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Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios

CETis 155 “Josefa Ortiz de Domínguez”
Subject: English IV
Semester: 4
Activities Week 3

Student’s name: ___________________________________ Group:

ACTIVITY 1 INSTRUCTIONS: Read the information. Then complete the table.
What is an Intensifier?
Un intensificador o Intensifier también llamado “booster” tiene en realidad poco significado
en sí mismo, sin embargo, agrega fuerza o intensifica el significado de otra palabra o frase.
a) He is talented (Él es talentoso)
b) He is very talented (Él es muy talentoso)
Uno de los intensificadores más comunes en inglés es very, pero existen muchos otros.
a) The prime minister said he strongly supported the new plan.
b) Though she is pretty beautiful, her behaviors make her unattractive.
c) You need to stop drinking coffee as it’s extremely addictive.
d) My brother speaks English very well. It’s too hot to go out today.
Work with your classmates and complete the chart. Use information from electronic and
printed sources to answer the questions.
1. What are intensifiers?

2. When do we use them?

3. How are they written?

ACTIVITY 2 INSTRUCTIONS: Read the information and analyze the examples below.

ACTIVITY 3 INSTRUCTIONS: Complete the exercises with too or enough.

1. I left the coffee for a minute to cool because it was ________hot to drink.
2. He wasn't strong ________to lift that heavy box.
3. There aren't _________policemen in our town.
4. Do you have __________information to help me with this problem?
5. It is ___________difficult to do for a little child.
6. I do not have __________much time to prepare dinner.
7. I didn't buy the car because it was ______________expensive.
8. He didn't work hard __________to pass the exam.
9. My mum can't sleep because she drinks __________much coffee.
10. She isn't old ___________________to start driving.
ACTIVITY 4 INSTRUCTIONS: Complete the following information:
ACTIVITY 5 INSTRUCTIONS: Intensifiers too, enough, very, really, pretty, so, and

The movie was so sad. Everyone cried.

ACTIVITY 7 INSTRUCTIONS: Read the instructions. Complete the exercises.
1. Read the information below
Hello, I am David. I am from San Francisco and I live in Mexico City and this weekend I will
go to the movies with my friends Daniel, Pamela and Martin; they are all from Mexico. Before
going to the movies, we plan to visit Fer, a friend of ours who is in the hospital.
We all like action movies, but Daniel prefers horror movies. Pamela loves comedy movies and
Martin likes documentaries. Anyway, I think we will watch the new superheroes’ movie and eat
popcorn. We all love popcorn.
2. Rewrite the previous paragraph using intensifiers

Hello, I am David. I am from San Francisco and I live in Mexico City and this weekend I
will go to the movies with my friends Daniel, Pamela and Martin; they are all from Mexico.
Before going to the movies, we ______________plan to visit Fer, a friend of ours who is in
the hospital.
We all like action movies, but Daniel _______ prefers horror movies. Pamela ________
loves comedy movies and Martin ________ likes documentaries. Anyway, I think we will
watch the new superheroes’ movie and eat popcorn. We all love popcorn.


following information with

3. Complete the sentences by using a suitable intensifier and circle the word
they are modifying

1. The soup was _______so hot______________ .

2. They are ___________ good friends.
3. Today is ____________ nice.
4. Cheetahs are _______________fast.
5. The gift is ____________ perfect.
6. Lions are ___________ dangerous.
7. My sister is ________________ sick.
8. I _______________ love this song.
9. Sometimes money is ______________ hard to get.
10. My students are _______________ hard working.
11. Pokemon are _______________ amazing creatures.
12. Among us has become a ___________ popular game.
13. Christmas is ____________ joyful.
14. The Internet is ______________ useful.
15. Mozart was a _________ amazing composer.
16. Video Games are ___________ entertaining.
17. She is ____________ funny. She always makes me laugh.
18. It’s ___________warm today.
19. He __________ forgot your name.
20. Why is he _________ upset with you?
21. His speech was _________ boring that I left.
22. She is a/ an ___________jealous person.
23. Her presentation was __________complex.
24. You made a ____________ delicious cake.
25. He is not _____________ shy anymore.

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