Depression they were facing and were not
willing to re-elect him back to power. The pace of modern life and the rapid technological changes
cause us constantly to feel unable to cope with the demands that are put upon us. What difficulties
do you face when writing an essay on your own. It doesn’t get easier than that! 1 Free Revisions We
won’t rest until you are completely pleased with every aspect of your order. Data were collected
from the Delhi and National capital Region College students. I am for my position because
depression is a problem of the contemporary society. Students who are undergoing adulthood when
encountered with a torturous or stressful situation such as highly demanding schedules or writing an
exam can lead to sense of worry, even fear. He likes to change the assignment in the very last
moment. A study was also carried out by John Hopkins Bloomberg school of Public health and it
established that depression was currently over diagnosed in America (Aragones et al., 363-368). The
study was carried out with a population sample which had been diagnosed with depression by a
physician. Dealing with these changes during the adulthood can trigger or unmask depression during
college in some young adults.The purpose of this study was to measure the level of depression
among last year college students. After conducting a thorough review of the psychoanalytical
theories above, now I would like to share my thoughts on them. Depression is characterized by
manifestations of persistent sad or anxious mood, pessimistic approach to life, loss of hope in various
activities and loss of interest and concentration in one’s favorite pastimes or activities. Melanie
Klein has a personal history as a patient of depression which allowed her a more objective insight
into its various aspects. These negative thoughts can feed into a cycle of low mood, leading to a
worsening of symptoms. Past experiences, particularly those involving trauma or abuse, can also
increase the risk of developing depression. Depression also occurs in children; the diagnosis criterion
is the presence of symptoms over a fortnight. Some people experience melancholia rather than
mourning because of the same influences and so they can be suspected of a pathological disposition.
Studies carried out by the United States National Survey of Drug Use and Health discovered that
there is also under diagnosis of depression (van Weel-Baumgarten, 25).
In his two initial articles about the sexual molestation of children, Abraham asserted that the
psychotic and neurotic patients commonly experienced sexual abuse as a consequence of a repetition
compulsion’s conceptual precursor related to trauma, which is termed as traumatophilic diathesis. As
for males and females, depression more frequently occurs to women. Moreover, this mental disease
is a rather widespread problem. Keen, Ernest. (2002). Depression: self-consciousness, pretending,
and guilt. Qualitative cross-sectional study of the perceived causes of depression in South Asian
origin women in Toronto. He is given credit as being the one who first considered Depression to be
a mental illness. Arthur Miller was born in the house of a Polish Jewish couple in Harlem, New York
City in 1915. More than two of these symptoms must be present: binge eating or poor appetite, lack
of the ability to sleep or excessive sleep, fatigue or low energy, lack of self-esteem, difficulty with
decision making, and general feelings of hopelessness American Psychiatric Association 169. The
findings also showed that Depression scores increased with increasing severity of food security with
scores of 14. Having once been helped to recognize and recapture the feelings which she herself had
as a child and to find that they are accepted tolerantly and understandingly, a mother will become
increasingly sympathetic and tolerant toward the same things in her child” (Bowlby, 1940, p. 23).
This shows John Bowlby’s early clinical and theoretical interest in the attachment relations’
intergenerational transmission as well as in the tendency to assist parents to help the children. When
writing an essay, you should alternate between sentences of different lengths. This can be due to the
trauma of losing someone who holds an important position in one’s life, conflicts in relationships,
any history of physical or sexual abuse or any other stressful incident. When ordering a cheap essay,
you can be sure that each purchased work has a certain warranty period. The innovative
methodology proposed by Mary Ainsworth enabled the test of John Bowlby’s ideas empirically and
also played a role in the expansion of the theory. Thus, one in four females suffers from depression
and one in ten males has the same problem. He based this argument on the fact that he himself had
been part of a clinical trial and also researched extensively on trials elsewhere (Greenberg, 22-30).
Mary Ainsworth projected the attachment figure’s concept as a secure base using which an infant
may study the world. I think that the theme of depression is very important because of its frequency.
Writing this essay was undoubtedly a challenging task. I have chosen this issue because of its
relevance to the contemporary society. It is a trouble that happens to the major part of our society. He
does not undermine the devastating effects of depression but opposes the approach which doctors
and pharmaceutical companies have taken towards the condition (Greenberg, 22-30. Not every
student can correctly express their thoughts. Both people and nurses need to know more about this
notion. But as I pondered over the matter, I realized that celebrities are also human beings like us
and are affected by things despite all sorts of distractions that exist in their lives. There are a lot of
books and articles on depression online. From the case studies touched upon in this paper including
that of Melanie Klein and Antonio, it becomes obvious that the unfortunate and traumatic
experiences of the childhood play a decisive role in determining an individual’s susceptibility to
depression in the adolescence and at later points in time. Name: Carrie It was my first time using
such service and I was really nervous. This issue is too widespread to ignore it; a lot of people suffer
depression and cannot be active and happy in everyday life. That is why it is necessary to learn more
about it.
Proper treatment and follow-up are required for a successful management of depression. Thank you,
guys!!! I will definitely use your service again. Depression is also associated with many chronic
diseases and this can lead to high rates of mortality. This calls for an optimal emotional balance
between liveliness and seriousness while working psychoanalytically with the patients of depression.
Something should be done to improve the life of the mentally ill people and the society. They must
try to understand their children and ensure that they understand the things expected of them. Segal,
H. (1979). Melanie Klein. New York: The Viking Press. Depression also occurs in children; the
diagnosis criterion is the presence of symptoms over a fortnight. For example, people with depression
often complain about body pain, headache etc. We use cookies to create the best experience for you.
There are a lot of books and articles on depression online. Mary Ainsworth projected the attachment
figure’s concept as a secure base using which an infant may study the world. There are also certain
life events that can trigger depression, such as the loss of a loved one, a major life change, or a
significant life transition. Furthermore, a study was done on individuals above 65 years old on
antidepressants and it was discovered that six out of seven did not meet the criteria for major
depressive disorder (van Weel-Baumgarten, 25). Reach out to us, and you will forget about your
academic struggles! 6 Order now Four Steps To Your Academic Freedom Getting your writing done
has never been this quick and easy. This also further testifies the current problem whereby a large
number of individuals suffering from depression are still not diagnosed (Hicke, 329). John Bowlby
refuted the ideas of Melanie Klein in a theoretical paper he wrote in the year 1940 wherein he
proposed that psychoanalysts need to explore the organisms’ nature, soil properties, and their
interaction. People from the circle of a depressed person are also a concerned party. Both ordinary
people and nurses should be aware of the causes and consequences of depression, its home cure, the
cases when it is necessary to go to the hospital and the services that may help to overcome
depression. The field of psychopathology in a way confuses me because of the comforting structure
it provides. We use cookies to create the best experience for you. Psychologists and psychiatrists
mainly rely on the information they have from the patient and his or her relatives which can be
misleading and requires a high level of skill as compared to other physicians treating pathologies with
known pathogenesis. This statistic Is sad because depression Is one of the most treatable Illnesses. A
vast majority of people tend to give it time to recede thinking that any intervention could be harmful
and useless. There are numerous causes of depression some of which are discussed as follows.
Although there is no known cause of postnatal Depression, there are a number of possibilities that
have been put forward in trying to explain the genesis of this Depression in new mothers The
etiology of postnatal Depression is however not clearly understood therefore it is sometimes assumed
that the Depression is caused by several factors including lack of vitamins. In addition, the
individuals who were observed had experienced a depressive episode within the past year. This is
100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. I had 5
days to complete my paper and not even a single chance to do it by myself. John Bowlby was an
English psychologist in the mid 20th century and is popular for having named the motherly love
Citizens blamed the president in power for the economic Depression they were facing and were not
willing to re-elect him back to power. In addition, you don’t have to worry about compliance with the
requirements and canons of the genre. As has been noted, there is a widespread Depression among
the elderly. Electroconvulsive therapy is recommended for some patients with mild to moderate
depression, and for all patients with severe depression with or without psychotic features. A secure
payment system processes all transfers to ensure their safety. One of the main reasons why this
occurred is that the diagnostic method and model is unreliable and product marketed beyond their
true potential, therefore heightening people’s expectations. Nurses and society should learn more
about depression and the ways to stop it. The following paper under the title 'Depression causes and
Treatment' presents depression which is a major killer of our time. There are classifications according
to content and literary form. Other criteria that may be present include worthlessness, fatigue,
psychomotor agitation, recurrent thoughts of death and changes in appetite. Depression is led to by
numerous causes and associated with different risk factors, but even in its most severe form, it can
be treated through medical and psychological therapeutic methods. A study was also carried out by
John Hopkins Bloomberg school of Public health and it established that depression was currently
over diagnosed in America (Aragones et al., 363-368). The study was carried out with a population
sample which had been diagnosed with depression by a physician. The illness under consideration
occurs among people rather often due to everyday problems and pressure at the office and family
problems; so, this illness is not the challenge of a single person. If depression is not cured, there is a
probability of suicide or some other unwanted consequences. Thus, you do not buy a “pig in a poke”,
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Greenberg has argued against and depicted it as a scam by doctors and pharmaceutical companies.
Past emotional trauma can also lead to depression in an individual. Although it is not a main cause,
yet depleted monoamine levels are commonly observed in the chronically depressed patients. That is
why it is necessary to learn more about it. In fact, by the year 2020, researchers believe it will be the
leading disorder in terms of treatment costs. It contains in excess of 100 billion brain cells, known as
neurones, each of which is connected to many other neurones. You can be sure that the order was
taken not by an amateur, but by an author with extensive experience in writing various texts. For this
reason, you can be sure that you will have a first-class essay on hand. Something should be done to
improve the life of the mentally ill people and the society. Hammen, Constance. (1997). Depression.
UK: Psychology Press, Ltd. Linking the two diseases, cancer and depression together is hard but
once a patient is diagnosed with cancer, an individual becomes overwhelmed with the feelings of
stress that eventually matures to depression. The magnetic resonance imaging of the brain has shown
a different brain structure and functioning of people with depression as compared to those who do
not have depression. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies.
It can be very helpful for adults or young adults with forms of depression. He is given credit as
being the one who first considered Depression to be a mental illness.
To conclude, it is necessary to stress that depression is a serious mental disorder that needs treatment.
He emphasizes on the dangers associated with the diagnosis. Place An Order One form, a couple of
fields, and one button — that’s all it takes to place your order. The text is conditionally divided into
three parts. Target symptomsVarious symptoms are associated with major Depression and include
deprivation of energy, fatigue, worthlessness, concentrating problems, and sleeping problems that
could include either lack of sleep or sleeping too much (Carey, 2013). Both ordinary people and
nurses should be aware of the causes and consequences of depression, its home cure, the cases when
it is necessary to go to the hospital and the services that may help to overcome depression. There are
classifications according to content and literary form. Order now Get a quote 6 Reasons To Trust Us
We won’t let you down. However, most people with depression do not receive treatment due to
various barriers. Performers of student work will help solve the problem. As a rule, depression is
defined as a state of blue mood and low activity. Name: Nick I am a very busy person who values
time. Lack of knowledge on this illness will lead to problems with health among the patients, the
society will become weaker because of constant depressions and the nurses are not qualified if they
cannot help during depression. The foundations of cognitive theories of depression was briefly
explained, and later focused on studies by Aaron Beck, Dr. For asking right questions, Inventory of
Depression Symptomology-Self Report IDS-SR is used. Through a study carried out among 242
teaches utilizing the 1978 baseline questionnaire which defined depression it was found that a
positive diagnosis was present for 95% of the teachers (Parker, 328). We also provide a collection of
tips for structural equation modeling SEM of mediational processes. Thus, one in four females
suffers from depression and one in ten males has the same problem. Beck, Aaron. (2009).
Depression: causes and treatments. This can be explained by the social triggers and the neuro-
endocrine factors that lead to the development of depression in obese children. Let us take care of
your needs, while you take a much-needed breather. The sample was selected by using simple
random sampling technique. Moreover, mental state influences people’s life greatly. Despite lack of a
definitive cause of depression, one of the etiologies of depression is genetics. As a rule, depression is
defined as a state of blue mood and low activity. There are many psychological factors that can
contribute to the development of depression. The concept of traumatophilia given by Abraham that
was previously unheralded is related to the contemporary clinical controversy about sexual trauma
and constitution. It is characterized by persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and a lack of
interest in activities that were once enjoyable. John Bowlby was an English psychologist in the mid
20th century and is popular for having named the motherly love scientifically. This is a great example
of profound research work. Once I got the completed paper, my last doubts were gone.

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