2nd CT Observation LVL 4 Lesson Plan 22day The Rollets Got Their Moxie Back 22

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USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (rev.

Fall 23) Name: Abigail Seibold__________

Grade Level Being Taught: 5th Subject/Content: ELA Group Date of Lesson: 3/6/24

Part 1: Lesson Content

Title of Lesson ‘The Day the Rollet’s Got Their Moxie Back’

Meeting your students’ needs as How does this lesson connect to the interests and cultural backgrounds of your students?
people and as learners

How does this lesson connect to/reflect the local community?

What Standards (national or ELA.5.R.1.2

Analyze how figurative language contribute to the meaning in text.
state) relate to this lesson? ELA.5.R.1.3
(You should include ALL applicable Describe how an author develops a characters perspective.
Understanding the standards Trace the standard to the previous grade level. What have students already learned or been exposed to
over time related to this standard?

Trace the standard to the next grade level. What will students learn next related to this standard?

What misconceptions might There’s a lot of different dialect from the 1930’s in this text and students may have trouble
students have about this understanding the different idioms and words that were used back then.

Objectives- What students will Some examples:

know or be able to do after the --Students will be able to accurately (measure- how well) differentiate (action- how) between potential
instruction – the learning and kinetic energy (content- what).

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (rev. Fall 23) Name: Abigail Seibold__________

Grade Level Being Taught: 5th Subject/Content: ELA Group Date of Lesson: 3/6/24

outcomes --Based on what they read in the first half of a fiction story, students will be able to write (action- how) a
Content (WHAT students are reasonable (measure- how well) prediction (also part of the action) for how the main character will
learning- look to the standard) respond to a challenge in the second half (content- what).
Action (HOW students will show it- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
there might be clues in the Students will be able to accurately compare the different characters perspectives as they reread the text.
Measure (HOW WELL they need to
do it)
(Note: Degree of mastery does not
need to be a percentage.)
Level(s) of Thinking Using Bloom’s Taxonomy or Webb’s Depth of Knowledge, which level(s) of thinking is/are called for in
the standard? Students will be using multiple levels of blooms taxonomy but mainly focusing on
analyzing the characters perspectives.

Which level(s) of thinking is/are called for in your objective? I think that analyze and apply are the main
ones called for in the objective
Why did you choose this level(s) of thinking?
I chose these levels of thinking because students will need to analyze different articles and apply their
previous and new knowledge while understanding this text.
Assessment Plan- How will you Describe your assessment plan:
know students have mastered 1. Students will write down each character’s name and give me their perspective and how it
your objectives? changed or stayed the same throughout the text. They will also have two pieces of evidence from
the text to support their answers.
2. Students will complete an exit ticket to demonstrate their understanding from the past two days.

Is your assessment formative or summative? Why did you make that assessment decision?
The first assessment is formative because I will go around and check to see what the students
understanding of the content area is and see who I need to pull into a small group or if I need to pull
them back together as whole group.
The second assessment is summative because it is summing up the information we learned the past two
USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (rev. Fall 23) Name: Abigail Seibold__________

Grade Level Being Taught: 5th Subject/Content: ELA Group Date of Lesson: 3/6/24

days and it will be for a grade.

How does it align with your objective?
My objective states that students will be able to explain the characters perspectives and the short
response and the exit ticket will give them the ability to show their understanding.
Assessment Scoring/Rubric
What are the criteria for how you For the first assessment students will just be marked a 1, 2, or 3. 1 is if they fully understood. 2 is if they
will assess student need more whole group instruction. 3 is if they need small group instruction.
learning/student work? If you’re For the second assessment the students exit tickets will be graded and we will go over them the next day.
using a rubric, include your rubric
Part 2: Lesson Implementation
Management & Environment  How will you arrange yourself and the students (location in the classroom, seating)?
(integrated throughout your I will be located in the front of the classroom and the students will be at their desks, I will be
step-by-step plan): walking around the classroom when I can, but I will be writing in my notebook as well, it will be
 How will you arrange projected onto the screen.
yourself and the students  What processes & procedures will you use? How and when will you communicate those to
(location in the classroom, students?
seating)? I will be using the process and procedures that students have been using since the beginning of
 What processes & the school year which is following directions, listening to the speaker, raising their hand to speak,
procedures will you use? and participating.
How and when will you  What expectations will you have for the students? How and when will you communicate those to
communicate those to students?
students? I will expect all students to participate in the lesson as well as give their best effort. I will also
 What expectations will you expect them to be on their best behavior and follow all processes and procedures.
have for the students? How  What strategies will you use if students do not meet your expectations? Are there specific
and when will you students who require a more extensive management plan? What will that consist of?
communicate those to I will use attention getting strategies to get the students back on track, I will also be sure to use
students? behavior management plans to help the individual students that require a more extensive
 What strategies will you use management plan.
if students do not meet your  What will students do if they complete the task quickly?
expectations? Are there If students complete the task quickly, they will continue working on the ‘I am’ board I will have up after
specific students who the instructions are given.
require a more extensive
USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (rev. Fall 23) Name: Abigail Seibold__________

Grade Level Being Taught: 5th Subject/Content: ELA Group Date of Lesson: 3/6/24

management plan? What

will that consist of?
 What will students do if
they complete the task
Materials Wonders workbook and teacher book.
(What materials will you use? Why
did you choose these materials?
Include any resources you used.
This can also include people!)
Differentiating Instruction What is informing your need to differentiate (mark those that apply & explain):

Readiness Interest Learner Profile

How will you differentiate instruction in this lesson? (mark those that apply):

Process Product Content

Describe what/how you will differentiate:

For students who need extra support they can be pulled into a small group to receive extra support
throughout the reading lesson.
Which specific students will benefit, and why?
My VE students will benefit from the differentiation because they leave the room for their VE support for
some of the lesson. I will be able to pull them and read along with them asking guiding questions.

Accommodations (If needed) What accommodations will you make for students who are English Language Learners, using the
(What students need specific WIDA levels? (Refer to your ESOL Strategies checklist and list specific strategies)
accommodation? List individual Entering, Emerging, Developing, Expanding, Bridging
students (initials), and then explain  Entering/Emerging: using visual aids, such as pictures and diagrams to help students understand
the accommodation(s) you will and connect concepts to words.
implement for these unique  Developing/Expanding: Pair the ELL students with a proficient English-speaking student while
learners.) the students are reading and SNOTing the text

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (rev. Fall 23) Name: Abigail Seibold__________

Grade Level Being Taught: 5th Subject/Content: ELA Group Date of Lesson: 3/6/24

 Bridging: Gradually reduce support as students become more proficient, allowing them to work
more independently
What accommodations will you make for students who have an IEP or 504 plan?
Students will receive extended time on this assignment if it is specified in the IEP. I will be aware of who
has preferable seating, modified assignments, preferred workspace, etc. to ensure they are being
individually assisted.

What accommodations will you make for students identified as gifted and have an EP (education

These students will be expected to elaborate on their evidence with the characters perspective.
References (Planning of wonders
instruction should be guided by
approaches. Acknowledge
references used to inspire lesson
Step-by-Step Plan
(What exactly do you plan to do in 1. What is the content area for this lesson? ___History/ELA___________________________________
teaching this lesson? Be thorough. 2. What is the expected lesson structure for a lesson taught within this content area? In other
Act as if you needed a substitute to words, what lesson structure is appropriate for teaching within this content area? (5Es;
carry out the lesson for you.) guided/gradual release/etc.) ______guided/gradual release_________________________
Where applicable, be sure to
address the following:
 What Higher Order Thinking 3. Step-by-step plan:
(H.O.T.) questions will you ask? Time: Action Steps:
 How will materials be 12:00 – 12:07 I will explain that we are looking at the characters perspective again today and go over
distributed? POV, 1st 2nd or 3rd person and have the students discuss which one this text is written from and how they
 Who will work together in know that.
groups and how will you 12:07 – 12:12 I will have the students get out their ELA journals and their textbook. I will explain that we
determine the grouping? are looking more at the characters perspectives as we reread today. I will write down the characters
 How will students transition names and how I want their notebooks to look like and display them on the board so that students can

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (rev. Fall 23) Name: Abigail Seibold__________

Grade Level Being Taught: 5th Subject/Content: ELA Group Date of Lesson: 3/6/24

between activities? copy into their notebooks.

 What will you as the teacher 12:12 – 12:18 I will give students time to copy down. For differentiation I will have the names printed
do? out on the paper so that it is easier for the students to get started. Then they will reread the text and
 What will you as the teacher began working.
say? 12:18 – 12:20. Students will began working and I will circulate the room to make sure everyone is on
 What will the students do? task and see if there are any misconceptions I can correct. The ‘I am’ board will be up instructing them to
 What student data will be complete the exit ticket when they are finished. Then there will be other work on there for them to do if
collected during each phase? they finish quickly. I will began pulling small groups at this time.
 What are other adults in the 12:45 – 1;00. I will rotate around the room checking the notebooks giving each student a 1,2, or 3 on my
room doing? How are they clipboard to see understanding. Students will have turned in their exit ticket so that it can be graded.
supporting students’ learning?

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