Activity 2 - Part 2 (Guidelines and Rubrics)

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Activity 2 – TOTAL MARK 50 (weight 5%)


In Topic 4, you have been given an article titled: “The South African Automotive Industry’s
Competitiveness and Supply Chain Integration Challenges”. You are now requested to
consolidate the work you did under Topic 3 which was titled: "Achieving Coordination in
Supply Chains - A Practical Exploration" and which was meant to achieve the objectives
 To identify and understand the strategies and practices that contribute to successful
supply-chain coordination.
 To critically evaluate how the application of supply-chain coordination principles can
enhance operational efficiency and performance.
 To develop research and analytical skills through the exploration of case studies or
personal experiences in the context of supply-chain coordination.
This is a reminder of the Instructions related to the activity:
1. Research and Selection:
 Identify a real-world case study or draw upon a personal experience that
exemplifies effective supply-chain coordination.
1. The case study can be identified through the UJ Library Database
(Emerald Insight, Springer Link, Science Direct). The case study could
also be identified through a Google search.
2. Personal Experience should be based on a work-related situation that
you might have faced (this is appealing to those working).
 This case study or experience should demonstrate a clear before-and-after
scenario that highlights the impact of coordination on supply chain
2. Analysis: In your essay, address the following points:
 Background: Provide a brief background of the company or supply chain
involved. Describe the initial challenges or inefficiencies faced before the
implementation of coordination strategies.
 Coordination Strategies: Outline the specific coordination strategies or
principles that were applied. Relate these strategies to the theoretical concepts
discussed in class.
 Results and Impact: Analyse the outcomes of implementing these
coordination strategies. Discuss both quantitative and qualitative
improvements in supply chain performance.
 Lessons Learned: Reflect on the key takeaways from this case study or
experience. Consider the applicability of these lessons to other supply chain
3. Writing Guidelines:
 Your essay should be structured as a research paper, with a clear introduction,
body (comprising the above sections), and conclusion.
1. Here is the template for the research paper (CLICK HERE)
2. Refer to the template for guidelines on how to populate the different
sections (Abstract, Introduction, Literature Review, Methodology (this
is a review article, and you are using systematic literature review, you
should expand on it), Findings, Conclusion and Recommendations, and
the List of References, including the Biography Section)
 The introduction should introduce the topic and provide the
evident problem (with supporting evidence in a form of
published articles being referred to)
 The Introduction should provide the problem statement and the
objectives of the paper (you may contact your lecturer to get
some clarity on this)
 The literature review should include references to existing
materials on the topic from published articles dating as far back
as 2020.
 Ensure your arguments are coherent and supported by evidence from the case
study or experience.
 Use the Harvard in-text citations and referencing style to cite any sources or
data referenced in your essay. Consult the latest version of the Harvard
referencing guide for formatting guidelines.
 Refer to ANNEXURE 1 for a detailed guideline to complete the paper.
4. Submission: Submit your completed essay via the course's online platform. Ensure
your submission adheres to the specified word count and formatting requirements
provided in the course syllabus.
Evaluation Criteria

Your essay will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

 Relevance and Depth of Analysis: The extent to which the selected case study or
experience is relevant to supply-chain coordination and the depth of your analysis.
 Application of Theoretical Principles: How effectively you have applied theoretical
principles of supply-chain coordination to the practical scenario.
 Clarity and Coherence: The clarity of your argument and the coherence of your
essay structure.
 Research and Citation: The thoroughness of your research and adherence to Harvard
in-text citations and referencing style.
From the above, it is obvious that the activity is based on a set of assessment criteria and
rubrics which are structured to evaluate students' understanding, analysis, application of
theoretical concepts, writing quality, and adherence to academic integrity through proper
Below is a suggested assessment rubric broken down into key criteria with descriptors for
varying levels of achievement.
Detailed Assessment Criteria and Rubrics
1. Relevance and Depth of Analysis (30%)
 Excellent (25-30%): The case study is highly relevant, and the analysis deeply
explores the impact of coordination on supply chain performance, with
comprehensive identification of challenges and efficiencies.
 Good (19-24%): The case study is relevant, with a clear analysis that identifies key
challenges and efficiencies, though some deeper insights may be missing.
 Satisfactory (13-18%): The case study is somewhat relevant, with basic analysis
presented. Some key aspects of the impact of coordination may be overlooked or
 Needs Improvement (0-12%): The relevance of the case study is questionable, with
minimal or superficial analysis that fails to adequately explore the impact of
coordination on performance.
2. Application of Theoretical Principles (25%)
 Excellent (21-25%): Demonstrates a sophisticated understanding and application of
theoretical principles to the practical scenario, with clear, direct links to class
 Good (16-20%): Shows a solid understanding and application of theoretical
principles, with some direct links to class discussions, though some connections may
be less clear.
 Satisfactory (11-15%): Some understanding and application of theoretical principles
are evident, but the links to class discussions are weak or not fully developed.
 Needs Improvement (0-10%): Little to no application of theoretical principles, with
no clear links to class discussions or the case study.
3. Clarity and Coherence (20%)
 Excellent (17-20%): The essay is exceptionally well-structured, with a clear
argument that is logically developed throughout. Writing is coherent and persuasive.
 Good (13-16%): The essay has a good structure and clarity, with a mostly coherent
argument. Minor lapses in logic or coherence may occur.
 Satisfactory (9-12%): The essay structure is adequate, but clarity and coherence
suffer due to some disorganized thoughts or unclear arguments.
 Needs Improvement (0-8%): The essay lacks a clear structure, with poor clarity and
coherence making the argument difficult to follow.
4. Research and Citation (25%)
 Excellent (21-25%): Extensive research is evident, with impeccable adherence to
Harvard in-text citations and referencing style. Sources are highly relevant and
effectively support the analysis.
 Good (16-20%): Good research with proper use of Harvard in-text citations and
referencing style. Minor errors may exist, but sources are relevant and support the
analysis well.
 Satisfactory (11-15%): Adequate research with some attempt to use Harvard in-text
citations and referencing style, though errors are present. Some sources may lack
direct relevance.
 Needs Improvement (0-10%): Minimal research, with poor or incorrect use of
Harvard in-text citations and referencing style. Sources are irrelevant or poorly
integrated into the analysis.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your lecturer.
All the best!
Annexure 1 - Guidelines for Completing this ACTIVITY.
Drafting the paper titled "Strategies for Supply Chain Coordination Across Industries
[OR IN AN INDUSTRY OF YOUR CHOICE]: Insights and Applications from the
South African Context" by incorporating the objectives and analysis from the previous topic
"Achieving Coordination in Supply Chains - A Practical Exploration" would involve a
structured approach. Here is a suggested outline and strategy for drafting the paper:
1. Preliminary Steps:
 Research and Selection: Utilize resources from the UJ Library Database or a relevant
work-related experience focusing on the South African Automotive Industry's supply
chain coordination.
 Identification of a Case Study or Personal Experience: Select a scenario that
showcases a clear before-and-after in terms of supply chain coordination within the
South African Automotive Industry.
2. Drafting the Paper:
 Summarize the focus, methodology, key findings, and the significance of the study in
understanding supply chain coordination in the South African Automotive Industry.
 Introduce the topic of supply chain integration and its criticality for the
competitiveness of the South African Automotive Industry.
 Present the problem statement derived from the observed coordination challenges.
 Outline the objectives of the paper, which stem from the goals of understanding and
applying supply chain coordination principles to enhance operational efficiency.
Literature Review:
 Review recent literature (post-2020) on supply chain coordination, with a focus on the
automotive industry where possible. Highlight theoretical principles relevant to
supply chain coordination.
 Discuss the significance of supply chain integration in enhancing competitiveness in
the automotive industry, with references to global and local contexts.
 Since this is a review article focusing on a systematic literature review, detail the
criteria for selecting the case study or personal experience, including the databases
searched, keywords used, and the rationale for selection.
Findings (Case Study Analysis):
 Background: Provide an overview of the South African Automotive Industry's supply
chain, identifying initial challenges or inefficiencies.
 Coordination Strategies: Detail the coordination strategies implemented, linking
them to theoretical concepts discussed in the literature review.
 Results and Impact: Discuss the qualitative and quantitative improvements observed
post-implementation of coordination strategies.
 Lessons Learned: Reflect on the broader applicability of these strategies within the
industry or similar contexts.
Conclusion and Recommendations:
 Summarize the key findings, emphasizing the role of supply chain coordination in
enhancing the competitiveness of the South African Automotive Industry.
 Offer recommendations for industry practitioners on implementing coordination
strategies effectively.
List of References:
 Include all sources cited in the paper, adhering to the Harvard referencing style.
Biography Section:
 Provide a brief author biography, if required by the submission guidelines.
3. Writing and Submission Guidelines:
 Ensure the paper follows the provided template, with a structured approach to each
 Maintain coherence and logical flow throughout the paper, supporting arguments with
evidence from the selected case study or personal experience.
 Adhere strictly to the Harvard in-text citations and referencing style.
 Review the paper against the assessment criteria and rubrics to ensure alignment with
4. Final Steps:
 Review the draft for compliance with the specified word count and formatting
 Proofread for grammatical accuracy and clarity.
 Submit the completed essay via the course's online platform by the due date, Friday,
22 March.

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