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Uvod u veštine prezentovanja i javnog nastupa

Program ove zaista aktuelne i atraktivne obuke za posrednike sprovodiće se u dva dana,
ukupno 2×5 časova od po 45 minuta, a boduje se kao 10 sati stručnog usavršavanja.
Ova specijalizovana obuka kreirana je sa ciljem razvijanja sposobnosti i veština koje je
neophodno da posrednik poseduje i aktivno primenjuje u cilju ispunjavanja očekivanja koje
stranke imaju od postupka medijacije.
Stručnost pri posredovanju se, pored obaveznih stručnih znanja i poznavanja psiholoških
aspekata pristupa stranama u sporu i samom rešavanju problema, u najvećoj meri oslanja
na utisak koji posrednik ostavlja svojim nastupom.
U tom smislu, veština javnog govora i generalno, svih aspekata javnog nastupa, je nužnost
za profesionalan pristup postupku posredovanja, ali i postizanje uspeha, odnosno uspešnog
rešavanja sporova medijacijom.
Takođe, pored potrebe za stručnim usavršavanjem veštine javnog nastupa za profesionalne
potrebe, važno je ovladati ovom veštinom radi osnaživanja ličnog integriteta i uspešnog
prevazilaženja izazova izražavanja ličnih stavova i potreba u svakodnevnim situacijama.
Teorijska i praktična pokrivenost svih segmenata javnog nastupa u okviru ove obuke
omogućava sticanje neophodnih znanja i unapređivanje ličnih kapaciteta, razvijanje
samopouzdanja i sigurnosti prilikom javnog obraćanja. Navedenim se postiže ostvarivanje
kontrole ličnih aspekata, ali i ostvarivanje kontrole nad publikom u smislu pažnje,
interesovanja i usmeravanja procesa razmišljanja u pravcu rešavanja problema.
Teme na kojima se zasniva obuka su sledeće:
 Upoznavanje polaznika sa potrebnim znanjima i veštinama prezentovanja i javnog nastupa
u procesu posredovanja
 Precizno definisanje poruke koju prezentacija treba da prenese
 Odabir sadržaja tako da korespondira sa porukom
 Stvaranje strukture i dinamike prezentacije korišćenjem segmentacije sadržaja
 Prezentovanje kao fizička veština, upotreba tela, glasa i pokreta
 Razumevanje i kontrola publike
 Privlačenje i zadržavanje pažnje
 Generator novog ponašanja za prevazilaženje stresa ili straha
 Odgovori na „teška pitanja“ publike

Pored teorijskog dela, obuka podrazumeva i upoznavanje polaznika sa drugim oblastima u kojima
se uspešno mogu primenjivati stečena znanja i veštine, kao i praktični deo koji se odnosi na vežbe
prepoznavanja i primene stečenog znanja.

Uslovi za upis polaznika:

Obuku mogu slušati polaznici koji imaju važeću dozvolu za posredovanje.
Cena obuke: 20.000 dinara
U toku su prijave!Obuka se održava po formiranju grupe od 10 polaznika.
Basics of presentation and public speaking skills

The program of this contemporary and attractive training for mediators will be conducted in
two days, a total of 2 × 5 classes of 45 minutes each, and is scored as 10 hours of
professional training.

This specialized training was created in regards of developing the abilities and skills that
the mediator should possess and actively apply in order to meet the expectations that the
parties have from the mediation process.
Expertise in mediation, in addition to the obligatory professional knowledge and knowledge
of the psychological aspects of approaching the parties in dispute and the way of finding
the solution of the problem itself, largely relies on the impression that the mediator creates
with his approach.
In that sense, the skill of public speaking is a necessity for the professional approach to the
mediation process, but also for the successful dispute resolution through mediation.
In addition to the need for developing the public speaking skill for professional
achievements, it is important to master this skill in order to strengthen personal integrity
and successfully overcome the challenge of expressing the personal views and needs in
everyday situations.
Theoretical and practical coverage of all segments of public speaking within this training
enables the acquisition of the necessary knowledge and the improvement of the personal
capacities, the development of the self-confidence and the security during public speaking.
This enables the control over personal aspects, but also control over the audience in terms
of attention, interest and directing the thinking process in the direction of solving problems.
The topics generated in this training are:
• Introducing students to the necessary knowledge and skills of presentation and public
speaking in the mediation process
• Precisely defining the message that the presentation should convey
• Selection of the content to match the message
• Creating the structure and dynamics of the presentation using content segmentation
• Presentation as a physical skill, practise of the body language, voice and movement
• Understanding and controlling the audience
• Attracting and retaining attention
• Generator of the new behaviours for overcoming the stress or fear
• Answers to the "difficult questions" of the audience

In addition to the theoretical part, the training includes introducing students to the other
areas in which the acquired knowledge and skills can be successfully applied, as well as
the practical part based on the exercises of recognizing and applying the acquired

Enrolment conditions:
The training can be attended by the participants who have a valid mediation license.
Training price: 20,000 dinars.
Registration is underway! The training is held after the formation of a group of 10

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