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artwerkflaw Al Trends in Creative Operations 2024 Introduction Methodology CChaptor:Croativetoams are Al-awaro ‘These teamshnow their A -and there's widespread use too! ‘They realy love tho ChatGPT CChapter2:The 2024 Al tsunami ‘Aluse within creative teams wi soe an uptickin 2024 Business loaders aro miles shad ‘Teams want an Al tool stat Chapter 3: But, fst going to replace us? ‘Als nat going to impact team sien in 2024 ‘Some Al inhibitions sti do exist Chapter 4: The Al outlook Creatives want te save time with Al Creative operations teams want to boost productivity Conclusion: Al srt a fad UpyourAlgame in 2024 Eerep83 888 1's predicted thar the global Al market will see a compound growth ‘ata of 36.62% by 2025, Al is also poised to as $15, trill to tho slobal econcrny by 2030, More use cases and applications ave being Identified for Alon the regular. With moro information coming out every day, creative teams tha world ‘over are stil learning avout the impact of Al on thelr day-to-day lives. White i's undeniable that At can revolutionize creative operations, will it reshape the very fabric of the creative landscaper Wis to answer this question that we surveyed marketing and creative leaders ‘actoss the globe. Over 100 creative ‘operations Leaders from the United States, United Kingdom, India, Italy, Thailand, and more have helped answer our biggest questions: Is Al here to stay? How can one use Al in creative operations? Is workforce size going to be affected? Which industries will be impacted the most? IH you're serious about staying ahead of the curve in creative aperations, this report i For you. Let's dive tnt ‘To understand the impact af Al on creative operations, we analyzed the data points from a month-long survey where marketing. and creative leaders across the globe answered quastions on which Al trends were seeing an uplift as we approach 20: ‘While other participating toams included Design {visual and product) and Brand, we ensured that ‘every respondent considered for the final data points and insight belonged to the Creative ‘Operations scope one way or the other, pminant responde ‘To got the most well-rounded perspective on A's impact ‘aeress businesses, we surveyed teams fram a diverse range of industries such as Food and Beverages, Direct to Consumer, Media and Entertainment, ‘Software, and mare, 12% of these businesses also have a revenue upwards of $1 billion. Finally, to-completely understand the C-Suite and marketing leaders! outlook towards Al, we ancured a majority of our data polits were from those in These teams know their Al ‘A staggering 75.3% of respandents claim they know just enough about Al to use it and 17.2% also claim they are an ‘expert in Al terminetogy. However, a fraction 6.5% af Creative teams still seem to be unfamiliar with Al, We also have some experts who know their Al really, really well, 27.8% 12.5% of Marketieg tox ot Crmative Operations --and there’s widespread use too! ‘With severat Al tools already in mainstream use, AL is sasing widespread takors amongat erentive ‘operations teams, Using pot a) —/ LER | Lasening abid Ad They really love their ChatGPT When asked about which tool they use the most for creative work, an overwhelming majority (63%) voted for ChataPT, with Midjourney, Bard, and Jasper trailing elose behind, & y “The most frequently used tool to this ‘day for our team fs ChatGFT. We've used. it extensively forall kinds of things: email marketing content, blog content and ‘outlines, and sometimes social media copy, ‘especially with their nowost update ‘expanding the tool's data access beyond its earlier September 2021 cutoft. However, I've also tried Google Gard Al, ‘which | really liked, and thus made me ‘understand further that the Al tools will ‘keep on coming. each better than the last ‘one. As auch, Vry to stay informed of the ‘news to ensure I don’t fall ehind in the ‘most fast-paced emironment” Kajetan Wyrzykowsid ‘Head of Marketing. Aiphamoon 4 Chapter 2 The 2024 Al tsunami ALtSuhdmt is coming! whieh is amusing nity detest: Al use within creative teams will see an uptick in 2024 ‘As much as teams adore and use Al tools like ChatGPT, their day-to-day tarke are not az Al-onabled as one would assume. In fact, more than half of the creatire teams we surveyed (62.8%) mentioned that less than 25% of their current tasks are Al-enabied. Al-enabled tasks in Creative Operations teams 84.8% believe that their daysto-day ‘task will become Al-anabled “in 2024, | anticipate an increase in ‘Alvenabled tasks within my company. ‘This growth it primarily driven by our ‘commitment to staying at the forefrant of technological advancements and our ‘dedication to meating our clients’ evolving. reads az thay eenk to stay current with Industry trends. However, It's also because ‘Al integration is coming. and though |, personally, approach Al with trepidation, it le better to understand the “onemy™ ‘than ignore it” ‘Sid Curtis (Creative Director, anor tll Productions Business Leaders — tatsver respondents, ausiness Leaders and wicate Manageorent both seem tobe evar oF Al ed ts bana are miles ahead ous usoy acer wen Alcon bonene Individual contributer Middle management Leader © wore erating nenabing one by on forthe tam enya gerne Alan hve plans oy tola (© ere srs aig yl cabo tte (© Were tearing now A coud potentially bent us ‘While the inlividual contributors surveyed stick to free generative Al tools, t's clear from ‘the Middte Management and Business Leader ‘cohorts that the top brass: in most organizations Is gearing up to 200 how Al can Benetit them in 2024, And in some cases, they're using paid Al tools already, Who’s using paid Al tools? A cree Additionally, nearly 40% of the Rusiness Leaders Whe tok this survay attend in-person avants an conferences for upskilling on Al while others prefer blog posts, podcasts, and webinars, These findings prove to us that business leaders have Al as a cornerstone of their 2024 vision. Teams want an Al tool, stat ‘While there ara a number of tools that creative operations teams ‘wish to Implement in 2024, tes generative Al that tops ‘the Uist at 60.435. If you're looking for some of these in ‘your 2024 tech stack... ‘Artwork Flow hips you with ‘Alsdriven creative operations, workflow automation for project management, 4 centralized DAM, and #0 much more! Chapter 3: But, is it going to replace us? er eee eT eee Pecos: oseaincwiion +e anireviapers 3 ‘ \ Alis not going 7 to impact team size in 2024 Relieving to hear, ight? A staggering 77.4% of our survey takors, overesee believe that Al fs not going to affect teain size in any way. Sony carling sate eh et Ra Komen commotion ts Bt mentioned that Al might decrease team size. However, it’s the companies with an annual overs of Lied ar elton ie Soren s esronnd bs tes etin: The Figg semper de sot think Al will Impact workfores size. ‘This is an interesting tidbit, considering the ones with lower ARR are alsa probably facing hiring. freezes and budget cuts in this economy and need to be scrappy about their eroative content. Some Al | 1 ln tc pte inhibitions Seen nee is ‘the main inhibiting factor for thoir teams when it comes: stilldoexist | °°" ‘The most popular response (28.8%) fn this survey was that creatives do Media & entertainment nat have enough resources to Understand ai Other important teasons such as eopyright violations Software and inaccuracy of information trailed close behind, OF all the industries we surveyed, the most unanimous and conclusive data fon inhibitions were from Media and Food & beverages Entertainment, Software, and Food and Severages. © conmipevioutons ——maceurate © Het eneugh rorerces Aeplacen creations Fa Media & entertainment ‘There are always riaks associated with A toate when it comes te content generation. Copyright violations being a big inhibition highlights the need for clear guidelines on how to Use Al athicatly. Software “Time is a non-renewable resource and Sexireeeclirgraricleicen ae Teeteaierte emma mothe Sh ‘come as a big surprise, productivity or work product. We have to leeches oa Py thes Interestingly, the Food and Beverages industry's main inhibition (60%) {is that there aren't enough resources to uniderstand Al. This also Into their second highest inhibition that Al could replace ereatives rather than help hmprove creative output ‘Ae Lisa Caras, Marhating Nranager at Jones Dalry Farm — an Artwork Flow customer — says, time is alse a resource and her biggest inhibiting factor is “the time ta tearn ai Creatives want to save time with Al ‘Timo ts detinitely a non-renewable resource _and the major pain point an average creative ‘operations team wants to salve is time, A staggering 90.4% of respondents believe that Alcan help them save time. Other benefits ‘they see for Al include increasing revenue and saving money. \We started this report by quoting another study on how Al will contribute $18.7 trillion to the giabat economy, ff the predictions by our respondents were to come true, 40 t00, ‘would this matric. Creative operations teams want to boost productivity Our conversations with creatives have Unveiled one key place af information: A majority of their day-to-day tasks go into administrative work such as meetings and ‘emails, revisions and endtess iterative reviews, and collaborative bottlenecks. Does this mean creative work is destined to involve the most brutal grunt work possible? Our research indicates that creative operations ns ate majarly tooking for solutions to create firet drafts, reduce grunt werk, and Increase team productivity. ‘operations teams view Al as a productivity booster, ‘an assistant to delegate mundane tasks ta so they | Going by these statistics it is clear that creative ‘ean focus on strategic decivion-making, We enjoy using AI to brainstorm content Ideas, but we've learned that for writing. contont, t's nok advanced enough to copy and paste, Customers can't resonate with ‘words that sound robotic ~ we aim to ‘capture our brand tone and eplazh etir ‘content with personality ~ something Al can't do yet. ‘On the other hand, we enjoy prompting the Al software with questions about our target audience and common questions about our Industry for fresh content ideas on the fly" 26.6% ‘ eee Julia Kahlig-Garuba ae Founder 4 CEO, Herb & Root (ur survey indicates that itis the latter Nearly 45% of Business Leaders and Supervisors already invest in paid Al tools. ‘Al fe an emerging technology that most Business Leadors ara either evaluating or already inyasting in, Executives definitely think that Al has potential and can revolutionize business as we knowe it. While inhibitions do exist about Al, this survey has made {it clear to us that the technotogy will mainly help creative tearnt boost productivity, eliminate grunt work, and gave time, twill continue being a co-pilot for creatives, ind as a Fapidly evolving technology, perhaps we will be introduced to newer and mare sophisticated Al models that can do way more than their current versions can. Our advice to growing brands still on the fence about Al Ais nota fads go to disrupt the maitet and is your ticket to competitive advantage. We meed to trust the early movers and take a plunge The technolony may aot ae avray any tie soon andi tne for all global brands to help thelr creative teams get their tin Back by embracing Alin however minicule a form her and Upward On, and.. Welcome to tive team, Alt “I think we're quite earty in the Al adoption story to kind of start really using these technologies in a publie-facing way. ‘That being said, when wee ran our Al pilot for Midjaurney, what we found was that its absolutoly fantastic as a co-pilot for erestives, So If you want 8 creative to ally think outuide the box ar to reframe ‘a problem, i's amazing at ideation and discovery” Mark Brady Global Solutions Head, Hubspot Up your Al impinge yout ran op brands ‘with Al-native features is our thing, gamein202z4 SSccnig rte Design and Comply wh cenceases seale creatives ‘brand guldetines mine since sta renin cements rad wt ‘Giowcer sires, arenes, ‘colon and fin comaance roe ater format od enn ters coos uments er aoon ow acre Sort assets, Give your brand ‘your way ‘a digital home ere ston madi ad ie cams ‘Sigenertc apart gt Stee ster an fed em “hee aan rey opraore Trusted by Al-aware marketers across the globe A DIAGEO Sinilasan ave Ue artwork flow 9000

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