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Digital Advertising

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What is digital ?
Digital describes electronic technology that generates, stores, and processes
data in terms of two states: positive and non-positive. Positive is expressed or
represented by the number 1 and non-positive by the number 0. Thus, data
transmitted or stored with digital technology is expressed as a string of 0's and
Prior to digital technology, electronic transmission was limited to analog
technology, which conveys data as electronic signals of varying frequency or
amplitude that are added to carrier waves of a given frequency. Broadcast and
phone transmission has conventionally used analog technology.
Analog signal is a continuous signal which represents physical measurements.
Digital signals are discrete time signals generated by digital modulation. Example
Human voice in air, analog electronic devices. Computers, CDs, DVDs, and other
digital electronic devices.
What is advertising?
The definition of advertising is the business or act of making something known
to the public, usually through some type of paid media. An example of
advertising is a company specializing in designing and implementing newsprint
ads for other company's products.
The means used in communicating information and messages about goods or
services are advertising media. There are various type of advertising medias like
press media, audio and visual media, electronic media etc.
What is digital advertising?
Digital advertising refers to marketing through online channels, such as
websites, streaming content, and more. Digital ads span media formats,
including text, image, audio, and video. They can help you achieve a variety of
business goals across the marketing funnel, ranging from brand awareness to
customer engagement, to launching new products and driving repeat sales.
Differences between digital advertising
and traditional advertising
One example of flexibility is how quickly digital ads can go live. The process of
printing and distributing ads through traditional channels—sending out
newspapers, painting a billboard—can take a significant amount of time. In
contrast, digital advertising can have a much shorter lead time, showing up on a
website almost immediately after the ad is created. For ads that are
automatically generated based on a standard template, the process can take
literally a few minutes.
Digital advertising is also extremely flexible in terms of budget. Complex and
high-profile digital advertising campaigns may be just as expensive as traditional
advertising—or more—but digital ads are also accessible to smaller businesses
without significant budgets, and may scale up or down to match your financial
Another key difference between digital advertising and traditional advertising is
precision. Traditional ads in magazines, on TV, or on billboards reach anyone
who sees them. In contrast, digital advertising lets you use different methods of
targeting in order to be more precise and reach audiences who are more likely
to be interested in your ad.
For instance, if you sell outdoors equipment, you may choose to reach
audiences who are interested in hiking or reengage shoppers who have browsed
your products but not yet purchased. Depending on the format, you may also
choose to limit your ad to certain times of day or exclude audiences who have
already viewed your ad once from seeing it again.
Why is digital advertising important?
There are many reasons that digital ads are a crucial part of any business's
marketing strategy. Maybe the most important one is that consumers are
spending more and more time connected to the Internet through their
computers, smartphones, and smart home devices.
People make decisions about the goods and services they buy at all times of the
day, during all kinds of activities. With digital ads, you can reach audiences when
they are browsing online for products to buy. Or you might reach them when
they're streaming a TV show, visiting a favorite website, or using social media.
1. Display Advertising
Display advertising, which is also often referred to as “banner” advertising, is a
type for advertising that is composed of small digital billboards or banners that
are placed in and around blog posts, keyword search pages, websites, etc.
Display ads can be both unmoving images or animated. They usually tend to take
on the form of horizontal banners at the top of a page or as a vertical banner in
the side margins of a page.

Display ads are great for telling a fast visual story while showing off brand
identity. They’re usually very visual with very little text, and are ideal for health
and wellness products that don’t require an in-depth disclaimer in the ad.
2. Video Advertising
Video ads are quite popular advertising types in today’s digital marketing
environment, and it makes sense why. Video advertisements are eye-catching,
entertaining, and great for telling a complex story that a display ad simply can’t do.
Instream video ads and out stream video ads are the primary ways that advertisers
will utilize video ads. Instream video involves placing video ads mid-roll, pre-roll, or
post-roll in a video that a consumer is already watching. The ad itself will be
relevant to the content that the consumer is already watching. An out stream
video ad is a video ad that is integrated into an article or blog post.

If you’re a medical or pharmaceutical brand, video ads are an excellent choice for
sharing your mission or product with full disclaimers.
3. Mobile Advertising
Mobile advertising is quickly becoming the new norm as more people are
consuming online content through their mobile devices than ever before. Mobile
advertising is, simply, ads that are optimized for mobile consumption. Mobile ads
are quite broad and can include video, app, display, search, or social ads. For
most brands, video-based social media mobile ads are a great place to start.
Health and wellness brands could definitely benefit from these types of ads on
platforms like Instagram.
4. Native Advertising

This form of advertising is simple ad content that is integrated into a piece of

content. They are considered “non-disruptive” ads and usually come in the form of
sponsored content. These ads will match the style and flow of the content it
appears in without being pushy is disruptive. For example, pop-up ads and autopay
videos are considered disruptive and can often have a negative impact on one’s
potential customer base. Native ads, on the other hand, are “slipped” into content
in a way that is not disruptive and more attractive to consumers. They can come in
the form of blog posts, videos, photos, etc.
When it comes to health advertising, it’s important to invest in a reliable platform
that can tackle programmatic targeted advertising using the four ad categories
we’ve covered. Gourmet Ads is here to help.

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