Marietta Sarpong Ed Tech ECDE Activity Plan

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EDUC 2220- Educational Technology

Infant-Pre-K Curriculum Plan: Technology-Based Lesson/Activity

Your Name: Marrietta Sarpong Activity Title: Animal matching game

Number of children participating at one time: 4 to 5

IMPORTANT: When you are finished entering all of your information into the template, any information provided here
to help you through the planning process (in RED) can be deleted.

Activities written for previous classes cannot be re-used and must be the original work of the student.
Ohio Early Domain: Cognitive
Learning &
Strand: Problem solving and reasoning
Standards: Standard Statement: Uses increasingly complex strategies to solve problems
List at least 1 Indicator: Tries different strategies to find the solution to a question, problem, or task.
standard that is
addressed by this
activity. Write
out each
completely and
exactly, as
published in

First, I will gather my material. Second, I will introduce the lesson or activity. Third I will model how to
play the animal matching game. The purpose of this game is to build children cognitive skill and
executive functions.

Estimated This activity will be broken up 30 to 45 minutes almost an hour for two days during circle time or group
time. Children will have ample time to explore the activity for a week before I include it into a center
on a shelf.

Preparation of What preparation is needed?

materials and I will need to gather my materials. I need to play the game myself before I have children do it.
environment What materials will be used?
Animal matching tiles and smart board
How will the learning environment be set up? This activity can be done during center time in the math area where
children can set their activity on their own or staff can do it during circle time.

Instructional Procedures: (This will be one of the most detailed sections of this assignment).

Day 1: The first 5 to 10 minutes I will introduce my prek children to a new activity I will be doing today called animal
matching game. I will go over the rules of the game. I will use an emo to model how to play the game. I will put the
animal tile face down; the children will get ample time to take turns and try to find a match to animal tile. Teachers or
children will keep track of how many matches the children find in the animal matching activities. The teacher or
assistant in five minutes will monitor the children and see if they guidance

Day 2: I will tell my students we are going to make a graph using the smart board. First, I will introduce my children to
the meaning of classification by saying we group our animal tiles based on if they have stripes, spots or plain. Second, I
will have my students sort the animal tile base on their classification. Third I will ask my students one at a time to tell me
how many animals are spots, stripes and plain in on the table in the math area . Fourth I will have my students come up
and create a tally mark base of how many animals are classified. Fifth, I will gather with my students to review the
classification and tally.


Pbs kids is an education app for children early childhood or elementary. Children can benefit from using this app in an
interactive way by learning concepts. (matching)

Education is app where I can find worksheet (matching) to send home to family so can practice concept or skills with
their child.

IXL is an online learning website where all age groups learn concepts or skills targeted to their needs of learning. I will
use as this education app for center that children can practice the concept or skills we learned in class from our
curriculum (matching)

Differentiated Instructional Support: Describe how instruction can be differentiated (changed or altered) to meet the
needs of gifted or accelerated students:
As an early childhood educator working with pre-k students, we don’t use this model. We meet all children where they
are by scaffolding, modeling and providing redirection to them. It not developmentally appropriate to say gift or
accelerated. We observe our student. I could have my pre-k student draw or write about their favorite animal.

Discuss additional activities you could do to meet the needs of students who might be struggling with the material: I will
be able to offer guided practice sessions in which children practice matching animals in small groups under the guidance
of a teacher or teaching assistant, giving assistance and feedback as needed. I can make use of interactive technology
resources, like educational apps or touchscreen gadgets, to create matching activities that are easier and more
appropriate for Pre-K children like pbs kids.
Stripes, spots and plain

For teachers I will need animals matching tiles and smart-board and pen.

For students Smart board pen to write number sort materials or keep track of score. Animal matching
tiles game

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