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Writing a thesis is no easy task, but when it comes to the topic of child soldiers, it becomes even

more challenging. The thought of innocent children being recruited and forced to fight in wars is a
difficult and heartbreaking subject to research and write about. As a result, many students find
themselves struggling to gather information, analyze data, and present their findings in a coherent
and impactful manner.

Not only is the topic emotionally taxing, but it also requires extensive research and knowledge in
various fields such as child psychology, international law, and human rights. This can be
overwhelming for students who are already juggling multiple courses and responsibilities.

Furthermore, the topic of child soldiers is constantly evolving, making it difficult to find reliable and
up-to-date sources. It requires extensive reading and fact-checking to ensure the accuracy of the
information being presented. This can be time-consuming and frustrating for students who are on a
tight deadline.

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In fact, in some cases in Sierra Leone parents have encouraged their children to join a rebel group in
order to survive or for protection. It is found that majority of child soldiers around the world are
involved in armed political groups that include militia, government backed paramilitary forces, and
self defense groups operation in a number of conflict zones. Scientists found that the age in which
children started fighting was a determinant factor in depression, the younger the more severe
depression. Who suffers the greater horror, the child who is violated or the child who is forced to
become a perpetrator. Identifying mechanism of child soldiers to be improved. Latest on child
soldiers is presented by the Disarmament committee's Briefing Paper 1. 2012 The paper mentions a
protocol which has been signed by 129 countries upto the year 2012 which also marked two decades
of its promulgation. The approximation of 638 million weapons means that they are available on
markets across the globe, so putting an end to trade in arms between complimentary and rival
factions is the key to help end child recruitment. Today the global instability and the large pools of
children easily available for recruitment, the invention and the proliferation of cheap, light and easy-
to-use weapons, failed and weakened states have fuelled the trend of child soldiers. Often, parents
look for material advantages and a share in the spoils of war to augment their income and voluntarily
send more children to the war front. Are these children committing crimes against humanity.
RachelPearson36 Unlocking the Power of ChatGPT and AI in Testing - A Real-World Look, present.
It is analytically sophisticated and based on solid and innovative field research. Children are also
forced to become a soldier due to lack of work, educational opportunities and poverty. Children can
be protected by developing strategies to prevent from being vulnerable to such situation by
conferring non violent ways to serve their community and family. Another Child Soldier Edward
narrated that they were first asked to kill the victims and then forced to lick their blood. Keairns, L.
2003. The Voice of Girl Children Soldiers. Firstly, the history of the Somali community is known to
be at war ever since the 80s and 90s. The immigrant soldiers included Africans, Jews, Russians, and
Poles. Now, no matter if you are in the classroom or engaging in virtual distance learning you can
easily use this product to fit your needs. Now, no matter if you are in the classroom or engaging in
virtual. These are areas where tension, struggle, and dispute are rife, mostly stemming from political
discord amongst inhabitants of the countries, leading to civil war. No society can achieve peace by
militarizing its young people. In The Politics of Pain: Torturers and their Masters, eds. This is 100%
legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. This is 100%
legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. This “chop
and change” approach left the emotions of the DRC’s people all over the place, resulting in the
violence today. Bennell, P., Harding, J. and Rogers-Wright, S.. 2004. PRSP Education Sector Review,
Sierra Leone. Chrobok, V. and Akutu, A.. 2008. Returning Home: Children's Perspectives on
Reintegration. But the number of child soldiers who have fought and died in war and conflict around
the world are hundreds of thousands even in the last ten years. As mentioned before, the Optional
Protocol, an obligatory procedure brought into effect as of 25 May 2000 sets the records straight
between the rogues and the authorities.
There are more than 70 military organizations in 19 countries that have recruited and used them in
armed combats between 2004 and 2007. My youngest brother was nine years old.” Who in fact is
the real devil in this issue. Many of the soldiers were young and they were into their first action.
Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. Keep on browsing if
you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. In Guatemala, youngsters have been
grabbed from streets, homes, parties, and even violently removed from churches. At first blush, the
concept of the child soldier seems an unnatural conflation of two contradictory and incompatible
terms. The first, child, typically refers to a young person between infancy and youth and connotes
immaturity, simplicity, and the absence of full physical, mental, and emotional development. Fighting
in contact with more developed groups exposes them to vulnerabilities of injury and even death.
Interactive Panel: Changing campus cultures to support equality and prevent v. With the older
technology of warfare young children could not be effective fighters. Contemporary armed conflicts
have increased the risks for children because of proliferation of inexpensive light weapons, such as
the Russian-made AK-47 or the American M-16 assault rifles, which are easy for children to carry
and use. The social aspect of a country is vital and a successful history of when people who have got
together and combined their forces and eliminated the sources of violence that are nourished by the
availability of light weapons, ideology, and tolerance of domestic violence have succeeded in their
aims and show us their model as we ought to act upon. But, Dallaire reminds us to remain
indefatigably positive and steadfast in our quest to end the recruitment of child soldiers. But in
truth, the use of child soldiers has been the practice for centuries in various societies and a number of
forms are even exercised at present in developed countries such as the United Kingdom and the
United States. Future recruitment can be prevented if international agencies know the underlying
causes for employing child soldiers. Even where the legal minimum age is set at 18, the law is not
necessarily a safeguard and this is shown clearly in countries such as Uganda, Afghanistan, Burundi
and Somalia where obligatory laws are totally overlooked. The soldiers guarded the royal palace and
the king was given the greatest honor in the land. The results demonstrated that ex-child soldiers had
a tendency for depression or aggressive behaviour. More political will and resources are needed from
governments and parties to the conflict to prevent such violence against children and protect children
in armed conflict. Clapham, C. 2003. Sierra Leone: The Political Economy of Internal Conflict. It is
in these types of environments that we are most likely to encounter the use of child soldiers.” 8.
There are two contradictory images of child soldiers put forward by humanitarian organizations and
the news media. It is unchallenging for an aspiring leader to grasp individual youth mainly because
of their inexperience as moral fighters, and standing up for what they believe in. Child soldiers are
used as a large part of the offensive units of these political movements, but are these justified
reasons to send kids who are barely beyond the age of reason, into wars, killing hundreds of people
and committing horrific crimes against humanity. Now, no matter if you are in the classroom or
engaging in virtual distance learning you can easily use this product to fit. Describing the state of the
child soldiers in the Republic of Congo Lucille Gretry mentions that continuous and widespread civil
unrest in the state resulted in rapid increase in the number of child soldiers in the state.
Advancements and sophistications in technology have resulted in the production of sophisticated
weaponry that are lightweight and whose usability is enhanced. In Makers and Breakers: Children
and Youth in Postcolonial Africa, eds. Looking at this fact, it is inevitable for one to coerce Whiting’s
theory and the context depicted in Somalia. From psychological theory came two central ideas that
were widely accepted in the popular mind as well as among formal theorists.
Families have a child rearing function and it cannot be entrusted to other agencies. Principally, this
treatise will focus on the roles of children as child soldiers in Somalia pinpointing relevant elements
in anthropology and psychology disciplines1. We use cookies to create the best experience for you.
Though programs like Demobilization, disarmament and reintegration are aimed to rehabilitate
children during and after war to learn new skills and join their communities, such programs lack
adequate resources and funds and hence it can be effective only if there is long term investment to
continue the service (Some Facts). In The Making of a Terrorist, ed. Forest, J.. Westport, CT: Praeger
Security International. This paper ''The Sunflower Paper'' focuses on the subject of forgiveness, how
and when it applies in the context of the awful events that befell the Jews during Nazi's reign. It is
analytically sophisticated and based on solid and innovative field research. The states of Congo and
other African states practically emphasized the stature of children as independent players of the
society who had their own say. (Gretry, 591) This version of children living in Africa is being
considered as vulnerable and passive. The NGOs try to find the families of the ex-child soldiers and
try to blend the children back into their communities. Secondly, the customary laws that the child is
brought into is Islam. When children are engaged as soldiers, spend their formative years immersed
in systems of violence, and construct their values and identity guided by military groups, they
become vehicles of violence rather than citizens who can build peace. In Between Democracy and
Terror: The Sierra Leone Civil War, ed. Now, no matter if you are in the classroom or engaging in
virtual distance learning you can easily use this product to fit your needs. This essay did inform you
about some facts about child soldiers, like about what the. These small arms are handed over to the
child soldiers who fearless operated them during any encounter they may have to face. For instance
in Sudan, boys between 16 and 18 were given gifts of spears that symbolized the military aspect of
youth. Children who have experienced or witnessed extreme physical violence such as executions,
bombings, massacres, detentions, disappearances, torture, sexual abuse and destruction of home and
property are sometimes strongly motivated to join and take revenge. It is estimated that currently
there are more than 250,000 child soldiers in the entire world. Working Paper 1. Stockholm: Expert
Group on Developmental Issues. Brett, R. and Specht, I.. 2004. Young Soldiers: Why They Choose
to Fight. Write a review Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some
feedback. Child soldiers are put through a lot of things; like being forced into wars they shouldn’t
even. It appears as though these child soldiers are as much a victim of child infringement as the
innocent who suffer their death at the hands of these unaware kids. Families see their and their
children's' survival only if they'd be equipped with arms and would be trained to fight for their rights
no matter to whatever extent of training it may involve. They make for uncostly, obedient fighters
who are easy to mould into the person in perspectives, desires. Logo and design done by E is for
Explore (TPT Seller). New York: Women's Commission on Refugee Women and Children.,Women's
Commission on Refugee Women and Children. 2008. Country at a Crossroads: Challenges Facing
Young People in Sierra Leone Six Years After the War. New instruments and mechanisms are
required to end the plight of child soldiers by taking practical steps from the discussion phase and
gather adequate support from all sources to change the practice of recruiting children for conflict and
prevent those involved from getting away. Even where the legal minimum age is set at 18, the law is
not necessarily a safeguard and this is shown clearly in countries such as Uganda, Afghanistan,
Burundi and Somalia where obligatory laws are totally overlooked. It states the compulsory age of
which people are allowed to fight, prohibits armed groups who are acting against the laws and
requests the states in which the groups operate to account for at least some responsibility and to
make sure effort is taken to stop them. An argument used by the children’s captors is, that the fact in
some regions, especially south-western Asia and sub-Saharan Africa there are shortages of over-18’s
for conflict, meaning they are forced to put the children into combat.
The problem of child soldiers forms a grave issue and the international community with the
assistance of international as well as non-governmental organizations should work towards curbing
this problem. Children are often “press-ganged” from their own neighbourhoods where local militia
or village leaders are forced to offer a number of soldiers to the militia. Part IV looks into the
findings gathered from various secondary sources of information on child soldier in South Sudan in
order to raise awareness of the depths of this atrocity. Lunt, I. A common framework for the training
of psychologists in Europe. The theoretical relationships among culture, early experience, and
personality were thus established, with the result that understanding the environments of infancy and
early childhood took on great importance in psychological anthropology. Montreal, Canada:
International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development.,Medecins Sans Frontieres.
2006. Access to Healthcare in Post-Conflict Sierra Leone. Sometimes, the conditions in a country
encourage children to become soldiers. London: Macmillan. Giddens, A. 1977. Studies in Social and
Political Theory. The Lord's Resistance Army (LRA), a resistance group in Uganda has recruited
around 30,000 child soldiers in the past twenty years owing to civil war. (Aaron, 21)The strategies
being deployed in Uganda for the rehabilitation of child soldiers in cooperation with NGOs,
government and other International Organizations have been discussed as under. In other words, the
push and pull factors involved have to be critically assessed. Christensen, P. and James, A.. New
York: Falmer Press. In Research with Children: Perspectives and Practices, eds. In The Politics of
Pain: Torturers and their Masters, eds. Future recruitment can be prevented if international agencies
know the underlying causes for employing child soldiers. In Sierra Leone, for example, the
Revolutionary United Front (as shown in our studied film “Blood Diamond”) forced captured
children to take part in the torture and execution of their own relatives, after which they were led to
neighbouring villages to repeat the slaughter. Earlier they were depicted as victims, deprived of
education, torn away from families and forced to take part in wars. In the recent times, the extent of
child soldiers around the world has increased to epidemic proportions (Rosen p.1). In fact, in some
cases in Sierra Leone parents have encouraged their children to join a rebel group in order to survive
or for protection. After reading this book you will realise that inaction is no longer an option, we
must act now to eradicate the use of child soldiers in the world!'. Denov's work challenges
conventional wisdom and will be an indispensable component in debates about children's roles in
recent conflicts. Despite these concerns, the term child soldier refer to anyone below 18 years of age.
Even where the legal minimum age is set at 18, the law is not necessarily a safeguard and this is
shown clearly in countries such as Uganda, Afghanistan, Burundi and Somalia where obligatory laws
are totally overlooked. Then they beat them with sticks until two of them died. In Children and
Youth on the Front Line: Ethnography, Armed Conflict, and Displacement, eds. Boyden, J. and
Berry, J.. New York: Berghahn Books. Boyden, J. and Berry, J. (eds.). 2004. Children and Youth on
the Front Line: Ethnography, Armed Conflict, and Displacement. Becoming a Child Soldier has a
negative impact on the lives of children in three key areas. A staggering 300,000 (estimated figure)
children working across the globe forcibly enslaved in a military or other duties depicted by the
children’s captors is starting to show the increased liking for using children as objects in the war for
land and other resources. Why would any army or military movement rely on the inferior physical
power and inexperience of children. Furthermore, in March 2006 Thomas Lubanga Dyilo was
arrested by the International Criminal Court for his alleged involvement in the commission of war
crimes, namely enlisting and conscripting children into combat. In order to fully understand the issue
at hand we must first understand the concept of a “child soldier”, their function and motives. Write
a review Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback.
In some students I see a semblance of those stressed out college students striving to learn with
difficulty. A large numbers of children also fought in the U.S. Civil War on both sides. In addition,
PDF's have now been added alongside the Word documents. In order to fully understand the issue at
hand we must first understand the concept of a “child soldier”, their function and motives. Child
soldiers are no longer viewed as powder monkeys or drummer boys. Should Child soldiers be held
responsible for their crimes. For example, smaller, younger children often serve as spies. In such
societies parents willingly send their children to war to augment their income and do not consider
child soldiers to be victims of war. Punishments are severe and children are sometimes deserted. In
the 1990s, the Ethiopian military practiced a 'vacuum cleaner' approach, recruiting boys, sometimes
at gunpoint, from football fields, markets, and religious festivals or on the way to school. Due to this
realisation, non-governmental organisation workers and volunteers often try to protect refugee and
IDP camps by their mere physical presence, trying to deter recruiters. Ottawa: Partnership Africa
Canada. Snow, D. 1996. Uncivil Wars: International Security and the New Internal Conflicts. The
divergence in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) leads observers to describe the situation as
Africa’s “world war” and with 4 million lives already lost they may not be wrong to do so. Children
who have experienced or witnessed extreme physical violence such as executions, bombings,
massacres, detentions, disappearances, torture, sexual abuse and destruction of home and property
are sometimes strongly motivated to join and take revenge. Warchild UK,. 2006. I Am Not Trash: A
Call to Action from Child Soldiers. And finally, where they are not just another faceless puppet
under the control of fanatics, but rather a face, a name, an identity devoted to the promotion of
peace and harmony in a struggling world. However, if the controlled are not the perpetrators of the
crime they are forcibly prepared to witness them. They are also there to help people get along with
each other, to diminish evil and hurt, and live in peace. Describing the state of the child soldiers in
the Republic of Congo Lucille Gretry mentions that continuous and widespread civil unrest in the
state resulted in rapid increase in the number of child soldiers in the state. Boyden B., and Wessels R.
The need for a professional ethic: International perspectives Educational and Child Psychology, 19,
7-15. 2007 print. Unleashing the Power of AI Tools for Enhancing Research, International FDP on.
Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. Reno, W. 1995. Corruption and State Politics in
Sierra Leone. In Gates, Scott and Reich, Simon (eds) op. cit., p. 250. Schabas, W. and Darcy, S..
London: Kluwer Academic Publishers. The results demonstrated that ex-child soldiers had a
tendency for depression or aggressive behaviour. Children are innocent and ought to be protected,
and war is evil, it should be ended. The need to be able to earn a livelihood and support one's family
in terms of earning some money for younger siblings or suffering parents made many children
become part of the worldwide child soldier community. My youngest brother was nine years old.”
Who in fact is the real devil in this issue. I have to cry to myself.” Life on the front lines of conflict
often exposes their heightened inexperience in conflict. This “chop and change” approach left the
emotions of the DRC’s people all over the place, resulting in the violence today.
The emotion of a layman interprets that there is something about child soldiers that is profoundly and
clearly wrong. Freetown: Statistics Sierra Leone. Staub, E. 1989. The Roots of Evil: The Origins of
Genocide and Other Group Violence. Civil War describes the boy soldiers as fighting the war with
“patience and gaiety” and the boys who died are described as having “made their peace with God.”
The horrific war was not viewed as destroying the children but as something that ennobled them.
According to the International Criminal Court, crimes against humanity include crimes such as the
extermination of civilians, enslavement, torture, rape, forced pregnancy, deportation, persecution on
political, racial, national, ethnic, cultural, religious or gender grounds, and enforced
disappearances—but only when they are part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against a
civilian population. The existing regulations outlawing the practise are simply too moderate when it
comes to ordering warrants for arrest or even investigating reported cases. They are rights because
they are things you are allowed to be, to do or to have. In the Sudan, children as young as 12 have
been rounded up from buses and cars. In Guatemala, youngsters have been grabbed from streets,
homes, parties, and even violently removed from churches. The approximation of 638 million
weapons means that they are available on markets across the globe, so putting an end to trade in arms
between complimentary and rival factions is the key to help end child recruitment. Child soldiers as
young as 10 years old can today use firepower equivalent to a regiment of yesteryears. Now, no
matter if you are in the classroom or engaging in virtual. Honwana, A. and Boeck, F.. Trenton, NJ:
Africa World Press. Youngsters are naturally less aware of the consequences of their choices and
actions and therefore tend to use the weaponry void of any fear. The divergence in the Democratic
Republic of Congo (DRC) leads observers to describe the situation as Africa’s “world war” and with
4 million lives already lost they may not be wrong to do so. Handwriting stimulates the brain with
controlled stimulus and helps the child develop impulse control over a certain period of time. They
are also denied the right to an education, being drafted into a regime which cares not for a child’s
educational well-being, only concerned for their ability to pull a trigger, take lives and create terror in
order to push a point or get what they want. It also means that that child soldiers are not new
products and that they are not always victims. In fact many, child soldiers considered serving the
country as honorable. The NGOs try to find the families of the ex-child soldiers and try to blend the
children back into their communities. Child soldiers are used as a large part of the offensive units of
these political movements, but are these justified reasons to send kids who are barely beyond the age
of reason, into wars, killing hundreds of people and committing horrific crimes against humanity.
They are also denied the right to an education, being drafted into a regime which cares not for a
child’s educational well-being, only concerned for their ability to pull a trigger, take lives and create
terror in order to push a point or get what they want. In Makers and Breakers: Children and Youth in
Postcolonial Africa, eds. If parents, family and friends are lost, children might. In Stealing the
Future: Corruption in the Classroom. UNICEF has often been involved in areas on which the Special
Representative has focused. This research paper describes the issue when children are used as
soldiers in specific nations around the world to fight in wars. Fighting in contact with more
developed groups exposes them to vulnerabilities of injury and even death. Child soldiers perform
many roles including fighting in direct combat, setting explosives, acting as spies, carrying food and
other equipment, cooking, performing domestic labor, and being used for sexual exploitation.
Families have a child rearing function and it cannot be entrusted to other agencies. It gives rights to
the International Court of Justice to trial anyone who does not abide by the protocol and recruits
underage personnel for military recruitment. UNICEF’s Child Soldiers Demobilization and
Reintegration Program in Afghanistan has been successful holds the credit of demobilizing around
4000 boys aged between 13 to 17 years in the year 2004.
Researchers found that the remaining third were children without serious lasting mental health issues
because they returned to homes and communities in with lower levels of violence and higher levels
of emotional support, social acceptance, and socioeconomic stability. Whether this progress
continues or not will also depend on the assistance provided to disarmament, demobilisation and
reintegration. London: Lynne Rienner Publishers. Hogg, C. 2006. Sri Lanka: The Liberation Tigers of
Tamil Eelam (LTTE) and Child Recruitment. Sometimes, the conditions in a country encourage
children to become soldiers. Children are also forced to become a soldier due to lack of work,
educational opportunities and poverty. They are being used as cheap and efficient weapons in
warfare. Child Soldier Introduction Children are used as soldiers in specific nations around the
world to fight in war. Child soldiers perform a range of tasks including participation in combat,
laying mines and explosives; scouting, spying, acting as decoys, couriers or guards; training, drill or
other preparations; logistics and support functions, portering, cooking and domestic labour; and
sexual slavery or other recruitment for sexual purposes. Studies in Southeast Asia and Central Africa
have shown that the average age of child soldiers just under thirteen. New York: UNICEF.,UNICEF
Sierra Leone. 2005. Education Programme. Our customer service team will review your report and
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4125 reviews Not the right resource. The emotion of a layman interprets that there is something about
child soldiers that is profoundly and clearly wrong. I have to cry to myself.” Life on the front lines
of conflict often exposes their heightened inexperience in conflict. In Research with Children:
Perspectives and Practices, eds. The presence of non-civilian militants among refugees can lead to
refugee militarisation, and subsequently to the recruitment of child soldiers. To precise, the thesis is
analysing reasons for the recruitment and abuse of children by the LRA and ISIS, and the legal
responsibility of both groups. Youngsters are naturally less aware of the consequences of their
choices and actions and therefore tend to use the weaponry void of any fear. Note: Results may vary
based on the legibility of text within the document. The recruiters of child soldiers should be held
accountable by international as well as national agencies. 42. The politics of local government reform
in Sierra Leone ’. Now, no matter if you are in the classroom or engaging in virtual distance learning
you can easily use this product to fit. Certainly, they are guilty of murder, theft, corruption and other
atrocities, but these kids are not to be punished as an average soldier or adult would be. Such
children are always seen as potential soldiers. My youngest brother was nine years old.” Who in fact
is the real devil in this issue. Here is an extract from an interview with a twelve year old boy named
Martin, in Uganda. The WITNESS estimate of 20,000 children, under the age of 18, having been
recruited into government and non-state armed groups, just in the DRC, highlights the growth of
conscripting these “volunteers”. Even after the war has ended, child soldiers who see no future will
eventually cross borders and become soldiers in other countries. Girls comprise 40% of the total
population of child soldiers, and they are referred to as the sex slaves of the male combats (Kahn,
2008). Other explanations for civil war, and its reasons, such as the greed and grievance debate, have
been challenged and will not be tackled in this article. 6. London: Macmillan. Giddens, A. 1984. The
Constitution of Society.

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